BBs19 Posted January 4, 2015 Posted January 4, 2015 (edited) Hey guys, i wrote a small API UDF for my TV-Show-Manager program. You can get any tv-show info you like with this UDF. Everything like tv-schedule, series info, cast list, episode list etc. including image links can be downloaded and will be returned in arrays. The API is way faster than for example In case anyone ever needs it: Simple Example:expandcollapse popup#include "TVMazeAPI_UDF.au3" #include <Array.au3> ;===========TV Schedule for next 2 days========== $TV_Schedule=_GetTVSchedule() _ArrayDisplay($TV_Schedule,"TV Schedule") ;===============Search for a show================ $SearchResults=_SearchShow("person of interest") If @error then Exit _ArrayDisplay($SearchResults,"Searchresults") ;===============Get show info/details============ $ShowID=$SearchResults[0][1];Show id is taken from the searchresults first result $ShowInfo = _GetShowInfo($ShowID) _ArrayDisplay($ShowInfo,"Show Info") ;=============Get the cast of a show============= $Cast=_GetCast($ShowID) _ArrayDisplay($Cast,"Cast") ;============Get all Episodes of a Show========== $AllEpisodes = _GetShowEpisodes($ShowID) _ArrayDisplay($AllEpisodes,"All Episodes") ;========Filter Episodes by selected season====== $FilteredBySeason2 = _FilterBySeason($AllEpisodes, "2") _ArrayDisplay($FilteredBySeason2,"Filtered by episodes of season 2") ;====Get only last and next episode of a show==== $LastAndNextEpisode = _GetShowEpisodes($ShowID, 0, @TempDir, 0, 1) _ArrayDisplay($LastAndNextEpisode,"Last and Next Episodes only")Example usage(image): Updated 30.12.2015:- Bug fix Edited December 29, 2015 by BBs19 Updated JohnOne, coffeeturtle and argumentum 3
JohnOne Posted January 5, 2015 Posted January 5, 2015 I'll try this sometime. The format of the site is much better than TVrage for me too. But does not look like it caters for UK shows at a short look. AutoIt Absolute Beginners Require a serial Pause Script Video Tutorials by Morthawt ipify Monkey's are, like, natures humans.
JohnOne Posted January 18, 2015 Posted January 18, 2015 Tried this out today, it's very good, and will come in handy at some point. Thanks for the share. AutoIt Absolute Beginners Require a serial Pause Script Video Tutorials by Morthawt ipify Monkey's are, like, natures humans.
redia Posted December 22, 2015 Posted December 22, 2015 awesome udf.very handy.but I am getting errors for example with bones. I pinpointed it to a problem in processing an 'airstamp' value which is equal to 'null' a simple code which shows the error :#include "TVMazeAPI_UDF.au3" #include <Array.au3> #include "_array2d.au3" $sShowName="bones" $aSearchResults = _SearchShow($sShowName) ;_arraydisplay($aSearchResults) $iShowID = $aSearchResults[0][1];Show id is taken from the searchresults first result consolewrite ($iShowID & @crlf) $aAllEpisodes = _GetShowEpisodes($iShowID, 1, "C:\ttmp\output\") and I get the error :"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\TVMazeAPI_UDF.au3" (443) : ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.:Local $EpisodeAirDateTime = StringReplace(StringReplace(StringLeft($EpisodeAirDateTimes[$i], 16), "-", "/"), "T", " ")Local $EpisodeAirDateTime = StringReplace(StringReplace(StringLeft(^ ERROR->21:40:10 AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:1[/code I started looking at your code, but I figured it would probably be easier for you to do a clean fix rather than me adding a dirty skipif you don't feel like fixing it, please let me know I will put my brain into it.thanks again,CheersR.
BBs19 Posted December 27, 2015 Author Posted December 27, 2015 Uhm yes there were still many bugs. I have fixed and updated it some time ago but forgot to upload it here. Check first post. I have updated it. There are also a few new features like user rating etc. but i was too lazy to document everything in the UDF
redia Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 BBs19,thank you it works now I really like your udf. nice and simple. I used to get all my info from TVRAGE, parsing their RSS feeds.. your udf has cut my script to only a few lines I wish you could share your full app as it looks slick.cheers,R
