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Hello all, I've recently gotten into AutoIt, and so far, I love it. All those old hacks and tricks I used to do with BAT files are now trivial, and I'm on to bigger and better things. That being said, I have a slight problem.

My latest project involves USB Drives. I am trying to write a script that, while running on the computer, can detect when a USB drive is inserted, and automatically backup my files off of it (given the Label matches). I've gotten a good bit of the code figured out, but I'm stuck. I was wondering if anyone could help me.

Here's the code I have so far:

$DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL = "0x00008000"
GUIRegisterMsg($WM_DEVICECHANGE , "MyFunc")
Func MyFunc($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $WParam, $LParam)
    If $WParam == $DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL Then
    ; Find newly inserted Drive here, test for correct label, and then backup files from it
While 1
    $GuiMsg = GUIGetMsg()

It can successfully detect whenever a new Device is inserted into the computer just fine, there's just 2 problems with it so far:

1. It can't tell the difference between a newly inserted CD and a newly inserted USB drive, which is not good, as I would like for it to only trigger on USBs

2. Even though it can detect that something was inserted, it can't find the drive in question (by Letter, I mean). I could make a function that, whenever something was inserted, compare it to a list of drives before the insertion, and the difference has to be my new drive, but that's ugly, and also means I'd have to investigate as to detecting when drives were removed to keep my list clean.

From all of my readings and Googling, all I can come up with is that the $LParam has something to do with what kind of drive is being inserted, and where it might be located (as per this article). But, I can't seem to detect the differences with what I have so far.

If anyone can help me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for any help you provide me.

Posted (edited)

Sorry I don't have answer to you question , but I'd just like to say thank you for your function :whistle:

This was just what I was looking for.

I use your function to detect when my psp is plugged in and sharing it's flash memory so it auto updates my modified files to the flash.

For me to check that your function has the correct drive I'm using a sloppy approach , but it works all the same.

I use

DriveGetDrive() to list the drives available

DriveGetType() to get the type of drive ("REMOVABLE" is what I'm after)

$DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL = "0x00008000"
GUIRegisterMsg($WM_DEVICECHANGE , "MyFunc")
Func MyFunc($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $WParam, $LParam)
    If $WParam == $DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL Then
    $dg = DriveGetDrive( "REMOVABLE" )
        For $i = 1 to $dg[0]
            $dt = DriveGetType( $dg[$i] )
            If $dt = "REMOVABLE" And $dg[$i] <> "a:" And $dg[$i] <> "b:" Then
                ;;look for my marker file at $dg[$i] , if found do check...
                MsgBox(4096,"Drive " & $i, $dg[$i] & " = " & $dt)
While 1
    $GuiMsg = GUIGetMsg()

If removable drive is found then I look for a unique marker file on the removable drive that I have an MD5 for and compare.

If the removable drive has this correct marker file then I know it's the drive I'm looking for.

If there is no marker file on the removable drive then check the next removable drive and ... so on

Once I have the correct drive I then do a file compare from my update archive on the pc with the plugged in psp flash memory...

If there are differences in the files on the pc and psp (md5 check all files compare), time stamp is newer and psp flash has enough space then they are transfered to the psp flash memory.

Must admit I'm still trying to quash some minor bugs in my script, method is crude but works for my needs.

Thank You



Edited by smashly

Well, I did some more work on it, and did manage to get it to tell the difference between a CD insertion and USB, though it's a crude hack at best. It ends up using the Drive Removal Event, too, so I may end up just hacking it all together without using the LParam, but I have a very strong feeling there's an easier way to do all this than I'm seeing. I can't post it this weekend. It's on my computer at work, so I'll try to post it Monday.

@Smashly: Glad I could be of some assistance, and I think I can help you even more. The DriveGetDrive your using supports "REMOVABLE" as an argument, so that next step you were doing to test for removable can be skipped by just using that arguement.

Posted (edited)

Yep the "REMOVABLE" argument is what I use , but most times I have multiple removable drives on my PC..

Even a: or b: drives are classed as removable. this is why I exclude a: and b: and check for more then 1 removable drive against a marker file. edited my post above with what I mean.


Edit I see what you mean , use DriveGetDrive for "removable" drives only.

But the funny thing is if I have a removable drive already plugged in and I put a cdrom in the drive then it invokes the script again, not really a problem as the script still sees the correct removable drive. just a quirk you could say... lol

Edited by smashly

I know, any media insertion will trigger the script I gave here (even floppy, if I'm not mistaken. Haven't tested).

I've done a good bit more digging, and come up with something that's both promising and disconcerting:

Latest Find

This version of basically what I want to do uses VB and the WMI, both of which AutoIt supports wonderfully. I've used WMI ScriptOMatic and seen what things I'd need to do some of what that page shows, but some parts still elude me.

While all this is very promising, I can't figure it out, and I have a sinking feeling that the original code I wrote, while interesting, may be thrown out in favor of this new found code, given I, or someone else on here, can figure out what this new script does, and how to get AutoIt to do it too.

As a side note, I also realized another use for this script (if you purposefully searched for CD-ROMS): Auto-Ripping of Audio Tracks from each Audio CD you inserted without having to run the program more than once, just have this type of event trigger another script to start the ripping. Hopefully, something like this could make digitizing someone's collection a lot easier.


