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Posted (edited)


With this program you can navigate in a textual console.

comment please :)

Type help for... help ;)

The 0.6 version is the last version, for now, i dont thinks continue upgrade the program

- Version (0.7)


- Now you can use program form cmd.exe console.

COMPILE IT IN "Console?" MODE AND EXEC FROM cmd.exe console!!

- Version (0.6)

browseConsole_v0.6.au3 ( 49.23K ) Number of downloads: 89


- why return to 0.6? becouse the name of the UDF function as crazy change........ but this versione now work

- version (0.61)

browseConsole_v0.61.au3 ( 49.24K ) Number of downloads: 80

-bug fixed

- Beta version (0.6)

browseConsole_v0.6.au3 ( 49.23K ) Number of downloads: 157

- add read command for read the webpage!

- more less change

- PreAlpha version (0.53)

browseConsole_v0.52.au3 ( 41,9K ) Number of downloads: 51

- add images command

- add image command

- add showtra command

- add settings command

- add CTRL + PAGUP/PAGDOWN hotkey

- PreAlpha version (0.52)

browseConsole_v0.52.au3 ( 33K ) Number of downloads: 33

- add clear command

- add image command

- PreAlpha version (0.51)

browseConsole_v0.51.au3 ( 30.89K ) Number of downloads: 21


- possibility of show image

THANKS to Jerome DERN (jdern "at" free "dot" fr) for console function!


Posted Image

Console in default mode

Posted Image

Console in show mode

Posted Image

Console in showtra mode



read = "Read the webpage in textual mode"

settings = "setting GUI"

images {param} = "show the image/s information of the page, param optional: big/medium/small" *NEW*

image [imageId] = "show the image in GUI, before call images and get imageID" *NEW*

showtra {param} = "unhide browser and lay upon under console, and set console transparency, param option: gradient transparency" *NEW*

CTRL+PAGUP/PAGDOWN = "in "show" mode scroll the IE window UP and DOWN" *NEW*

exit = "exit from BrowserConsole"

[return] = "return the state of the page (loaded or not)"

help = "help menu"

image OR images = "show the image/s information of the page, param optional: big/medium/small"

cls OR clear = "clear the screen"

linktot = "show link text and url"

linkurl = "show link url"

link = "show link text"

back = "back button of browser"

url = "navigate to or [%ElementOfStack]"

html = "show page's html"

cliphtml = "copy html to clipboard"

hide ="hide browser (start default)"

show = "unhide browser and split the screen"

form > formelement > formvalue = "form(ENTER) show forms AND select element form (ENTER) (IF YOU PRESS ENTER WITHOUT TEXT IS CONSIDERATED SUBMIT)> select value (ENTER)"

stackadd = "add URL in stack"

stackdel [idStack] = "del URL in stack"

stackshow = "show all URL in stack"

stacksave = "save stack in file"

stackopen = "open stack from file"


form [return]

select the element of the form [return]

insert the new value [return]

form submit:




Edited by Cyber
Console Browse: Navigate on the WEB in a textual consoleMultiPing!: Show computer on the lan and/or show the local/remote task, ALL animated!KillaWin: Event executingCryptPage: Crypt your webpage and show only with key
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

This is a bad comment but I get an error on line 1444. Unknown function name: _GUICtrlEditSetSel(....)

Do I need some UDF? I installed Autoit without changing any of it's files.


Okay so now the function name should be called:

_GUICtrlEdit_SetSel instead of _GUICtrlEditSetSel

Corrected if you replace all cases of _GUICtrlEditSetSel with _GUICtrlEdit_SetSel the program should work fine for AutoIT

Edited by Yho2005
  • 2 months later...

This is a bad comment but I get an error on line 1444. Unknown function name: _GUICtrlEditSetSel(....)

Do I need some UDF? I installed Autoit without changing any of it's files.


Okay so now the function name should be called:

_GUICtrlEdit_SetSel instead of _GUICtrlEditSetSel

Corrected if you replace all cases of _GUICtrlEditSetSel with _GUICtrlEdit_SetSel the program should work fine for AutoIT

ops.... :D


Console Browse: Navigate on the WEB in a textual consoleMultiPing!: Show computer on the lan and/or show the local/remote task, ALL animated!KillaWin: Event executingCryptPage: Crypt your webpage and show only with key
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...

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