sandin Posted August 7, 2008 Posted August 7, 2008 (edited) EDIT: try alienware's script (it doesn't require gif image ) heretoolbar with movable "square" to the icons when you move your mouse to them.expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <Misc.au3> Global $timer_toolbar #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= $Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 500, 200) $Edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 0, 40, 500, 160) ;~ GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Edit1") $line1 = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(5, 30, 490, 1, 0x08) $icon1 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 5, 5, 16, 16) $icon2 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 30, 5, 16, 16) $icon3 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 55, 5, 16, 16) $icon4 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 80, 5, 16, 16) $icon5 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 105, 5, 16, 16) $icon6 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 130, 5, 16, 16) $icon7 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 155, 5, 16, 16) $icon8 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 180, 5, 16, 16) $icon9 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 205, 5, 16, 16) $icon10 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 230, 5, 16, 16) $icon11 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 255, 5, 16, 16) $icon12 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 280, 5, 16, 16) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form1) $form2 = guicreate("", 23, 23, 1+50, 1, 0x80000000, BitOR(0x00080000 , 0x00000040), $Form1) GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & "\square.gif", 0, 0, 0, 0) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form2) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### While 1 if TimerDiff($timer_toolbar) >= 500 Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form2) EndIf Local $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch Local $c = GUIGetCursorInfo($Form1) Switch $c[4] case $icon1[0] _dont_edit_this_function($icon1, "function_name") case $icon2[0] _dont_edit_this_function($icon2, "function_name") case $icon3[0] _dont_edit_this_function($icon3, "function_name") case $icon4[0] _dont_edit_this_function($icon4, "function_name") case $icon5[0] _dont_edit_this_function($icon5, "function_name") case $icon6[0] _dont_edit_this_function($icon6, "function_name") case $icon7[0] _dont_edit_this_function($icon7, "function_name") case $icon8[0] _dont_edit_this_function($icon8, "function_name") case $icon9[0] _dont_edit_this_function($icon9, "function_name") case $icon10[0] _dont_edit_this_function($icon10, "function_name") case $icon11[0] _dont_edit_this_function($icon11, "function_name") case $icon12[0] _dont_edit_this_function($icon12, "function_name") EndSwitch WEnd func function_name() MsgBox(0, "ok", "ok") EndFunc ;----------- odavde pa na dole ne treba nista dirati ----------------------- func _dont_edit_this_function($Control_handle, $function_name) Local $get_control_position = ControlGetPos($Form1, "", $Control_handle[0]) Local $get_window_position = WinGetPos($form1) Local $get_client_size = WinGetClientSize($Form1) Local $mali_border = ($get_window_position[2]-$get_client_size[0])/2 Local $veliki_border = $get_window_position[3]-$get_client_size[1]-$mali_border Local $x_koordinata = $get_window_position[0]+$mali_border+$get_control_position[0]-4 Local $y_koordinata = $get_window_position[1]+$veliki_border+1 GUICtrlSetState( $Control_handle[1], $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState( $Control_handle[0], $GUI_HIDE) ;~ WinMove($form2, "", $x_koordinata, $y_koordinata) if WinGetState($form2) > 5 Then Local $box_position = WinGetPos($Form2) if $box_position[0] > $x_koordinata then for $i = $box_position[0] to $x_koordinata+20 Step -15 WinMove($form2, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next for $i = $x_koordinata+20 to $x_koordinata+8 Step -5 WinMove($form2, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next for $i = $x_koordinata+8 to $x_koordinata Step -1 WinMove($form2, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next ;WinMove($form2, "", $x_koordinata, $y_koordinata) ElseIf $box_position[0] < $x_koordinata Then for $i = $box_position[0] to $x_koordinata-20 Step 15 WinMove($form2, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next for $i = $x_koordinata-20 to $x_koordinata-8 Step 5 WinMove($form2, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next for $i = $x_koordinata-8 to $x_koordinata Step 1 WinMove($form2, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next ;WinMove($form2, "", $x_koordinata, $y_koordinata) EndIf ;~ WinMove($form2, "", $x_koordinata, $y_koordinata) Else WinMove($form2, "", $x_koordinata, $y_koordinata) GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, $Form2) EndIf