evod510 Posted October 12, 2005 Posted October 12, 2005 (edited) Greetings, I've been using this script for almost a year and basically all my network users are using it. I would to thank Cyberslug, he was the author of slugsend. For those who which to use it, change the "CHECHBOX USERLIST NAME " with your own userlist then change also the "CHECHBOX USERLIST NAME 2" with the actual name of your user pc. Not much problem with this script, the only problem is, I dont know how to auto scroll any new message. Again, I would like to say thanks to Cyberslug. Now my user dont need to use YM anymore. Please feel free to comment cheers evod ps- find the script attached belowslugsend.au3 Edited October 12, 2005 by evod510
Nuffilein805 Posted October 12, 2005 Posted October 12, 2005 there is just 1 problem in the script its using "net send" and you can't use it anymore if it's disabled i did something like this using 1 or a couple of ini-files on a server, so the messages keep alive even if the pc is switched off. you can delete the ini-file if you want after the user gets his message you can autoscroll you the output by replacing this line: $txt_output = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 10, 433, 170, 0x50231904, 0x00000200) with this one: $txt_output = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 10, 433, 170, 0x50231904, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL + $WS_VSCROLL + $ES_MULTILINE + $ES_WANTRETURN) ok its long but i don't want to look at the numbers hope i could help you with that my little chatmy little encryption toolmy little hidermy unsafe clickbot
evod510 Posted October 12, 2005 Author Posted October 12, 2005 there is just 1 problem in the scriptits using "net send" and you can't use it anymore if it's disabledi did something like this using 1 or a couple of ini-files on a server, so the messages keep alive even if the pc is switched off. you can delete the ini-file if you want after the user gets his messageyou can autoscroll you the output by replacing this line:$txt_output = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 10, 433, 170, 0x50231904, 0x00000200)with this one:$txt_output = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 10, 433, 170, 0x50231904, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL + $WS_VSCROLL + $ES_MULTILINE + $ES_WANTRETURN)ok its long but i don't want to look at the numbershope i could help you with thatsomehow the code does not work, actually i cant read the message at all...... thanks anyway
Nuffilein805 Posted October 12, 2005 Posted October 12, 2005 ooops seen my mistake replaced the wrong thing $txt_output = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 10, 433, 170, 0x50231904, 0x00000200) with this one: $txt_output = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 10, 433, 170, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL + $WS_VSCROLL + $ES_MULTILINE + $ES_WANTRETURN) sry just wrote a bit fast and didn't check this should work hope so my little chatmy little encryption toolmy little hidermy unsafe clickbot
evod510 Posted October 13, 2005 Author Posted October 13, 2005 ooops seen my mistakereplaced the wrong thing$txt_output = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 10, 433, 170, 0x50231904, 0x00000200)with this one:$txt_output = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 10, 433, 170, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL + $WS_VSCROLL + $ES_MULTILINE + $ES_WANTRETURN)sry just wrote a bit fast and didn't checkthis should workhope so i tried it, still does not work.... maybe need to look at the actual script which write the message to the textbox......
CyberSlug Posted October 13, 2005 Posted October 13, 2005 0) You should really upgrade to some of Larry's TCP/IP messanging....1) I added the line ControlSend($MyGui,"",$txt_output,"^{End}") at two places.2) You might want to look at arrays. My array modifications are not tested... It's now really easy to add a new button that can check or uncheck all of the checkboxes...expandcollapse popup; Proof-of-Concept for a net-send-based messenger program ; CyberSlug: Original code 3 July 2004 ; Revised for new GUI syntax 10 December 2004 ; Gui Recode to 3.1.1 15 August 2005 ; Update with own code by evod510 2005 ; Update by CyberSlug 12 Oct 2005: autoscroll via ^{End} and using arrays.... #include <GuiConstants.au3> RunWait("net start messenger","",@SW_HIDE);Make sure messenger service is running Opt("WinWaitDelay", 10) ;speeds things up a little $MyGui = GuiCreate("NetSend", 450,359,(@DesktopHeight-392)/2, (@DesktopHeight-359)/2 , 0x04CF0000) ;Controls might have word-wrap and/or read-only styles... maybe also styles to always show scroll bar... $txt_output = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 10, 433, 170, 0x50231904, 0x00000200) ;$txt_input = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("Message goes here.", 10, 230, 370, 70, 0x50231104) $txt_input = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("Message goes here.", 10, 230, 370, 40, 0x50231104) GuiCtrlSetState($txt_input, $GUI_FOCUS);default control with focus $button_send = GUICtrlCreateButton("{Enter} == Send", 20, 300, 150, 30) $checkbox_topmost = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("Always On Top", 210, 190, 