Achilles Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 (edited) Multiple DesktopsThe point of this program: As most of you know you have a desktop. Your desktop has a wallpaper and files. This program lets you have multiple desktops.ScreenshotsMultiple Desktops Installer v1.5.1Previous number of downloads: 1643Multiple Desktops v1.5.1This is for those of you that already have Multiple Desktops up and running. Just replace the Multiple Desktops.exe in your install location with this one.Alternative Links:Multiple Desktops InstallerMultiple Desktops.exeSource Code--> Go here to skip the replies about older versions of this program <--The code for this is somewhat organized and practically not commented. Should work for, download here.Previous number of downloads: 411FeaturesCustom made GUI for all customizable optionsCustom made toolbar for easy desktop transitionImportant notes:While not in use, the files and folder in the other desktops are stored in @AppDataDir & '\DesktopsFolders and files are moved with this program, if something is really important you might want a backupMultiple Desktops now uses the registryLogic BugThe problems with having desktops, where files are constantly being moved, are annoying. For example, if you select an image for a desktop background that is the desktop half the time the image will not be where it's supposed to be so you changing the desktop wallpaper wont' work. This also means that things like .iso files that are mounted stay on the desktop no matter what (as well as things you might have downloading from the internet). My workaround of this problem was to mount all .iso files and download all files to my "My Documents". Most of the contents of "My Documents" went onto their own desktops (not my music though because that needs to always be kept in the same place).Small notice until I make a helpfile:If you look under Options > Windows you will notice there is "Type one" and "Type two". This refers to the way that windows are hidden. In type one, all windows in your list will be hidden when you change desktops. In type two all files except the ones on your list will be hidden. If you are using hidden windows they will only appear on the desktop that they originated from. For example: I have an AutoIt desktop, I have added "Scite" and "AutoIt Help" to my exclude list while using "Type One". If I am currently in the AutoIt desktop and have "AutoIt - Help" open then when I change desktops AutoIt help will be hidden. I will only be able to see it again if I go to the AutoIt desktop again. To Do List Make a helpfile Use Windows GUI instead of my custom one for efficiency's sake Edited January 6, 2009 by Ichigo My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
thenewkid Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 i get a error Subscript used with non-Array variable.: For $a = 1 to $priorDesktops[0] For $a = 1 to $priorDesktops^ ERROR some of my scripts check them out and give feedback so i can learn from them :)autoclicker a autoclickernote taker a script to take notes with
Achilles Posted April 23, 2007 Author Posted April 23, 2007 i get a error Subscript used with non-Array variable.: For $a = 1 to $priorDesktops[0] For $a = 1 to $priorDesktops^ ERRORI fixed that just now, I realized I had left out the include <file.au3> or whatever it is... My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
