NeoFoX Posted January 8, 2007 Share Posted January 8, 2007 (edited) Edit NEW: New functions see for yourself...Edit4: Edited a 'progress-bar'..Edit3: Edited a '% pixel use' option..Edit2: Edited a 'Font-size select' option..Edit1: Made the GUI a little better and added a Time-function how-long it took to convert.Well, after a day of scripting my result:Select your image with the Browse-button...Select the characters and how they will be used (random or in sequence)...Select Color or Grayscale...And a background color...And at last the Contrast level...Wait a few secs.. and tadaa (At the bottom there is a link to the script, and a link to the UDF of Lazycat which I used )Any comments are welcome.. this is my first offical script so don't be to rude Neo_linenums:0'>expandcollapse popup#include <File.au3> #include <Guiconstants.au3> #include <image_get_info.au3> Global $i_height,$i_width,$waardes,$total,$info,$image,$contrast_value,$contrast_value_end,$size Global $procent_pixels,$pixel_atm,$value_progress,$progressbar,$progress,$progress_count,$procent Global $bg_color,$font_color,$size_ASCII $Main = GUICreate("Image to Text", 629, 363, 193, 115) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Preview Image", 8, 8, 305, 345) $Picca = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 16, 32, 225, 209) $slider_procent = GUICtrlCreateSlider (25,256,200,20) GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_DISABLE) $slider_procent_text = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",230,256,50,20) $Label9 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("% of pixels", 255, 255, 50, 17) $width_test = GUICtrlCreateLabel(" ", 36, 286, 30, 17) $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("x", 64, 286, 9, 17) $height_test = GUICtrlCreateLabel(" ", 80, 286, 30, 17) $file_size = GUICtrlCreateLabel(" ", 55, 310, 30, 17) $Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Kb", 75, 310, 17, 17) $Label6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Pixels", 128, 286, 31, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $tab_text =GUICtrlCreateTab (320,8, 305,345) $color_grayscale = GUICtrlCreateTabitem("Color / Grayscale") $browse = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Browse", 328, 32, 121, 33, 0) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Characters:", 328, 72, 257, 80) $characters = GUICtrlCreateInput("Characters", 336, 92, 100, 21) $char_size = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Smallest", 450, 92, 100, 25) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Small|Normal|Large|Largest","Small") $random = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Random", 336, 120, 105, 25) GUICtrlSetState($Random, $GUI_CHECKED) $Sequence = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Sequence", 456, 120, 121, 25) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Color:", 328, 160, 257, 95) $color = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Color", 336, 176, 97, 25) $grayscale = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Grayscale", 456, 176, 97, 25) GUICtrlSetState($color, $GUI_CHECKED) $Label7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Background:",336, 207, 193, 25) $bg_color = GUICtrlCreateCombo("BLACK", 336, 225, 193, 25) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"WHITE","BLACK") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Contrast:", 328, 260, 257, 49) $high = GUICtrlCreateRadio("High", 336, 276, 113, 25) $low = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Low", 456, 276, 113, 25) GUICtrlSetState($low, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $ok_button = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Convert", 328, 312, 281, 33, 0) $ASCII = GUICtrlCreateTabitem("ASCII") $browse_ASCII = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Browse", 328, 32, 121, 33, 0) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Characters Size:", 328, 72, 257, 50) $char_size_ASCII = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Smallest", 336, 92, 100, 25) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Small|Normal|Large|Largest","Small") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Font/Background color:", 328, 130, 257, 120) $Label7_ASCII = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Font color:",336, 150, 193, 25) $font_color_ASCII = GUICtrlCreateCombo("BLACK", 336, 168, 193, 25) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"WHITE","WHITE") $Label7_ASCII = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Background:",336, 197, 193, 25) $bg_color_ASCII = GUICtrlCreateCombo("BLACK", 336, 215, 193, 25) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"WHITE","BLACK") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $invert = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("Invert", 336, 260, 120, 20) $ok_button_ASCII = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Convert", 328, 312, 281, 33, 0) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $msg = $browse $file = FileOpenDialog("test",@MyDocumentsDir,"images (*.jpg;*.gif)") $aInfo_test = _ImageGetInfo($file) GUICtrlSetData($width_test, _ImageGetParam($aInfo_test, "Width")) GUICtrlSetData($height_test, _ImageGetParam($aInfo_test, "Height")) Guictrlsetdata($file_size, int(FileGetSize($file)/1000)) GUICtrlSetImage($picca,$file) GUICtrlSetState($slider_procent,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetData($slider_procent,25) case $msg = $browse_ASCII $file = FileOpenDialog("test",@MyDocumentsDir,"images (*.jpg;*.gif)") $aInfo_test = _ImageGetInfo($file) GUICtrlSetData($width_test, _ImageGetParam($aInfo_test, "Width")) GUICtrlSetData($height_test,_ImageGetParam($aInfo_test, "Height")) Guictrlsetdata($file_size, int(FileGetSize($file)/1000)) GUICtrlSetImage($picca,$file) GUICtrlSetState($slider_procent,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetData($slider_procent,25) Case $msg = $ok_button values() case $msg = $ok_button_ASCII values_ASCII() EndSelect $read_procent = GUICtrlRead($slider_procent) GUICtrlSetData($slider_procent_text,$read_procent) Sleep(25) WEnd func values() Local $calc_total = 0 $aInfo = _ImageGetInfo($file) $i_width = _ImageGetParam($aInfo, "Width") $i_height = _ImageGetParam($aInfo, "Height") $image = GUICreate("",$i_width,$i_height,-1,-1,$WS_POPUP,$WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUICtrlCreatePic($file,0,0,$i_width,$i_height) $pr_height = WinGetPos($image) $progress = Guicreate("Progress",130,60,-1,$pr_height[1]-65,$WS_POPUP,$WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Reading:",10,10,100,20) $pixel_atm = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",60,10,150,20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("/",90,10,100,20) $pixel_total = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",100,10,100,20) $progressbar = GUICtrlCreateProgress (15,30,100,20,$PBS_SMOOTH) $procent = GUICtrlCreateLabel("100",50,33,30,20) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("%",70,33,30,20) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUISetState(@SW_hide,$main) GUISetState(@SW_Show,$image) GUISetState(@SW_Show,$progress) $waardes = GUICtrlRead($characters) $total = Int(StringLen($waardes)) $info = WinGetPos($image) $read_procent = GUICtrlRead($slider_procent) $value = 100 / $read_procent $procent_pixels = Round($value) if $procent_pixels = 1 Then $procent_pixels = 2 EndIf $pixel_total_width = GUICtrlRead($width_test) $pixel_total_height = GUICtrlRead($height_test) $calc_1 = round($pixel_total_width/($procent_pixels-1)) $calc_2 = round($pixel_total_height/$procent_pixels) $calc_1_2 = $calc_1 * $calc_2 GUICtrlSetData($pixel_total,$calc_1_2) $value_progress = 100/$calc_1_2 $r_checked = GUICtrlRead($random) $l_checked = GuiCtrlRead($low) $c_checked = GUICtrlRead($color) $size_char = GUICtrlRead($char_size) Select case $size_char = "Smallest" $size = "-6" case $size_char = "Small" $size = "-3" case $size_char = "Normal" $size = "1" case $size_char = "Large" $size = "4" case $size_char = "Largest" $size = "6" EndSelect Select case $r_checked = $GUI_CHECKED and $l_checked = $GUI_CHECKED and $c_checked = $GUI_CHECKED $contrast_value = "<pre>" $contrast_value_end = "</pre>" convert_color_random() case $r_checked = $GUI_CHECKED and $l_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED and $c_checked = $GUI_CHECKED $contrast_value = "" $contrast_value_end = "" convert_color_random() case $r_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED and $l_checked = $GUI_CHECKED and $c_checked = $GUI_CHECKED $contrast_value = "<pre>" $contrast_value_end = "</pre>" convert_color_Sequence() case $r_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED and $l_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED and $c_checked = $GUI_CHECKED $contrast_value = "" $contrast_value_end = "" convert_color_Sequence() case $r_checked = $GUI_CHECKED and $l_checked = $GUI_CHECKED and $c_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED $contrast_value = "<pre>" $contrast_value_end = "</pre>" convert_grayscale_random() case $r_checked = $GUI_CHECKED and $l_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED and $c_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED $contrast_value = "" $contrast_value_end = "" convert_grayscale_random() case $r_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED and $l_checked = $GUI_CHECKED and $c_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED $contrast_value = "<pre>" $contrast_value_end = "</pre>" convert_grayscale_Sequence() case $r_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED and $l_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED and $c_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED $contrast_value = "" $contrast_value_end = "" convert_grayscale_Sequence() EndSelect EndFunc Func values_ASCII() Local $calc_total = 0 $aInfo = _ImageGetInfo($file) $i_width = _ImageGetParam($aInfo, "Width") $i_height = _ImageGetParam($aInfo, "Height") $image = GUICreate("",$i_width,$i_height,-1,-1,$WS_POPUP,$WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUICtrlCreatePic($file,0,0,$i_width,$i_height) $pr_height = WinGetPos($image) $progress = Guicreate("Progress",130,60,-1,$pr_height[1]-65,$WS_POPUP,$WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Reading:",10,10,100,20) $pixel_atm = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",60,10,150,20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("/",90,10,100,20) $pixel_total = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",100,10,100,20) $progressbar = GUICtrlCreateProgress (15,30,100,20,$PBS_SMOOTH) $procent = GUICtrlCreateLabel("100",50,33,30,20) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("%",70,33,30,20) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUISetState(@SW_hide,$main) GUISetState(@SW_Show,$image) GUISetState(@SW_Show,$progress) $pixel_total_width = GUICtrlRead($width_test) $pixel_total_height = GUICtrlRead($height_test) $calc_1 = round($pixel_total_width/($procent_pixels-1)) $calc_2 = round($pixel_total_height/$procent_pixels) $calc_1_2 = $calc_1 * $calc_2 GUICtrlSetData($pixel_total,$calc_1_2) $value_progress = 100/$calc_1_2 $info = WinGetPos($image) $read_procent = GUICtrlRead($slider_procent) $value = 100 / $read_procent $procent_pixels = Round($value) if $procent_pixels = 1 Then $procent_pixels = 2 EndIf $pixel_total_width = GUICtrlRead($width_test) $pixel_total_height = GUICtrlRead($height_test) $calc_1 = round($pixel_total_width/($procent_pixels-1)) $calc_2 = round($pixel_total_height/$procent_pixels) $calc_1_2 = $calc_1 * $calc_2 GUICtrlSetData($pixel_total,$calc_1_2) $value_progress = 100/$calc_1_2 $font_color = GUICtrlRead($font_color_ASCII) $bg_color = GUICtrlRead($bg_color_ASCII) $size_char = GUICtrlRead($char_size_ASCII) Select case $size_char = "Smallest" $size_ASCII = "-6" case $size_char = "Small" $size_ASCII = "-3" case $size_char = "Normal" $size_ASCII = "1" case $size_char = "Large" $size_ASCII = "4" case $size_char = "Largest" $size_ASCII = "6" EndSelect if GUICtrlRead($invert) = 1 Then convert_ASCII_invert() Else convert_ASCII() EndIf EndFunc Func convert_color_random() Local $pixel $begin = TimerInit() FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm") FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<html>" & @crlf) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<body>" & @crlf & '<table width="70%"><tr><td> <table align="center" cellpadding="10"> <tr bgcolor="' & GUICtrlRead($bg_color) & '"> <td> <font size="' & $size & '">' & $contrast_value & @crlf) For $i = 1 to $i_height step +$procent_pixels For $x = 1 to $i_width step +($procent_pixels-1) $color = PixelGetColor($info[0] + $x , $info[1] + $i) $char = Random(1,$total+1) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm",'<font color="#' & Hex($color,6) & '">' & StringMid($waardes,$char,1) & "</font>") $pixel = $pixel + 1 GUICtrlSetData($pixel_atm,$pixel) $progress_count = $progress_count + $value_progress $progress_count_rounded = Round($progress_count) GUICtrlSetData($progressbar,$progress_count_rounded) GUICtrlSetData($procent,$progress_count_rounded) Next FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<br>") Next GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$image) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm",$contrast_value_end & @crlf & "</font>" & @crlf & "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>" & @crlf) $dif = TimerDiff($begin) Filewrite(@scriptdir & "\html.htm", @crlf & '<font face="arial"> Time took to convert: <b>' & int($dif/1000) & "</b> sec.</font>" & @crlf & "</body>" & @crlf & "</html>") ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", "", @ScriptDir, "open") GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$progress) Exit EndFunc Func convert_color_Sequence() Local $pixel $begin = TimerInit() FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm") FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<html>" & @crlf) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<body>" & @crlf & '<table width="70%"><tr><td> <table align="center" cellpadding="10"> <tr bgcolor="' & GUICtrlRead($bg_color) & '"> <td> <font size="' & $size & '">' & $contrast_value & @crlf) For $i = 1 to $i_height step +$procent_pixels For $x = 1 to $i_width step +($procent_pixels-1) $color = PixelGetColor($info[0] + $x , $info[1] + $i) $show = $waardes FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm",'<font color="#' & $color & '">' & $show & "</font>") $pixel = $pixel + 1 GUICtrlSetData($pixel_atm,$pixel) $progress_count = $progress_count + $value_progress $progress_count_rounded = Round($progress_count) GUICtrlSetData($progressbar,$progress_count_rounded) GUICtrlSetData($procent,$progress_count_rounded) Next FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<br>") Next GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$image) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", $contrast_value_end & @crlf & "</font>" & @crlf & "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>" & @crlf) $dif = TimerDiff($begin) Filewrite(@scriptdir & "\html.htm", @crlf & '<font face="arial"> Time took to convert: <b>' & int($dif/1000) & "</b> sec.