BananaFredSoft Posted July 7, 2007 Share Posted July 7, 2007 (edited) This is a little note-taking program that I made. It has features like Autosave (so you don't have to click save) and Open Folder which opens all of the .bnote (banananote) files in a folder. I don't think that it will work correctly unless it is compiled, so I attatched the .exe. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <GUIEdit.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <FileRegister.au3> If IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\", "Main", "1st", 1) = 1 Then If MsgBox(4, "BananaNotes", "Would you like to associate the .bnote filetype with BananaNotes?") = 6 Then FileRegister("bnote", '"' & @ScriptFullPath & '" "%1"', "Open in BananaNotes", 1, @ScriptFullPath & ',0', "BananaNote") EndIf IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\", "Main", "1st", 0) EndIf If FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\BananaNotes Readme.txt") = 0 Then _FileCreate(@ScriptDir & "\BananaNotes Readme.txt") $file = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\BananaNotes Readme.txt", 1) FileWriteLine($file, "BananaNotes Copyright 2007 Banana Fred Software") FileWriteLine($file, "To use Find/Replace, press Ctrl+f") FileWriteLine($file, "To open all of the BananaNotes in a folder, press Ctrl+o") FileWriteLine($file, "Support at or") FileClose($file) EndIf HotKeySet("^f", "FindReplace") HotKeySet("^o", "OpenFolder") $conts = _ArrayCreate("") $dirs = _ArrayCreate("") $nums = _ArrayCreate("") #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= $Form1 = GUICreate("BananaNotes", 628, 384, 193, 115) $title = "BananaNotes" $List1 = GUICtrlCreateListView("Title |Date ", 8, 32, 163, 344) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Title:", 138, 8, 35, 17) $edtNotes = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 178, 32, 447, 313) $inpName = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 178, 8, 447, 21) $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete", 266, 352, 81, 25, 0) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("New", 178, 352, 81, 25, 0) $Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Open", 354, 352, 73, 25, 0) $dir = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 354 + 73 + 7, 357, 500) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### $prev = "" $latestd = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\", "Main", "Latest", "") If $cmdline[0] <> 0 Then $writeto = $cmdline[1] If iniread($writeto, "Main", "Date", "") = "" Then IniWrite($writeto, "Main", "Date", @MON & "/" & @MDAY & "/" & @YEAR) EndIf _ArrayAdd($conts, GUICtrlCreateListViewItem(IniRead($writeto, "Main", "Name", "") & "|" & IniRead($writeto, "Main", "Date", ""), $List1)) _ArrayAdd($dirs, $writeto) GUICtrlSetTip($conts[_arraysearch($dirs, $writeto)], $writeto) GUICtrlSetData($edtNotes, StringReplace(iniread($writeto, "Main", "Notes", ""), "\n", @CRLF)) GUICtrlSetData($inpName, iniread($writeto, "Main", "Name", "")) GUICtrlSetData($dir, $writeto) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\", "Main", "Latest", $writeto) If StringLen($writeto) > 40 Then GUICtrlSetData($dir, StringReplace($writeto, stringmid($writeto, 4, stringlen($writeto) - 40), "...")) EndIf $title = IniRead($writeto, "Main", "Name", "") $on1 = 1 ElseIf FileExists($latestd) Then $writeto = $latestd _ArrayAdd($conts, GUICtrlCreateListViewItem(IniRead($writeto, "Main", "Name", "") & "|" & IniRead($writeto, "Main", "Date", ""), $List1)) _ArrayAdd($dirs, $writeto) GUICtrlSetTip($conts[_arraysearch($dirs, $writeto)], $writeto) GUICtrlSetData($edtNotes, StringReplace(iniread($writeto, "Main", "Notes", ""), "\n", @CRLF)) GUICtrlSetData($inpName, iniread($writeto, "Main", "Name", "")) GUICtrlSetData($dir, $writeto) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\", "Main", "Latest", $writeto) If StringLen($writeto) > 40 Then GUICtrlSetData($dir, StringReplace($writeto, stringmid($writeto, 4, stringlen($writeto) - 40), "...")) EndIf $title = IniRead($writeto, "Main", "Name", "") $on1 = 1 Else $writeto = "" $on1 = 0 EndIf While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $Button3 $opend = FileOpenDialog("Open a BananaNote", "", "BananaNotes (*.bnote)") If FileExists($opend) Then $writeto = $opend _ArrayAdd($conts, GUICtrlCreateListViewItem(IniRead($writeto, "Main", "Name", "") & "|" & IniRead($writeto, "Main", "Date", ""), $List1)) _ArrayAdd($dirs, $writeto) GUICtrlSetTip($conts[_arraysearch($dirs, $writeto)], $writeto) GUICtrlSetData($edtNotes, StringReplace(iniread($writeto, "Main", "Notes", ""), "\n", @CRLF)) GUICtrlSetData($inpName, iniread($writeto, "Main", "Name", "")) GUICtrlSetData($dir, $writeto) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\", "Main", "Latest", $writeto) $on1 = 1 Else MsgBox(0, "BananaNotes Error", "The file you specified does not exist.") EndIf Case $Button1 $writeto = FileSaveDialog("Create a BananaNote", "", "BananaNotes (*.bnote)") & ".bnote" IniWrite($writeto, "Main", "Date", @MON & "/" & @MDAY & "/" & @YEAR) _ArrayAdd($conts, GUICtrlCreateListViewItem(IniRead($writeto, "Main", "Name", "Untitled") & "|" & IniRead($writeto, "Main", "Date", ""), $List1)) _ArrayAdd($dirs, $writeto) GUICtrlSetData($inpName, "Untitled") GUICtrlSetData($edtNotes, "") GUICtrlSetData($dir, $writeto) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\", "Main", "Latest", $writeto) If StringLen($writeto) > 40 Then GUICtrlSetData($dir, StringReplace($writeto, stringmid($writeto, 4, stringlen($writeto) - 40), "...")) EndIf $on1 = 1 Case $Button2 If MsgBox(4, "Confirm Delete", "Are you sure that you want to delete '" & GUICtrlRead($inpName) & "'?") = 6 Then FileDelete($writeto) GUICtrlSetData($inpName, "") GUICtrlSetData($edtNotes, "") GUICtrlDelete($conts[_arraysearch($dirs, $writeto)]) GUICtrlSetData($dir, "") $writeto = "" $on1 = 0 EndIf EndSwitch $c = GUIGetCursorInfo($Form1) If BitAND(_ispressed("01"), $c[4] = $List1) then $writeto = $dirs[_ArraySearch($conts, GUICtrlRead($List1))] GUICtrlSetData($edtNotes, StringReplace(IniRead($writeto, "Main", "Notes", ""), "\n", @CRLF)) GUICtrlSetData($inpName, IniRead($writeto, "Main", "Name", "")) GUICtrlSetData($dir, $writeto) If StringLen($writeto) > 30 Then GUICtrlSetData($dir, StringReplace($writeto, stringmid($writeto, 4, stringlen($writeto) - 20), "...")) EndIf $on1 = 1 EndIf If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($edtNotes) & GUICtrlRead($inpName) <> $prev, $on1 = 1) then IniWrite($writeto, "Main", "Notes", StringReplace(guictrlread($edtNotes), @CRLF, "\n")) IniWrite($writeto, "Main", "Name", GUICtrlRead($inpName)) $prev = GUICtrlRead($edtNotes) & GUICtrlRead($inpName) GUICtrlSetData($conts[_ArraySearch($dirs, $writeto)], guictrlread($inpName & "|" & iniread($writeto, "Main", "Date", ""))) WinSetTitle($title, wingettext($title), IniRead($writeto, "Main", "Name", "")) $title = IniRead($writeto, "Main", "Name", "") EndIf WEnd Func FindReplace () _GUICtrlEditFind($Form1, $edtNotes, True) EndFunc Func OpenFolder () $folder = FileSelectFolder("Select the folder holding the files that you would like to open.", "") $file = FileFindFirstFile($folder & "\*.bnote") While 1 $writeto = FileFindNextFile($file) If @error Then ExitLoop _ArrayAdd($conts, GUICtrlCreateListViewItem(IniRead($writeto, "Main", "Name", "") & "|" & IniRead($writeto, "Main", "Date", ""), $List1)) _ArrayAdd($dirs, $writeto) GUICtrlSetTip($conts[_arraysearch($dirs, $writeto)], $writeto) GUICtrlSetData($edtNotes, StringReplace(iniread($writeto, "Main", "Notes", ""), "\n", @CRLF)) GUICtrlSetData($inpName, iniread($writeto, "Main", "Name", "")) GUICtrlSetData($dir, $writeto) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\", "Main", "Latest", $writeto) $on1 = 1 WEnd EndFunc EDIT: Whoops. Just ignore the copyright. You can use the code for whatever, as long as you give credit. EDIT: Key controls are Ctrl+o for Open Folder, and Ctrl+f for find/replace. Edited July 7, 2007 by BananaFredSoft -ColinSite:www.bananafredsoft.comStuff:Simple Text Editor - MediaPlayer - Animator - BananaDB - BananaNotes - Chatta - Filesearch - Excuse GeneratorMy YouTube