Moderators SmOke_N Posted August 2, 2012 Moderators Posted August 2, 2012 (edited) Recently I've been doing a lot of MySQL and SQLite db work. In one of my apps I needed a faster method for unique arrays and sorting methods, so I utilized sqlite. These are quick and dirty, not what I used in my apps, I remembered someone asking about it before so I thought I'd whip something up fast for ya'll to break or optimize. You may enjoy the speed difference on the larger sized arrays. There's no headers at the moment, I just don't have time at the moment to go into detail on on how to utilize the funcs, I made a few comments where someone might get confused. I'll provide headers and examples at a later time, but for those of you that can understand the parameters, you'll get it working just fine. Simple Example(s): #include <Array.au3> #include <mySQLite.au3> ; comment out if you're just going to paste on top of the code provided Global $a_d[10001] For $i = 0 To 10000 $a_d[$i] = Chr(Random(101, 132, 1)) Next MsgBox(64, "Example - 1", "Start") Global $gn1 = TimerInit() Global $a_u1 = _ArrayUnique($a_d) ConsoleWrite(TimerDiff($gn1) / 1000 & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(UBound($a_u1) & @CRLF) MsgBox(64, "Example - 2", "Start") Global $gn2 = TimerInit() Global $a_u2 = _mysqlite_ArrayUnique($a_d) ConsoleWrite(TimerDiff($gn2) / 1000 & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(UBound($a_u2) & @CRLF) MsgBox(64, "Example - 3", "Start") Global $gn3 = TimerInit() _ArraySort($a_d) ConsoleWrite(TimerDiff($gn3) / 1000 & @CRLF) MsgBox(64, "Example - 4", "Start") Global $gn4 = TimerInit() _mysqlite_ArraySort($a_d) ConsoleWrite(TimerDiff($gn4) / 1000 & @CRLF) As you can see, the arraysort function is much much slower than standard on smaller strings ( haven't tested with larger ). The reason for most of it is the escaping of the strings. Interested to see how it compares on larger strings, but eh... expandcollapse popup#include-once #include <Sqlite.au3> #include <Sqlite.dll.au3> Global $__gs_mysqlitedll = "" Func _mysqlite_ArraySort(ByRef $a_args, $f_desc = False, $i_rowstart = 0, $i_rowend = 0, $i_colstart = 0, $f_sortnums = False) Local $i_dimensions = __mysqlite_AreDimensionsInRange($a_args) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; get ubounds Local $a_ubs[$i_dimensions] For $iub = 0 To $i_dimensions - 1 $a_ubs[$iub] = UBound($a_args, $iub + 1) Next __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($f_desc, False) __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($i_rowstart, 0) __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($i_rowend, 0) __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($f_sortnums, False) If $i_rowstart < 0 Or $i_rowstart > $a_ubs[0] - 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If ($i_rowend > 0 And $i_rowend < $i_rowstart) Or $i_rowend > $a_ubs[0] - 1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) EndIf If $i_rowend > 0 And $i_rowend < $a_ubs[0] - 1 Then $a_ubs[0] = $i_rowend + 1 If $i_dimensions > 1 Then If $i_colstart = Default Or $i_colstart = -1 Then $i_colstart = 0 If $i_colstart < 0 Or $i_colstart > $a_ubs[1] - 1 Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) EndIf _SQLite_Startup(_mysqlite_GetDll()) Local $h_db = _SQLite_Open(":memory:") If $h_db < 1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) Local $s_create = "CREATE TEMP TABLE args (row_n,dat text);" If _SQLite_Exec($h_db, $s_create) <> $SQLITE_OK Then __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) Return SetError(5, 0, 0) EndIf _SQLite_Exec($h_db, "BEGIN;") Local $s_insert = "" Local $i_dimrow = ($a_ubs[0] - 1) - $i_rowstart For $irow = $i_rowstart