MHz Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 (edited) Preview:Summary:I created a simple Autorun.exe for installing software easily using AutoIt to power the Au3/A3x install scripts that handle the software executions. The Autorun.exe searches for all subdirs and then searches for Au3/A3x scripts found under those subdirs and populates a treeview. The subdir names are used for the treeview's root branches. Sound simple enough? As each checkbox is and then the final execute button is pressed, then all the selected scripts will execute one after the other showing exitcodes, You can write a file to tempdir from one of the install scripts named ~NeedRestart.txt and if found by the autorun.exe at end of script executions, then it will ask user of reboot needed to complete. A general cleanup script is used also if the install scripts are unsuitable for the task. You can find Autorun.au3 in the include folder which as to when compiled with Scite4AutoIt3, will move up one folder to inline with autorun.inf and include folder. It's is simple but effective for a batch run AutoIt of scripts.Thanks to Holger's Tri-State Checkbox UDF and to Valik's RefreshSystemTray UDF used to assist operation for this script.I uploaded a sample with a couple of small apps (CCleaner & USDownloader) for live preview if interested.Edit:1. Added sample file size.2. Worth mentioning that SendToA3X makes install scripts from the Identify Installer item. The install scripts created are perfect for using with this application. Sample: (2.57Mb)Source:autorun_source.zipScript:expandcollapse popup#Compiler_Res_Description=Software Deployment #Compiler_UseUpx=n #Compiler_Run_After=move "%out%" "%scriptdir%\..\" #NoTrayIcon #include <Constants.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GuiTreeView.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <RefreshSystemTray.au3> #include <TristateTreeViewLib.au3> Global Const $TITLE_GUI = 'Software Deployment' ; Only 1 instance of this script to execute at once. If Not _Singleton($TITLE_GUI, 1) Then Sleep(500) WinActivate($TITLE_GUI) Exit EndIf ; Set @ScriptDir as working directory. If @ScriptDir <> @WorkingDir Then FileChangeDir(@ScriptDir) EndIf ; Execute external AutoIt script if drag'n'drop is used. If $CMDLINE[0] And StringRight($CMDLINE[1], 4) = '.au3' Then RunWait('"' & @AutoItExe & '" /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "' & $CMDLINE[1] & '"') Exit EndIf ; FileInstall Tri-State BMP's pictures. Global $sStateIconFile = @ScriptDir & '\Include\modern.bmp' If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\Include') And _ Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\Common_Functions.au3') Then DirCreate(@ScriptDir & '\Include') FileInstall('colorful.bmp', @ScriptDir & '\Include\') FileInstall('modern.bmp', @ScriptDir & '\Include\') FileInstall('simple.bmp', @ScriptDir & '\Include\') FileInstall('cleanup.au3', @ScriptDir & '\Include\') EndIf #region - GUI Create ; Set XP+ theme to allow controls to show colour. SetThemeAppProperties(3) Global $style = BitOR($TVS_CHECKBOXES, $TVS_HASBUTTONS, $TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP, $TVS_LINESATROOT) Global Const $HEIGHT_ADJUST = 38 $handle_gui = GUICreate($TITLE_GUI, 450, 255 + $HEIGHT_ADJUST) $treeview_main = GUICtrlCreateTreeView(10, 10, 430, 200 + $HEIGHT_ADJUST, $style, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) ; Return a @CRLF deliminated string of subfolders $folders = _SubFolders(@ScriptDir) $items = StringSplit($folders, @CRLF, 1) $folders = '' ; Initalize array for groups Global $handle_subfolder[$items[0]+1] Global $handle_script[1], $k = 0 ; Fill the treeview with items. For $i = 1 To $items[0] $handle_subfolder[$i] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem($items[$i], $treeview_main) GUICtrlSetState(Default, $GUI_HIDE) $scripts = _ScriptSearchPath_Relative($items[$i]) If Not @error Then ReDim $handle_script[UBound($handle_script) + UBound($scripts) -1] For $j = 1 To $scripts[0] $handle_script[$k] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem(StringTrimRight(StringReplace($scripts[$j], '_', ' '), 4), $handle_subfolder[$i]) $k += 1 Next EndIf Next ; Show AutoIt version used to power the scripts. $label_autoit = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Scripts powered by AutoIt ' & FileGetVersion(@AutoItExe), 20, 225 + $HEIGHT_ADJUST, 220, 20) GUICtrlSetColor(Default, 0x010080) GUICtrlSetFont(Default, 9, 800) $button_execute = GUICtrlCreateButton('E&xecute', 350, 220 + $HEIGHT_ADJUST, 80) LoadStateImage($treeview_main, $sStateIconFile) GUICtrlSetState($button_execute, $GUI_FOCUS) GUISetState() SelectStandard() ProcessSetPriority(@AutoItPID, 0) #endregion Global $progress_count_total = 0, $progress_count_current = 0 