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Posted (edited)

I made this little USB security script for security reasons. For example if you go away for a few sec and you don't want people to view your files just unplug your usb stick and its locked until your usb stick is back in to you computer. the only thing you have to change is the serial number to your usb stick you can view your usb stick serial number with this code:

$var = DriveGetSerial( "c:\" )
MsgBox(4096, "Serial Number: ", $var)oÝ÷ ÙÈZ¬¢)¢Î)à­é¨½çmæî¶Ú'²z0whÂɨ¾)àiØî²×¬zÚÚ¥©Ýi×^w§ÞµæÞ²êÞZ²I¨®)Ü­æ¬yD'Þ¶)^vX§zë±êâjV­²Ö«µ«­¢+Ø9½QÉå%½¸(¥¹±Õ±ÐíÕ¥
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Edited by realkiller

Works pretty well! You are screwed if you are using your password security on your u3 stick.. LOL I had to reboot! It does allow ctrl Alt Del but will not let you control it to end task. Nice script! Thank you for sharing..


Maybe you can add this:

If WinExists("Windows Task Manager") = 1 Then
        WinClose("Windows Task Manager")


I have tested this and tried to break throught the security.

But this is damnn good I did not succeed to get in.

I have tried to use, VNC, Remote Desktop, LogmeIn webaccess, etc. But no go.

The only thing that might work is remotely kill the process. Not tested yet.

Really effective.

Great job :)




Very nice. Better than most other versions of this I have seen.

It reminds me of this USB wireless proximity lock:


It has a sensor that you keep in your pocket or on a lanyard that locks your machine when you move more than 6 feet from it.

Holy crap! Is that a scam site, or is it real? If it's real I might just buy one.

[left][sub]We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine.[/sub][sup]And the machine is bleeding to death...[/sup][sup][/sup][/left]


Very nice. Better than most other versions of this I have seen.

Holy crap! Is that a scam site, or is it real? If it's real I might just buy one.

It's real, Thinkgeek used to sell them.


cracked it, all you have to do is minimize the window then ctrl+alt+delete and u can terminate it = ).

I try to minimize and yes I can terminate the script.

But the script is very good, please update realkiller.

Posted (edited)


i would add a setup function (its not really good to edit lines of code to setup a stick)

- init program -> file requester, open usb drive -> write serial into ini file

- regular run -> read ini , check usb drive & serial

- when "unlocked" - have option to delete serial , setup a new drive etc

Edited by nobbe


An exe for this would probably be set up to START with WINDOWS. I guess there should be another clever method to unlock the computer in case the user loses his USB.

Just suggesting something to make this program even more perfect.

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