smashly Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 (edited) I like the idea.. nice , but I haven't tried your script yet... Just a question aboutRunWait(@ScriptDir & "\pvw32con.exe " & '"' & $path & '"' & " -w --oo " & '"' & @WindowsDir & "\xwall.bmp" & '"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE) pvw32con.exe is for ? I can work out what it's for but maybe some mention of it in your post to save ppl guessing or getting errors. If the file is not important then maybe set Opt("RunErrorsFatal", 0) or check to see if the file is there before trying to run it , if not do both maybe Just a suggestion Cheers Edited April 23, 2007 by smashly
smstroble Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 (edited) I made a script very similar to this one, pvw32con.exe is to convert just about any image format into .bmp because windows XP and below will only take a desktop is that a .bmp. Yes i know you can use a .jpg in the desktop properties but windows converts it to a .bmp and moves a copy to a folder in the user directory and then sets it. Supposedly Vista doesn't have this problem but i haven't been able to test it as i don't have Vista. So if you plan on applying any wallpapers that are not .bmp's you will need it.You can get pvw32con.exe from, be sure to get the command line version.EDIT: i am also getting For $a = 1 to $priorDesktops^ ERROREDIT2: i know what the problem is, if you dont have anydesktops allready in \desktops _FileListToArray returns 0 and sets @error to 4 Edited April 23, 2007 by smstroble MUHAHAHAHAHA
Achilles Posted April 23, 2007 Author Posted April 23, 2007 (edited) I like the idea.. nice , but I haven't tried your script yet... Just a question aboutRunWait(@ScriptDir & "\pvw32con.exe " & '"' & $path & '"' & " -w --oo " & '"' & @WindowsDir & "\xwall.bmp" & '"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE) pvw32con.exe is for ? I can work out what it's for but maybe some mention of it in your post to save ppl guessing or getting errors. If the file is not important then maybe set Opt("RunErrorsFatal", 0) or check to see if the file is there before trying to run it , if not do both maybe Just a suggestion CheersHmm, not a very good post, first I leave out a line and then forget an attachment... Anyways, look at what smstrobble said. I also attached the file onto the original post! Edited April 23, 2007 by Piano_Man My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
Achilles Posted April 23, 2007 Author Posted April 23, 2007 I made a script very similar to this one, pvw32con.exe is to convert just about any image format into .bmp because windows XP and below will only take a desktop is that a .bmp. Yes i know you can use a .jpg in the desktop properties but windows converts it to a .bmp and moves a copy to a folder in the user directory and then sets it. Supposedly Vista doesn't have this problem but i haven't been able to test it as i don't have Vista. So if you plan on applying any wallpapers that are not .bmp's you will need it. You can get pvw32con.exe from, be sure to get the command line version. EDIT: i am also getting For $a = 1 to $priorDesktops^ ERROR EDIT2: i know what the problem is, if you dont have anydesktops allready in \desktops _FileListToArray returns 0 and sets @error to 4Thanks for explaining what the pvw32con.exe does... Is that error with #Include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> It needs the File one for _FileListToArray so if it's not there put it in and it should work. My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
smstroble Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 If you dont have anything allready in that folder FileListToArray will not populate $prevdesktops and this $prevdesktops[0] dosent exsist as its not an array. I made a simple fix for that by making it check if it was an array before running that part of the scipt that was having the problem and then it piled all my icons onto the same file so now i have to fix my desktop. Nice script but make shure everything works properly if you dont have any files in the desktops dir. MUHAHAHAHAHA
