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Excuse Generator


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This excuse generator makes excuses. :)

#include <Array.au3>

$thing1s = _ArrayCreate(10, "Dementors", "My cat", "My dog", "My brother", "My sister", "Hitler", "My mom", "My dad", "The Police", "The Flying Spaghetti Monster")
$didsomethingto = _ArrayCreate(9, "ate", "vomited on", "burned", "blew up", "shot", "cut", "washed", "stole", "ran over")
$thing2s = _ArrayCreate(11, "my homework", "my money", "my house", "my face", "my brother", "my sister", "Hitler", "my mind", "my life", "my soul", "me")
    MsgBox(0, "Excuse Generator", $thing1s[Random(1, 10, 1)] & " " & $didsomethingto[Random(1, 9, 1)] & " " & $thing2s[Random(1, 11, 1)] & ".")
Until MsgBox(4, "Excuse Generator", "Generate another excuse?" & @CRLF & "Visit us at bananafredsoft.com") = 7
MsgBox(0, "Excuse Generator", "Have a nice day!")
Edited by BananaFredSoft
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This excuse generator makes excuses. :)

#include <Array.au3>

$thing1s = _ArrayCreate(9, "Dementors", "My cat", "My dog", "My brother", "My sister", "Hitler", "My mom", "My dad", "The Police")
$didsomethingto = _ArrayCreate(9, "ate", "vomited on", "burned", "blew up", "shot", "cut", "washed", "stole", "ran over")
$thing2s = _ArrayCreate(10, "my homework", "my money", "my house", "my face", "my brother", "my sister", "Hitler", "my mind", "my life", "my soul")
    MsgBox(0, "Excuse Generator", $thing1s[Random(1, 9, 1)] & " " & $didsomethingto[Random(1, 9, 1)] & " " & $thing2s[Random(1, 10, 1)] & ".")
Until MsgBox(4, "Excuse Generator", "Generate another excuse?" & @CRLF & "Visit us at bananafredsoft.com") = 7
MsgBox(0, "Excuse Generator", "Have a nice day!")
Nice and simple! I think somebody has done something like this before...

I can't picture this one: "Dementors vomited on my homework" Just doesn't seem to fit their personality...

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I can't picture this one: "Dementors vomited on my homework" Just doesn't seem to fit their personality...

They must have vomited souls. :)

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HAHA, I love this one:

My cat vomited on my soul

My dog ran over my house

The police burned my life

My mom shot my life

My cat shot my face

Hitler washed my life

My cat ran over my mind

My sister stole my house

My cat ate my money

My cat ate my mind

My brother shot my brother

THIS ONE IS THE BEST: My dog shot my homework


Edited by JustinReno
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Aw. :P

That is really cool!

Edit: Added "me" to things that have things done to them. ;)

Edited by BananaFredSoft
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Lol look what I got:

(LOL) = Whahahahaha

My sister washed my sister.

My brother ate my sister. (LOL)

My dad ate me. (LOL)

My cat ran over my soul.

Hitler washed my homework. (LOL)

My brother washed my brother.

The police ate my mind. (LOL)

My dog shot my money.

My mom vomited on hitler.

Last on an the funniest:

My mom burned my house. (LOL)


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My dog cut my soul.
My brother ran over my sister.
My dog ate my sister.
Dementors ran over my sister.
Hitler washed my money.
My dog ran over my brother.
Hitler washed my house.
My dad blew up my sister.
My sister vomited on Hitler.
My dog ran over me.
My dog blew up my brother.
My sister ate my money.
My cat vomited on Hitler.
My cat ate my sister.
My cat washed my homework.
The Police stole my mind.
My dad ran over my sister.
My sister burned my house.
My cat shot my life.
The Police shot my brother.
Hitler stole my face.
The Police ate Hitler.
My dog cut my sister.
My dog ate my money.
Hitler stole my house.


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