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Posted (edited)

A while ago I coded _ArraySearch. I often find it quite useful. Nonetheless there is one limitation that always bugged me. It didn't support multidimensional arrays. I have some code that adds support for multidimensional arrays. However it is still very much in development. The code I have now is attached below. (along with some examples.)

I am wondering if people would be interested in this kind of functionality.


Edited by P5ych0Gigabyte
HKTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeLyricToy:Softpedia | GoogleCodeRCTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeMichtaToolsProgrammer n. - An ingenious device that turns caffeine into code.

Ditto on usefulness... I was about to right this one myself, now i guess i don't need to. Thanks :whistle:


Couple thoughts:

1. Right now it returns as soon as something is found, perhaps it should continue checking? Basically, what should it do if there are multiple entries of the same thing?

2. It would be pretty sweet for it to return both indeces when searching as well, otherwise the search has to be performed twice.

These *may* be out of scope, thought i'd ask though and see what you thought.

Posted (edited)

Couple thoughts:

1. Right now it returns as soon as something is found, perhaps it should continue checking? Basically, what should it do if there are multiple entries of the same thing?

2. It would be pretty sweet for it to return both indeces when searching as well, otherwise the search has to be performed twice.

These *may* be out of scope, thought i'd ask though and see what you thought.

@stampy & @fisofo

Thanks for the replies


Sounds like an interesting idea.Maybe I will implement it after i finish debugging the multidimensional array support.

Edited by SolidSnake
HKTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeLyricToy:Softpedia | GoogleCodeRCTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeMichtaToolsProgrammer n. - An ingenious device that turns caffeine into code.
Posted (edited)

I say maybe useful in certain circumstances. I can see the ability for it to be used, but fail to see mass use. I'm sure most AutoIt users will find a use for it at least once in their scripts, but not very often.

Thanks for the reply. I usually use single dim arrays but a script i have been working on requires me to work with mulitdim arrrays hence my modification of _ArraySearch. :whistle:

Edited by SolidSnake
HKTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeLyricToy:Softpedia | GoogleCodeRCTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeMichtaToolsProgrammer n. - An ingenious device that turns caffeine into code.
  • 1 month later...


I was planning to write some array searching code for a task that I am working on at present and came across your post by luck while browsing through the Example Scripts, hopefully I'll be able to use your code instead, will certainly have a close look.

Either way I think array functions like this are alway going to be useful, computers are good at working with data so that means there always going to be people writing code to sort/search data. May not be every user, but the need will always be there.


Posted (edited)


I am confused; the examples are only using 2D arrays . Does it really work for any number of dimensions, or only 1 or 2D?

best, randall

Should work with any array. :P

Dim $Array[3][2][2]

$Array[0][1][1] = 1
$Array[1][1][1] = 2
$Array[2][1][1] = 3

$Result = _ArraySearchAnyDim ($Array, "2", 0, 0, 0, "[x][1][1]") ;_ArraySearchAnyDim should return 1
ConsoleWrite($Result & "|" & @error & @LF)
Edited by SolidSnake
HKTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeLyricToy:Softpedia | GoogleCodeRCTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeMichtaToolsProgrammer n. - An ingenious device that turns caffeine into code.
Posted (edited)


I was planning to write some array searching code for a task that I am working on at present and came across your post by luck while browsing through the Example Scripts, hopefully I'll be able to use your code instead, will certainly have a close look.

Either way I think array functions like this are alway going to be useful, computers are good at working with data so that means there always going to be people writing code to sort/search data. May not be every user, but the need will always be there.


Thanks for the feedback. :P

Edited by SolidSnake
HKTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeLyricToy:Softpedia | GoogleCodeRCTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeMichtaToolsProgrammer n. - An ingenious device that turns caffeine into code.
  • 2 months later...

I just started working on a script that needs a multi-dimensional array search. I'm glad I found yours before I started writing one. I'll be testing it to death, and will let you know if I find anything.

Thanks! :whistle:

Posted (edited)

I just started working on a script that needs a multi-dimensional array search. I'm glad I found yours before I started writing one. I'll be testing it to death, and will let you know if I find anything.

Thanks! :whistle:

NP. :) Glad you have a use for it. If you are looking for even more features then check out _ArraySearchPlus()

This function combines the features of two different versions of _ArraySearch().

TheGuy0000's _ArraySearch()

SolidSnake's _ArraySearchAnyDim()

Edited by SolidSnake
HKTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeLyricToy:Softpedia | GoogleCodeRCTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeMichtaToolsProgrammer n. - An ingenious device that turns caffeine into code.

NP. :whistle: Glad you have a use for it. If you are looking for even more features then check out _ArraySearchPlus()

I saw that - those extra search features haven't hit any of my needs yet, but I was thinking....

What if I added a binary search to all of that (ArraySearch++? :)) So far, I've been able to get enough performance out of my script by not doing redims and other tweaks, but I am doing a bunch of searching in multi-dimensional arrays, so it would probably pay to sort it and then binsearch it. Has anyone else started on this, or should I go for it?