sandman Posted April 24, 2007 Posted April 24, 2007 Even with the include added in, I still get the same error that thenewkid did. [center]"Yes, [our app] runs on Windows as well as Linux, but if you had a Picasso painting, would you put it in the bathroom?" (IRC client)"I would change the world, but they won't give me the source code." -Unknownsite . blog . portfolio .;[/center]
smstroble Posted April 24, 2007 Posted April 24, 2007 (edited) Ok, i got it working for me expandcollapse popup;Thanks to xcal for the function that updates the desktop wallpaper! #Include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> #NoTrayIcon Opt('TrayOnEventMode',1) Opt('TrayMenuMode',1) Opt('OnExitFunc','_Exit') Dim $desktops[50][2] $open = TrayCreateMenu('Open...') $create = TrayCreateItem('Create New Desktop') TrayItemSetOnEvent($create, '_NewDesktop') TrayItemSetState($create, 512) TrayCreateItem('') $delete = TrayCreateItem('Delete a Desktop') TrayItemSetOnEvent($delete, '_Delete') TrayCreateItem('') $exit = TrayCreateItem('Exit') TrayItemSetOnEvent($exit, '_Exit') $desktopsDir = @AppDataDir & '\Desktops' If DirGetSize($desktopsDir, 1) > 0 then DirCreate($desktopsDir & '\Default') $currentDesktop = IniRead($desktopsDir & '\DesktopInfo.ini', 'Startup Info', 'Last used desktop', '') If $currentDesktop = '' then IniWrite($desktopsDir & '\DesktopInfo.ini', 'Startup Info', 'Last used desktop', 'Default') $currentDesktop = 'Default' EndIf If IniRead($desktopsDir, $currentDesktop, 'Current', '') = '' then IniWrite($desktopsDir & '\DesktopInfo.ini', 'Background', $currentDesktop, RegRead('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop', 'Wallpaper')) EndIf $priorDesktops = _FileListToArray($desktopsDir, '**', 2) $count = 1 If IsArray($priorDesktops) then If $priorDesktops[0] > 0 then For $a = 1 to $priorDesktops[0] $desktops[$a][0] = TrayCreateItem($priorDesktops[$a], $open) TrayItemSetOnEvent($desktops[$a][0], '_SwitchDesktop') $desktops[$a][1] = $priorDesktops[$a] If $priorDesktops[$a] = $currentDesktop then TrayItemSetState($desktops[$a][0], 1) $currentIndex = $a EndIf $count += 1 Next EndIf Else $desktops[1][0] = TrayCreateItem('Default', $open) TrayItemSetState($desktops[1][0], 1) TrayItemSetOnEvent($desktops[1][0], '_SwitchDesktop') $desktops[1][1] = 'Default' $count = 2 $currentIndex = 1 EndIf TraySetState() While 1 $priorDesktops = _FileListToArray($desktopsDir, '**', 2) If IsArray($priorDesktops) then If $count - 1 > $priorDesktops[0] then For $a = 1 to $count $pass = False For $b = 1 to $priorDesktops[0] If $priorDesktops[$b] = $desktops[$a][1] then $pass = True Next If Not $pass then TrayItemDelete($desktops[$a][0]) Next EndIf EndIf Sleep(200) Wend Func _SwitchDesktop() $files = _FileListToArray(@DesktopDir, "*.*", 1) _StoreDesktop('','') TrayItemSetState($desktops[$currentIndex][0], 4) For $a = 1 to $count If @Tray_ID = $desktops[$a][0] then $currentDesktop = $desktops[$a][1] $currentIndex = $a EndIf Next TrayItemSetState($desktops[$currentIndex][0], 1) _StoreDesktop(@DesktopDir, $desktopsDir & '\' & $currentDesktop, 0) $newWallpaper = IniRead($desktopsDir &'\DesktopInfo.ini' , 'Background', $currentDesktop, '') If $newWallpaper <> '' then _ChangeDesktopBackground($newWallpaper) TrayItemSetState($desktops[$a][0], 1) WinActivate('Program Manager') Send('{F5}') EndFunc Func _StoreDesktop($to, $from, $type = 1) If $from = '' then $from = @DesktopDir If $to = '' then $to = $desktopsDir & '\' & $currentDesktop If $type = 1 then $original = @DesktopDir Else $original = $from EndIf MsgBox(0, "", "") $files = _FileListToArray($original, "*.