ChrisL Posted August 24, 2007 Posted August 24, 2007 (edited) I searched around on here for some SQL stuff to use with an MSDE database and I ended up getting confused so I tried to simplfy it a bit, there are only a couple of functions so far but I guess someone may find it usefull. I have a database called test and a table called BBKSThis has been totally revamped now and it uses very similar syntax to the SQLITE3 functions included with Autoit3It will break any scripts that used the previous _SQL.au3 file but the new file is much more user friendlySee the example belowexpandcollapse popup#include <_sql.au3> #include <array.au3> Opt ("trayIconDebug",1) Msgbox(0,"","Start the Script and load the error handler") _SQL_RegisterErrorHandler();register the error handler to prevent hard crash on COM error $oADODB = _SQL_Startup() If $oADODB = $SQL_ERROR then Msgbox(0 + 16 +262144,"Error",_SQL_GetErrMsg()) If _sql_Connect(-1,"localhost","","sa","Superartcore") = $SQL_ERROR then Msgbox(0 + 16 +262144,"Error",_SQL_GetErrMsg()) _SQL_Close() Exit EndIf If _SQL_Execute(-1,"Create database My_SQL_Test;") = $SQL_ERROR then Msgbox(0 + 16 +262144,"Error",_SQL_GetErrMsg()) _SQL_Close() Msgbox(0,"","Created datatbase logging out and back in again") $oADODB = _SQL_Startup() If _SQL_Connect(-1,"localhost","My_SQL_Test","sa","Superartcore") = $SQL_ERROR then Msgbox(0 + 16 +262144,"Error",_SQL_GetErrMsg()) If _SQL_Execute(-1, "CREATE TABLE BBKS (ID INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),ComputerName VARCHAR(20) UNIQUE,Status VARCHAR(10),Error VARCHAR(10)Primary Key (ID));") = $SQL_ERROR then Msgbox(0 + 16 +262144,"Error",_SQL_GetErrMsg()) If _SQL_Execute(-1,"INSERT INTO BBKS (ComputerName,Status,Error) VALUES ('"& @computername & "','On;li''ne','None');") = $SQL_ERROR then Msgbox(0 + 16 +262144,"Error",_SQL_GetErrMsg()) If _SQL_Execute(-1,"INSERT INTO BBKS (ComputerName,Status,Error) VALUES ('1"& @computername & "','On;li''ne','None');") = $SQL_ERROR then Msgbox(0 + 16 +262144,"Error",_SQL_GetErrMsg()) If _SQL_Execute(-1,"INSERT INTO BBKS (ComputerName,Status,Error) VALUES ('2"& @computername & "','Online','None');") = $SQL_ERROR then Msgbox(0 + 16 +262144,"Error",_SQL_GetErrMsg()) ; this one will cause an error because the computername is not unique! If _SQL_Execute(-1,"INSERT INTO BBKS (ComputerName,Status,Error) VALUES ('2"& @computername & "','Online','None');") = $SQL_ERROR then Msgbox(0 + 16 +262144,"Error","Example Error this was meant to happen!" & @crlf & @crlf & _SQL_GETErrMsg()) Msgbox(0,"","Created table and added data so lets get some data out first as a 2dArray") Local $aData,$iRows,$iColumns;Variables to store the array data in to and the row count and the column count $iRval = _SQL_GetTable2D(-1,"SELECT * FROM BBKS;",$aData,$iRows,$iColumns) If $iRval = $SQL_OK then _arrayDisplay($aData,"2D (" & $iRows & " Rows) (" & $iColumns & " Columns)" ) Msgbox(0,"","Next as a 1dArray") Local $aData,$iRows,$iColumns;Variables to store the array data in to and the row count and the column count $iRval = _SQL_GetTable(-1,"SELECT * FROM BBKS;",$aData,$iRows,$iColumns) If $iRval = $SQL_OK then _arrayDisplay($aData,"1D (" & $iRows & " Rows) (" & $iColumns & " Columns)" ) Msgbox(0,"","And now the same data returned 1 row at a time") $hData = _SQL_Execute(-1,"SELECT * FROM BBKS;") Local $aNames;Variable to store the array data in to $iRval = _SQL_FetchNames ($hData, $aNames); Read out Column Names If $iRval = $SQL_OK then