Well, I got bored last night/today. Read a whole lot of info, discovered how to read the data from LParam (a struct), then discovered that it too held the same data no matter if I inserted a CD or a USB drive. So, I fought with it, kept trying, couldn't make heads or tails of it that way. I still don't understand near enough about the WMI, especially how to register the event watcher for it, so, I went the ugly route. I give you the USB Backup Script, that, while active, will watch for any inserted drives, and once it detects that the drive is the one you configured, has space to backup specific folders as you wish (I left that part up to anyone else to fill in). Here it is:

Dim $DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL = "0x00008000"
Dim $USB_ATTENTION = "0x00000007"
Dim $Drives
Dim $Drive_Type = "ALL"  ; Set to ALL because some USB Drives are detected as Fixed Disks, and we don't want to miss those
Dim $WATCH = False
Dim $MyDrive = "STUFF"

;Get Initial List of Drives to Check Against
;Setup The GUI to watch for the DeviceChange Event
GUIRegisterMsg($WM_DEVICECHANGE, "DeviceChange")
Func DeviceChange($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $WParam, $LParam)
    Switch $WParam
        Case $USB_ATTENTION
        ; This only happens when USB drives are inserted, so I use it to tell the difference between these and CDROMs
            $WATCH = True
        ; Whenever a Drive is Removed, Update the Drive List
        ; A drive was inserted
        ; Use $WATCH to tell if this was a CDROM or USB
        ; $WATCH = True, USB
        ; $WATCH = False, CDROM
            If $WATCH = True Then
            ; New USB Drive Was Detected, Time to Find it's Letter
                $New = FindNewDrive(); $New now has the Drive Letter of our New Drive, so USE IT!!!
                $Label = DriveGetLabel($New)
                If $Label == $MyDrive Then
                    MsgBox(4096, "Info", "My Drive has been Inserted, Backup My Files!")
            ; Now Reset Drive List so more insertions can also be detected accurately
EndFunc  ;==>DeviceChange

; This just jumps through the new Drive List, comparing them until it finds the entry that is in the new one that isn't in the old one
Func FindNewDrive()
    $Temp = DriveGetDrive( "REMOVABLE" )
    For $i = 1 to $Temp[0]
        $Old = False
        For $j = 1 to $DRIVES[0]
            If $DRIVES[$j] == $Temp[$i] Then $Old = True
        If $Old == False Then Return $Temp[$i]  
EndFunc  ;==>FindNewDrive

; Just to keep things neat, and so if Variables Ever Change, this makes updating easier
Func UpdateDrives()
    $Drives = DriveGetDrive( $Drive_Type )
EndFunc  ;==>UpdateDrives

; Main Loop to Keep the Program Open
; No Real Way of ending this program, except for just killing the process
; Which is what I want, an always on backup for my drive every time I insert it
While 1
    $GuiMsg = GUIGetMsg()
; This is needed because the watch event above not only triggers before a USB Drive is inserted/removed,
; but also AFTER insertion too, and if not reset, a subsequent CD insertion will trigger it again.
; So, every second, we reset $WATCH, to keep things clean
    Sleep (1000)
    $WATCH = False

As good as the above code works, I'd still love to see the WMI version. I'll write it myself, I just need to know how to register a WMI event watcher to watch for events for me. I know how to do that with VB, but I can't seem to find how to do it in Autoit, and I have this feeling it is possible, I just don't know how to do it. Any help from people here who know more about that than I do would be greatly appreciated.


Ok, I got a little more time to read around, and found an answer to my own question. I discovered the ExecNotificationQuery, and found that it does the trick just as nice as before, maybe even better. The code at least looks simpler, not as jumbled, just a little more above my head now...

I give you the WMI version of the USB Backup Script

$wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10
$wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20
$colItems = ""
$strComputer = "localhost"
$MyDrive = "SCSD TOOLS"

$objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")
$m_MediaConnectWatcher = $objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery("SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 1 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_DiskDrive'")

While 1
    $mbo = $m_MediaConnectWatcher.NextEvent
    $obj = $mbo.TargetInstance
    If $obj.InterfaceType == "USB" Then
        $New = GetDriveLetterFromDisk($obj.Name)
        $Label = DriveGetLabel($New)
        If $Label == $MyDrive Then
            MsgBox(4096, "Info", "My drive has been plugged in, backup my files!")

Func GetDriveLetterFromDisk($name)
    $ans = ""
    $name = StringReplace($name,"\","\\")
    $oq_part = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID=""" & $name & """} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition", "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
    If IsObj($oq_part) Then
        For $obj_part In $oq_part
            $oq_disk = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID=""" & $obj_part.DeviceID & """} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition", "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
            If IsObj($oq_disk) Then
                For $obj_disk in $oq_disk
                    $ans = $ans & $obj_disk.Name
    Return $ans

I hope someone else can find some use for what I did here. I know I have.

  • 7 years later...

i'll answer you in another 7 years from now..

You do realize, autoit has changed from then to now, it's possible there are going to be incompatibilities with those old scripts.


Renamer - Rename files and folders, remove portions of text from the filename etc.

GPO Tool - Export/Import Group policy settings.

MirrorDir - Synchronize/Backup/Mirror Folders

BeatsPlayer - Music player.

Params Tool - Right click an exe to see it's parameters or execute them.

String Trigger - Triggers pasting text or applications or internet links on specific strings.

Inconspicuous - Hide files in plain sight, not fully encrypted.

Regedit Control - Registry browsing history, quickly jump into any saved key.

Time4Shutdown - Write the time for shutdown in minutes.

Power Profiles Tool - Set a profile as active, delete, duplicate, export and import.

Finished Task Shutdown - Shuts down pc when specified window/Wndl/process closes.

NetworkSpeedShutdown - Shuts down pc if download speed goes under "X" Kb/s.

IUIAutomation - Topic with framework and examples


  • 2 weeks later...

I have been search the net for hours trying to find a way to get this to work. Hopefully some one here can let me know how.

I have a USB game pad (HID) and am trying to write the script to launch a program once inserted and then close that program once removed. When i plug in the HID device it doesn't seem to register the same way a USB drive does. 

Is there anything way that i can do this? I am on a Windows 8.1 box.

Thank ins advance for any help

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