150, 30, $BS_PUSHLIKE);looks like button.... GuiCtrlSetState($checkbox_topmost, $GUI_CHECKED);checkbox will be pushed in by default $button_sendclear = GUICtrlCreateButton("Clear", 10, 190, 100, 30) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;CHECHBOX USERLIST NAME START;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Dim Const $NUM_PEOPLE = 10 ;define this constant so we can use it elsewhere in program Dim $checkCN[$NUM_PEOPLE] ; Note that the array elements are indexed from 0 to $NUMPEOPLE-1 ; If all the checkboxes were in a single column, we could initialize all these with a for loop.... ; (assuming the names were stored in a separate array or something) $checkCN[0] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("jack", 280, 280, 100, 20) $checkCN[1] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("jerry", 385, 320, 100, 20) $checkCN[2] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("shelly", 385, 300, 100, 20) $checkCN[3] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("jones", 280, 300, 100, 20) $checkCN[4] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("noel", 385, 280, 100, 20) $checkCN[5] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("nick", 385, 240, 100, 20) $checkCN[6] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("lyan", 385, 340, 100, 20) $checkCN[7] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("betty", 280, 320, 100, 20) $checkCN[8] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("david", 280, 340, 100, 20) $checkCN[9] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("fisher", 385, 260, 100, 20) ;$MainCheck = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Select/Unselect", 390, 130, 120, 20) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;CHECHBOX USERLIST NAME END;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW) GUICtrlSendMsg($txt_input, 0xB1, 0, 99999);I want the sample text message to be highlighted upon start WinSetOnTop($MyGui, "", 1);always on top by default... ;MAIN MESSAGE LOOP While 1 sleep(5);sleep to prevent maxing out the CPU ; I want to trap the Enter key (but only when this GUI is active) so that it causes ; the message in the textbox to be send If WinActive($MyGui) Then HotKeySet("{Enter}", "EnterSends");register hotkey when our GUI messenger window is active Else HotKeySet("{Enter}");un-register hotkey otherwise EndIf ; Constantly poll to see if a Net Send Popup has appeared. If so, grab its contents and close it. If WinExists("Messenger Service", "Message from") Then Local $i, $t = "" $text = StringSplit( StringReplace(WinGetText("Messenger Service","Message from"),@CRLF,@LF) , @LF) WinClose("Messenger Service", "Message from") $sender = StringMid($text[2], 14, StringInStr($text[2]," to ")-14 ) $t = "" For $i = 4 to $text[0] $t = $t & $text[$i] & @CRLF Next $t = StringStripWS($t, 2);strip trailing whitespace ; Display contents from the Popup in the form '<TIME> SENDER: Message' GUICtrlSetData($txt_output, GUICtrlRead($txt_output) & "<" & @Hour & ":" & @Min & ":" & @Sec & "> " & $sender & ": " & $t & @CRLF) ControlSend($MyGui,"",$txt_output,"^{End}") ;ControlFocus($MyGui, "", $txt_input);return focus back to the input field ControlFocus($MyGui, "", $txt_input) If WinActive ( "NetSend") Then TrayTip("clears any tray tip","",0) Else TrayTip("", "NetSend", 5) Sleep(1) EndIf EndIf $msg = GuiGetMsg() ; Get any GUI messag events Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $msg = $button_send EnterSends() Case $msg = $button_sendclear Enterclear() Case $msg = $checkbox_topmost If GUICtrlRead($checkbox_topmost) = 1 Then WinSetOnTop($MyGui, "", 1);checked for 'always on-top' window Else WinSetOnTop($MyGui, "", 0);unchecked for normal window EndIf EndSelect WEnd Exit Func EnterSends() ControlFocus($MyGui, "", "Edit2") If StringStripWS(GUICtrlRead($txt_input), 3) = "" Then Return Local $message = """" & GUICtrlRead($txt_input) & """" ;wrap message in quotes Local $message2 = @ComputerName & " : " & GUICtrlRead($txt_input) ;wrap message in quotes ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;CHECHBOX USERLIST NAME 2 START;;;;;;;; For $index = 0 to $NUM_PEOPLE-1 If GUICtrlRead($checkCN[$index]) = 1 Then ;check the checked state of each box $recipient = ControlGetText($MyGui,"",$checkCN[$index]);conveniently, the text of the checkbox is the recipient... Run('net send ' & $recipient & ' "' & $message & '"', '', @SW_HIDE) EndIf Next ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;CHECHBOX USERLIST NAME 2 END;;;;;;;;; GuiCtrlSetData($txt_output, GUICtrlRead($txt_output) & "<" & @Hour & ":" & @Min & ":" & @Sec & "> " & $message2 & @CRLF) GuiCtrlSetData($txt_input, '') ;clear contents of textbox ControlSend($MyGui,"",$txt_output,"^{End}") EndFunc ;==>EnterSends Func Enterclear() GuiCtrlSetData($txt_output, '') ;clear contents of textbox Message Typed and Received, you dont anybody else to read your message!! EndFunc ;==>EnterclearSomething else that might have worked is dim const $EM_SCROLL = 0xB5;GUICtrlSendMsg ( $txt_output, $EM_SCROLL, 3, 0)FYI, the GuiCtrlSetData causes the edit box to scroll back to the top so just changing the STYLE of the edit control probably won't work. By the way, styles should be BitOR'ed toether instead of addded. Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!