Posted (edited)

I saw that - those extra search features haven't hit any of my needs yet, but I was thinking....

What if I added a binary search to all of that (ArraySearch++? :)) So far, I've been able to get enough performance out of my script by not doing redims and other tweaks, but I am doing a bunch of searching in multi-dimensional arrays, so it would probably pay to sort it and then binsearch it. Has anyone else started on this, or should I go for it?

I think it would be awesome if you extended the function. I'm sure many would find it useful to have a more robust binary search. I think it would be best if you called it ArrayBinarySearchPlus(). Good luck. :whistle:

Edited by SolidSnake
HKTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeLyricToy:Softpedia | GoogleCodeRCTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeMichtaToolsProgrammer n. - An ingenious device that turns caffeine into code.
  • 10 months later...

And the function is done. Took a bit of time.

up to 4 dimensions
$avArray is the input array
$sFind is a string of what to find
$sDimension is a string representing where to look
    "[-1][3]" will search all the entire first dimension and only the third subset of the second dimension
    "[3,5][-1][3]" will search the 3rd through 5th of d1, all of d2, and the 3rd of d3
$bAll, if true, returns all values in a two-dimensional array with array[0][0] being the number of values
    [1][0] will be first dimension's index, [1][2] will be third dimension's index
    [2][0] will be second answer's first dimension's index
$bAll, if false, will return a single-dimensional array with
    [0] being d1's index
    [3] being d4's index
$iCaseSensative - see StringCompare Help

Func _ArraySearchMultiDim($avArray, $sFind, $sDimension, $bAll = True, $iCaseSensative = 0)
    Local $w, $x, $y, $z
    Local $dimensions = UBound($avArray,0), $lastBreak = 1, $currentDim = 0
    Local $start[$dimensions], $end[$dimensions], $i[$dimensions]
    If $bAll Then
        Local $final[1][$dimensions]
        $final[0][0] = 0
        Local $final[$dimensions]
    For $z = 3 To StringLen($sDimension)
        $char = StringMid($sDimension,$z,1)
        If $char = "," Then
            $start[$currentDim] = StringMid($sDimension,$lastBreak+1,$z-$lastBreak-1)
            For $y = $z+1 To StringLen($sDimension)
                If StringMid($sDimension,$y,1) = "]" Then
                    $end[$currentDim] = StringMid($sDimension,$z+1,$y-$z-1)
                    $lastBreak = $y+1
                    $currentDim += 1
                    $z = $y+2
        ElseIf $char = "]" Then
            $between = StringMid($sDimension,$lastBreak+1,$z-$lastBreak-1)
            If $between = "-1" Then
                $start[$currentDim] = 0
                $end[$currentDim] = UBound($avArray,1)
                $start[$currentDim] = Number($between)
                $end[$currentDim] = Number($between)
            $lastBreak = $z+1
            $currentDim += 1
            $z += 2
    For $z = $start[0] To $end[0]
        If $dimensions = 1 Then
            If StringCompare($avArray[$z],$sFind,$iCaseSensative) = "0" Then
                If $bAll Then
                    ReDim $final[UBound($final)+1][$dimensions]
                    $final[0][0] += 1
                    $final[$final[0][0]][0] = $z
                    $final[0] = $z
                    Return $final
            For $y = $start[1] To $end[1]
                If $dimensions = 2 Then
                    If StringCompare($avArray[$z][$y],$sFind,$iCaseSensative) = "0" Then
                        If $bAll Then
                            ReDim $final[UBound($final)+1][$dimensions]
                            $final[0][0] += 1
                            $final[$final[0][0]][0] = $z
                            $final[$final[0][0]][1] = $y
                            $final[0] = $z
                            $final[1] = $y
                            Return $final
                    For $x = $start[2] To $end[2]
                        If $dimensions = 3 Then
                            If StringCompare($avArray[$z][$y][$x],$sFind,$iCaseSensative) = "0" Then
                                If $bAll Then
                                    ReDim $final[UBound($final)+1][$dimensions]
                                    $final[0][0] += 1
                                    $final[$final[0][0]][0] = $z
                                    $final[$final[0][0]][1] = $y
                                    $final[$final[0][0]][2] = $x
                                    $final[0] = $z
                                    $final[1] = $y
                                    $final[2] = $x
                                    Return $final
                            For $w = $start[3] To $end[3]
                                If StringCompare($avArray[$z][$y],$sFind,$iCaseSensative) = "0" Then
                                    If $bAll Then
                                        ReDim $final[UBound($final)+1][$dimensions]
                                        $final[0][0] += 1
                                        $final[$final[0][0]][0] = $z
                                        $final[$final[0][0]][1] = $y
                                        $final[$final[0][0]][2] = $x
                                        $final[$final[0][0]][3] = $w
                                        $final[0] = $z
                                        $final[1] = $y
                                        $final[2] = $x
                                        $final[3] = $w
                                        Return $final
    Return $final
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also works.

It does not have any sort of error handling, and I didn't check for speed.

  • 4 years later...

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