redia Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 (edited) BBs19, sorry I spoke too fast. The function does not fail anymore, but it returns an array with an empty line at the end. it seems to happen when TVRAGE has only the name of the episode but no details. Once again Bones is an example of this situation.the _filterbyseason function does provide an array without the empy line per season (which could be a quick fix for a lot of people)or I simply added a while loop in my script to handle it as I need the full episode list for my purpose #include "TVMazeAPI_UDF.au3" #include <Array.au3> #include "_array2d.au3" $sShowName="bones" $aSearchResults = _SearchShow($sShowName) $iShowID = $aSearchResults[0][1] ;returns an extra empty line at the end of the array (instead of the last known episode in TVRAGE) $aAllEpisodes = _GetShowEpisodes($iShowID, 1, "C:\ttmp\output\") _arraydisplay ($aAllEpisodes) ;gives an array without the extra line (but without the last episode) $FilteredBySeason = _FilterBySeason($aAllEpisodes, "11") _ArrayDisplay($FilteredBySeason,"Filtered season 11") ;dirty fix to preserve the full array as I need it in my script ;I chose a loop to make sure I do not fall in another weird case While $aAllEpisodes[$iBound][1] = "" $aFlush = _ArrayPop($aAllEpisodes) $iBound -= 1 WEnd _arraydisplay ($aAllEpisodes) it is clearly not your UDF who has an issue. this specific situation where TVMAZE has an episode without any extra information seems to be rare, but if you choose to handle these exceptions let us know Cheers,R edit . I ran into another show which would give empty lines at the end of the array : person of interest. once again it is due to episodes which are listed with only names but no details. so my loop is the right way for me to go. until you solve it if you choose to do so. Edited December 28, 2015 by redia
BBs19 Posted December 29, 2015 Author Posted December 29, 2015 BBs19, sorry I spoke too fast. The function does not fail anymore, but it returns an array with an empty line at the end. it seems to happen when TVRAGE has only the name of the episode but no details. Once again Bones is an example of this situation.the _filterbyseason function does provide an array without the empy line per season (which could be a quick fix for a lot of people)or I simply added a while loop in my script to handle it as I need the full episode list for my purpose #include "TVMazeAPI_UDF.au3" #include <Array.au3> #include "_array2d.au3" $sShowName="bones" $aSearchResults = _SearchShow($sShowName) $iShowID = $aSearchResults[0][1] ;returns an extra empty line at the end of the array (instead of the last known episode in TVRAGE) $aAllEpisodes = _GetShowEpisodes($iShowID, 1, "C:\ttmp\output\") _arraydisplay ($aAllEpisodes) ;gives an array without the extra line (but without the last episode) $FilteredBySeason = _FilterBySeason($aAllEpisodes, "11") _ArrayDisplay($FilteredBySeason,"Filtered season 11") ;dirty fix to preserve the full array as I need it in my script ;I chose a loop to make sure I do not fall in another weird case While $aAllEpisodes[$iBound][1] = "" $aFlush = _ArrayPop($aAllEpisodes) $iBound -= 1 WEnd _arraydisplay ($aAllEpisodes) it is clearly not your UDF who has an issue. this specific situation where TVMAZE has an episode without any extra information seems to be rare, but if you choose to handle these exceptions let us know Cheers,R edit . I ran into another show which would give empty lines at the end of the array : person of interest. once again it is due to episodes which are listed with only names but no details. so my loop is the right way for me to go. until you solve it if you choose to do so.Updated @ first post.Thanks for reporting, I haven't noticed that before, my tv show program had no problems due to the empty line in the array. I fixed it anyway.And for the question about my program: You can get it here, including source:
redia Posted December 30, 2015 Posted December 30, 2015 thanks.I will test the UDF and tell you if I find anything else.and I will also check your app. Cheers,R
Tallguy298 Posted March 27, 2024 Posted March 27, 2024 I have updated this API. TV Maze has changed their API for episodes. Searching for episodes gives you the title in the array index but also gives a URL in the the array index below it. This means that the episodes do not correspond with the titles. This is a bit of a nasty fix. Probably someone could come up with a better one?? Here is the modified code... expandcollapse popup#include-once #include "TVMazeAPI_UDF_Requirements.au3" ; ========================================================== ; UDF Name.......: API UDF ; Author ........: BB_19 ; NOTES: ........: Modified by Alexander Gent ; ...............: Changed Country setting at line 327 ; ...............: Duplicated Names detected at line 523 ; ========================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _GetTVSchedule ; Description ...: Get TV-Schedule for the next 48 hours ; Syntax ........: _GetTVSchedule($ConvertTimeZone = 0) ; Parameters ....: [$ConvertTimeZone] - 0 or 1, 1= Airdate/time will be converted to the users timezone. ; Return values .: Array with schedule results in following table format: "ShowID|ShowName|Season|Episode|EpisodeName|NetworkName|AirTime|Countdown" ; @error 0 = Connection failed ; @error 1 = Nothing found for the date ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _GetTVSchedule($ConvertTimeZone = 0) Local $UserUTC = _Date_Time_GetTimeZoneInformation() ; If $UserUTC[0] = 2 Then Local $DSTOption = 60 Else Local $DSTOption = 0 EndIf $UserUTC = $UserUTC[1] If StringInStr($UserUTC, "-") Then $UserUTC = StringReplace($UserUTC, "-", "+") Else $UserUTC = "-" & $UserUTC EndIf Local $tTime_T = _Date_Time_GetLocalTime() Local $Local_User_Time = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr($tTime_T, 1) Local $stTime_T = _Date_Time_GetSystemTime() Local $System_Time = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr($stTime_T, 1) Local $TV_Schedule_Results For $Date = 1 To 2 Step +1 Local $US_Time = _DateAdd("n", "-300", $System_Time) $US_TimeS = StringSplit($US_Time, "/", 2) Local $Schedule_Date = $US_TimeS[0] & "-" & $US_TimeS[1] & "-" & StringLeft($US_TimeS[2], 2) Local $Schedule_Results = _INetGet("" & $Schedule_Date) If @error Then Return SetError(1) $Schedule_Results = StringReplace($Schedule_Results, '[{"id"', "") $Schedule_Results = StringSplit($Schedule_Results, '},{"id"', 1) If @error Then Return SetError(2) EndIf Local $TV_Schedule[($Schedule_Results[0])][8] For $i = 1 To $Schedule_Results[0] Step +1 Local $AirTimeStamp = _Between($Schedule_Results[$i], '"airstamp":"', '",') If Not @error Then Local $TimezoneDiff = StringRight($AirTimeStamp[0], 6) $AirTimeStamp = StringReplace(StringReplace(StringLeft($AirTimeStamp[0], 16), "-", "/"), "T", " ") Local $UTCConverstionDT = (StringLeft($TimezoneDiff, 1) & StringMid($TimezoneDiff, 2, 2) * 60 + StringRight($TimezoneDiff, 2)) Local $EpisodeAirDateTimeUser = _TimeZoneConversion($AirTimeStamp, $UTCConverstionDT, $UserUTC, $DSTOption) Local $DateDiff = _DateDiff('n', $Local_User_Time, $EpisodeAirDateTimeUser) + 1 $Countdown = _Countdown($EpisodeAirDateTimeUser, $DateDiff) If $ConvertTimeZone = 1 Then $AirTimeStamp = $EpisodeAirDateTimeUser EndIf Local $Season = _Between($Schedule_Results[$i], '"season":', ',') If Not @error Then $Season = $Season[0] Local $RunTime = _Between($Schedule_Results[$i], '"runtime":', ',') If Not @error Then $RunTime = $RunTime[0] Else $RunTime = 20 EndIf If ($DateDiff <= "-" & $RunTime) Then If $Countdown = "recently" Then $Countdown = "Recently aired" Else If $Countdown = "recently" Then $Countdown = "Airing now" EndIf Local $Episode = _Between($Schedule_Results[$i], '"number":', ',') If Not @error Then $Episode = $Episode[0] Local $Names = _Between($Schedule_Results[$i], '"name":"', '",') If Not @error Then Local $ids = _Between($Schedule_Results[$i], '"id":', ',') If Not @error Then If UBound($Names) > 2 Then $TV_Schedule[$i - 1][0] = $ids[0] ;Show ID $TV_Schedule[$i - 1][1] = $Names[1] ;Show Name If StringLen($Season) = "1" Then $Season = "0" & $Season If $Season = "Null" Then $Season = "00" If StringLen($Episode) = "1" Then $Episode = "0" & $Episode If $Episode = "Null" Then $Episode = "00" If $Names[0] = "Null" Then $Names[0] = "Episode " & $Episode $TV_Schedule[$i - 1][2] = $Season ;Season $TV_Schedule[$i - 1][3] = $Episode ;Episode $TV_Schedule[$i - 1][4] = $Names[0] ;Episode Name $TV_Schedule[$i - 1][5] = $Names[2] ;Network Name $AirTimeStampWeekDay = _GetWeekday($AirTimeStamp, 1) $TV_Schedule[$i - 1][6] = $AirTimeStampWeekDay & ", " & StringReplace($AirTimeStamp, " ", " - ") ;Aittimestamp $TV_Schedule[$i - 1][7] = $Countdown ;Countdown EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Next If $Date = 1 Then $TV_Schedule_Results = $TV_Schedule $System_Time = _DateAdd("d", "+1", $US_Time) Else Local $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[(UBound($TV_Schedule_Results) + UBound($TV_Schedule))][8] For $all = 0 To (UBound($TV_Schedule_Results) - 1) Step +1 $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[$all][0] = $TV_Schedule_Results[$all][0] $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[$all][1] = $TV_Schedule_Results[$all][1] $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[$all][2] = $TV_Schedule_Results[$all][2] $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[$all][3] = $TV_Schedule_Results[$all][3] $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[$all][4] = $TV_Schedule_Results[$all][4] $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[$all][5] = $TV_Schedule_Results[$all][5] $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[$all][6] = $TV_Schedule_Results[$all][6] $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[$all][7] = $TV_Schedule_Results[$all][7] Next For $all = UBound($TV_Schedule_Results) To (UBound($TV_Schedule_Results_Full) - 1) Step +1 $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[$all][0] = $TV_Schedule[$all - UBound($TV_Schedule_Results)][0] $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[$all][1] = $TV_Schedule[$all - UBound($TV_Schedule_Results)][1] $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[$all][2] = $TV_Schedule[$all - UBound($TV_Schedule_Results)][2] $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[$all][3] = $TV_Schedule[$all - UBound($TV_Schedule_Results)][3] $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[$all][4] = $TV_Schedule[$all - UBound($TV_Schedule_Results)][4] $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[$all][5] = $TV_Schedule[$all - UBound($TV_Schedule_Results)][5] $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[$all][6] = $TV_Schedule[$all - UBound($TV_Schedule_Results)][6] $TV_Schedule_Results_Full[$all][7] = $TV_Schedule[$all - UBound($TV_Schedule_Results)][7] Next Return $TV_Schedule_Results_Full EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>_GetTVSchedule ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _SearchShow ; Description ...: Search for shows on ; Syntax ........: _SearchShow($SearchName, $searchbytvrageID = 0) ; Parameters ....: $SearchName - Showname or TVRage ID ; [$searchbytvrageID] - if 1 then TVRage ID required in the previous parameter ; Return values .: Array with Search results in following table format: "ShowName|ShowID" ; @error 0 = Connection failed ; @error 1 = Nothing found ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SearchShow($SearchName, $searchbytvrageID = 0) $SearchName = _URIEncode($SearchName) If $searchbytvrageID = 0 Then If $SearchName = "" Then Return SetError(2) Local $SearchResults = _INetGet("" & $SearchName) If @error Then Return SetError(1) $SearchResults = StringSplit($SearchResults, '},{"score"', 1) If @error Then If Not StringInStr($SearchResults[1], "score") Then Return SetError(2) EndIf EndIf Else Local $SearchResult = _INetGet("" & $SearchName) If Not @error Then If StringInStr($SearchResult, '"id":') Then Local $SearchResults[2] $SearchResults[0] = 1 $SearchResults[1] = $SearchResult Else Return SetError(2) EndIf Else Return SetError(1) EndIf EndIf Local $Search_Results[($SearchResults[0])][3] For $i = 1 To $SearchResults[0] Step +1 Local $Names = _Between($SearchResults[$i], '"name":"', '",') If Not @error Then Local $ids = _Between($SearchResults[$i], '"id":', ',') If Not @error Then Local $score = _Between($SearchResults[$i], ':', ',"') If Not @error Then If Not StringInStr($SearchResults[$i], '"premiered":null') Then $Search_Results[$i - 1][0] = $Names[0] ;Show Name $Search_Results[$i - 1][1] = $ids[0] ;Show ID $Search_Results[$i - 1][2] = $score[0] ;Search Score EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Next ;Filter out shows without any Airdate information Local $count_shows = 0, $Search_Results_Cleaned[$SearchResults[0]][3] For $i_x = 1 To $SearchResults[0] Step +1 If Not ($Search_Results[$i_x - 1][0] = "") Then $count_shows = $count_shows + 1 ReDim $Search_Results_Cleaned[$count_shows][3] $Search_Results_Cleaned[$count_shows - 1][0] = $Search_Results[$i_x - 1][0] $Search_Results_Cleaned[$count_shows - 1][1] = $Search_Results[$i_x - 1][1] $Search_Results_Cleaned[$count_shows - 1][2] = $Search_Results[$i_x - 1][2] EndIf Next If $count_shows = 0 Then Return SetError(2) Return $Search_Results_Cleaned EndFunc ;==>_SearchShow ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _GetShowInfo ; Description ...: Get Show Information ; Syntax ........: _GetShowInfo($ShowID, $ConvertTimeZone = 0, $SaveShowFiles = 0, $SaveShowFilesPath = @TempDir, $GetShowImage = 0,$SaveShowImagePath=@tempdir) ; Parameters ....: $ShowID - TVMaze Show ID ; [$ConvertTimeZone] - 0 or 1, 1 = Airing date/times will be converted to the users timezone ; [$SaveShowFiles] - 0 or 1, 1 = Download the ShowInfo File to the Computer, if file allready exists, then use the old one ; [$SaveShowFilesPath] - 0 or 1, only required if previous or next parameter is set to 1 ; [$GetShowImage] - 0 or 1, 1 = Downloads the Show image to the $SaveShowFilesPath and the shows country image ; Return values .: Array with all ShowInfo in following format: [0] = "Show ID" ; [1] = "Show Name" ; [2] = "Network/Streaming Site - Name" ; [3] = "Runtime in Minutes" ; [4] = "Usual airing time" ;example: Mondays at 20:00 ; [5] = "Series Satus" ; [6] = "Premiere Date" ; [7] = "Timezone of the show" ; [8] = "Image-Link of the show" ; [9] = "Show Summary" ; [10] = "Country Code" ; [11] = "Country" ; [12] = "Rating" ; [13] = "Genres" ; @error 0 = Connection failed ; @error 1 = No show found under the id ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _GetShowInfo($ShowID, $ConvertTimeZone = 0, $SaveShowFiles = 0, $SaveShowFilesPath = @TempDir, $GetShowImage = 0, $SaveShowImagePath = @TempDir) Local $Series_INFO[14] Local $UserUTC = _Date_Time_GetTimeZoneInformation() ; If $UserUTC[0] = 2 Then Local $DSTOption = 60 Else Local $DSTOption = 0 EndIf $UserUTC = $UserUTC[1] If StringInStr($UserUTC, "-") Then $UserUTC = StringReplace($UserUTC, "-", "+") Else $UserUTC = "-" & $UserUTC EndIf Local $tTime_T = _Date_Time_GetLocalTime() Local $Local_User_Time = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr($tTime_T, 1) If $GetShowImage = 1 Then DirCreate($SaveShowImagePath) ;DownloadShowInfo If $SaveShowFiles = 0 Then Local $SeriesInfo_EpisodeList = _INetGet("" & $ShowID & "?embed=episodeswithspecials") If @error Then Return SetError(1) Else DirCreate($SaveShowFilesPath) If Not FileExists($SaveShowFilesPath & "\" & $ShowID & ".dat") Then InetGet("" & $ShowID & "?embed=episodeswithspecials", $SaveShowFilesPath & "\" & $ShowID & ".dat", 1, 0) If @error Then Return SetError(1) EndIf Local $SeriesInfo_EpisodeList = FileRead($SaveShowFilesPath & "\" & $ShowID & ".dat") EndIf ;Split Show Info & Episode List Local $Series_EpisodeList = _Between($SeriesInfo_EpisodeList, '"episodeswithspecials":', "") If Not @error Then $Series_EpisodeList = $Series_EpisodeList[0] Local $SeriesInfo = _Between($SeriesInfo_EpisodeList, "", '"episodeswithspecials":') If Not @error Then $SeriesInfo = $SeriesInfo[0] Local $Series_ID = _Between($SeriesInfo_EpisodeList, '{"id":', ",") If @error Then Return SetError(2) $Series_INFO[0] = $Series_ID[0] Local $EpisodeAirDateTimes = _Between($Series_EpisodeList, '"airstamp":"', '",') If @error Then Return SetError(2) Local $RunTimes = _Between($Series_EpisodeList, '"runtime":', ",") If Not @error Then Local $Series_Runtime = $RunTimes[UBound($RunTimes) - 1] $Series_INFO[3] = $Series_Runtime & " Minutes" Else Local $Series_Runtime = "-" $Series_INFO[3] = $Series_Runtime EndIf Local $ShowName = _Between($SeriesInfo, '"name":"', '",') If Not @error Then $ShowName = $ShowName[0] $Series_INFO[1] = $ShowName Local $NetworkName = _Between($SeriesInfo, '"name":"', '",') If Not @error Then If (UBound($NetworkName) > 1) Then $NetworkName = $NetworkName[1] EndIf $Series_INFO[2] = $NetworkName ; CHANGED TO PROPER COUNTRY SETTING Local $Country = _Between($SeriesInfo, '"country":{"name":"', '",') If Not @error Then If (UBound($Country) > 0) Then $Country = $Country[0] Else Local $Country = _Between($SeriesInfo, '"country":', ',') If (UBound($Country) > 0) Then $Country = $Country[0] EndIf $Series_INFO[11] = $Country Local $Rating = _Between($SeriesInfo, '"rating":{"average":', '},"') If Not @error Then $Rating = $Rating[0] If $Rating = "null" Then $Series_INFO[12] = "-" Else $Series_INFO[12] = $Rating & "/10" EndIf Else $Series_INFO[12] = "-" EndIf $Series_INFO[11] = $Country Local $SeriesStatus = _Between($SeriesInfo, '"status":"', '",') If Not @error Then $SeriesStatus = $SeriesStatus[0] $Series_INFO[5] = $SeriesStatus Local $PremireDate = _Between($SeriesInfo, '"premiered":"', '",') If Not @error Then $PremireDate = $PremireDate[0] $Series_INFO[6] = StringReplace($PremireDate, "-", "/") Local $Series_TimeZone = _Between($SeriesInfo, '"timezone":"', '"}') If Not @error Then $Series_TimeZone = $Series_TimeZone[0] If $Series_TimeZone = "0" Then $Series_TimeZone = "-" $Series_INFO[7] = $Series_TimeZone Local $Series_Image_Link = _Between($SeriesInfo, '"medium":"', '",') If Not @error Then $Series_Image_Link = $Series_Image_Link[0] If $GetShowImage = 1 Then If Not FileExists($SaveShowImagePath & "\" & $ShowID & ".jpg") Then InetGet($Series_Image_Link, $SaveShowImagePath & "\" & $ShowID & ".jpg", 1, 0) EndIf Else $Series_Image_Link = "" EndIf If $Series_Image_Link = "" Then If $GetShowImage = 1 Then If Not FileExists($SaveShowImagePath & "\" & $ShowID & ".jpg") Then If Not FileExists($SaveShowImagePath & "\NoPic.jpg") Then InetGet("", $SaveShowImagePath & "\NoPic.png", 0, 0) _GDIPlus_Startup() Local $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($SaveShowImagePath & "\NoPic.png") Local $sCLSID = _GDIPlus_EncodersGetCLSID("JPG") _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFileEx($hImage, $SaveShowImagePath & "\NoPic.jpg", $sCLSID) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() FileDelete($SaveShowImagePath & "\NoPic.png") EndIf FileCopy($SaveShowImagePath & "\NoPic.jpg", $SaveShowImagePath & "\" & $ShowID & ".jpg", 1) EndIf EndIf EndIf $Series_INFO[8] = $Series_Image_Link Local $Series_Summary = _Between($SeriesInfo, '"summary":"', '",') If Not @error Then $Series_Summary = StringReplace(StringReplace(_HTML_StripTags($Series_Summary[0]), '\"', '"'), "\n", "") $Series_INFO[9] = $Series_Summary