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Progress Bar Udf


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Do you like the simplicity of ProgressOn, ProgressSet and ProgressOff but want them in a gui? Now you can.

I made this UDF to replicate the pop up progress bar. ProgressSet acts mostly the same. ProgressOn is different.

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <file.au3>

GUICreate("Progress Demo", 600, 500)
Dim $progress, $main, $sub
$prog = _ProgressOn($progress, $main, $sub, "This is the main text", "This is the sub-text", 150, 10)
For $i = 1 To 100
 _ProgressSet($prog, $i, "This is the sub-text " & $i & "%")
$prog = _ProgressOn($progress, $main, $sub, "This will change", "This is a moved example", 320, 300, 1)
For $i = 1 To 100
 _ProgressSet($prog, $i, "", "This time the main text changes") ;use "" for the default string
While 1
 Switch GUIGetMsg()
;UDF Below

; Function Name:   _ProgressOn
; Description::    Creates a 'ProgressOn like' progress bar in a gui
; Syntax:     Dim $progress, $main, $sub ;make sure you dim the first three variables. they are the controlId's
;       _ProgressOn($progress, $main, $sub, "This is the main text", "This is the sub-text", 150, 10)
; Parameter(s):    $s_mainlabel($main-text var), $s_sublabel($sub-text var),
;       $s_control($progress var), $s_main(Main text), $s_sub(Sub Text), $x(Position), $y(Position), $fSmooth(1 for smooth, 0 for not smooth)
; Requirement(s):  AutoIt, #include <file.au3>
; Return Value(s): Success - Returns array
;       $array[0] - $progress id
;       $array[1] - Main Label
;       $array[2] - Sub label
;       $array[3] - x pos
;       $array[4] - y pos
;       Failure - 0 and sets @error to 1
; Author(s):       RazerM
Func _ProgressOn(ByRef $s_mainlabel, ByRef $s_sublabel, ByRef $s_control, $s_main, $s_sub, $x, $y, $fSmooth = 0)
 $s_mainlabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_main, $x, $y, StringLen($s_main) * 10)
 If $s_mainlabel = 0 Then
  Return 0
 GUICtrlSetFont($s_mainlabel, 14)
 If StringInStr(@OSTYPE, "WIN32_NT") And $fSmooth = 1 Then
  $prev = DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "int", "GetThemeAppProperties");, "int", 0)
  DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", 0)
 $s_control = GUICtrlCreateProgress($x, $y + 30, 260, 20, $PBS_SMOOTH)
 If StringInStr(@OSTYPE, "WIN32_NT") And $fSmooth = 1 Then
  DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", $prev[0])
 If $s_control = 0 Then
  Return 0
 $s_sublabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_sub, $x, $y + 55)
 If $s_sublabel = 0 Then
  Return 0
 Dim $a_info[5]
 $a_info[0] = $s_control
 $a_info[1] = $s_mainlabel
 $a_info[2] = $s_sublabel
 $a_info[3] = $x
 $a_info[4] = $y
 Return $a_info
EndFunc   ;==>_ProgressOn
; Function Name:   _ProgressSet
; Description::    Sets a progressbar created with _ProgressOn
; Parameter(s):    $a_info(Progress Id returned by _ProgressOn), $i_per(Percent), $s_sub(Sub text)[optional], $s_main(main text)[optional]
; Requirement(s):  AutoIt, #include <file.au3>
; Return Value(s): Success - 1, Failure - 0 and sets @error to 1
; Author(s):       RazerM
Func _ProgressSet($a_info, $i_per, $s_sub = "", $s_main = "")
 If $s_main = "" Then $s_main = GUICtrlRead($a_info[1])
 If $s_sub = "" Then $s_sub = GUICtrlRead($a_info[2])
 $set1 = GUICtrlSetData($a_info[0], $i_per)
 $set2 = GUICtrlSetData($a_info[1], $s_main)
 $set3 = GUICtrlSetData($a_info[2], $s_sub)
 GUICtrlSetPos($a_info[2], $a_info[3], $a_info[4] + 55, StringLen($s_sub) * 6)
 GUICtrlSetPos($a_info[1], $a_info[3], $a_info[4], StringLen($s_main) * 10)
 If ($set1 = 0) Or ($set2 = 0) Or ($set3 = 0) Then
  Return 0
 If ($set1 = -1) Or ($set2 = -1) Or ($set3 = -1) Then
  Return 0
 Return 1
EndFunc   ;==>_ProgressSet

; Function Name:   _ProgressOff()
; Description::    Deletes a progress bar created with _ProgressOn()
; Parameter(s):    $a_info(Progress Id returned by _ProgressOn)
; Requirement(s):  AutoIt, #include <file.au3>
; Return Value(s): Success - 1, Failure - 0 and sets @error to 1
; Author(s):       RazerM

Func _ProgressOff($a_info)
 $del1 = GUICtrlDelete($a_info[1])
 $del2 = GUICtrlDelete($a_info[2])
 $del3 = GUICtrlDelete($a_info[0])
 If ($del1 = 0) Or ($del2 = 0) Or ($del3 = 0) Then
  Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>_ProgressOff