To $a_ubs[0] - 1 $s_insert = "INSERT INTO args VALUES(" & $irow & "," If $i_dimensions = 1 Then $s_insert &= _SQLite_Escape($a_args[$irow]) & ");" Else $s_insert &= _SQLite_Escape($a_args[$irow][$i_colstart]) & ");" EndIf _SQLite_Exec($h_db, $s_insert) Next _SQLite_Exec($h_db, "COMMIT;") Local $s_orderby = " ORDER BY dat " If $f_sortnums Then $s_orderby = " ORDER BY CAST(dat AS REAL)" Local $s_asc = $s_orderby & " ASC" If $f_desc Then $s_asc = $s_orderby & " DESC" ; query for distinct, return id's Local $s_distinct = "SELECT row_n FROM args" & $s_asc & ";" Local $h_query, $a_row If _SQLite_Query($h_db, $s_distinct, $h_query) <> $SQLITE_OK Then __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) Return SetError(6, 0, 0) EndIf Local $a_return = $a_args If $i_dimensions = 1 Then For $irow = $i_rowstart To $a_ubs[0] - 1 If _SQLite_FetchData($h_query, $a_row) <> $SQLITE_OK Then ExitLoop $a_return[$irow] = $a_args[$a_row[0]] Next Else For $irow = $i_rowstart To $a_ubs[0] - 1 If _SQLite_FetchData($h_query, $a_row) <> $SQLITE_OK Then ExitLoop For $icol = 0 To $a_ubs[1] - 1 $a_return[$irow][$icol] = $a_args[$a_row[0]][$icol] Next Next EndIf _SQLite_QueryFinalize($h_query) __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) $a_args = $a_return Return 1 EndFunc ; the standard array unique had me confused on dimension and base ; these are the rows ->[n][n]<- these are the columns ; I switched them around I believe to match the above ; Also _ArrayUnique doesn't make sense with my version with "1" representing index "0" on row Func _mysqlite_ArrayUnique($a_args, $i_row = 0, $i_column = 0, $f_case = False) Local $i_dimensions = __mysqlite_AreDimensionsInRange($a_args) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; get ubounds Local $a_ubs[$i_dimensions] For $iub = 0 To $i_dimensions - 1 $a_ubs[$iub] = UBound($a_args, $iub + 1) Next ; set defaults __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($i_row, 0) __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($f_case, False) ; is row out of bounds If $i_row < 0 Or $i_row > $a_ubs[0] - 1 Then Return SetError(3, 1, 0) ; is column out of bounds If $i_dimensions > 1 Then __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($i_column, 0) If $i_column < 0 Or $i_column > $a_ubs[1] - 1 Then Return SetError(3, 2, 0) EndIf EndIf ; if it's the last row, let's make this short and quick Local $a_return[2] = [1] If $i_row = $a_ubs[0] - 1 Then If $i_dimensions = 1 Then $a_return[1] = $a_args[$i_row] Else $a_return[1] = $a_args[$i_row][$i_column] EndIf Return $a_return EndIf _SQLite_Startup(_mysqlite_GetDll()) Local $h_db = _SQLite_Open(":memory:") If $h_db < 1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) ; create table Local $s_nocase = " COLLATE NOCASE" If $f_case Then $s_nocase = "" ; using blob in case binary data is passed Local $s_create = "CREATE TEMP TABLE args (row_n,dat blob UNIQUE" & $s_nocase & ");" If _SQLite_Exec($h_db, $s_create) <> $SQLITE_OK Then __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) Return SetError(5, 0, 0) EndIf Local $i_dimcount = 0, $s_insert = "" _SQLite_Exec($h_db, "BEGIN;") For $irow = $i_row To $a_ubs[0] -1 $i_dimcount += 1 $s_insert = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO args VALUES(" & $irow & "," If $i_dimensions = 1 Then $s_insert &= _SQLite_Escape($a_args[$irow]) & ")" Else $s_insert &= _SQLite_Escape($a_args[$irow][$i_column]) & ")" EndIf _SQLite_Exec($h_db, $s_insert) Next _SQLite_Exec($h_db, "COMMIT;") ; query for distinct, return id's Local $s_distinct = "SELECT row_n FROM args;" Local $h_query, $a_row If _SQLite_Query($h_db, $s_distinct, $h_query) <> $SQLITE_OK Then __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) Return