*", 1) If IsArray($files) then For $a = 1 to $files[0] FileMove($from & '\' & $files[$a], $to & '\' & $files[$a], 1) Next EndIf $files = _FileListToArray($original, "**", 2) If IsArray($files) then For $a = 1 to $files[0] DirMove($from & '\' & $files[$a], $to & '\' & $files[$a], 1) Next EndIf EndFunc Func _Delete() $desktopDelete = Inputbox('Desktop Delete', 'Type the name of the desktop you would like to delete...' & @CRLF & @CRLF & 'All files currently in that desktop will also be deleted!', '', '', 350, 150) If $desktopDelete = '' then Return If $desktopDelete = 'Default' then Msgbox(48, 'Error', 'You can not delete the default desktop') Return EndIf If $currentDesktop = $desktopDelete then Msgbox(48, 'Error', 'You can not delete a desktop if it is currently active.' & @CRLF & @CRLF & 'Please load a new desktop and try again.') Return EndIf DirRemove($desktopsDir & '\' & $desktopDelete) For $a = 1 to $count If $desktops[$a][1] = $desktopDelete then TrayItemDelete($desktops[$a][0]) Next EndFunc Func _NewDesktop() GuiCreate('Create a New Desktop', 416, 456) GuiCtrlCreateGroup('Desktop Name', 8, 8, 400, 40) $newName = GuiCtrlCreateInput('', 18, 23, 383, 20) GuiCtrlCreateGroup('Desktop Background', 10, 52, 400, 360) $picDir = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop", "Wallpaper") $currentDesktopPic = GuiCtrlCreatePic($picDir, 18, 67, 383, 306) $change = GuiCtrlCreateButton('Change Picture', 18, 380, 383, 25) $cancel = GuiCtrlCreateButton('Cancel', 118, 418, 100, 30) $ok = GuiCtrlCreateButton('Ok', 238, 418, 100, 30) GuiSetState() While 1 Switch GuiGetMsg() Case -3 GuiDelete() Return 0 Case $cancel GuiDelete() Return 0 Case $change $tempDir = FileOpenDialog('Chose a new background...', @MyDocumentsDir, '(*.jpg;*.bmp;*.gif;*.png)', 2) If Not @Error then GuiCtrlSetImage($currentDesktopPic, $tempDir) $picDir = $tempDir EndIf Case $ok $pass = True $priorDesktops = _FileListToArray($desktopsDir, '**', 2) $newNameText = StringStripWS (GuiCtrlRead($newName), 3) If $newNameText = '' then Msgbox(48, 'Error', 'Please insert a name for the new desktop') Else If IsArray($priorDesktops) Then For $a = 1 to $priorDesktops[0] If $priorDesktops[$a] = $newNameText then $pass = False Next Else $pass = True EndIf If $pass = False Then Msgbox(48, 'Error', 'There is alreay a desktop with that name or the name you specified can not be used.') Else DirCreate($desktopsDir & '\' & $newNameText) _StoreDesktop('','') $desktops[$count][1] = $newNameText $desktops[$count][0] = TrayCreateItem($newNameText, $open) TrayItemSetOnEvent($desktops[$count][0], '_SwitchDesktop') TrayItemSetState($desktops[$count][0], 1) TrayItemSetState($desktops[$currentIndex][0], 4) $currentDesktop = $newNameText $currentIndex = $count _ChangeDesktopBackground($picDir) IniWrite($desktopsDir & '\DesktopInfo.ini', 'Background', $currentDesktop, $picDir) GuiDelete() $count += 1 WinActivate('Program Manager') Send('{F5}') Return EndIf EndIf EndSwitch Wend EndFunc Func _Exit() IniWrite($desktopsDir & '\DesktopInfo.ini', 'Startup Info', 'Last used desktop', $currentDesktop) Exit EndFunc Func _ChangeDesktopBackground($path) $apply_type = StringRight($path, 4) If $apply_type = '.jpg' Or $apply_type = '.gif' Or $apply_type = '.png' Then FileDelete(@WindowsDir & "\xwall.bmp") RunWait(@WindowsDir & "\pvw32con.exe " & '"' & $path & '"' & " -w --oo " & '"' & @WindowsDir & "\xwall.bmp" & '"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE) Else FileCopy($path, @WindowsDir & '\xwall.bmp', 1) EndIf RegWrite('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop', 'WallpaperStyle', 'REG_SZ', 2) RegWrite('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop', 'TileWallpaper', 'REG_SZ', 