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Posted (edited)

I've been playing around with cxImgeAlt.dll and thought others might get some use from it.

The example script basically resamples a selected image from the file open menu and saves it to the script directory then displays it.

The dll needs to be registered to use it, if you take a look at the dll's methods with ole.exe viewer you will see there are many image functions like rotate, greyscale, flip, mirror, etc etc

Asp examples: http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&...earch&meta=




#include <GUIConstants.au3>

$Form1 = GUICreate("CxImage", 633, 454, 193, 115,$WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPCHILDREN )
Dim $filemenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu ("&File")
Dim $fileitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Open",$filemenu)
Dim $widthTh,$heightTh
$Obj1_ctrl = GUICtrlCreatePic("",120, 32,$Width1,$Height1)


While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $fileitem
            $file = FileOpenDialog("Choose file...",@ScriptDir,"Picture Files (*.*)")
            If @error <> 1 Then pic_Open($file)

Func pic_Open($file)
    $newFile = resample($file,$Width1,$Height1)
    $Obj1_ctrl = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & "\cximage5.jpg",120, 32,$widthTh,$heightTh)

Func resample($file,$Width1,$Height)
$objCxImage = ObjCreate("CxImageATL.CxImage")

    $widthOrig = $objCxImage.GetWidth()
    $heightOrig = $objCxImage.GetHeight()
;MsgBox(0,"",$widthOrig & "x" & $heightOrig)
     $fx = $widthOrig/$Width1
     $fy = $heightOrig/$Height1;subsample factors
;MsgBox(0,"",$fx & "x" & $fy)
; must fit in thumbnail size
     If $fx>$fy Then 
         $f=$fy; Max(fx,fy)
     $widthTh = Int($widthOrig/$f)
     $heightTh = Int($heightOrig/$f)

$objCxImage.Save(@ScriptDir & "\cximage5.jpg", 2)   
Edited by Will66


this is very nice!

i was trying to do the same for imagemagick library, but i guess i switch to cximage now :-)

i will try to figure out the methods now..

PS : for those who dont know how to register the dll

copy CxImageATL.dll c:\winnt\system32

regsvr32.exe CxImageATL.dll

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oleview.exe you can check the methods.

I don't know how to call the dll directly eg dlcall(), maybe someone more knowedgable can take a look.

I was using infranview for a while but even that has licence limitations regarding distibution.

This is half the size and the registration process can be scripted.

I've been saving the image to file before displaying it but there is a few methods to display an image directly out of memmory i believe, eg ImageForASP(), copyToHandle()...etc but i can't figure out how to do that with autoit......again somene more knowledgable may know this.

  • 2 weeks later...

Screen Shot example:

Const $CF_BITMAP = 2

;open clipboard
DLLCall("user32.dll","int", "OpenClipboard","hwnd",0)
$bbmp = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetClipboardData", "int", $CF_BITMAP)

$bbmp0 = $bbmp[0]
$bbmp1 = $bbmp[1]

;close clipboard

$objCxImage = ObjCreate("CxImageATL.CxImage")


    $widthOrig = $objCxImage.GetWidth()
    $heightOrig = $objCxImage.GetHeight()
    ;MsgBox(0,"",$widthOrig & "x" & $heightOrig)
     $fx = $widthOrig/$Width1
     $fy = $heightOrig/$Height1 ;subsample factors
         If $fx>$fy Then 
         $f=$fy  ; Max(fx,fy)
     $widthTh = Int($widthOrig/$f)
     $heightTh = Int($heightOrig/$f)

$objCxImage.Save(@ScriptDir & "\cximage5.bmp", 0)   ;0=bmp,1=gif,2=jpg,3=png,4=ico,5=tif,6=tga,7=pcx

Another nice example script, thank you Will66!

After reading again the documentation, I think cxImageATL.dll is definetly a better choice than GDLibrary.dll. Except I didn't manage to call cxImage.DrawString nor cxImage.DrawStringEx. Any idea?

Posted (edited)

Don't be confused, i've been using auto <1 month and dll's even less.