SetError(6, 0, 0) EndIf ReDim $a_return[$i_dimcount + 1] Local $i_next = 0 If $i_dimensions = 1 Then While _SQLite_FetchData($h_query, $a_row) = $SQLITE_OK $i_next += 1 $a_return[$i_next] = $a_args[$a_row[0]] WEnd Else While _SQLite_FetchData($h_query, $a_row) = $SQLITE_OK $i_next += 1 $a_return[$i_next] = $a_args[$a_row[0]][$i_column] WEnd EndIf _SQLite_QueryFinalize($h_query) __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) ReDim $a_return[$i_next + 1] $a_return[0] = $i_next Return $a_return EndFunc ; simple being 1 dimension only Func _mysqlite_ArrayUniqueSimple($a_args, $i_row = 0, $f_case = False) Local $i_ub = UBound($a_args) If Not $i_ub Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If UBound($a_args, 2) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ; only 1 dimension allowed __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($i_row, 0) If $i_row < 0 Or $i_row > $i_ub - 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) _SQLite_Startup(_mysqlite_GetDll()) Local $h_db = _SQLite_Open(":memory:") If $h_db < 1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) ; create table Local $s_nocase = " COLLATE NOCASE" __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($f_case, False) If $f_case Then $s_nocase = "" ; using blob in case binary data is passed Local $s_create = "CREATE TEMP TABLE args (row_n,dat blob UNIQUE" & $s_nocase & ");" If _SQLite_Exec($h_db, $s_create) <> $SQLITE_OK Then __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) Return SetError(5, 0, 0) EndIf Local $i_dimcount = 0, $s_insert = "" _SQLite_Exec($h_db, "BEGIN;") For $irow = $i_row To $i_ub -1 $i_dimcount += 1 $s_insert = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO args VALUES(" & $irow & "," $s_insert &= _SQLite_Escape($a_args[$irow]) & ")" _SQLite_Exec($h_db, $s_insert) Next _SQLite_Exec($h_db, "COMMIT;") ; query for distinct, return id's Local $s_distinct = "SELECT row_n FROM args;" Local $h_query, $a_row If _SQLite_Query($h_db, $s_distinct, $h_query) <> $SQLITE_OK Then __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) Return SetError(6, 0, 0) EndIf Local $a_return[$i_dimcount + 1], $i_next = 0 While _SQLite_FetchData($h_query, $a_row) = $SQLITE_OK $i_next += 1 $a_return[$i_next] = $a_args[$a_row[0]] WEnd _SQLite_QueryFinalize($h_query) __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) ReDim $a_return[$i_next + 1] $a_return[0] = $i_next Return $a_return EndFunc Func _mysqlite_SetDll($s_dll = "") $__gs_mysqlitedll = $s_dll EndFunc Func _mysqlite_GetDll() Return $__gs_mysqlitedll EndFunc Func __mysqlite_AreDimensionsInRange(ByRef $a_args, $i_maxdimensions = 2) Local $i_dimensions = 0 ; check dimensions range For $i = 1 To 3 If Not UBound($a_args, $i) Then ExitLoop $i_dimensions = $i Next ; is it an array If $i_dimensions = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; only working with 1 or 2d arrays If $i_dimensions > 2 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Return $i_dimensions EndFunc Func __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals(ByRef $v_var, $v_default) If $v_var = Default Or Int($v_var) = -1 Then $v_var = $v_default EndFunc Func __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB(ByRef $h_db) _SQLite_Close($h_db) _SQLite_Shutdown() $h_db = 0 EndFunc Edited August 2, 2012 by SmOke_N Added a couple of examples so people could get the gist. Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
Moderators SmOke_N Posted August 2, 2012 Author Moderators Posted August 2, 2012 I just did a large char/index array test. I don't see the memory DB array sort even coming close to the standard udf version since it's created on the fly. I'm sure if it were a disk db with the data already in it, it'd be much more proficient, a good chance I won't be using that one! lol Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