0) RegWrite('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop', 'Wallpaper', 'Reg_SZ', $path) Sleep(250) DllCall('User32.dll', 'int', 'SystemParametersInfo', 'int', 20, 'int', 0, 'string', @WindowsDir & '\xwall.bmp', 'int', 0) EndFunc only problem i see atm is that the icons loose their positions I'm attaching 2 exe's that i use to remember the positions of my icons, i forget where i got the progs and i don't have time to find out atm but i can get back and figure out their origins in a couple hours. If you don't trust them i understand hopefully i can figure out where they came from for ya. Edited April 24, 2007 by smstroble MUHAHAHAHAHA
Achilles Posted April 24, 2007 Author Posted April 24, 2007 (edited) If you dont have anything allready in that folder FileListToArray will not populate $prevdesktops and this $prevdesktops[0] dosent exsist as its not an array. I made a simple fix for that by making it check if it was an array before running that part of the scipt that was having the problem and then it piled all my icons onto the same file so now i have to fix my desktop. Nice script but make shure everything works properly if you dont have any files in the desktops dir.This is very strange... Even when I delete everything to test test it from the beginning I didn't get the error you guys are getting. Anyways, thanks for adding that smstroble and I'll add it into the original post. Sorry about your desktop If you don't trust them i understand hopefully i can figure out where they came from for ya.That would be great! EDIT: I found the problem and fixed it... I had: If DirGetSize($desktopsDir, 1) > 0 then DirCreate($desktopsDir & '\Default')oÝ÷ Ù8b³ .Ú''+y«^¶·¶òøÁ« æz»az|Þ®hmz0Â"ØbH§Þ¦VyØÂ+a¶¬jëh×6If DirGetSize($desktopsDir, 1) > 1 then DirCreate($desktopsDir & '\Default') This way your addition wasn't necessary. I added that line at the very end and apparently forgot to check it one last time... sorry about that! Edited April 24, 2007 by Piano_Man My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
smstroble Posted April 24, 2007 Posted April 24, 2007 (edited) I still fixed some critical stuff, If IsArray($priorDesktops) Then For $a = 1 to $priorDesktops[0] If $priorDesktops[$a] = $newNameText then $pass = False Next Else oÝ÷ ÚX§{]|jwZºÚ"µÍ[ÝJ ÌÍÙÛH [È ÌÎNÉÌLÉÌÎNÈ [È ÌÍÙ[ÖÉÌÍØWK ÌÍÝÈ [È ÌÎNÉÌLÉÌÎNÈ [È ÌÍÙ[ÖÉÌÍØWKJB line 125. Previously the & '\' & $files[$a] was missing for the destination , FileMove($from & '\' & $files[$a], $to, 1) which moved every file to the same destination, $desktopdir\Default (that is not a folder that is a file with no extention), and piled them on top of each other overwriting the last. Lucky the DirMove would not work because of this problem and i did not loose any of my music and pictures i have saved to my desktop. Edited April 24, 2007 by smstroble MUHAHAHAHAHA
Richard Robertson Posted April 24, 2007 Posted April 24, 2007 (edited) Desktop icons: Edited April 24, 2007 by Mr Icekirby
smstroble Posted April 24, 2007 Posted April 24, 2007 (edited) Woot thanks Icekirby, i had been looking for this information forever, and its the only reason i never finished my desktop switcher (was intended to work just like ATI Hydrovision but each desktop would have unique icons). Well that settles the save and restoredesktop.exe problem, don't need them anymore. EDIT: ummm, im only having one problem, the locations are stored in that registry entry but making changes and changing the entries back dosent take effect on the desktop immediatly, prob have to restart havent tested yet, and F5 dosent work either... hmm. EDIT2: Ok i have officially solved the icon position problem, Auto3Lib's listview functions work on the desktop and i have successfully retrieved the positions of icons and moved icons. Edited April 24, 2007 by smstroble MUHAHAHAHAHA