Valuater Posted October 13, 2005 Posted October 13, 2005 @CyberSlug this line doesn't work on my Win Xp RunWait("net start messenger","",@SW_HIDE);Make sure messenger service is running any suggestions? I have to run Services then chose messenger then turn it on of course it is done in programing... but not hidden thx 8)
evod510 Posted October 13, 2005 Author Posted October 13, 2005 @CyberSlugthis line doesn't work on my Win XpRunWait("net start messenger","",@SW_HIDE);Make sure messenger service is runningany suggestions?I have to run Services then chose messenger then turn it onof course it is done in programing... but not hiddenthx8) if you are running xp with sp2, you need te enable the messenger service and all dde services,(winxp sp2 disable it)hope that help
Valuater Posted October 13, 2005 Posted October 13, 2005 (edited) I tried your posted script and then i ran mine the reason i know yours did not work was because mine has this error checking... remember i am a hobbyist so... i get there in a round-about-way $runvar =RunWait(@comspec & " /c net send " & $CPUID & $un & " says: " & $msg1,"",@sw_hide) ;MsgBox(0,"",$runvar) If $runvar > 0 Then MsgBox(64,"Send Error 3"," Your Message *Could Not Be Sent* " & @CRLF & @CRLF & " Please press the *Set-Up* Button " & @CRLF & @CRLF & "and press *Set-Up* on " & $CPUID & " " ) ContinueLoop EndIf i also have to check both computers because the error does not tell me which computer messenger service is not on 8) Edited October 13, 2005 by Valuater
evod510 Posted October 13, 2005 Author Posted October 13, 2005 I tried your posted script and then i ran minethe reason i know yours did not work was because mine has this error checking... remember i am a hobbyist so... i get there in a round-about-way$runvar =RunWait(@comspec & " /c net send " & $CPUID & $un & " says: " & $msg1,"",@sw_hide) ;MsgBox(0,"",$runvar) If $runvar > 0 Then MsgBox(64,"Send Error 3"," Your Message *Could Not Be Sent* " & @CRLF & @CRLF & " Please press the *Set-Up* Button " & @CRLF & @CRLF & "and press *Set-Up* on " & $CPUID & " " ) ContinueLoop EndIfi also have to check both computers because the error does not tell me which computer messenger service is not on8)maybe you can add your code to the script......
evod510 Posted March 16, 2006 Author Posted March 16, 2006 Greetings, Just wanna add someother features in the slugsend i am trying to add smilies, unfortunately when i changed it it will overlap with the previous smiley... here is some of the scripts i added.... if $t = "Happy" Then GuiCtrlCreatePic("C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\gif\1.gif",260, 280, 18, 17) EndIf if $t = "Mad" Then GuiCtrlCreatePic("C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\gif\2.gif",255, 280, 15, 15) EndIf Any idea? I'm planning to put the smilies next to the user name. So lets say for example Jim send "Happy" smiliey to Jack, Jack Slugsend should change Jim smiliey to "Happy". Any idea on how to do this..... Thats all, Thanks in advance.
evod510 Posted March 16, 2006 Author Posted March 16, 2006 Found it...... It goes something like this $1 = GuiCtrlCreatePic("C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\gif\blank.gif",260, 280, 1, 1) if $t = "Happy" Then GUICtrlDelete($1) $1 = GuiCtrlCreatePic("C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\gif\1.gif",260, 280, 18, 17) EndIf if $t = "Mad" Then GUICtrlDelete($1) $1 = GuiCtrlCreatePic("C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\gif\2.gif",255, 280, 15, 15) EndIf next step how to assign smily to users.......
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