While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case -8 To -7 ; Remove focus highlighting from treeview. If GUICtrlRead($treeview_main) Then GUICtrlSetState($button_execute, $GUI_FOCUS) EndIf Case -20 To 0 ; Save CPU on unneeded messages ContinueLoop Case $button_execute $exitcode_text = '' ; Validate if any items are indeed checked for execution. For $i = 0 To UBound($handle_script) -1 If BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($handle_script[$i]), $GUI_CHECKED) Then $Path = @ScriptDir & '\' & GUICtrlRead(_GUICtrlTreeViewGetParentID($treeview_main, $handle_script[$i]), 1) & '\' & StringReplace(GUICtrlRead($handle_script[$i], 1), ' ', '_') & '.au3' If FileExists($path) Then $progress_count_total += 1 EndIf EndIf Next If $progress_count_total = 0 Then ; Nothing to execute so alert user to nothing to do. SplashTextOn('No Selections Detected', 'Nothing to install', 200, 80, Default, Default, 32) Sleep(2000) SplashOff() ContinueLoop Else ; Show cancel option for a few seconds. $time = TimerInit() GUICtrlSetData($button_execute, '&Cancel') While TimerDiff($time) < 3000 If GUIGetMsg() = $button_execute Then GUICtrlSetData($button_execute, 'E&xecute') ContinueLoop 2 EndIf WEnd EndIf GUIctrlSetState($button_execute, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($label_autoit, $GUI_HIDE) ; Prepare progress with labels to show current script in execution. $handle_progress = GUICtrlCreateProgress(10, 210 + $HEIGHT_ADJUST, 430, 14) $handle_status = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 10, 232 + $HEIGHT_ADJUST, 330, 18) GUICtrlSetFont($handle_status, 9, 600) ; Execute selected scripts, get exitcode and update Gui. For $i = 0 To UBound($handle_script) -1 If BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($handle_script[$i]), $GUI_CHECKED) Then $handle_text = GUICtrlRead($handle_script[$i], 1) $path = @ScriptDir & '\' & GUICtrlRead(_GUICtrlTreeViewGetParentID($treeview_main, $handle_script[$i]), 1) & '\' & StringReplace($handle_text, ' ', '_') & '.au3' If Not FileExists($path) Then ; If not au3, then perhaps a3x. $path = StringTrimLeft($path, 4) & '.a3x' EndIf ; Execute script routine. If FileExists($path) Then GUICtrlSetData($handle_status, $handle_text) $progress_count_current +=1 $progress_percent = _Percent($progress_count_total, $progress_count_current) GUICtrlSetData($handle_progress, $progress_percent) $exitcode = RunWait(@AutoItExe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "' & $path & '"') Else $exitcode = 911 EndIf ; Update Gui with red or green font depending on exitcode returned. _GUICtrlTreeViewSetText($treeview_main, $handle_script[$i], 'Exitcode : ' & $exitcode & ' ~ ' & $handle_text) If $exitcode Then GUICtrlSetColor($handle_script[$i], 0xCC0000) $exitcode_text &= 'Exitcode : ' & $exitcode & ' ~ ' & $handle_text & @CRLF Else GUICtrlSetColor($handle_script[$i], 0x007700) EndIf EndIf Next ; General cleanup script that the other scripts do not. If FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\Include\Cleanup.au3') Then GUICtrlSetData($handle_status, 'Cleanup in progress...') RunWait('"' & @AutoItExe & '" /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "' & @ScriptDir & '\Include\Cleanup.au3' & '"') EndIf ; Remove dead icons from systray. _RefreshSystemTray() GUICtrlDelete($handle_status) GUICtrlDelete($handle_progress) GUICtrlSetState($label_autoit, $GUI_SHOW) ; Only message errors to user if any happened. If $exitcode_text Then MsgBox(0x40030, 'Script Exitcode errors with...', $exitcode_text) $exitcode_text = '' Sleep(1000) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($button_execute, 'E&xecute') GUIctrlSetState($button_execute, $GUI_SHOW) $progress_count_current = 0 $progress_count_total = 0 ; Only message user if reboot is needed. If FileExists(@TempDir & '\~NeedRestart.txt') Then FileDelete(@TempDir & '\~NeedRestart.txt') If MsgBox(0x40024, $TITLE_GUI & ' Complete', 'System requires a restart' & @CRLF & 'Restart now?') = $IDYES Then Shutdown(2) Exit EndIf EndIf EndSwitch WEnd Exit Func SetThemeAppProperties($nFlags) ; Additional info to SetThemeProperties-value: ; 0 = disallow visual styles for all controls/nonclient areas ; 1 = disallow for nonclient areas (like border, etc) ; 2 = disallow for normal controls ; 4 = disallow for web contents. If FileExists(@SystemDir & '\uxtheme.dll') Then DllCall('uxtheme.dll', 'none', 'SetThemeAppProperties', 'int', $nFlags) EndIf EndFunc Func _SubFolders($sFolderPath) ; Return all sub folders with the chosen folder. Local $cCollection, $oFSO, $oItem, $oFolderPath, $sTotal $oFSO = ObjCreate('Scripting.FileSystemObject') If Not @error Then $oFolderPath = $oFSO.GetFolder($sFolderPath) $cCollection = $oFolderPath.SubFolders For $oItem In $cCollection Switch $oItem.Name ; SubFolders to skip. Case 'Xtras', 'Include' ContinueLoop