My background is asp/vbscript/javascript......calling dll's and deciphering C language methods is something new and uncomfortable.

I'm guessing you used the Create method first?

I'll check it out and see if i can...

this ones interesting with a nice vbs example in the download http://www.lutanho.net/diagram/index.html?download.html

Edit: btw in an above post it shows png as type 3, I believe it is actually type 0

Edited by Will66

Using gdImage.dll creates a png configured from script:

$i=$Img.ImageCreate(80, 40) ;returns 0, index of first unused ImageIndex in ImagePointerArray
$Img.ImageColorAllocate( $i,106,194,46 );ImageIndex, RedBG, GreenBG, BlueBG, 
$c=$Img.ImageColorAllocate($i,170,0,72) ;returns ColorIndex
$Img.ImageRectangle ($i, 10, 10, 70, 30, $c)
$c=$Img.ImageColorAllocate($i,200,0,255) ;returns ColorIndex
$Img.ImageString ($i, 4, 20, 12, "test", $c) ;'ImageIndex, FontStyle (1..5), x, y, string, color
$FN=@ScriptDir & "\test22.png"
;if isObject(Server) then FN=Server.mappath(FN) 
$Img.ImagePng ($i, $FN)
$Img.ImageDestroy ($i)
Posted (edited)

Well, to explain more precisely the problem, I was trying to draw a text string on an existing Jpeg image. According to the documentation, the cxImage function is DrawString:

long CxImage::DrawString (HDC hdc, long x, long y, const TCHAR *text, RGBQUAD color, const TCHAR *font, long lSize=0, long lWeight=400, BYTE bItalic=0, BYTE bUnderline=0, bool bSetAlpha=false)

So I think the AutoIt script should be something like this:

$oCxImage = ObjCreate("CxImageATL.CxImage")

If IsObj($oCxImage) Then

$oCxImage.Load("C:\mypic.jpg", 2)


$oCxImage.DrawString(10, 10, "Hello World!", $Color, "Arial", 24, 400, 0, 0, False) ; <--- ???


$oCxImage.Save("C:\mynewpic.jpg", 2)



But I don't know what $Color is supposed to be (what is RGBQUAD type?). And perhaps there is something else wrong.

Edited by SmiLe

RGB color code?


you've ommited hdc argument?

where did you get the documentation. oleview.exe does'nt reaveal drawstring method

Posted (edited)

The documentation is there : http://www.xdp.it/cximage/ (DrawString is in "Modules" -> "Painting").

I have seen somewhere this code snippet:

RGBQUAD color = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

xImg.DrawString(NULL, 0, 0, "Hello", color, "Tahoma", 30);

Edited by SmiLe

I thought the same methods were available throught the wrapper... Now I understand there is no way to do what I wanted with CxImageATL!

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

It looks like you have registered the dll?

do a printscreen before running the script:alt or ctrl prtSc??

Edited by Will66
  • 1 month later...

Thanks Will66 - This is what i have looked for!

Maybe it is possible to make this dll litle bit smaller? i need from it just to save captured image to file.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Anybody have a clue if you can get CxImageATL.dll to work with other image types? When I tried various numbers for the image type with Load() I only seem to be able to get jpg's to be able to be loaded and saved. While when I did some reading online it seems the original C library could load any image type, as long as you named the right type, and resave it as another image type. However I couldn't find any other downloads of the CxImageATL.dll



following the link shows these values. I have not tested them.


Function GetFileType(sFile)

dot = InStrRev(sFile, ".")


If dot > 0 Then sExt = LCase(Mid(sFile, dot + 1, 3))

If sExt = "bmp" Then filetype = 0

If sExt = "gif" Then filetype = 1

If sExt = "jpg" Then filetype = 2

If sExt = "png" Then filetype = 3

If sExt = "ico" Then filetype = 4

If sExt = "tif" Then filetype = 5

If sExt = "tga" Then filetype = 6

If sExt = "pcx" Then filetype = 7


End Function


Well I just used my previous code and replaced the '2' with a '6' under Load() and Save() but it didn't do so properly, took the image from 3.8mb to 0 bytes :\ thank you for the post though.

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