Local $a = GUIGetCursorInfo($Form1) While $a[4] = $Control_handle[1] if GUIGetMsg() = $Control_handle[1] then if _IsPressed(01) Then Do Until NOT _IsPressed(01) Call($function_name) EndIf EndIf $a = GUIGetCursorInfo($Form1) WEnd $timer_toolbar = TimerInit() GUICtrlSetState( $Control_handle[1], $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState( $Control_handle[0], $GUI_SHOW) ;~ GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form2) EndFunc func _create_toolbar_item($location, $icon_name, $x_coordinate, $y_coordinate, $toolbar_item_width, $toolbar_item_height) Local $toolbar_item_local[2] $toolbar_item_local[0] = GUICtrlCreateIcon($location, $icon_name, $x_coordinate, $y_coordinate, $toolbar_item_width, $toolbar_item_height) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $toolbar_item_local[1] = GUICtrlCreateIcon($location, $icon_name, $x_coordinate, $y_coordinate, $toolbar_item_width, $toolbar_item_height) GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_HIDE) Return $toolbar_item_local EndFuncscript requires gif image, gif image below:Script_Gif.ZIP Edited August 16, 2008 by sandin Some cool glass and image menu | WinLIRC remote controler | Happy Holidays to all... | Bounce the sun, a game in which you must save the sun from falling by bouncing it back into the sky | Hook Leadtek WinFast TV Card Remote Control Msges | GDI+ sliding toolbar | MIDI Keyboard (early alpha stage, with lots of bugs to fix) | Alt+Tab replacement | CPU Benchmark with pretty GUI | Ini Editor - Edit/Create your ini files with great ease | Window Manager (take total control of your windows) Pretty GUI! | Pop-Up window from a button | Box slider for toolbar | Display sound volume on desktop | Switch hotkeys with mouse scroll
TehWhale Posted August 7, 2008 Posted August 7, 2008 (edited) That's fricken sweet bro! 5 Stars! Edited August 7, 2008 by Alienware
sandin Posted August 7, 2008 Author Posted August 7, 2008 tnx! Some cool glass and image menu | WinLIRC remote controler | Happy Holidays to all... | Bounce the sun, a game in which you must save the sun from falling by bouncing it back into the sky | Hook Leadtek WinFast TV Card Remote Control Msges | GDI+ sliding toolbar | MIDI Keyboard (early alpha stage, with lots of bugs to fix) | Alt+Tab replacement | CPU Benchmark with pretty GUI | Ini Editor - Edit/Create your ini files with great ease | Window Manager (take total control of your windows) Pretty GUI! | Pop-Up window from a button | Box slider for toolbar | Display sound volume on desktop | Switch hotkeys with mouse scroll
TehWhale Posted August 7, 2008 Posted August 7, 2008 (edited) You should make this into a UDF. I tried, with no success. I was trying to use your 'dont edit...' and stuff, like this sort of. But it didn't work. Heres my unsuccessful version. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <Misc.au3> Global $timer_toolbar #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= $Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 500, 200) $Edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 0, 40, 500, 160) ;~ GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Edit1") $line1 = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(5, 30, 490, 1, 0x08) $icon1 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 5, 5, 16, 16) $icon2 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 30, 5, 16, 16) $icon3 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 55, 5, 16, 16) $icon4 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 80, 5, 16, 16) $icon5 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 105, 5, 16, 16) $icon6 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 130, 5, 16, 16) $icon7 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 155, 5, 16, 16) $icon8 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 180, 5, 16, 16) $icon9 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 205, 5, 16, 16) $icon10 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 230, 5, 16, 16) $icon11 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 255, 5, 16, 16) $icon12 = _create_toolbar_item("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 280, 5, 16, 16) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form1) $Hwnd1 = _ToolBar_Init() #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### While 1 _Toolbar_Reset($Hwnd1) Local $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch _Toolbar_Event($Form1, $icon1[0], "TestFunc") WEnd Func TestFunc() MsgBox(0, "", "d") EndFunc Func _ToolBar_Init() $form2 = GUICreate("", 23, 23, 1 + 50, 1, 0x80000000, BitOR(0x00080000, 0x00000040), $Form1) GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & "\square.gif", 0, 0, 0, 0) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $form2) Return $form2 EndFunc Func _Toolbar_Reset($Hwnd2) If TimerDiff($timer_toolbar) >= 