EndSwitch $sTotal &= $oItem.Name & @CRLF Next $oFSO = '' Return StringStripWS($sTotal, 3) Else Return SetError(1, 0, '') EndIf EndFunc Func _ScriptSearchPath_Relative($dir_parameter) ; Find all Au3 script in a chosen folder. Local $file_found, $file_split, $file_total, $handle_search Local $dir_workingdir = @WorkingDir If StringRight($dir_parameter, 1) <> '\' Then $dir_parameter = $dir_parameter & '\' EndIf If FileChangeDir($dir_parameter) Then $handle_search = FileFindFirstFile('*.a*') If $handle_search <> -1 Then While 1 $file_found = FileFindNextFile($handle_search) If @error Then ExitLoop ; Skip non au3 or a3x files and scripts starting with 2 underscores. If StringRight($file_found, 3) <> 'au3' And _ StringRight($file_found, 3) <> 'a3x' Or _ StringLeft($file_found, 2) = '__' Or _ $file_found = @ScriptName Then ContinueLoop EndIf $file_total &= $file_found & '|' WEnd FileClose($handle_search) FileChangeDir($dir_workingdir) If StringRight($file_total, 1) = '|' Then $file_total = StringTrimRight($file_total, 1) EndIf $file_split = StringSplit($file_total, '|') Return $file_split EndIf FileChangeDir($dir_workingdir) EndIf Return SetError(2, 0, '') EndFunc Func RemoveCheckbox($nTV, $nID) ; Remove check from treeview. Local $hItem = GUICtrlGetHandle($nID) If $hItem = 0 Then $hItem = $nID Local $stTVITEM = DllStructCreate('uint;uint;uint;uint;ptr;int;int;int;int;uint;int') DllStructSetData($stTVITEM, 1, $TVIF_STATE) DllStructSetData($stTVITEM, 2, $hItem) DllStructSetData($stTVITEM, 3, 0) DllStructSetData($stTVITEM, 4, $TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) GUICtrlSendMsg($nTV, $TVM_SETITEM, 0, DllStructGetPtr($stTVITEM)) EndFunc Func SelectStandard() ; Checks/Unchecks treeview items. For $i = 0 To UBound($handle_subfolder) -1 If BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($handle_subfolder[$i]), $GUI_CHECKED) Then MyCtrlSetItemState($treeview_main, $i, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf Next EndFunc Func _Percent($total, $part) ; Simple calculation for progressbar. Return Int(100/$total*$part) EndFunc Func OnAutoItExit() ; Final cleanup to finish. FileDelete(@TempDir & '\~NeedRestart.txt') EndFunc Edited April 29, 2007 by MHz
geocine Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 looks great... hmmm Do Not Steal The Government Hates CompetitionO2JAM AutoPlayBot [|||||.............] 10%Friendster Commenter [..................] 0%Auto Message Download Percentage [|||||||||||||||||] 100%
Zedna Posted April 29, 2007 Posted April 29, 2007 Hey MHz that's awesome. Thanks for sharing. Resources UDF Â ResourcesEx UDF Â AutoIt Forum Search
MHz Posted April 29, 2007 Author Posted April 29, 2007 looks great... hmmmThanks, hmmm says it all Hey MHz that's awesome. Thanks for sharing.Glad you like it. Simple, basic but effective IMO. Worth sharing so the most is enjoyed from it.
Zedna Posted April 29, 2007 Posted April 29, 2007 Glad you like it. Simple, basic but effective IMO. Worth sharing so the most is enjoyed from it. Most probably I will not use it but I like to see (and learn from) clever Autoit scripts and new cool ideas for using Autoit Resources UDF Â ResourcesEx UDF Â AutoIt Forum Search
powaking Posted May 11, 2007 Posted May 11, 2007 Most probably I will not use it but I like to see (and learn from) clever Autoit scripts and new cool ideas for using Autoit Anyway to make it so that you can only select 1 app within a group? Maybe by the way the AU3 file is named preceeded with a _??
MHz Posted May 11, 2007 Author Posted May 11, 2007 Anyway to make it so that you can only select 1 app within a group? Maybe by the way the AU3 file is named preceeded with a _??All my install scripts preceed with a underscore by default. If you want a script to be not detected, then use 2 preceeding underscores and it will be skipped over during the script file search.
powaking Posted May 11, 2007 Posted May 11, 2007 All my install scripts preceed with a underscore by default. If you want a script to be not detected, then use 2 preceeding underscores and it will be skipped over during the script file search.What I was thinking that in a group you could have lets say 3 apps but you can only select 1 of them. So only 1 checkmark can populate an app in that group. if you check another one in that group then all other checkmarks are cleared out.
MHz Posted May 11, 2007 Author Posted May 11, 2007 So you want a radio button effect in each group. You would need code to monitor any clicks to the checkboxes and if another in the group is checked, then uncheck it. It is possible, but not normal for a checkbox to do that, as why we have radio controls. Not sure if a treeview can support radio controls as I have not seen one before AFAIK.
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