ConsoleWrite(StringFormat(" %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s ", $aNames[0], $aNames[1], $aNames[2], $aNames[3]) & @CR) _ArrayDisplay($aNames,"Column Names") Local $aRow;Variable to store the array data in to While _SQL_FetchData ($hData, $aRow) = $SQL_OK; Read Out the next Row ConsoleWrite(StringFormat(" %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s ", $aRow[0], $aRow[1], $aRow[2], $aRow[3]) & @CR) _ArrayDisplay($aRow,"Single Row of Data") WEnd Msgbox(0,"","And now the same data returned as a string") Local $vString If _Sql_GetTableAsString(-1,"SELECT * FROM BBKS;",$vString) = $SQL_OK then Msgbox(0,"Data as a String",$vString) Else Msgbox(0 + 16 +262144,"SQL Error",_SQL_GetErrMsg() ) EndIf Msgbox(0,"","Now just a single row") Local $aRow;Variable to store the row array data in $iRval = _SQL_QuerySingleRow(-1,"SELECT * FROM BBKS;",$aRow) If $iRval = $SQL_OK then _arrayDisplay($aRow,"1 Row" ) Msgbox(0,"","Now drop the tables and the database") If _SQL_Execute(-1, "DROP TABLE BBKS;") = $SQL_ERROR then Msgbox(0 + 16 +262144,"Error",_SQL_GetErrMsg()) If _SQL_Close() <> $SQL_OK then Msgbox(0 + 16 +262144,"Error",_SQL_GetErrMsg() ) ;Just being lazy and not putting any error checking in now! $oADODB = _SQL_Startup() _SQL_Connect(-1,"localhost","","sa","Superartcore") _SQL_Execute(-1,"DROP database My_SQL_Test;") _SQL_Close() Msgbox(0,"","Example Finished")Previous downloads: 4176_SQL.au3 updated with some tweaks by eltorro, CarlH and Elias (Thanks)Updated 28/08/2010Updated 29/04/2011_sql_Old.au3_sql.au3 Edited April 29, 2011 by ChrisL Badeiohman, robertocm and mLipok 2 1 [u]Scripts[/u]Minimize gui to systray _ Fail safe source recoveryMsgbox UDF _ _procwatch() Stop your app from being closedLicensed/Trial software system _ Buffering Hotkeys_SQL.au3 ADODB.Connection _ Search 2d Arrays_SplashTextWithGraphicOn() _ Adjust Screen GammaTransparent Controls _ Eventlogs without the crap_GuiCtrlCreateFlash() _ Simple Interscript communication[u]Websites[/u]Curious Campers VW Hightops Lambert Plant Hire
IvanCodin Posted October 9, 2007 Posted October 9, 2007 I am very new to programming. I have been looking on the forum for a way to open a database and query the contents. I want to make the script portable so I created a System SDN to make the query sql based and portable. I only need to read the data. I been stumped as to how i can do this. Most of the people on the form have more advanced skills than I do and i am having trouble grasping what I need to do to read the database. You post is the closest I have seen to what I want to use. I run the script and I get an error . There is no login and password required. Here is your code I modified: #include <array.au3> #include <_sql.au3> $con = _SQLStartup() If @error then Msgbox(0,"Error","Error starting ADODB.Connection") _SQLConnect(-1,"localhost","alarm","","") if @Error then Msgbox(0,"",$SQLErr) I get a duplicate function error. Seggestions? Me
IvanCodin Posted October 9, 2007 Posted October 9, 2007 I worked on this for quite and discovered the following. The include file _sql.au3 existed but was not your cide. I fixed this. I chnaged the connect string to I changed my code to this: #include <array.au3> #include <_sql.au3> $con = _SQLStartup() If @error then Msgbox(0,"Error","Error starting ADODB.Connection") _SQLConnect(-1," ","customers"," "," ") ;<-- This is the System DSN I created for the database. if @Error then Msgbox(0,"",$SQLErr) $data = _SQLExecute(-1,"SELECT * FROM CompanyName;") If Not @error then $aData = _SQLGetData2D($data) _arrayDisplay($aData) Else Msgbox(0,"",$SQLErr) EndIf $data = _SQLExecute(-1,"SELECT ID FROM CompanyName;") If Not @error then $sData = _SqlGetDataAsString($data) Msgbox(0,"Data as a string",$sData) Else Msgbox(0,"",$SQLErr) EndIf _SQLClose() When it runs I do not see anything on the screen. The application in the toolbar is all that occurs. Suggestions. Me