500 Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Hwnd2) EndIf EndFunc Func _Toolbar_Event($a_WinHwnd, $a_Hwnd, $a_Function) If Not IsHWnd($a_WinHwnd) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $a_C_Info = GUIGetCursorInfo($a_WinHwnd) If $a_C_Info[4] = $a_Hwnd Then _Toolbar_Event_Handler($a_Hwnd, $a_Function) EndFunc ;----------- odavde pa na dole ne treba nista dirati ----------------------- Func _Toolbar_Event_Handler($Control_handle, $function_name) Local $get_control_position = ControlGetPos($Form1, "", $Control_handle[0]) Local $get_window_position = WinGetPos($Form1) Local $get_client_size = WinGetClientSize($Form1) Local $mali_border = ($get_window_position[2] - $get_client_size[0]) / 2 Local $veliki_border = $get_window_position[3] - $get_client_size[1] - $mali_border Local $x_koordinata = $get_window_position[0] + $mali_border + $get_control_position[0] - 4 Local $y_koordinata = $get_window_position[1] + $veliki_border + 1 GUICtrlSetState($Control_handle[1], $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($Control_handle[0], $GUI_HIDE) ;~ WinMove($form2, "", $x_koordinata, $y_koordinata) If WinGetState($form2) > 5 Then Local $box_position = WinGetPos($form2) Local $pomeranje = Abs($x_koordinata - $box_position[0]) If $box_position[0] > $x_koordinata Then For $i = $box_position[0] To $x_koordinata + 20 Step -15 WinMove($form2, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next For $i = $x_koordinata + 20 To $x_koordinata + 8 Step -5 WinMove($form2, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next For $i = $x_koordinata + 8 To $x_koordinata Step -1 WinMove($form2, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next WinMove($form2, "", $x_koordinata, $y_koordinata) ElseIf $box_position[0] < $x_koordinata Then For $i = $box_position[0] To $x_koordinata - 20 Step 15 WinMove($form2, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next For $i = $x_koordinata - 20 To $x_koordinata - 8 Step 5 WinMove($form2, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next For $i = $x_koordinata - 8 To $x_koordinata Step 1 WinMove($form2, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next WinMove($form2, "", $x_koordinata, $y_koordinata) EndIf ;~ WinMove($form2, "", $x_koordinata, $y_koordinata) Else WinMove($form2, "", $x_koordinata, $y_koordinata) GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, $form2) EndIf Local $a = GUIGetCursorInfo($Form1) While $a[4] = $Control_handle[1] If GUIGetMsg() = $Control_handle[1] Then If _IsPressed(01) Then Do Until Not _IsPressed(01) Call($function_name) EndIf EndIf $a = GUIGetCursorInfo($Form1) WEnd $timer_toolbar = TimerInit() GUICtrlSetState($Control_handle[1], $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($Control_handle[0], $GUI_SHOW) ;~ GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form2) EndFunc ;==>_dont_edit_this_function Func _create_toolbar_item($location, $icon_name, $x_coordinate, $y_coordinate, $toolbar_item_width, $toolbar_item_height) Local $toolbar_item_local[2] $toolbar_item_local[0] = GUICtrlCreateIcon($location, $icon_name, $x_coordinate, $y_coordinate, $toolbar_item_width, $toolbar_item_height) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $toolbar_item_local[1] = GUICtrlCreateIcon($location, $icon_name, $x_coordinate, $y_coordinate, $toolbar_item_width, $toolbar_item_height) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_HIDE) Return $toolbar_item_local EndFunc ;==>_create_toolbar_item Edited August 7, 2008 by Alienware
sandin Posted August 7, 2008 Author Posted August 7, 2008 tnx for the idea, though, I would need some help with that, I'm not much of a expert in making UDFs, I'm still learning Some cool glass and image menu | WinLIRC remote controler | Happy Holidays to all... | Bounce the sun, a game in which you must save the sun from falling by bouncing it back into the sky | Hook Leadtek WinFast TV Card Remote Control Msges | GDI+ sliding toolbar | MIDI Keyboard (early alpha stage, with lots of bugs to fix) | Alt+Tab replacement | CPU Benchmark with pretty GUI | Ini Editor - Edit/Create your ini files with great ease | Window Manager (take total control of your windows) Pretty GUI! | Pop-Up window from a button | Box slider for toolbar | Display sound volume on desktop | Switch hotkeys with mouse scroll
Zinthose Posted August 7, 2008 Posted August 7, 2008 Damn that's Sexy!You got my vote! My head is whirling, I must find a way to use this! --- TTFN
TehWhale Posted August 7, 2008 Posted August 7, 2008 tnx for the idea, though, I would need some help with that, I'm not much of a expert in making UDFs, I'm still learning Basically, your just making a function, like I did, that works (obviously) that sums up a bunch of your 'ideas' in your script here. Like I did _Toolbar_Event() to capture that, not exactly sure though. I'll keep working on this, and if you need some help PM me.