smstroble Posted April 24, 2007 Posted April 24, 2007 (edited) Ok i finished pure autoit copys of savedesktop.exe and restoredesktop.exe SaveDesktop #include <A3LListView.au3> $handle = ControlGetHandle("Program Manager", "", "SysListView321") FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\IconPos.ini") For $i = 0 to _ListView_GetItemCount($handle) $pos = _ListView_GetItemPosition($handle, $i) $name = _ListView_GetItemText($handle, $i) If $pos[0] = True Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\IconPos.ini", "Positions by Name", $name & "x", $pos[1]) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\IconPos.ini", "Positions by Name", $name & "y", $pos[2]) EndIf Next Exit Feel free to include these in your script if you want Piano_Man. EDIT:minor change on RestoreDesktop added _ListView_BeginUpdate and _ListView_EndUpdate, cosmetic stuff. Edited April 24, 2007 by smstroble MUHAHAHAHAHA
jefhal Posted April 24, 2007 Posted April 24, 2007 For ideas, check out Vern from I use this on every machine I log into (400+), as I can't live without it. You may find some good feature ideas by looking at it... the way, it's pronounced: "JIF"... Bob Berry --- inventor of the GIF format
Achilles Posted April 24, 2007 Author Posted April 24, 2007 I still fixed some critical stuff, If IsArray($priorDesktops) Then For $a = 1 to $priorDesktops[0] If $priorDesktops[$a] = $newNameText then $pass = False Next Else oÝ÷ ÚØZ¶Æ¢ëewµóØu׶|®¶²Ó~©®*+ ë$¶lN§¶âÆØ^Ó~©®*+ ë$¶lNFØZ·¬m觧z¶yÖÞq«¬xX¥x¸¬µ:®¶²ën®{4§¶·¶òǦ¦ÜÛaºÌ"¶è¶§)íçbç-¢¼´ßªkÃzÉ-¢0jÉ赩ڮ¶²jwajÉèÑ©Ýzºèçhºßêº^"Ë©¦¶¬Æ ¢bu梯z;¬¶)ÜjÇë¬z¹²Ç¬Â+a¶¢W^®Àn¶È§qæ¶z§)à×+y«^²Ø^v*â~+]¡ë'ßÛZ·w'±ËtߪkÃzÉ-¢,¥u©pk+y©Ú®¶²ªê-x l¢Ø^æ¥(¦¦íj{_¦i×°jÆ®¶s`¢fÆTÖ÷fRb33c¶g&öÒfײb33²b3#²b33²fײb33c¶fÆW5²b33c¶ÒÂb33c·Fòfײb33²b3#²b33²fײb33c¶fÆW5²b33c¶Ò¢oÝ÷ ÚX§{]|jwZºÚ"µÍ[ÝJ ÌÍÙÛH [È ÌÎNÉÌLÉÌÎNÈ [È ÌÍÙ[ÖÉÌÍØWK ÌÍÝÈ [È ÌÎNÉÌLÉÌÎNÈ [È ÌÍÙ[ÖÉÌÍØWKJB line 125. Previously the & '\' & $files[$a] was missing for the destination , FileMove($from & '\' & $files[$a], $to, 1) which moved every file to the same destination, $desktopdir\Default (that is not a folder that is a file with no extention), and piled them on top of each other overwriting the last. Lucky the DirMove would not work because of this problem and i did not loose any of my music and pictures i have saved to my desktop.I added these changes but it yielded the same result as mine did. I think that when it moves every file to the same destination it is programmed to add the file and that the destination does not actually require the file name... I'm not sure though. Anybody have and ideas on this? My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
thenewkid Posted April 24, 2007 Posted April 24, 2007 i like this script its nice and very usefull maybe set some hotkeys to swith between decktops like shift + page up and shift + page down some of my scripts check them out and give feedback so i can learn from them :)autoclicker a autoclickernote taker a script to take notes with
Achilles Posted April 24, 2007 Author Posted April 24, 2007 Ok i finished pure autoit copys of savedesktop.exe and restoredesktop.exe SaveDesktop #include <A3LListView.au3> Feel free to include these in your script if you want Piano_Man. EDIT:minor change on RestoreDesktop added _ListView_BeginUpdate and _ListView_EndUpdate, cosmetic stuff.Where is the A3LListview.au3 file? (I would download the newest version of AutoIt to check if it's there but my internet it miserably slow) My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
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