Local $Series_Genre = _Between($SeriesInfo, '"genres":', ',"') If Not @error Then $Series_Genre = StringReplace(_HTML_StripTags($Series_Genre[0]), '\"', '"') $Series_Genre = StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace($Series_Genre, "[", ""), "]", ""), '"', '') If ($Series_Genre = "") Then $Series_INFO[13] = "-" Else $Series_INFO[13] = $Series_Genre EndIf Else $Series_INFO[13] = "-" EndIf #Region WeekDay and Time - "Usually Airs At" Local $TimezoneDiff = StringRight($EpisodeAirDateTimes[(UBound($EpisodeAirDateTimes) - 1)], 6) Local $UTCConverstionDT = (StringLeft($TimezoneDiff, 1) & StringMid($TimezoneDiff, 2, 2) * 60 + StringRight($TimezoneDiff, 2)) ; -240 Local $LastEpisodeAirDateTime = StringReplace(StringReplace(StringLeft($EpisodeAirDateTimes[(UBound($EpisodeAirDateTimes) - 1)], 16), "-", "/"), "T", " ") If $ConvertTimeZone = 0 Then Local $Series_UsualAirTime = _GetWeekday($LastEpisodeAirDateTime, 0) & "s at " & StringRight($LastEpisodeAirDateTime, 5) Else $LastEpisodeAirDateTime = _TimeZoneConversion($LastEpisodeAirDateTime, $UTCConverstionDT, $UserUTC, $DSTOption) Local $Series_UsualAirTime = _GetWeekday($LastEpisodeAirDateTime, 0) & "s at " & StringRight($LastEpisodeAirDateTime, 5) EndIf $Series_INFO[4] = $Series_UsualAirTime Local $CountryCode = _Between($SeriesInfo, '"code":"', '",') If Not @error Then $CountryCode = $CountryCode[0] $Series_INFO[10] = $CountryCode If $GetShowImage = 1 Then If Not FileExists($SaveShowImagePath & "\" & $CountryCode & ".jpg") Then Local $DownX = InetGet("" & StringLower($CountryCode) & ".png", $SaveShowImagePath & "\" & $CountryCode & ".png", 0, 0) _GDIPlus_Startup() Local $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($SaveShowImagePath & "\" & $CountryCode & ".png") Local $sCLSID = _GDIPlus_EncodersGetCLSID("JPG") _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFileEx($hImage, $SaveShowImagePath & "\" & $CountryCode & ".jpg", $sCLSID) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() FileDelete($SaveShowImagePath & "\" & $CountryCode & ".png") EndIf EndIf EndIf #EndRegion WeekDay and Time - "Usually Airs At" Return $Series_INFO EndFunc ;==>_GetShowInfo ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _GetShowEpisodes ; Description ...: Get All Episodes of a TV-Show ; Syntax ........: _GetShowEpisodes($ShowID, $SaveShowFiles = 0, $SaveShowFilesPath = @TempDir, $ConvertTimeZone = 0, $GetLastAndNextEpisodeOnly = 0) ; Parameters ....: $ShowID - TVMaze ID ; [$SaveShowFiles] - 0 or 1, 1 = Download the ShowInfo File to the Computer, if file allready exists, then use the old one ; [$SaveShowFilesPath] - Folder/Path where the show files are downloaded to (only required if previous parameter is set to 1) ; [$ConvertTimeZone] - 0 or 1, 1 = Airing date/times will be converted to the users timezone ; [$GetLastAndNextEpisodeOnly] - 0 or 1, 0 = All episodes will be returned, 1 = Only the Last and the Next Episode will be returned ; Return values .: Array with all all episodes or only the last/next episode depending on what option was used in the parameters ; Array Option 0(All Episodes): Table format: "Season|Episode|Episodename|Air Date/Time|Airing in/Aired" ; Array Option 1(Last/Next EP): Table format: "Season|Episode|Episodename|Air Date/Time|Airing in/Aired|MinutesSinceAired/MinutesUntilAirs" ; @error 0 = Connection failed ; @error 1 = No Cast found ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _GetShowEpisodes($ShowID, $SaveShowFiles = 0, $SaveShowFilesPath = @TempDir, $ConvertTimeZone = 0, $GetLastAndNextEpisodeOnly = 0) Local $UserUTC = _Date_Time_GetTimeZoneInformation() ; If $UserUTC[0] = 2 Then Local $DSTOption = 60 Else Local $DSTOption = 0 EndIf $UserUTC = $UserUTC[1] If StringInStr($UserUTC, "-") Then $UserUTC = StringReplace($UserUTC, "-", "+") Else $UserUTC = "-" & $UserUTC EndIf Local $tTime_T = _Date_Time_GetLocalTime() Local $Local_User_Time = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr($tTime_T, 1) Local $NextEpisodeIndex = "", $LastEpisodeIndex = "" ;DownloadShowInfo If $SaveShowFiles = 0 Then Local $SeriesInfo_EpisodeList = _INetGet("" & $ShowID & "?embed=episodeswithspecials") If @error Then Return SetError(1) Else DirCreate($SaveShowFilesPath) If Not FileExists($SaveShowFilesPath & "\" & $ShowID & ".dat") Then InetGet("" & $ShowID & "?embed=episodeswithspecials", $SaveShowFilesPath & "\" & $ShowID & ".dat", 1, 0) If @error Then FileDelete($SaveShowFilesPath & "\" & $ShowID & ".dat") Return SetError(1) EndIf EndIf Local $SeriesInfo_EpisodeList = FileRead($SaveShowFilesPath & "\" & $ShowID & ".dat") EndIf ;Split Show Info & Episode List Local $Series_EpisodeList = _Between($SeriesInfo_EpisodeList, '"episodeswithspecials":', "") If