</font>" & @crlf & "</body>" & @crlf & "</html>") ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", "", @ScriptDir, "open") GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$progress) Exit EndFunc Func convert_grayscale_random() Local $pixel $begin = TimerInit() FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm") FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<html>" & @crlf) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<body>" & @crlf & '<table width="70%"><tr><td> <table align="center" cellpadding="10"> <tr bgcolor="' & GUICtrlRead($bg_color) & '"> <td> <font size="' & $size & '">' & $contrast_value & @crlf) For $i = 1 to $i_height step +$procent_pixels For $x = 1 to $i_width step +($procent_pixels-1) $color = PixelGetColor($info[0] + $x , $info[1] + $i) $char = Random(1,$total+1) $var = Hex($color, 6) $gray_1 = int(dec(StringLeft($var,2))*0.3) $gray_2 = int(dec(StringMid($var,3,2))*0.59) $gray_3 = int(dec(StringRight($var,2))*0.11) $grayscale = StringSplit(hex($gray_1 + $gray_2 + $gray_3),"000000",1) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm",'<font color="#' & $grayscale[2] & $grayscale[2] & $grayscale[2] & '">' & StringMid($waardes,$char,1) & "</font>") $pixel = $pixel + 1 GUICtrlSetData($pixel_atm,$pixel) $progress_count = $progress_count + $value_progress $progress_count_rounded = Round($progress_count) GUICtrlSetData($progressbar,$progress_count_rounded) GUICtrlSetData($procent,$progress_count_rounded) Next FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<br>") Next GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$image) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", $contrast_value_end & @crlf & "</font>" & @crlf & "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>" & @CRLF) $dif = TimerDiff($begin) Filewrite(@scriptdir & "\html.htm", @crlf & '<font face="arial"> Time took to convert: <b>' & int($dif/1000) & "</b> sec.</font>" & @crlf & "</body>" & @crlf & "</html>") ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", "", @ScriptDir, "open") GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$progress) Exit EndFunc Func convert_grayscale_Sequence() Local $pixel $begin = TimerInit() FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm") FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<html>" & @crlf) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<body>" & @crlf & '<table width="70%"><tr><td> <table align="center" cellpadding="10"> <tr bgcolor="' & GUICtrlRead($bg_color) & '"> <td> <font size="' & $size & '">' & $contrast_value & @crlf) For $i = 1 to $i_height step +$procent_pixels For $x = 1 to $i_width step +($procent_pixels-1) $color = PixelGetColor($info[0] + $x , $info[1] + $i) $show = $waardes $var = Hex($color, 6) $gray_1 = int(dec(StringLeft($var,2))*0.3) $gray_2 = int(dec(StringMid($var,3,2))*0.59) $gray_3 = int(dec(StringRight($var,2))*0.11) $grayscale = StringSplit(hex($gray_1 + $gray_2 + $gray_3),"000000",1) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm",'<font color="#' & $grayscale[2] & $grayscale[2] & $grayscale[2] & '">' & $show & "</font>") $pixel = $pixel + 1 GUICtrlSetData($pixel_atm,$pixel) $progress_count = $progress_count + $value_progress $progress_count_rounded = Round($progress_count) GUICtrlSetData($progressbar,$progress_count_rounded) GUICtrlSetData($procent,$progress_count_rounded) Next FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<br>") Next GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$image) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", $contrast_value_end & @crlf & "</font>" & @crlf & "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>" & @crlf) $dif = TimerDiff($begin) Filewrite(@scriptdir & "\html.htm", @crlf & '<font face="arial"> Time took to convert: <b>' & int($dif/1000) & "</b> sec.</font>" & @crlf & "</body>" & @crlf & "</html>") ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", "", @ScriptDir, "open") GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$progress) Exit EndFunc func convert_ASCII() Local $pixel $begin = TimerInit() Dim $replace_characters[17] $replace_characters[0] = "#" $replace_characters[1] = "W" $replace_characters[2] = "M" $replace_characters[3] = "B" $replace_characters[4] = "R" $replace_characters[5] = "X" $replace_characters[6] = "V" $replace_characters[7] = "Y" $replace_characters[8] = "I" $replace_characters[9] = "t" $replace_characters[10] = "i" $replace_characters[11] = "+" $replace_characters[12] = "=" $replace_characters[13] = ";" $replace_characters[14] = ":" $replace_characters[15] = "," $replace_characters[16] = "." FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm") FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<html>" & @crlf) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<body>" & @crlf &'<table width="80%"><tr><td> <table align="center" cellpadding="10" > <tr bgcolor="' & $bg_color & '"> <td> <font color="' & $font_color & '" size="' & $size_ASCII & '"><pre>' &@crlf) For $i = 1 to $i_height step +$procent_pixels For $x = 1 to $i_width step +($procent_pixels-1) $color = PixelGetColor($info[0] + $x , $info[1] +$i) $var = Hex($color, 6) $gray_1 = dec(StringLeft($var,2)) $gray_2 = dec(StringMid($var,3,2)) $gray_3 = dec(StringRight($var,2)) $brightness = $gray_1+$gray_2+$gray_3 $replace_character_id = Round($brightness/50) +1 FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm",$replace_characters[$replace_character_id]) $pixel = $pixel + 1 GUICtrlSetData($pixel_atm,$pixel) $progress_count = $progress_count + $value_progress $progress_count_rounded = Round($progress_count) GUICtrlSetData($progressbar,$progress_count_rounded) GUICtrlSetData($procent,$progress_count_rounded) Next FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm",@CRLF) Next GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$image) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", "</pre></font>" & @crlf & "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>" & @crlf) $dif = TimerDiff($begin) Filewrite(@scriptdir & "\html.htm", @crlf & '<font face="arial"> Time took to convert: <b>' & int($dif/1000) & "</b> sec.