sandin Posted August 7, 2008 Author Posted August 7, 2008 @all: thank you for positive feedback!! @Alienware: I'll gladly accept your offer for help Some cool glass and image menu | WinLIRC remote controler | Happy Holidays to all... | Bounce the sun, a game in which you must save the sun from falling by bouncing it back into the sky | Hook Leadtek WinFast TV Card Remote Control Msges | GDI+ sliding toolbar | MIDI Keyboard (early alpha stage, with lots of bugs to fix) | Alt+Tab replacement | CPU Benchmark with pretty GUI | Ini Editor - Edit/Create your ini files with great ease | Window Manager (take total control of your windows) Pretty GUI! | Pop-Up window from a button | Box slider for toolbar | Display sound volume on desktop | Switch hotkeys with mouse scroll
TehWhale Posted August 7, 2008 Posted August 7, 2008 (edited) This new script does not require the picture anymore. Just run the program! expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <Misc.au3> $Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 500, 200) ;Create teh form $Edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 0, 40, 500, 160) ;Create an edit box :D GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Edit1") ;Set the editbox data to: "Edit1" $line1 = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(5, 30, 490, 1, 0x08) ;Create the pretty line under all these Toolbar items $icon1 = _Toolbar_Create("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 5, 5, 16, 16) ;Create 12 toolbar items :D $icon2 = _Toolbar_Create("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 30, 5, 16, 16) $icon3 = _Toolbar_Create("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 55, 5, 16, 16) $icon4 = _Toolbar_Create("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 80, 5, 16, 16) $icon5 = _Toolbar_Create("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 105, 5, 16, 16) $icon6 = _Toolbar_Create("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 130, 5, 16, 16) $icon7 = _Toolbar_Create("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 155, 5, 16, 16) $icon8 = _Toolbar_Create("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 180, 5, 16, 16) $icon9 = _Toolbar_Create("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 205, 5, 16, 16) $icon10 = _Toolbar_Create("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 230, 5, 16, 16) $icon11 = _Toolbar_Create("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 255, 5, 16, 16) $icon12 = _Toolbar_Create("Shell32.dll", -(Random(1, 239)), 280, 5, 16, 16) GUISetState() ;Show the form $Init = _Toolbar_Init();Init the toolbar functionality While 1 Local $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch ; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Regular loop _Toolbar_Event($Form1, $Init, $icon1, "function_name") ;Toolbar item events. Must call these even if you dont want to 'click' the button _Toolbar_Event($Form1, $Init, $icon2, "function_name") _Toolbar_Event($Form1, $Init, $icon3, "function_name") _Toolbar_Event($Form1, $Init, $icon4, "function_name") _Toolbar_Event($Form1, $Init, $icon5, "function_name") _Toolbar_Event($Form1, $Init, $icon6, "function_name") _Toolbar_Event($Form1, $Init, $icon7, "function_name") _Toolbar_Event($Form1, $Init, $icon8, "function_name") _Toolbar_Event($Form1, $Init, $icon9, "function_name") _Toolbar_Event($Form1, $Init, $icon10, "function_name") _Toolbar_Event($Form1, $Init, $icon11, "function_name") _Toolbar_Event($Form1, $Init, $icon12, "function_name") _Toolbar_Reset($Init);Resets the toolbar if your mouse is not on it for a half of a second WEnd Func _Toolbar_Reset($_Toolbar_Init) If Not IsDeclared("timer_toolbar") Then $timer_toolbar = "" If TimerDiff($timer_toolbar) >= 500 Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $_Toolbar_Init) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Toolbar_Reset Func _Toolbar_Init() Global $timer_toolbar $_ReturnBox = GUICreate("", 23, 23, 1 + 50, 1, 0x80000000, BitOR(0x00080000, 0x00000040), $Form1) If Not FileExists(@TempDir & "\square.gif") Then $a__a_Handle = FileOpen(@TempDir & "\square.gif", 18) FileWrite($a__a_Handle, "0x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ileClose($a__a_Handle) EndIf GUICtrlCreatePic(@TempDir & "\square.gif", 0, 0, 0, 0) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $_ReturnBox) Return $_ReturnBox EndFunc ;==>_Toolbar_Init Func _Toolbar_Event($WinHwnd, $ToolbarInit, $ToolbarHwnd, $Function = "", $Jump = False) Local $c = GUIGetCursorInfo($WinHwnd) If $c[4] = $ToolbarHwnd[0] Then _Toolbar_Event_Handler($WinHwnd, $ToolbarInit, $ToolbarHwnd, $Function, $Jump) EndFunc ;==>_Toolbar_Event Func _Toolbar_Event_Handler($WinHwnd, $Toolbar_Init_Func, $Control_handle, $function_name, $Jump) Local $get_control_position = ControlGetPos($WinHwnd, "", $Control_handle[0]) Local $get_window_position = WinGetPos($WinHwnd) Local $get_client_size = WinGetClientSize($WinHwnd) Local $mali_border = ($get_window_position[2] - $get_client_size[0]) / 2 Local $veliki_border = $get_window_position[3] - $get_client_size[1] - $mali_border Local $x_koordinata = $get_window_position[0] + $mali_border + $get_control_position[0] - 4 Local $y_koordinata = $get_window_position[1] + $veliki_border + 1 GUICtrlSetState($Control_handle[1], $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($Control_handle[0], $GUI_HIDE) If $Jump = True Then WinMove($Toolbar_Init_Func, "", $x_koordinata, $y_koordinata) If WinGetState($Toolbar_Init_Func) > 5 Then Local $box_position = WinGetPos($Toolbar_Init_Func) Local $pomeranje = Abs($x_koordinata - $box_position[0]) If $box_position[0] > $x_koordinata Then For $i = $box_position[0] To $x_koordinata + 20 Step -15 WinMove($Toolbar_Init_Func, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next For $i = $x_koordinata + 20 To $x_koordinata + 8 Step -5 WinMove($Toolbar_Init_Func, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next For $i = $x_koordinata + 8 To $x_koordinata Step -1 WinMove($Toolbar_Init_Func, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next WinMove($Toolbar_Init_Func, "", $x_koordinata, $y_koordinata) ElseIf $box_position[0] < $x_koordinata Then For $i = $box_position[0] To $x_koordinata - 20 Step 15 WinMove($Toolbar_Init_Func, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next For $i = $x_koordinata - 20 To $x_koordinata - 8 Step 5 WinMove($Toolbar_Init_Func, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next For $i = $x_koordinata - 8 To $x_koordinata Step 1 WinMove($Toolbar_Init_Func, "", $i, $y_koordinata) Sleep(1) Next WinMove($Toolbar_Init_Func, "", $x_koordinata, $y_koordinata) EndIf If $Jump = True Then WinMove($Toolbar_Init_Func, "", $x_koordinata, $y_koordinata) Else WinMove($Toolbar_Init_Func, "", $x_koordinata, $y_koordinata) GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, $Toolbar_Init_Func) EndIf Local $a = GUIGetCursorInfo($WinHwnd) While $a[4] = $Control_handle[1] If GUIGetMsg() = $Control_handle[1] Then If _IsPressed(01) Then Do Until Not _IsPressed(01) Call($function_name) EndIf EndIf $a = GUIGetCursorInfo($WinHwnd) WEnd $timer_toolbar = TimerInit() GUICtrlSetState($Control_handle[1], $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($Control_handle[0], $GUI_SHOW) If $Jump = True Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Toolbar_Init_Func) EndFunc ;==>_Toolbar_Event_Handler Func _Toolbar_Create($location, $icon_name, $x_coordinate, $y_coordinate, $toolbar_item_width, $toolbar_item_height) Local $toolbar_item_local[2] $toolbar_item_local[0] = GUICtrlCreateIcon($location, $icon_name, $x_coordinate, $y_coordinate, $toolbar_item_width, $toolbar_item_height) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $toolbar_item_local[1] = GUICtrlCreateIcon($location, $icon_name, $x_coordinate, $y_coordinate, $toolbar_item_width, $toolbar_item_height) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_HIDE) Return $toolbar_item_local EndFunc ;==>_Toolbar_Create If you use GUICtrlSetTip(), for the Ctrl ID, you must use -1, if it's right under it. OR you must use $CtrlID[1] Edited August 8, 2008 by Alienware
Zinthose Posted August 15, 2008 Posted August 15, 2008 Has anyone tried the new version?Yep... It's still Sexy! --- TTFN
sandin Posted August 16, 2008 Author Posted August 16, 2008 great job alienware sorry, I was out of town, and I didn't had net access, so I couldn't test it sooner. It works gr8 Some cool glass and image menu | WinLIRC remote controler | Happy Holidays to all... | Bounce the sun, a game in which you must save the sun from falling by bouncing it back into the sky | Hook Leadtek WinFast TV Card Remote Control Msges | GDI+ sliding toolbar | MIDI Keyboard (early alpha stage, with lots of bugs to fix) | Alt+Tab replacement | CPU Benchmark with pretty GUI | Ini Editor - Edit/Create your ini files with great ease | Window Manager (take total control of your windows) Pretty GUI! | Pop-Up window from a button | Box slider for toolbar | Display sound volume on desktop | Switch hotkeys with mouse scroll
TehWhale Posted August 16, 2008 Posted August 16, 2008 great job alienware sorry, I was out of town, and I didn't had net access, so I couldn't test it sooner. It works gr8 Thanks!
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