Hostage Posted October 9, 2007 Posted October 9, 2007 I am very new to programming. I have been looking on the forum for a way to open a database and query the contents. I want to make the script portable so I created a System SDN to make the query sql based and portable. I only need to read the data. I been stumped as to how i can do this. Most of the people on the form have more advanced skills than I do and i am having trouble grasping what I need to do to read the database. You post is the closest I have seen to what I want to use. I run the script and I get an error . There is no login and password required. Here is your code I modified:#include <array.au3>#include <_sql.au3>$con = _SQLStartup()If @error then Msgbox(0,"Error","Error starting ADODB.Connection") _SQLConnect(-1,"localhost","alarm","","")if @Error then Msgbox(0,"",$SQLErr)I get a duplicate function error.Seggestions? MeWhat format is your database in? Access?
Klaatu Posted October 9, 2007 Posted October 9, 2007 This is what I use. It's written to communicate with a specific Access database, but I tried to write it to be as generic (to Access databases) as possible. Here's the code. If anyone has specific questions about it I'd be glad to try to answer. Hope this is helpful to someone else, as it took me a long time to come up with it. expandcollapse popup#include-once Global $__oInvConn, $__iInvCount = 0 ;********************************************************************** Func _InvConn() If $__iInvCount = 0 Then SetError(1) EndIf Return $__oInvConn EndFunc ;==>_InvConn ;********************************************************************** ; opens the database ; returns true if db was opened successfully ;********************************************************************** Func _InvOpen() Local Const $sDatabase = "C:\Database.mdb" If $__iInvCount = 0 Then ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "__InvCOMErr") $__oInvConn = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection") $__oInvConn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" $__oInvConn.Open($sDatabase) If Not @Error Then $__iInvCount += 1 Return True Else Return False EndIf Else $__iInvCount += 1 Return True EndIf EndFunc ;==>_InvOpen ;********************************************************************** ; closes the database ;********************************************************************** Func _InvClose() If $__iInvCount > 0 Then $__iInvCount -= 1 If $__iInvCount = 0 Then $__oInvConn.Close ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "") EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_InvClose ;********************************************************************** ; Returns results of a query into the database ; returns the recordset object itself ; assumes the database is already open ; CursorType: 0 = forward-only recordset ; 2 = updatable recordset ;********************************************************************** Func _InvQueryRS($sQuery, $iCursorType = 0) Local $oRs If $__iInvCount = 0 Then SetError(2) Else $oRs = ObjCreate("ADODB.Recordset") $oRs.CursorType = $iCursorType; adOpenForwardOnly = 0 $oRs.LockType = 3; adLockOptimistic = 3 $oRs.Open($sQuery, $__oInvConn) If @Error Then SetError(1) EndIf EndIf Return $oRs EndFunc ;==>_InvQueryRS ;********************************************************************** ; Returns results of a query into the database ; returns an array of strings ; each string is a character separated list of fields returned by the query. ; the default separator character is the comma ; as usual, element 0 is count, like stringsplit ;********************************************************************** Func _InvQuery($sQuery, $sSeparator = ',') Local $oRs, $aResults[1] = [0], $sRecords Local Const $adClipString = 2 If _InvOpen() Then $oRs = _InvQueryRS($sQuery) If Not @Error Then $sRecords = $oRs.GetString($adClipString, $oRs.RecordCount, $sSeparator, @CR, '') While StringLen($sRecords) > 0 And StringRight($sRecords, 1) = @CR $sRecords = StringTrimRight($sRecords, 1) Wend $aResults = StringSplit($sRecords, @CR) $oRs.Close EndIf _InvClose() EndIf Return $aResults EndFunc ;==>_InvQuery ;********************************************************************** Func __InvCOMErr() Local Const $oCOMError = @COM_EventObj Local $sHexNum = Hex($oCOMError.Number, 8) MsgBox(0, @ScriptName, "We intercepted a COM Error !" & @CRLF & _ "On line " & $oCOMError.scriptline & " of the script." & @CRLF & _ "Number is: " & $sHexNum & @CRLF & _ "Windescription is: " & $oCOMError.WinDescription, 10) SetError(1) EndFunc ;==>__InvCOMErroÝ÷ Ø ÝêÞßÛìZ^¡ø²ëNé]±©ÝjYZëÞ¯+)yÈËh'Zµ¦Ú±ë(Ýý²z-ºÇºX§Ûŧ-~涧ɺÉély»¶¬¶»¶êÞ¡ûayìZ^Çbç-+¬i¹^jëh×6 Local Const $sCurrentDateTime = @MON & '/' & @MDAY & '/' & @YEAR & ' ' & @HOUR & ':' & @MIN & ':00' Local Const $sQuery = "SELECT [Computers].[Node Name], [Computers].[LastUpTime] FROM [Computers] " & _ "WHERE (([Computers].[Office] > 0) AND ([Computers].[Node Name] LIKE 'WKSTN-%')) " & _ "ORDER BY [Computers].[Node Name];" Local $oRs, $sNode If _InvOpen() Then $oRs = _InvQueryRS($sQuery, 2) With $oRs While Not .EOF $sNode = .Fields.Item(0).Value If _IsPingable($sNode) Then .Fields.Item(1).Value = $sCurrentDateTime .Update EndIf .MoveNext Wend .Close EndWith _InvClose() EndIf My Projects:DebugIt - Debug your AutoIt scripts with DebugIt!
IvanCodin Posted October 10, 2007 Posted October 10, 2007 Your code has an include once.au3. is this also available? me
IvanCodin Posted October 10, 2007 Posted October 10, 2007 What format is your database in? Access?My database is an Access database. However I wanted to create a SysteM DSN so that if the database changes, it will, I'll be able to create another DSN and not chnage my code.I am really begining to become frustrated with what would appear to be simple.I want to query a database. No updates to the database read only.Search for a customerBased on the selected customer 5 files are set to varibales.The varibales create a MS RAS connection I run and connect me to the cusotmers system.I don't think I am an idiot but this sure has pushed my limits of patience. My coding experiance is definately lacking but I can get shell script working in Linux no problem.ANY help here is greatly appreciated.PS I am amazed as to what you guys can code and do with this software. I think I found my new toy!!!!Me
Klaatu Posted October 10, 2007 Posted October 10, 2007 Your code has an include once.au3. is this also available?You're kidding, right? My Projects:DebugIt - Debug your AutoIt scripts with DebugIt!
