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Very nice, works well.

One Important suggestion and if possible please add it. Usually image size do not go by exact numbers, and therefore, a scale should be available for resizing the image, the concept is like when you edit picture in paint. Instead of dragging width and height, increase both in a scale so it will look good in any size.

Just my thoughts. Keep up the good work


Thank you for the positive feedback.

Yep generator I'm actually working on a percentage scale method as I type. eg: % of original image for a new size.

Will be doing the same for the preview image as well

Make it so that the image keeps it's ratio when displayed or saved.

Sorry ptrex I should of mentioned Drag & Drop a folder into the save path field .. opps





A file open dialog would be nice too. So that you can for instance point to a folder, and it would list all the JPG files to work on.

Best is also to build in a filder selection to say for instance files bigger than 500 Kb only.

Because you are not interested to run to compressor on already compressed files, which have schrunk to let's say 70 Kb.

Just some thoughts.



Posted (edited)

Very useful script and im especially like tidy gui :P

I think if you add directory load function will be very good. I mean if you select directory, script will add all images in directory to list.

If we can select image quality will be good too.

Edited by Jex
  • 4 weeks later...


Thanks to Generators idea I had a play with his posted code and decided to post another example based upon it.

Generator's Image Convertor thead Here

Resize function added and a couple of other trivial options thrown in as well..

Supported input formats:


Suported output formats:


Edit: 28-Dec-07:

Added Options for Save & Load settings on exit and startup

mild internall code corrections

Edit: 26-Dec-07:

Well I had a spare time at work on Xmas day at work

(Buggered if I'm actually going to do actual work while at work on Xmas day :))

So in boredom I added some mild updates to RACI instead...

Added Buttons For Add File(s), Add Folder, Browse (for save directory)

(Drag N Drop still works for List and Save folder)

Added Recurse Folder(s) option, works for Drag N Drop as well as Add Folder button:

No Recurse. (Only images in the selected folder)

Recurse One (Only recurse 1 folder deep in selected folder, only applys to drag and drop of a folder or folders, Add Folder btton will treat it as No Recurse).

Recurse All (recurse folders in folders till no more folders found).

Addd Filters for import of files, works with Add File(s) button, Add Folder button and Drag N Drop:

Extension Filter - Check the file types you want to add to the list.

Dimension Filters - Width, Height use either or both (based on Pixels)

Size Filter - Size is based on KB

Added Filter List Button - Use to filter out files already in the list by applying the set import filters to the images in the List.

Added Context Menu to List:

Browse - Opens the containing folder of selected item in the list with explorer

Edit - Opens the selected file with your windows default editor.

Open - Opens the selected file with your windows associted program.

(Any of the context menu functions automatically minimize RACI)

Added Checked count to List - To let a user know how many items in the list are checked.

Added Resize options for Percent Bigger and Percent Smaller then original image.

Added a "None" to Conversion format.

Using "None" for Coversion Format with Resize enabled then the output format will be taken from the input image extension.

In the above scenario if the input file is a *.ico file then the the output will be skipped for the file.

Added bbp setting for bmp

16 bbp - RGB 555, 16bbp (6) - RGB 565, 24 bpp - RGB 888, 32 bpp - RGB 888 No Alpha, 32 bpp RGB 888 + Alpha

(Default is 24 bpp - RGB 888)

Added Quality setting for jpg

Quality 0 ~ 100 (Default is 100)

Added Color and Compression setting for tif

Color 24/32 bit (Default is 24 bit)

Compression LZW/No Compression (Default is LZW)

Added Rename and Append Count to output image option:

Supports keeping the original filename or using just one new name with count or use the count as a name.

Can add the count to start or end or mid of the filename

Can pad the front of the count with any amount of zeros or none. eg: 0001 or 1


Rename and append count can be used without any conversion being done to the image if desired :P

(Handy if you want to just copy images to a new directory while appending a count to the image without format or resize conversion.)


AutoIt v3.2.10.0 and an OS that has GDI+

randallc's _FileListToArrayFaster1e.au3 in RACI's script directory.


(previous version of RACI dl'd 16 times)

Feel free to report the bugs.

(I expect some bugs as I haven't tested everything properly yet and the code is pretty messy atm)

New Years day will probably be my next day to update the code, that's when I gotta work again....lmao

Happy Xmas & Have a Merry New Year to all ... weeeeee

I'm off for a home cooked xmas roast dinner ... w00t :blink:


oks o ive posted my code!... its not very good scripting tho.. very noobish

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Added another version that works with AutoIt beta

(Both versions have the exact same options, just added beta support)

Updated first post.


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

lol this is totally awesome

keep up the good work man


I ran. I ran until my muscles burned and my veins pumped battery acid. Then I ran some more.

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