</font>" & @crlf & "</body>" & @crlf & "</html>") ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", "", @ScriptDir, "open") Exit EndFunc func convert_ASCII_invert() Local $pixel $begin = TimerInit() Dim $replace_characters[17] $replace_characters[0] = "." $replace_characters[1] = "," $replace_characters[2] = ":" $replace_characters[3] = ";" $replace_characters[4] = "=" $replace_characters[5] = "+" $replace_characters[6] = "i" $replace_characters[7] = "t" $replace_characters[8] = "I" $replace_characters[9] = "Y" $replace_characters[10] = "V" $replace_characters[11] = "X" $replace_characters[12] = "R" $replace_characters[13] = "B" $replace_characters[14] = "M" $replace_characters[15] = "W" $replace_characters[16] = "#" FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm") FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<html>" & @crlf) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<body>" & @crlf &'<table width="80%"><tr><td> <table align="center" cellpadding="10" > <tr bgcolor="' & $bg_color & '"> <td> <font color="' & $font_color & '" size="' & $size_ASCII & '"><pre>' &@crlf) For $i = 1 to $i_height step +$procent_pixels For $x = 1 to $i_width step +($procent_pixels-1) $color = PixelGetColor($info[0] + $x , $info[1] +$i) $var = Hex($color, 6) $gray_1 = dec(StringLeft($var,2)) $gray_2 = dec(StringMid($var,3,2)) $gray_3 = dec(StringRight($var,2)) $brightness = $gray_1+$gray_2+$gray_3 $replace_character_id = Round($brightness/50) +1 FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm",$replace_characters[$replace_character_id]) $pixel = $pixel + 1 GUICtrlSetData($pixel_atm,$pixel) $progress_count = $progress_count + $value_progress $progress_count_rounded = Round($progress_count) GUICtrlSetData($progressbar,$progress_count_rounded) GUICtrlSetData($procent,$progress_count_rounded) Next FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm",@CRLF) Next GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$image) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", "</pre></font>" & @crlf & "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>" & @crlf) $dif = TimerDiff($begin) Filewrite(@scriptdir & "\html.htm", @crlf & '<font face="arial"> Time took to convert: <b>' & int($dif/1000) & "</b> sec.</font>" & @crlf & "</body>" & @crlf & "</html>") ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", "", @ScriptDir, "open") Exit EndFunc*Edit: Some pic-examples:Color:Grayscale:First script: 100 downloads+ image_to_text.au3image_get_info.au3 Edited January 11, 2007 by NeoFoX [center][font="Arial"]--- The Neo and Only --- [/font][font="Arial"]--Projects---[/font]Image to Text converterText to ASCII converter[/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XxXFaNtA Posted January 8, 2007 Share Posted January 8, 2007 Wow really nice More of these image-scripts please /[center][/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BALA Posted January 8, 2007 Share Posted January 8, 2007 That's incredible, it beats some of the ones you have to pay for. [font="Comic Sans MS"]BA-LA[/font]http://ba-la.110mb.comJoin my community, CLICK HEREAlternative links to my site: me if you would like to help with some of my projects: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
smstroble Posted January 8, 2007 Share Posted January 8, 2007 Wow... This is incredible, very nice "first official script"! I look forward to your future work. MUHAHAHAHAHA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoFoX Posted January 9, 2007 Author Share Posted January 9, 2007 *Edited: Font-size option...See first Post Neo [center][font="Arial"]--- The Neo and Only --- [/font][font="Arial"]--Projects---[/font]Image to Text converterText to ASCII converter[/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaenster Posted January 9, 2007 Share Posted January 9, 2007 Wow... This is incredible !!!!!! WOW !!! -jaenster Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Josbe Posted January 9, 2007 Share Posted January 9, 2007 @NeoFoX: Nice script. Thanks for sharing.I like the ASCII Art. • AUTOIT > AutoIt docs / Beta folder - AutoIt latest beta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoFoX Posted January 9, 2007 Author Share Posted January 9, 2007 (edited) *Edited: Now you can chose how much % of the image you want to convert (100% is slow... but will give you a, almost perfect and nice image/text )See first post Neops. Thanks all for the comments Edited January 9, 2007 by NeoFoX [center][font="Arial"]--- The Neo and Only --- [/font][font="Arial"]--Projects---[/font]Image to Text converterText to ASCII converter[/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jvanegmond Posted January 9, 2007 Share Posted January 9, 2007 Amazing, you have a lot of knowledge about images. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AzKay Posted January 9, 2007 Share Posted January 9, 2007 (edited) expandcollapse popup _linenums:0'>#include <File.au3> #include <Guiconstants.au3> #include <image_get_info.au3> Global $i_height,$i_width,$waardes,$total,$info,$image,$contrast_value,$contrast_value_end,$size, $progress Global $procent_pixels $Main = GUICreate("Image to Text", 629, 363, 193, 115) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Preview Image", 8, 8, 305, 345) $Picca = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 16, 32, 225, 209) $slider_procent = GUICtrlCreateSlider (25,256,200,20) GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_DISABLE) $slider_procent_text = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",230,256,50,20) $Label9 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("% of pixels", 255, 255, 50, 17) $width_test = GUICtrlCreateLabel(" ", 36, 286, 30, 17) $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("x", 64, 286, 9, 17) $height_test = GUICtrlCreateLabel(" ", 80, 286, 30, 17) $file_size = GUICtrlCreateLabel(" ", 55, 310, 30, 17) $Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Kb", 72, 310, 17, 17) $Label6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Pixels", 128, 286, 31, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Options", 320, 8, 305, 345) $browse = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Browse", 328, 32, 121, 33, 0) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Characters:", 328, 72, 257, 80) $characters = GUICtrlCreateInput("Characters", 336, 92, 100, 21) $char_size = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Smallest", 450, 92, 100, 25) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Small|Normal|Large|Largest","Small") $random = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Random", 336, 120, 105, 25) GUICtrlSetState($Random, $GUI_CHECKED) $Sequence = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Sequence", 456, 120, 121, 25) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Color:", 328, 160, 257, 95) $color = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Color", 336, 176, 97, 25) $grayscale = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Grayscale", 456, 176, 97, 25) GUICtrlSetState($color, $GUI_CHECKED) $Label7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Background:",336, 207, 193, 25) $bg_color = GUICtrlCreateCombo("BLACK", 336, 225, 193, 25) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"WHITE","BLACK") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Contrast:", 328, 260, 257, 49) $high = GUICtrlCreateRadio("High", 336, 276, 113, 25) $low = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Low", 456, 276, 113, 25) GUICtrlSetState($low, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $ok_button = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Convert", 328, 312, 281, 33, 0) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $msg = $browse $file = FileOpenDialog("test",@MyDocumentsDir,"images (*.jpg;*.gif)") $aInfo_test = _ImageGetInfo($file) GUICtrlSetData($width_test, _ImageGetParam($aInfo_test, "Width")) GUICtrlSetData($height_test, _ImageGetParam($aInfo_test, "Height")) Guictrlsetdata($file_size, int(FileGetSize($file)/1000)) GUICtrlSetImage($picca,$file) GUICtrlSetState($slider_procent,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetData($slider_procent,25) Case $msg = $ok_button values() EndSelect $read_procent = GUICtrlRead($slider_procent) GUICtrlSetData($slider_procent_text,$read_procent) Sleep(10) WEnd func values() $aInfo = _ImageGetInfo($file) $i_width = _ImageGetParam($aInfo, "Width") $i_height = _ImageGetParam($aInfo, "Height") ;$image = GUICreate("",$i_width,$i_height,-1,-1,$WS_POPUP,$WS_EX_TOPMOST) ;GUICtrlCreatePic($file,0,0,$i_width,$i_height) $image = GUICreate("Progress", 350, 22, -1, -1) $progress = GUICtrlCreateProgress(1, 1, 345, 19) GUISetState(@SW_hide,$main) GUISetState(@SW_Show,$image) $waardes = GUICtrlRead($characters) $total = Int(StringLen($waardes)) $info = WinGetPos($image) $read_procent = GUICtrlRead($slider_procent) $value = 100 / $read_procent $procent_pixels = Round($value) if $procent_pixels = 1 Then $procent_pixels = 2 EndIf $r_checked = GUICtrlRead($random) $l_checked = GuiCtrlRead($low) $c_checked = GUICtrlRead($color) $size_char = GUICtrlRead($char_size) Select case $size_char = "smallest" $size = "-6" case $size_char = "small" $size = "-3" case $size_char = "normal" $size = "1" case $size_char = "large" $size = "4" case $size_char = "largest" $size = "6" EndSelect Select case $r_checked = $GUI_CHECKED and $l_checked = $GUI_CHECKED and $c_checked = $GUI_CHECKED $contrast_value = "<pre>" $contrast_value_end = "</pre>" convert_color_random() case $r_checked = $GUI_CHECKED and $l_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED and $c_checked = $GUI_CHECKED $contrast_value = "" $contrast_value_end = "" convert_color_random() case $r_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED and $l_checked = $GUI_CHECKED and $c_checked = $GUI_CHECKED $contrast_value = "<pre>" $contrast_value_end = "</pre>" convert_color_Sequence() case $r_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED and $l_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED and $c_checked = $GUI_CHECKED $contrast_value = "" $contrast_value_end = "" convert_color_Sequence() case $r_checked = $GUI_CHECKED and $l_checked = $GUI_CHECKED and $c_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED $contrast_value = "<pre>" $contrast_value_end = "</pre>" convert_grayscale_random() case $r_checked = $GUI_CHECKED and $l_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED and $c_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED $contrast_value = "" $contrast_value_end = "" convert_grayscale_random() case $r_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED and $l_checked = $GUI_CHECKED and $c_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED $contrast_value = "<pre>" $contrast_value_end = "</pre>" convert_grayscale_Sequence() case $r_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED and $l_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED and $c_checked = $GUI_UNCHECKED $contrast_value = "" $contrast_value_end = "" convert_grayscale_Sequence() EndSelect EndFunc Func convert_color_random() $begin = TimerInit() FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm") FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<html>" & @crlf) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<body>" & @crlf & '<table width="70%"><tr><td> <table align="center" cellpadding="10"> <tr bgcolor="' & GUICtrlRead($bg_color) & '"> <td>' & $contrast_value & @crlf) For $i = 1 to $i_height step +$procent_pixels For $x = 1 to $i_width step +($procent_pixels-1) $color = PixelGetColor($info[0] + $x , $info[1] + $i) $char = Random(1,$total+1) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm",'<font size="-6" color="#' & Hex($color,6) & '">' & StringMid($waardes,$char,1) & "</font>") GUICtrlSetData($progress, $i / $i_height * 100) Next FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<br>") Next GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$image) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm",$contrast_value_end & @crlf & "</font>" & @crlf & "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>" & @crlf) $dif = TimerDiff($begin) Filewrite(@scriptdir & "\html.htm", @crlf & '<font face="arial"> Time took to convert: <b>' & int($dif/1000) & "</b> sec.</font>" & @crlf & "</body>" & @crlf & "</html>") ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", "", @ScriptDir, "open") Exit EndFunc Func convert_color_Sequence() $begin = TimerInit() FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm") FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<html>" & @crlf) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<body>" & @crlf & '<table width="70%"><tr><td> <table align="center" cellpadding="10"> <tr bgcolor="' & GUICtrlRead($bg_color) & '"> <td> <font size="' & $size & '">' & $contrast_value & @crlf) For $i = 1 to $i_height step +$procent_pixels For $x = 1 to $i_width step +($procent_pixels-1) $color = PixelGetColor($info[0] + $x , $info[1] + $i) $show = $waardes FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm",'<font color="#' & $color & '">' & $show & "</font>") GUICtrlSetData($progress, $i / $i_height * 100) Next FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<br>") Next GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$image) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", $contrast_value_end & @crlf & "</font>" & @crlf & "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>" & @crlf) $dif = TimerDiff($begin) Filewrite(@scriptdir & "\html.htm", @crlf & '<font face="arial"> Time took to convert: <b>' & int($dif/1000) & "</b> sec.</font>" & @crlf & "</body>" & @crlf & "</html>") ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", "", @ScriptDir, "open") Exit EndFunc Func convert_grayscale_random() $begin = TimerInit() FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm") FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<html>" & @crlf) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<body>" & @crlf & '<table width="70%"><tr><td> <table align="center" cellpadding="10"> <tr bgcolor="' & GUICtrlRead($bg_color) & '"> <td> <font size="' & $size & '">' & $contrast_value & @crlf) For $i = 1 to $i_height step +$procent_pixels For $x = 1 to $i_width step +($procent_pixels-1) $color = PixelGetColor($info[0] + $x , $info[1] + $i) $char = Random(1,$total+1) $var = Hex($color, 6) $gray_1 = int(dec(StringLeft($var,2))*0.3) $gray_2 = int(dec(StringMid($var,3,2))*0.59) $gray_3 = int(dec(StringRight($var,2))*0.11) $grayscale = StringSplit(hex($gray_1 + $gray_2 + $gray_3),"000000",1) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm",'<font color="#' & $grayscale[2] & $grayscale[2] & $grayscale[2] & '">' & StringMid($waardes,$char,1) & "</font>") GUICtrlSetData($progress, $i / $i_height * 100) Next FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<br>") Next GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$image) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", $contrast_value_end & @crlf & "</font>" & @crlf & "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>" & @CRLF) $dif = TimerDiff($begin) Filewrite(@scriptdir & "\html.htm", @crlf & '<font face="arial"> Time took to convert: <b>' & int($dif/1000) & "</b> sec.