channel: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BananaFredSoft Posted July 7, 2007 Author Share Posted July 7, 2007 Hello? Any suggestions? Comments? -ColinSite:www.bananafredsoft.comStuff:Simple Text Editor - MediaPlayer - Animator - BananaDB - BananaNotes - Chatta - Filesearch - Excuse GeneratorMy YouTube channel: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BananaFredSoft Posted July 7, 2007 Author Share Posted July 7, 2007 Nudge.Hello? Any suggestions? Comments? -ColinSite:www.bananafredsoft.comStuff:Simple Text Editor - MediaPlayer - Animator - BananaDB - BananaNotes - Chatta - Filesearch - Excuse GeneratorMy YouTube channel: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Generator Posted July 7, 2007 Share Posted July 7, 2007 Please stop bumping your topic while it's already at the first of the list... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
microsoft Posted July 7, 2007 Share Posted July 7, 2007 (edited) include FileRegister.au3 expandcollapse popupFunc FileRegister($ext, $cmd, $verb, $def = 0, $icon = "", $desc = "") $loc = RegRead("HKCR\." & $ext, "") If @error Then RegWrite("HKCR\." & $ext, "", "REG_SZ", $ext & "file") $loc = $ext & "file" EndIf $curdesc = RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc, "") If @error Then If $desc <> "" Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc, "", "REG_SZ", $desc) EndIf Else If $desc <> "" And $curdesc <> $desc Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc, "", "REG_SZ", $desc) RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc, "olddesc", "REG_SZ", $curdesc) EndIf If $curdesc = "" And $desc <> "" Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc, "", "REG_SZ", $desc) EndIf EndIf $curverb = RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell", "") If @error Then If $def = 1 Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell", "", "REG_SZ", $verb) EndIf Else If $def = 1 Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell", "", "REG_SZ", $verb) RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell", "oldverb", "REG_SZ", $curverb) EndIf EndIf $curcmd = RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell\" & $verb & "\command", "") If Not @error Then RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell\" & $verb & "\command", "oldcmd") If @error Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell\" & $verb & "\command", "oldcmd", "REG_SZ", $curcmd) EndIf EndIf RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell\" & $verb & "\command", "", "REG_SZ", $cmd) If $icon <> "" Then $curicon = RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc & "\DefaultIcon", "") If @error Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\DefaultIcon", "", "REG_SZ", $icon) Else RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\DefaultIcon", "", "REG_SZ", $icon) RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\DefaultIcon", "oldicon", "REG_SZ", $curicon) EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func FileUnRegister($ext, $verb) $loc = RegRead("HKCR\." & $ext, "") If Not @error Then $oldicon = RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell", "oldicon") If Not @error Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\DefaultIcon", "", "REG_SZ", $oldicon) Else RegDelete("HKCR\" & $loc & "\DefaultIcon", "") EndIf $oldverb = RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell", "oldverb") If Not @error Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell", "", "REG_SZ", $oldverb) Else RegDelete("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell", "") EndIf $olddesc = RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc, "olddesc") If Not @error Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc, "", "REG_SZ", $olddesc) Else RegDelete("HKCR\" & $loc, "") EndIf $oldcmd = RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell\" & $verb & "\command", "oldcmd") If Not @error Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell\" & $verb & "\command", "", "REG_SZ", $oldcmd) RegDelete("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell\" & $verb & "\command", "oldcmd") Else RegDelete("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell\" & $verb) EndIf EndIf EndFunc Edited July 7, 2007 by microsoft Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BananaFredSoft Posted July 8, 2007 Author Share Posted July 8, 2007 Thanks for posting that. By the way, how could I do wordwrap in the Edit control? include FileRegister.au3 expandcollapse popupFunc FileRegister($ext, $cmd, $verb, $def = 0, $icon = "", $desc = "") $loc = RegRead("HKCR\." & $ext, "") If @error Then RegWrite("HKCR\." & $ext, "", "REG_SZ", $ext & "file") $loc = $ext & "file" EndIf $curdesc = RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc, "") If @error Then If $desc <> "" Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc, "", "REG_SZ", $desc) EndIf Else If $desc <> "" And $curdesc <> $desc Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc, "", "REG_SZ", $desc) RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc, "olddesc", "REG_SZ", $curdesc) EndIf If $curdesc = "" And $desc <> "" Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc, "", "REG_SZ", $desc) EndIf EndIf $curverb = RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell", "") If @error Then If $def = 1 Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell", "", "REG_SZ", $verb) EndIf Else If $def = 1 Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell", "", "REG_SZ", $verb) RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell", "oldverb", "REG_SZ", $curverb) EndIf EndIf $curcmd = RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell\" & $verb & "\command", "") If Not @error Then RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell\" & $verb & "\command", "oldcmd") If @error Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell\" & $verb & "\command", "oldcmd", "REG_SZ", $curcmd) EndIf EndIf RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell\" & $verb & "\command", "", "REG_SZ", $cmd) If $icon <> "" Then $curicon = RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc & "\DefaultIcon", "") If @error Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\DefaultIcon", "", "REG_SZ", $icon) Else RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\DefaultIcon", "", "REG_SZ", $icon) RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\DefaultIcon", "oldicon", "REG_SZ", $curicon) EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func FileUnRegister($ext, $verb) $loc = RegRead("HKCR\." & $ext, "") If Not @error Then $oldicon = RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell", "oldicon") If Not @error Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\DefaultIcon", "", "REG_SZ", $oldicon) Else RegDelete("HKCR\" & $loc & "\DefaultIcon", "") EndIf $oldverb = RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell", "oldverb") If Not @error Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell", "", "REG_SZ", $oldverb) Else RegDelete("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell", "") EndIf $olddesc = RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc, "olddesc") If Not @error Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc, "", "REG_SZ", $olddesc) Else RegDelete("HKCR\" & $loc, "") EndIf $oldcmd = RegRead("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell\" & $verb & "\command", "oldcmd") If Not @error Then RegWrite("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell\" & $verb & "\command", "", "REG_SZ", $oldcmd) RegDelete("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell\" & $verb & "\command", "oldcmd") Else RegDelete("HKCR\" & $loc & "\shell\" & $verb) EndIf EndIf EndFunc -ColinSite:www.bananafredsoft.comStuff:Simple Text Editor - MediaPlayer - Animator - BananaDB - BananaNotes - Chatta - Filesearch - Excuse GeneratorMy YouTube channel: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chezsteph1 Posted July 10, 2007 Share Posted July 10, 2007 really interesting I think I will adopt it. Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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