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Posted (edited)

Ok, a while ago, i reported about this bug, when user draging the window, the whole script is paused...

So here is (i hope temporary) solution:

#include <GuiDragable.au3>
#include <Guiconstants.au3>

Dim $LeftPos

$GuihWnd = _GuiDragableCreate("Drag GUI Demo", 300, 150, -1, -1)

$ExampleLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Drag Me (but not by controls) ;)", 0, 60, 250, 20)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 600, 0, "Tahoma")
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xDD0000)

AdlibEnable("Example", 50)

DllCall("User32.dll", "long", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $GuihWnd, "long", 300, "long", 0x10)

While 1

Func Example()
    $LeftPos += 3
    GUICtrlSetPos($ExampleLabel, $LeftPos, 60)
    If $LeftPos >= 300 Then $LeftPos = -250

You will need this include - GuiDragable.au3

When you drag the gui by pressing at any place on gui (except on controls, witch is what we want), you see that the "runing text" is still runing :)

I know that this not perfect, the title isn't so original, but hey, in some cases, this is better then paused script while user draging the window (BTW: it's not only when draging, it's also when resizing, hold close/minimize/maximize button, and when you open any menus).

EDIT: The function DragWindow() isn't myne, i only made a litle editing in it.


If somone know a way that title can be not disabled (as in my example), and the buttons of closing/minimizing/maximizing will be clickable, please tell me, i can not find a solution for that :"> .

Edited by MsCreatoR


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