Not @error Then $Series_EpisodeList = $Series_EpisodeList[0] Else FileDelete($SaveShowFilesPath & "\" & $ShowID & ".dat") Return SetError(1) EndIf Local $SeriesInfo = _Between($SeriesInfo_EpisodeList, "", '"episodeswithspecials":') If Not @error Then $SeriesInfo = $SeriesInfo[0] Local $SeriesStatus = _Between($SeriesInfo, '"status":"', '",') If Not @error Then $SeriesStatus = $SeriesStatus[0] Local $Seasons = _Between($Series_EpisodeList, '"season":', ",") Local $EpisodeNames = _Between($Series_EpisodeList, '"name":"', '",') ; MODIFIED FOR DUPLICATE NAMES FIELD!! $zCount = 0 Do $zCount += 1 _ArrayDelete($EpisodeNames , $zCount) Until $zCount = UBound($EpisodeNames) Local $EpisodeAirDateTimes = _Between($Series_EpisodeList, '"airstamp":"', '",') If @error Then Return SetError(2) Local $RunTimes = _Between($Series_EpisodeList, '"runtime":', ",") If @error Then Local $RunTimes[100] Local $episodes = _Between($Series_EpisodeList, '"number":', ",") If Not @error Then Local $TV_Show[UBound($episodes)][5] Local $Countdowns[UBound($episodes)] Local $LastAndNextEpisode[3][6] For $i = (UBound($episodes) - 1) To 0 Step -1 If (UBound($EpisodeAirDateTimes) - 1 < $i) Then ReDim $TV_Show[UBound($TV_Show) - 1][5] ContinueLoop EndIf Local $EpisodeAirDateTime = StringReplace(StringReplace(StringLeft($EpisodeAirDateTimes[$i], 16), "-", "/"), "T", " ") Local $TimezoneDiff = StringRight($EpisodeAirDateTimes[$i], 6) Local $UTCConverstionDT = (StringLeft($TimezoneDiff, 1) & StringMid($TimezoneDiff, 2, 2) * 60 + StringRight($TimezoneDiff, 2)) Local $EpisodeAirDateTimeUser = _TimeZoneConversion($EpisodeAirDateTime, $UTCConverstionDT, $UserUTC, $DSTOption) If $ConvertTimeZone = 1 Then $EpisodeAirDateTimes[$i] = _GetWeekday($EpisodeAirDateTimeUser, 1) & ", " & $EpisodeAirDateTimeUser Else $EpisodeAirDateTimes[$i] = _GetWeekday($EpisodeAirDateTime, 1) & ", " & $EpisodeAirDateTime EndIf If StringLen($episodes[$i]) = 1 Then $episodes[$i] = "0" & $episodes[$i] If StringLen($Seasons[$i]) = 1 Then $Seasons[$i] = "0" & $Seasons[$i] If $Seasons[$i] = "Null" Then $Seasons[$i] = "00" If $episodes[$i] = "Null" Then $episodes[$i] = "00" If $EpisodeNames[$i] = "Null" Then $EpisodeNames[$i] = "Episode " & $episodes[$i] Local $DateDiff = _DateDiff('n', $Local_User_Time, $EpisodeAirDateTimeUser) + 1 $TV_Show[$i][0] = $Seasons[$i] $TV_Show[$i][1] = $episodes[$i] $TV_Show[$i][2] = StringReplace($EpisodeNames[$i], '\"', '"') $TV_Show[$i][3] = StringReplace($EpisodeAirDateTimes[$i], " ", " - ", -1) If Not (StringInStr($DateDiff, "-")) Then $NextEpisodeIndex = $i $Countdowns[$i] = _Countdown($EpisodeAirDateTimeUser, $DateDiff) $TV_Show[$i][4] = $Countdowns[$i] If $GetLastAndNextEpisodeOnly = 1 Then $LastAndNextEpisode[1][0] = $Seasons[$NextEpisodeIndex] $LastAndNextEpisode[1][1] = $episodes[$NextEpisodeIndex] $LastAndNextEpisode[1][2] = StringReplace($EpisodeNames[$NextEpisodeIndex], '\"', '"') $LastAndNextEpisode[1][3] = StringReplace($EpisodeAirDateTimes[$NextEpisodeIndex], " ", " - ", -1) $LastAndNextEpisode[1][4] = $Countdowns[$NextEpisodeIndex] $LastAndNextEpisode[1][5] = $DateDiff EndIf Else If $LastEpisodeIndex = "" Then $LastEpisodeIndex = $i $Countdowns[$i] = $DateDiff If ($DateDiff < "-" & $RunTimes[$i]) Then $TV_Show[$i][4] = _Countdown($EpisodeAirDateTimeUser, $DateDiff) Else $TV_Show[$i][4] = "Airing now" EndIf If $GetLastAndNextEpisodeOnly = 1 Then $LastAndNextEpisode[0][0] = $Seasons[$LastEpisodeIndex] $LastAndNextEpisode[0][1] = $episodes[$LastEpisodeIndex] $LastAndNextEpisode[0][2] = StringReplace($EpisodeNames[$LastEpisodeIndex], '\"', '"') $LastAndNextEpisode[0][3] = StringReplace($EpisodeAirDateTimes[$LastEpisodeIndex], " ", " - ", -1) If ($DateDiff < "-" & $RunTimes[$i]) Then $LastAndNextEpisode[0][4] = "Aired" Else $LastAndNextEpisode[0][4] = "Airing now" EndIf $LastAndNextEpisode[0][5] = $DateDiff ExitLoop EndIf EndIf ;_ArrayDelete($TV_Show , $i + 1) Next If $GetLastAndNextEpisodeOnly = 1 Then If $LastAndNextEpisode[0][2] = "" Then $LastAndNextEpisode[0][0] = "-" $LastAndNextEpisode[0][1] = "-" $LastAndNextEpisode[0][2] = "-" $LastAndNextEpisode[0][3] = "-" $LastAndNextEpisode[0][4] = "-" $LastAndNextEpisode[0][5] = "-" EndIf If $LastAndNextEpisode[1][2] = "" Then $LastAndNextEpisode[1][0] = "-" $LastAndNextEpisode[1][1] = "-" $LastAndNextEpisode[1][2] = "-" $LastAndNextEpisode[1][3] = "-" $LastAndNextEpisode[1][4] = "-" $LastAndNextEpisode[1][5] = "-" EndIf $LastAndNextEpisode[2][0] = $SeriesStatus Return $LastAndNextEpisode Else Return $TV_Show EndIf Else Return SetError(2) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetShowEpisodes ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _GetCast ; Description ...: Get Castmembers of a TV Show ; Syntax ........: _GetCast($ShowID, $DownloadImages = 0, $DownloadFolder = @TempDir) ; Parameters ....: $ShowID - TVMaze ID ; [$DownloadImages] - If "1" then Images of the Castmembers will be downloaded to the folder in the next parameter ; [$DownloadFolder] - Folder to download the images of Castmembers ; Return values .: Array with all Cast-Members in following table format: "Actor Name|Actor Role|ActorImageLink" ; @error 0 = Connection failed ; @error 1 = No Cast found ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _GetCast($ShowID, $DownloadFiles = 0, $DownloadFolderIMG = @TempDir, $DownloadFolder = @TempDir) If $DownloadFiles = 1 Then DirCreate($DownloadFolderIMG & "\" & $ShowID) DirCreate($DownloadFolder) EndIf If $DownloadFiles = 0 Then Local $SeriesInfo_Cast = _INetGet("" & $ShowID & "/cast") If @error Then Return SetError(1) Else If Not FileExists($DownloadFolder & "\" & $ShowID & ".cast.dat") Then InetGet("" & $ShowID & "/cast", $DownloadFolder & "\" & $ShowID & ".cast.dat") If @error Then Return SetError(1) EndIf Local $SeriesInfo_Cast = FileRead($DownloadFolder & "\" & $ShowID & ".cast.dat") If @error Then Return SetError(1) EndIf $SeriesInfo_Cast = StringSplit($SeriesInfo_Cast, '},{"person":', 1) If @error Then Return SetError(2) Local $Series_CastList[$SeriesInfo_Cast[0]][3] For $i = 1 To $SeriesInfo_Cast[0] Step +1 Local $Actor = _Between($SeriesInfo_Cast[$i], '"name":"', '",') If Not @error Then $Series_CastList[$i - 1][0] = StringReplace($Actor[0], '\"', '"') Local $ActorChar = _Between($SeriesInfo_Cast[$i], '"name":"', '",') If Not @error Then $Series_CastList[$i - 1][1] = StringReplace($ActorChar[1], '\"', '"') Local $Actor_Image = _Between($SeriesInfo_Cast[$i], '"medium":"', '",') If Not @error Then If UBound($Actor_Image) > 1 Then $Series_CastList[$i - 1][2] = StringReplace($Actor_Image[1], "medium", "small") Else $Series_CastList[$i - 1][2] = StringReplace($Actor_Image[0], "medium", "small") EndIf EndIf If $DownloadFiles = 1 Then If Not ($Series_CastList[$i - 1][2] = "") Then If Not ($Series_CastList[$i - 1][0] = "") Then If Not FileExists($DownloadFolderIMG & "\" & $ShowID & "\" & $Series_CastList[$i - 1][0] & ".jpg") Then InetGet($Series_CastList[$i - 1][2], $DownloadFolderIMG & "\" & $ShowID & "\" & $Series_CastList[$i - 1][0] & ".jpg", 0, 0) EndIf EndIf Else If Not ($Series_CastList[$i - 1][0] = "") Then If Not FileExists($DownloadFolderIMG & "\" & $ShowID & "\" & $Series_CastList[$i - 1][0] & ".jpg") Then If Not FileExists($DownloadFolderIMG & "\" & $ShowID & "\NoPic.jpg") Then InetGet("", $DownloadFolderIMG & "\" & $ShowID & "\NoPic.png", 0, 0) _GDIPlus_Startup() Local $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($DownloadFolderIMG & "\" & $ShowID & "\NoPic.png") Local $sCLSID = _GDIPlus_EncodersGetCLSID("JPG") _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFileEx($hImage, $DownloadFolderIMG & "\" & $ShowID & "\NoPic.jpg", $sCLSID) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() FileDelete($DownloadFolderIMG & "\" & $ShowID & "\NoPic.png") EndIf FileCopy($DownloadFolderIMG & "\" & $ShowID & "\NoPic.jpg", $DownloadFolderIMG & "\" & $ShowID & "\" & $Series_CastList[$i - 1][0] & ".jpg", 1) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Next If $DownloadFiles = 1 Then If FileExists($DownloadFolderIMG & "\" & $ShowID & "\NoPic.jpg") Then FileDelete($DownloadFolderIMG & "\" & $ShowID & "\NoPic.jpg") EndIf Return $Series_CastList EndFunc ;==>_GetCast ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _FilterBySeason ; Description ...: Filters an Episode-List by the selected Season ; Syntax ........: _FilterBySeason($Episode_List, $FilterSeason = "1") ; Parameters ....: $Episode_List - Array of the Episodelist ; $FilterSeason - Number of the season to filter ; Return values .: Filtered Array with the episodes of the selected season ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FilterBySeason($Episode_List, $FilterSeason = "1") If StringLen($FilterSeason) = "1" Then $FilterSeason = "0" & $FilterSeason For $i = (UBound($Episode_List) - 1) To 0 Step -1 If Not StringInStr($Episode_List[$i][0], $FilterSeason) Then ArrayDelete($Episode_List, $i) Next Return $Episode_List EndFunc ;==>_FilterBySeason Func _GetNumberOfSeasons($Episode_List) Local $NumberOfSeason[2] $NumberOfSeason[0] = 1 $NumberOfSeason[1] = 0 For $i = 0 To (UBound($Episode_List) - 1) Step +1 If $Episode_List[$i][0] > $NumberOfSeason[1] Then $NumberOfSeason[1] = $Episode_List[$i][0] If $Episode_List[$i][0] < $NumberOfSeason[0] Then $NumberOfSeason[0] = $Episode_List[$i][0] Next Return $NumberOfSeason EndFunc ;==>_GetNumberOfSeasons I hope this proves to be useful?
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