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Hello to all,

first post for me here.

Want to post a very simple script that save us a lot of work.

We must cut hundred pdf into small ones, so this script wait for a clipboard, and when a

new one comes, it ask for filename, and save in bmp format.

Easy one, maybe already posted, but i want to join ...

Thank you again for Autoit and all examples


[sorry for bad english]

#include <Clipboard.au3>

#include <ScreenCapture.au3>


;// declare var


dim $f_go

dim $sizeA

dim $sizeB

dim $conta

$f_go = 0

$conta = 0


;// create 2 temp file A and B.




;// read clipboard and create file A


_ClipBoard_Open(0) ; open clipboard is associated with the current task

$hBitmap = _ClipBoard_GetData(2) ; $CF_BITMAP

;_ScreenCapture_SetJPGQuality(100) ; set the value between 0-100

_ScreenCapture_SaveImage(@WorkingDir & '\TempA.bmp', $hBitmap)



;// read clipboard and create file B


_ClipBoard_Open(0) ; open clipboard is associated with the current task

$hBitmap = _ClipBoard_GetData(2) ; $CF_BITMAP

;_ScreenCapture_SetJPGQuality(100) ; set the value between 0-100

_ScreenCapture_SaveImage(@WorkingDir & '\TempB.bmp', $hBitmap)


While $f_go = 0

Sleep(500) ;aspetto mezzo secondo


;// read clipboard and create file A


_ClipBoard_Open(0) ; open clipboard is associated with the current task

$hBitmap = _ClipBoard_GetData(2) ; $CF_BITMAP

;_ScreenCapture_SetJPGQuality(100) ; set the value between 0-100

_ScreenCapture_SaveImage(@WorkingDir & '\TempA.bmp', $hBitmap)



;// take files dimension for confrontation


$sizeA = FileGetSize(@WorkingDir & "\TempA.bmp")

$sizeB = FileGetSize(@WorkingDir & "\TempB.bmp")

if $sizeB <> $sizeA then ;se il file nuovo è diverso da quello preedente - qualcosa è cambiato...


;// ask for filename


Beep(500, 100)

$answer = InputBox("Save as", "Filename", "Insert file name", "", -1, -1, 0, 0)

if $answer = "" then

$answer = @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC



;// copy new file into user give filename


FileCopy(@WorkingDir & '\TempA.bmp', @WorkingDir & "\" & $answer & ".bmp", 1) ; copio il nuovo sul vecchio

Sleep(500) ;aspetto mezzo secondo


;// delete temp and restart


FileDelete(@WorkingDir & "\TempA.bmp")

FileDelete(@WorkingDir & "\TempB.bmp")

_ClipBoard_Open(0) ; open clipboard is associated with the current task

$hBitmap = _ClipBoard_GetData(2) ; $CF_BITMAP

;_ScreenCapture_SetJPGQuality(100) ; set the value between 0-100

_ScreenCapture_SaveImage(@WorkingDir & '\TempB.bmp', $hBitmap)


$f_go = 0

$conta = 0


$conta = $conta + 1

if $conta = 3600 Then

msgbox(0, "ClipME", "Time pass away... I quit myself !", 30)

FileDelete(@WorkingDir & "\TempA.bmp")

FileDelete(@WorkingDir & "\TempB.bmp")





hey, you are italian ;)

purtroppo quelli italiani che usano autoit sono pochi, quindi ho sempre dovuto leggere roba in inglese...

beh complimenti per lo script, ora lo vado a provare :)

-i can use the computer, but i'm not a computer-


ciao yoness !

update code with some nice exercises (for me) and new feature :

- save as .... (ask for output filename)

- progressive (automatic number for filename)

to switch, right mouse over icon and select.

Sorry for italian comment (i'm so lazy)

#include <Clipboard.au3>

#include <ScreenCapture.au3>

#Include <Constants.au3>


;FileInstall(@WorkingDir & "\Clipme.au3", @WorkingDir & "\source.au3")


;// dichiaro variabile e primi settaggi


dim $f_go

dim $sizeA

dim $sizeB

dim $conta

dim $conta_progressivo

dim $conta_progressivo_zeroed

dim $modalita_A

dim $modalita_B

Dim $f_modalita

$f_go = 0

$conta = 0

$conta_progressivo = 0

$modalita_A = "Modalità : Salva con nome ..."

$modalita_B = "Modalità : Numero progressivo"

$f_modalita = 1


;// informazioni nella trayicon


TrayTip("ClipME", "Trasformo gli snapshot in file !", 3, 1)


;// poi ne disabilito funzioni classiche e creo menù


Opt("TrayMenuMode",1) ; Default tray menu items (Script Paused/Exit) will not be shown.

$switchitem = TrayCreateItem($modalita_A)


$exititem = TrayCreateItem("Exit")




;// controllo esistenza di una sola sessione - chiudo le altre !