darkshark Posted August 2, 2012 Posted August 2, 2012 (edited) hi, thanks for share! i'm using this test code: expandcollapse popup#include-once #include <Sqlite.au3> #include <Sqlite.dll.au3> #include <Array.au3> Global $__gs_mysqlitedll = "" Global $a_d[10001] For $i = 0 To 10000 $a_d[$i] = Chr(Random(101, 132, 1)) Next ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "- First Ubound - " & UBound($a_d) & @CRLF & @CRLF) Global $a_d2 = $a_d ConsoleWrite("+ _ArrayUnique Test:" & @CRLF) Global $gn1 = TimerInit() Global $a_u1 = _ArrayUnique($a_d) ConsoleWrite("_ArrayUnique time - " & StringFormat("%.2f", TimerDiff($gn1) / 1000) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("_ArrayUnique ubound - " & UBound($a_u1) & @CRLF & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("+ _mysqlite_ArrayUnique Test:" & @CRLF) Local $gn2 = TimerInit() Global $a_u2 = _mysqlite_ArrayUnique($a_d) Local $ubound = UBound($a_u2) ConsoleWrite("_mysqlite_ArrayUnique time - " & StringFormat("%.2f", TimerDiff($gn2) / 1000) & @CRLF) If $ubound = 0 Then ConsoleWrite("- _mysqlite_ArrayUnique ubound - " & $ubound & @CRLF & @CRLF) Else ConsoleWrite("_mysqlite_ArrayUnique ubound - " & $ubound & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndIf ConsoleWrite("+ _ArraySort Test:" & @CRLF) Global $gn3 = TimerInit() _ArraySort($a_d) ConsoleWrite("_ArraySort time - " & StringFormat("%.2f", TimerDiff($gn3) / 1000) & @CRLF & @CRLF) _ArrayDisplay($a_d) ConsoleWrite("+ _mysqlite_ArraySort Test:" & @CRLF) Global $gn4 = TimerInit() _mysqlite_ArraySort($a_d2) ConsoleWrite("_mysqlite_ArraySort time - " & StringFormat("%.2f", TimerDiff($gn4) / 1000) & @CRLF & @CRLF) _ArrayDisplay($a_d2) MsgBox(0,'','end') Func _mysqlite_ArraySort(ByRef $a_args, $f_desc = False, $i_rowstart = 0, $i_rowend = 0, $i_colstart = 0, $f_sortnums = False) Local $i_dimensions = __mysqlite_AreDimensionsInRange($a_args) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; get ubounds Local $a_ubs[$i_dimensions] For $iub = 0 To $i_dimensions - 1 $a_ubs[$iub] = UBound($a_args, $iub + 1) Next __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($f_desc, False) __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($i_rowstart, 0) __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($i_rowend, 0) __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($f_sortnums, False) If $i_rowstart < 0 Or $i_rowstart > $a_ubs[0] - 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If ($i_rowend > 0 And $i_rowend < $i_rowstart) Or $i_rowend > $a_ubs[0] - 1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) EndIf If $i_rowend > 0 And $i_rowend < $a_ubs[0] - 1 Then $a_ubs[0] = $i_rowend + 1 If $i_dimensions > 1 Then If $i_colstart = Default Or $i_colstart = -1 Then $i_colstart = 0 If $i_colstart < 0 Or $i_colstart > $a_ubs[1] - 1 Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) EndIf _SQLite_Startup(_mysqlite_GetDll()) Local $h_db = _SQLite_Open(":memory:") If $h_db < 1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) Local $s_create = "CREATE TEMP TABLE args (row_n,dat text);" If _SQLite_Exec($h_db, $s_create) <> $SQLITE_OK Then __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) Return SetError(5, 0, 0) EndIf _SQLite_Exec($h_db, "BEGIN;") Local $s_insert = "" Local $i_dimrow = ($a_ubs[0] - 1) - $i_rowstart For $irow = $i_rowstart To $a_ubs[0] - 1 $s_insert = "INSERT INTO args VALUES(" & $irow & "," If $i_dimensions = 1 Then $s_insert &= _SQLite_Escape($a_args[$irow]) & ");" Else $s_insert &= _SQLite_Escape($a_args[$irow][$i_colstart]) & ");" EndIf _SQLite_Exec($h_db, $s_insert) Next _SQLite_Exec($h_db, "COMMIT;") Local $s_orderby = " ORDER BY dat " If $f_sortnums Then $s_orderby = " ORDER BY CAST(dat AS REAL)" Local $s_asc = $s_orderby & " ASC" If $f_desc Then $s_asc = $s_orderby & " DESC" ; query for distinct, return id's Local $s_distinct = "SELECT row_n FROM args" & $s_asc & ";" Local $h_query, $a_row If _SQLite_Query($h_db, $s_distinct, $h_query) <> $SQLITE_OK Then __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) Return SetError(6, 0, 0) EndIf Local $a_return = $a_args If $i_dimensions = 1 Then For $irow = $i_rowstart To $a_ubs[0] - 1 If _SQLite_FetchData($h_query, $a_row) <> $SQLITE_OK Then ExitLoop $a_return[$irow] = $a_args[$a_row[0]] Next Else For $irow = $i_rowstart To $a_ubs[0] - 1 If _SQLite_FetchData($h_query, $a_row) <> $SQLITE_OK Then ExitLoop For $icol = 0 To $a_ubs[1] - 1 $a_return[$irow][$icol] = $a_args[$a_row[0]][$icol] Next Next EndIf _SQLite_QueryFinalize($h_query) __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) $a_args = $a_return Return 1 EndFunc ; the standard array unique had me confused on dimension and base ; these are the rows ->[n][n]<- these are the columns ; I switched them around I believe to match the above ; Also _ArrayUnique doesn't make sense with my version with "1" representing index "0" on row Func _mysqlite_ArrayUnique($a_args, $i_row = 0, $i_column = 0, $f_case = False) Local $i_dimensions = __mysqlite_AreDimensionsInRange($a_args) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; get ubounds Local $a_ubs[$i_dimensions] For $iub = 0 To $i_dimensions - 1 $a_ubs[$iub] = UBound($a_args, $iub + 1) Next ; set defaults __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($i_row, 0) __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($f_case, False) ; is row out of bounds If $i_row < 0 Or $i_row > $a_ubs[0] - 1 Then Return SetError(3, 1, 0) ; is column out of bounds If $i_dimensions > 1 Then __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($i_column, 0) If $i_column < 0 Or $i_column > $a_ubs[1] - 1 Then Return SetError(3, 2, 0) EndIf EndIf ; if it's the last row, let's make this short and quick Local $a_return[2] = [1] If $i_row = $a_ubs[0] - 1 Then If $i_dimensions = 1 Then $a_return[1] = $a_args[$i_row] Else $a_return[1] = $a_args[$i_row][$i_column] EndIf Return $a_return EndIf _SQLite_Startup(_mysqlite_GetDll()) Local $h_db = _SQLite_Open(":memory:") If $h_db < 1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) ; create table Local $s_nocase = " COLLATE NOCASE" If $f_case Then $s_nocase = "" ; using blob in case binary data is passed Local $s_create = "CREATE TEMP TABLE args (row_n,dat blob UNIQUE" & $s_nocase & ");" If _SQLite_Exec($h_db, $s_create) <> $SQLITE_OK Then __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) Return SetError(5, 0, 0) EndIf Local $i_dimcount = 0, $s_insert = "" _SQLite_Exec($h_db, "BEGIN;") For $irow = $i_row To $a_ubs[0] -1 $i_dimcount += 1 $s_insert = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO args VALUES(" & $irow & "," If $i_dimensions = 1 Then $s_insert &= _SQLite_Escape($a_args[$irow]) & ")" Else $s_insert &= _SQLite_Escape($a_args[$irow][$i_column]) & ")" EndIf _SQLite_Exec($h_db, $s_insert) Next _SQLite_Exec($h_db, "COMMIT;") ; query for distinct, return id's Local $s_distinct = "SELECT row_n FROM args;" Local $h_query, $a_row If _SQLite_Query($h_db, $s_distinct, $h_query) <> $SQLITE_OK Then __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) Return SetError(6, 0, 0) EndIf ReDim $a_return[$i_dimcount + 1] Local $i_next = 0 If $i_dimensions = 1 Then While _SQLite_FetchData($h_query, $a_row) = $SQLITE_OK $i_next += 1 $a_return[$i_next] = $a_args[$a_row[0]] WEnd Else While _SQLite_FetchData($h_query, $a_row) = $SQLITE_OK $i_next += 1 $a_return[$i_next] = $a_args[$a_row[0]][$i_column] WEnd EndIf _SQLite_QueryFinalize($h_query) __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) ReDim $a_return[$i_next + 1] $a_return[0] = $i_next Return $a_return EndFunc ; simple being 1 dimension only Func _mysqlite_ArrayUniqueSimple($a_args, $i_row = 0, $f_case = False) Local $i_ub = UBound($a_args) If Not $i_ub Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If UBound($a_args, 2) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ; only 1 dimension allowed __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($i_row, 0) If $i_row < 0 Or $i_row > $i_ub - 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) _SQLite_Startup(_mysqlite_GetDll()) Local $h_db = _SQLite_Open(":memory:") If $h_db < 1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) ; create table Local $s_nocase = " COLLATE NOCASE" __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals($f_case, False) If $f_case Then $s_nocase = "" ; using blob in case binary data is passed Local $s_create = "CREATE TEMP TABLE args (row_n,dat blob UNIQUE" & $s_nocase & ");" If _SQLite_Exec($h_db, $s_create) <> $SQLITE_OK Then __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) Return SetError(5, 0, 0) EndIf Local $i_dimcount = 0, $s_insert = "" _SQLite_Exec($h_db, "BEGIN;") For $irow = $i_row To $i_ub -1 $i_dimcount += 1 $s_insert = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO args VALUES(" & $irow & "," $s_insert &= _SQLite_Escape($a_args[$irow]) & ")" _SQLite_Exec($h_db, $s_insert) Next _SQLite_Exec($h_db, "COMMIT;") ; query for distinct, return id's Local $s_distinct = "SELECT row_n FROM args;" Local $h_query, $a_row If _SQLite_Query($h_db, $s_distinct, $h_query) <> $SQLITE_OK Then __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) Return SetError(6, 0, 0) EndIf Local $a_return[$i_dimcount + 1], $i_next = 0 While _SQLite_FetchData($h_query, $a_row) = $SQLITE_OK $i_next += 1 $a_return[$i_next] = $a_args[$a_row[0]] WEnd _SQLite_QueryFinalize($h_query) __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB($h_db) ReDim $a_return[$i_next + 1] $a_return[0] = $i_next Return $a_return EndFunc Func _mysqlite_SetDll($s_dll = "") $__gs_mysqlitedll = $s_dll EndFunc Func _mysqlite_GetDll() Return $__gs_mysqlitedll EndFunc Func __mysqlite_AreDimensionsInRange(ByRef $a_args, $i_maxdimensions = 2) Local $i_dimensions = 0 ; check dimensions range For $i = 1 To 3 If Not UBound($a_args, $i) Then ExitLoop $i_dimensions = $i Next ; is it an array If $i_dimensions = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; only working with 1 or 2d arrays If $i_dimensions > 2 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Return $i_dimensions EndFunc Func __mysqlite_SetDefaultVals(ByRef $v_var, $v_default) If $v_var = Default Or Int($v_var) = -1 Then $v_var = $v_default EndFunc Func __mysqlite_CloseAndShutDownDB(ByRef $h_db) _SQLite_Close($h_db) _SQLite_Shutdown() $h_db = 0 EndFunc and in my console i have this: - First Ubound - 10001 + _ArrayUnique Test: _ArrayUnique time - 63.89 _ArrayUnique ubound - 33 + _mysqlite_ArrayUnique Test: _mysqlite_ArrayUnique time - 9.42 _mysqlite_ArrayUnique ubound - 33 + _ArraySort Test: _ArraySort time - 1.21 + _mysqlite_ArraySort Test: _mysqlite_ArraySort time - 12.69 the "_mysqlite_ArrayUnique" is really more fast than "_ArrayUnique", but the "_ArraySort" is more fast than "_mysqlite_ArraySort" i'm using Win 7, 32 bits! Edited August 2, 2012 by darkshark
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