</font>" & @crlf & "</body>" & @crlf & "</html>") ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", "", @ScriptDir, "open") Exit EndFunc Func convert_grayscale_Sequence() $begin = TimerInit() FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm") FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<html>" & @crlf) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<body>" & @crlf & '<table width="70%"><tr><td> <table align="center" cellpadding="10"> <tr bgcolor="' & GUICtrlRead($bg_color) & '"> <td> <font size="' & $size & '">' & $contrast_value & @crlf) For $i = 1 to $i_height step +$procent_pixels For $x = 1 to $i_width step +($procent_pixels-1) $color = PixelGetColor($info[0] + $x , $info[1] + $i) $show = $waardes $var = Hex($color, 6) $gray_1 = int(dec(StringLeft($var,2))*0.3) $gray_2 = int(dec(StringMid($var,3,2))*0.59) $gray_3 = int(dec(StringRight($var,2))*0.11) $grayscale = StringSplit(hex($gray_1 + $gray_2 + $gray_3),"000000",1) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm",'<font color="#' & $grayscale[2] & $grayscale[2] & $grayscale[2] & '">' & $show & "</font>") GUICtrlSetData($progress, $i / $i_height * 100) Next FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm","<br>") Next GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$image) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", $contrast_value_end & @crlf & "</font>" & @crlf & "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>" & @crlf) $dif = TimerDiff($begin) Filewrite(@scriptdir & "\html.htm", @crlf & '<font face="arial"> Time took to convert: <b>' & int($dif/1000) & "</b> sec.</font>" & @crlf & "</body>" & @crlf & "</html>") ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\html.htm", "", @ScriptDir, "open") Exit EndFuncAdded a progress bar instead of the image :3Great Work EDIT::That didnt work right xD.Was that image needed? I was in a hurry, so I didnt check. =PYou might wanna tweak it, It uses the GUI's title bar as the image, lawl. Edited January 9, 2007 by AzKay # MY LOVE FOR YOU... IS LIKE A TRUCK- # Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RazerM Posted January 9, 2007 Share Posted January 9, 2007 This is a great script. Well done! My Programs:AInstall - Create a standalone installer for your programUnit Converter - Converts Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Temperature and Pressure to different unitsBinary Clock - Hours, minutes and seconds have 10 columns each to display timeAutoIt Editor - Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting.Laserix Editor & Player - Create, Edit and Play Laserix LevelsLyric Syncer - Create and use Synchronised Lyrics.Connect 4 - 2 Player Connect 4 Game (Local or Online!, Formatted Chat!!)MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger and Whirlpool Hash Finder - Dictionary and Brute Force FindCool Text Client - Create Rendered ImageMy UDF's:GUI Enhance - Enhance your GUIs visually.IDEA File Encryption - Encrypt and decrypt files easily! File Rename - Rename files easilyRC4 Text Encryption - Encrypt text using the RC4 AlgorithmPrime Number - Check if a number is primeString Remove - remove lots of strings at onceProgress Bar - made easySound UDF - Play, Pause, Resume, Seek and Stop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
walle Posted January 9, 2007 Share Posted January 9, 2007 Gets a error, anyway, great work! Line 157 ShellExecute(@Scriptdir & "\html.htm","",@ScriptDir,"Open") ^Error Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AzKay Posted January 9, 2007 Share Posted January 9, 2007 Saying "Great work!", When its not working for you, thus you havnt tryed it out. Its kinda redundant to say "Great work!" xD Anyways, Make sure your using the latest BETA :3 # MY LOVE FOR YOU... IS LIKE A TRUCK- # Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoFoX Posted January 10, 2007 Author Share Posted January 10, 2007 @Walle: If the shellexecute isn't working you'll always have the .htm file in your Scriptdir, so you can open it manually... And indeed it's made with beta Neo [center][font="Arial"]--- The Neo and Only --- [/font][font="Arial"]--Projects---[/font]Image to Text converterText to ASCII converter[/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoFoX Posted January 10, 2007 Author Share Posted January 10, 2007 *Edited: Progressbar at the top of the picture... See first post Neo [center][font="Arial"]--- The Neo and Only --- [/font][font="Arial"]--Projects---[/font]Image to Text converterText to ASCII converter[/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
masvil Posted January 10, 2007 Share Posted January 10, 2007 Impressive. Congratulation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Achilles Posted January 11, 2007 Share Posted January 11, 2007 Well, after a day of scripting my result:Must of been quite some day! Great program! My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoFoX Posted January 11, 2007 Author Share Posted January 11, 2007 Well.. what would I say *NEW update* Added new FunctionsTry them... Neo [center][font="Arial"]--- The Neo and Only --- [/font][font="Arial"]--Projects---[/font]Image to Text converterText to ASCII converter[/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephir Posted January 12, 2007 Share Posted January 12, 2007 awesome script, i love it keep up the god work Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phantom Posted January 12, 2007 Share Posted January 12, 2007 This is very nice but how do copy the image onto my computer in a different format rather than .html i tried just changing what it saves the file as from .htm to .jpg but it never showed the pic when i opened it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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