Hostage Posted October 10, 2007 Posted October 10, 2007 My database is an Access database. However I wanted to create a SysteM DSN so that if the database changes, it will, I'll be able to create another DSN and not chnage my code. I am really begining to become frustrated with what would appear to be simple. I want to query a database. No updates to the database read only. Search for a customer Based on the selected customer 5 files are set to varibales. The varibales create a MS RAS connection I run and connect me to the cusotmers system. I don't think I am an idiot but this sure has pushed my limits of patience. My coding experiance is definately lacking but I can get shell script working in Linux no problem. ANY help here is greatly appreciated. PS I am amazed as to what you guys can code and do with this software. I think I found my new toy!!!! Me Global $ODBC_Access="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=\\fwpsrv\fdrive\FWP Database\New Good.mdb" $newCon = ObjCreate ("ADODB.Connection") $newCon.Open ($ODBC_Access & ";") $rs = $newCon.Execute("SELECT * FROM [TABLE] WHERE [Customer Name Field Name] LIKE '%NAME%'") while not $rs.EOF $name = $rs.fieldS("Customer Name Field Name").value $address = $rs.fields("Customer Address Field Name").value $eye_color = $Rs.fields("Customer Eye Color Field Name").value ;do your stuff here $rs.MoveNext wend $rs.Close $rs = "" That will connect straight to the database using Microsoft Jet. You can look up adodb (that is the microsoft library we're using for database access) connection strings for DSN connections. #include-once just means the file will only be included once.
Schyzo Posted October 11, 2007 Posted October 11, 2007 Very nice ! I'm starting in autoit and that's exactly what I needed, Thanks much Chris ! Sch
Schyzo Posted October 17, 2007 Posted October 17, 2007 Hi again ChrisL, I'm almost done with my code but now I'm stuck where I want to pass variables to your _SQL.au3 function. If I hardcode the server, database, user and password it works fine but I'm trying to make a script that will let me connect to any server and database using GUI input. Here's a couple tries that ended up with either errors or no connection. CODE; from my GUI code $GuiServer = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 20, 50, 200, 20) $GuiDatabase = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 20, 100, 200, 20) ; put the results in variables $server = GUICtrlRead($GuiServer, 1) $db = GUICtrlRead($GuiDatabase, 1) $username = ("u" & GUICtrlRead($GuiDatabase, 1)) ; user name is the database name precedeed by 'u' $password = ("hardcodedpassword") ;tried to create variables as objects after those above didn't work $oserver = ObjCreate($server) $odb = ObjCreate($db) $ousername = ObjCreate($username) $opassword = ObjCreate($password) ;list of different tries _SQLConnect(-1, "'" & GUICtrlRead($GuiServer, 1) & "'", "'" & GUICtrlRead($GuiDatabase, 1) & "'", "'u" & GUICtrlRead($GuiDatabase, 1) & "'","hardcodedpassword") _SQLConnect(-1, $server, $db, $username,$password) _SQLConnect(-1, $oserver, $odb, $ousername,$opassword)= '; Any help would be greatly appreciated ! I'm so close to being done I can smell the cigar !lol Schyzo
Schyzo Posted October 18, 2007 Posted October 18, 2007 Forget that last post, this line did the trick... god knows why it didn't work the 1st 15 times lol ! _SQLConnect(-1, $server, $db, $username,$password) Sch
Oldschool Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 (edited) This is what I use. It's written to communicate with a specific Access database, but I tried to write it to be as generic (to Access databases) as possible. Here's the code. If anyone has specific questions about it I'd be glad to try to answer. Hope this is helpful to someone else, as it took me a long time to come up with it. That is pretty good code. It's working perfect on my end. $var = _InvOpen() MsgBox(0, "", $var, 1) $amntWon = "SELECT SUM([session].[amount_won]) FROM [session] WHERE [session].[player_id] ="&22&";" $sSeparator = Chr(13) $data = _InvQuery($amntWon, $sSeparator) MsgBox(0, "", $data[1], 1) _InvClose() Do you by chance know how to translate this quiry so it does not error out? It works perfect in Access, but AutoIt does not like it... SELECT (players.player_id) FROM (players) WHERE (( players.screen_name) = "MyName"); I tried the working syntax for $amntWon, but it does not work for this query. $PlayerID = "SELECT [players].[player_id] FROM [players] WHERE [players].[screen_name] ="&$PlayerName&";" I need to put this in there to determine (player_id) Edited October 25, 2007 by Oldschool
Oldschool Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 I figured it out.... $PlayerID = "SELECT [players].[player_id] FROM [players] WHERE [players].[screen_name] ="&Chr(34)&$PlayerName&Chr(34)&";"
BrettF Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 (edited) I figured it out.... $PlayerID = "SELECT [players].[player_id] FROM [players] WHERE [players].[screen_name] ="&Chr(34)&$PlayerName&Chr(34)&";"Or... $PlayerID = 'SELECT [players].[player_id] FROM [players] WHERE [players].[screen_name] ="'&$PlayerName&'";' Edited October 25, 2007 by Bert Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
diikee Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Was this meant to be for ACCESS database or SQLSERVER 2000 database??