$list = ProcessList("Clipme.exe")

for $i = 1 to $list[0][0]

if $i > 1 Then

msgbox(0, "ClipME", "Puoi lanciare una sola sessione di ClipME !", 1)





;// creo i 2 file per confronto, poi è il ciclo while li gestisce




;// leggo snapshot in canna ( creo file A)


_ClipBoard_Open(0) ; open clipboard is associated with the current task

$hBitmap = _ClipBoard_GetData(2) ; $CF_BITMAP

;_ScreenCapture_SetJPGQuality(100) ; set the value between 0-100

_ScreenCapture_SaveImage(@WorkingDir & '\TempA.bmp', $hBitmap)



;// leggo snapshot in canna ( creo file :)


_ClipBoard_Open(0) ; open clipboard is associated with the current task

$hBitmap = _ClipBoard_GetData(2) ; $CF_BITMAP

;_ScreenCapture_SetJPGQuality(100) ; set the value between 0-100

_ScreenCapture_SaveImage(@WorkingDir & '\TempB.bmp', $hBitmap)


While 1

$msg = TrayGetMsg()

;MsgBox(0, "", $msg)


Case $msg = 0

Sleep(500) ;aspetto mezzo secondo


;// leggo snapshot in canna ( creo file A)


_ClipBoard_Open(0) ; open clipboard is associated with the current task

$hBitmap = _ClipBoard_GetData(2) ; $CF_BITMAP

;_ScreenCapture_SetJPGQuality(100) ; set the value between 0-100

_ScreenCapture_SaveImage(@WorkingDir & '\TempA.bmp', $hBitmap)



;// prendo le dimensioni file per eseguire confronto


$sizeA = FileGetSize(@WorkingDir & "\TempA.bmp")

$sizeB = FileGetSize(@WorkingDir & "\TempB.bmp")

if $sizeB <> $sizeA then ;se il file nuovo è diverso da quello preedente - qualcosa è cambiato...

if $f_modalita = 1 Then


;// modalità Save as...


Beep(500, 100)

$answer = InputBox("Salva con nome", "Inserisci il nome file", "Inserisci il nome file", "", -1, -1, 0, 0)

Elseif $f_modalita = 0 Then


;// modalità numero progressivo


Beep(500, 100)

$conta_progressivo = $conta_progressivo + 1

$conta_progressivo_zeroed = "000000" & $conta_progressivo

$conta_progressivo_zeroed = Stringright($conta_progressivo_zeroed, 5)

$answer = $conta_progressivo_zeroed

TrayItemSetText($switchitem, $modalita_B & " - " & $conta_progressivo_zeroed)



;// pulizia e controllo nomefile e copia clipboard modificata in mio file


$answer = StringReplace($answer, "\", "")

$answer = StringReplace($answer, "/", "")

$answer = StringReplace($answer, "|", "")

$answer = StringReplace($answer, ":", "")

$answer = StringReplace($answer, "*", "")

$answer = StringReplace($answer, "<", "")

$answer = StringReplace($answer, ">", "")

if $answer = "" then

$answer = @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC


FileCopy(@WorkingDir & '\TempA.bmp', @WorkingDir & "\" & $answer & ".bmp", 1) ; copio il nuovo sul vecchio

Sleep(500) ;aspetto mezzo secondo


;// RI-leggo snapshot in canna ( RI-creo file ;)


_ClipBoard_Open(0) ; open clipboard is associated with the current task

$hBitmap = _ClipBoard_GetData(2) ; $CF_BITMAP

;_ScreenCapture_SetJPGQuality(100) ; set the value between 0-100

_ScreenCapture_SaveImage(@WorkingDir & '\TempB.bmp', $hBitmap)


$f_go = 0

$conta = 0


$conta = $conta + 1

if $conta = 3600 Then

msgbox(0, "ClipME", "Sono passati 30 minuti senza eseguire snapshot - ESCO !", 30)

FileDelete(@WorkingDir & "\TempA.bmp")

FileDelete(@WorkingDir & "\TempB.bmp")



Case $msg = $switchitem

;Msgbox(64,"Info: ", "è " & $f_modalita)


;// cambio di modalita 1 = salva con nome | 0 = num progressivo


if $f_modalita = 1 Then ;se sono in salva con nome switcho in modalità numero progressivo

TrayItemSetText($switchitem, $modalita_B & " - " & $conta_progressivo_zeroed)

Msgbox(64,"CAMBIO MODALITA' !", "Ora sei in " & $modalita_:D

$f_modalita = 0

elseif $f_modalita = 0 then ;se sono in numero progressivo switcho in modalità salva con nome

TrayItemSetText($switchitem, $modalita_A)

Msgbox(64,"CAMBIO MODALITA' !", "Ora sei in " & $modalita_A)

$f_modalita = 1


;Msgbox(64,"Info: ", "diventa: " & $f_modalita)

$msg = 0

Case $msg = $exititem

FileDelete(@WorkingDir & "\TempA.bmp")

FileDelete(@WorkingDir & "\TempB.bmp")






bye to all !

  • 4 weeks later...

Hello again,

a lots of improvments for my little tool. (thank you Autoit you open a world)

I want to add 'Selection capture' feature from wonderfull MsCreatoR Captureit

Our tool are pretty similar (obviously MsCreatoR is better) but mine do a different job.

(start action when differences between clipboard are found)

'Selection capture' can complete my tools for my office users and our daily activity.

Anyone can help me maybe with function or old post ?

Thank you and sorry for bad english.


  • 4 weeks later...

Update code.

adjust for our office needs. Sorry for spaghetti code, but now works so i can pass my time to optimize it.

- snapshot an area of your screen

- snapshot alt+prt area

- 2 save mode (silent and prompted)

- add cutter

- add thumb creation (set them with .ini) to snapshot and resize/crop them to defined meseurements. (we use to upload them to out job www)

- add 'cross' on desktop to suggest user where point mouse, to fight resize/crop effect.

- add a lot of bugs to correct

thank you for your time


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