The UDF is on it's own here:Progress.au3

Previous Downloads: 191

Update: Added $fSmooth into _ProgressOn, set to 1 for a smooth prgress bar

Edited by RazerM
My Programs:AInstall - Create a standalone installer for your programUnit Converter - Converts Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Temperature and Pressure to different unitsBinary Clock - Hours, minutes and seconds have 10 columns each to display timeAutoIt Editor - Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting.Laserix Editor & Player - Create, Edit and Play Laserix LevelsLyric Syncer - Create and use Synchronised Lyrics.Connect 4 - 2 Player Connect 4 Game (Local or Online!, Formatted Chat!!)MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger and Whirlpool Hash Finder - Dictionary and Brute Force FindCool Text Client - Create Rendered ImageMy UDF's:GUI Enhance - Enhance your GUIs visually.IDEA File Encryption - Encrypt and decrypt files easily! File Rename - Rename files easilyRC4 Text Encryption - Encrypt text using the RC4 AlgorithmPrime Number - Check if a number is primeString Remove - remove lots of strings at onceProgress Bar - made easySound UDF - Play, Pause, Resume, Seek and Stop.
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no problem

My Programs:AInstall - Create a standalone installer for your programUnit Converter - Converts Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Temperature and Pressure to different unitsBinary Clock - Hours, minutes and seconds have 10 columns each to display timeAutoIt Editor - Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting.Laserix Editor & Player - Create, Edit and Play Laserix LevelsLyric Syncer - Create and use Synchronised Lyrics.Connect 4 - 2 Player Connect 4 Game (Local or Online!, Formatted Chat!!)MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger and Whirlpool Hash Finder - Dictionary and Brute Force FindCool Text Client - Create Rendered ImageMy UDF's:GUI Enhance - Enhance your GUIs visually.IDEA File Encryption - Encrypt and decrypt files easily! File Rename - Rename files easilyRC4 Text Encryption - Encrypt text using the RC4 AlgorithmPrime Number - Check if a number is primeString Remove - remove lots of strings at onceProgress Bar - made easySound UDF - Play, Pause, Resume, Seek and Stop.
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I have updated the udf to use an array

My Programs:AInstall - Create a standalone installer for your programUnit Converter - Converts Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Temperature and Pressure to different unitsBinary Clock - Hours, minutes and seconds have 10 columns each to display timeAutoIt Editor - Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting.Laserix Editor & Player - Create, Edit and Play Laserix LevelsLyric Syncer - Create and use Synchronised Lyrics.Connect 4 - 2 Player Connect 4 Game (Local or Online!, Formatted Chat!!)MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger and Whirlpool Hash Finder - Dictionary and Brute Force FindCool Text Client - Create Rendered ImageMy UDF's:GUI Enhance - Enhance your GUIs visually.IDEA File Encryption - Encrypt and decrypt files easily! File Rename - Rename files easilyRC4 Text Encryption - Encrypt text using the RC4 AlgorithmPrime Number - Check if a number is primeString Remove - remove lots of strings at onceProgress Bar - made easySound UDF - Play, Pause, Resume, Seek and Stop.
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I'm still a noob, so please excuse my ignorance.

Where might I be able to find the #includes?

What's the easiest way to get them?

Is there a part of the forum for noobs?


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  • 5 months later...

I've updated the UDF with a "smooth" paramater that sets the Progress Bar with a $PBS_SMOOTH style(Works on WinXP too)

My Programs:AInstall - Create a standalone installer for your programUnit Converter - Converts Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Temperature and Pressure to different unitsBinary Clock - Hours, minutes and seconds have 10 columns each to display timeAutoIt Editor - Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting.Laserix Editor & Player - Create, Edit and Play Laserix LevelsLyric Syncer - Create and use Synchronised Lyrics.Connect 4 - 2 Player Connect 4 Game (Local or Online!, Formatted Chat!!)MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger and Whirlpool Hash Finder - Dictionary and Brute Force FindCool Text Client - Create Rendered ImageMy UDF's:GUI Enhance - Enhance your GUIs visually.IDEA File Encryption - Encrypt and decrypt files easily! File Rename - Rename files easilyRC4 Text Encryption - Encrypt text using the RC4 AlgorithmPrime Number - Check if a number is primeString Remove - remove lots of strings at onceProgress Bar - made easySound UDF - Play, Pause, Resume, Seek and Stop.
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  • 2 weeks later...

is there any way to have a break in the progress? I want to be able to have an OK button to stop a countdown. Also if possible, and is there any way to make the size of the _ProgressSet text box any bigger? My text is being cut off :lmao:

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It should be the correct size automatically, post the script you are having trouble with please.

My Programs:AInstall - Create a standalone installer for your programUnit Converter - Converts Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Temperature and Pressure to different unitsBinary Clock - Hours, minutes and seconds have 10 columns each to display timeAutoIt Editor - Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting.Laserix Editor & Player - Create, Edit and Play Laserix LevelsLyric Syncer - Create and use Synchronised Lyrics.Connect 4 - 2 Player Connect 4 Game (Local or Online!, Formatted Chat!!)MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger and Whirlpool Hash Finder - Dictionary and Brute Force FindCool Text Client - Create Rendered ImageMy UDF's:GUI Enhance - Enhance your GUIs visually.IDEA File Encryption - Encrypt and decrypt files easily! File Rename - Rename files easilyRC4 Text Encryption - Encrypt text using the RC4 AlgorithmPrime Number - Check if a number is primeString Remove - remove lots of strings at onceProgress Bar - made easySound UDF - Play, Pause, Resume, Seek and Stop.
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  • 1 year later...

You may read it's location at autoit.chm file, just look for it.....Hahhaha

You realizing that you are answering to a post that is actualy 2 years old? :D


Nice UDF @RazerM :D



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