Zedna Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 I searched around on here for some SQL stuff to use with an MSDE database and I ended up getting confused so I tried to simplfy it a bit, there are only a couple of functions so far but I guess someone may find it usefull. I have a database called test and a table called BBKSNice.Just one big speed optimization:In _SQLGetData2D() use $objquery.RecordCount to make Redim just once before While NOT .EOF loop (and not inside this loop) Resources UDF ResourcesEx UDF AutoIt Forum Search
ChrisL Posted July 17, 2008 Author Posted July 17, 2008 Nice.Just one big speed optimization:In _SQLGetData2D() use $objquery.RecordCount to make Redim just once before While NOT .EOF loop (and not inside this loop)Thanks Zedna.. I'll have a look when the part for my laptop arrives later today muttley [u]Scripts[/u]Minimize gui to systray _ Fail safe source recoveryMsgbox UDF _ _procwatch() Stop your app from being closedLicensed/Trial software system _ Buffering Hotkeys_SQL.au3 ADODB.Connection _ Search 2d Arrays_SplashTextWithGraphicOn() _ Adjust Screen GammaTransparent Controls _ Eventlogs without the crap_GuiCtrlCreateFlash() _ Simple Interscript communication[u]Websites[/u]Curious Campers VW Hightops Lambert Plant Hire
ChrisL Posted July 17, 2008 Author Posted July 17, 2008 Nice.Just one big speed optimization:In _SQLGetData2D() use $objquery.RecordCount to make Redim just once before While NOT .EOF loop (and not inside this loop)That didn't work because of the way the data was raised I think. It always returns -1This is what I found regarding the -1This property will return -1 for a forward-only cursor; the actual count for a static or keyset cursor; and -1 or the actual count for a dynamic cursor.I have discovered an even better way$ret = $objquery.GetRows() it automatically builds a 2d array, if the user wants the column names then I can add a parameter to increase the size of the array and shift all the data down 1 row and put the column names at the top. I'll upload it in a bit [u]Scripts[/u]Minimize gui to systray _ Fail safe source recoveryMsgbox UDF _ _procwatch() Stop your app from being closedLicensed/Trial software system _ Buffering Hotkeys_SQL.au3 ADODB.Connection _ Search 2d Arrays_SplashTextWithGraphicOn() _ Adjust Screen GammaTransparent Controls _ Eventlogs without the crap_GuiCtrlCreateFlash() _ Simple Interscript communication[u]Websites[/u]Curious Campers VW Hightops Lambert Plant Hire
jokke Posted August 11, 2008 Posted August 11, 2008 Hiya ChrisL! Thanks for this great script, i tried using a "raw" com object for a connection (did not work out to well after a while, when it started to do wierd things), using this script with the error handling made the debugging aswell as the enduser experience much greater. UDF:Crypter a file encrypt / decrypt tool with no need to remember a password again. Based on Caesar cipher using entire ASCII Table.Script's: PixelSearch Helper, quick and simple way to create a PixelSeach.Chatserver - simplified, not so complicated multi-socket server.AutoIT - Firewall, simple example on howto create a firewall with AutoIt.
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