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This is a script I banged out for a project where, for some reason, my client's anti-virus program detected any compiled script that used FileInstall() as infected. (They were using some program from China I was not familiar with, nor could I read the messages.) It creates an include file patterned somewhat after the SQLite.dll.au3 that is included with AutoIt. This makes the resulting EXE file a little larger than FileInstall() does (even after /striponly), but it solved my particular problem.

It is intended to be compiled, and then drag/drop the binary file onto it to do the conversion.

If the dropped file is a DLL file, it will add the DllOpen() and DllClose() commands to the startup and shutdown functions.


Const $blocksize = 512
Dim $fromfile, $fromname, $curpos, $tag, $tofile, $toname, $ext, $name
If $CmdLine[0] = 0 Then
    $fromname = $CmdLine[1]
If Not FileExists($fromname) Then Exit
$toname = $fromname & ".au3"
$fromfile = StringToBinary(BinaryToString(FileRead($fromname)))
$curpos = 0

$tofile = FileOpen($toname, 2)
If $tofile = -1 Then Exit
If StringInStr($fromname, ".") Then
    $ext = StringUpper(StringRight($fromname, StringLen($fromname) - StringInStr($fromname, ".", 0, -1)))
    $ext = ""
$name = StringRight($fromname, StringLen($fromname) - StringInStr($fromname, "\", 0, -1))
FileWriteLine($tofile, '#include-once')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '#include <file.au3>')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '')
FileWriteLine($tofile, 'Func _' & CleanName($name) & '_Startup()')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '    Local $Inline_Filename = _TempFile(@TempDir, "~", ".' & $ext & '")')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '    Local $InlineOutFile = FileOpen($Inline_Filename, 2)')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '    If $InlineOutFile = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '    FileWrite($InlineOutFile, _' & CleanName($name) & '_Inline())')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '    FileClose($InlineOutFile)')
If $ext = "DLL" Then
    FileWriteLine($tofile, '    If DllOpen($Inline_Filename) = -1 Then')
    FileWriteLine($tofile, '        Return SetError(1, 0, "")')
    FileWriteLine($tofile, '    Else')
    FileWriteLine($tofile, '        Return $Inline_Filename')
    FileWriteLine($tofile, '    EndIf')
    FileWriteLine($tofile, '    Return $Inline_Filename')
FileWriteLine($tofile, 'EndFunc   ;==>_' & CleanName($name) & '_Startup')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '')
FileWriteLine($tofile, 'Func _' & CleanName($name) & '_Shutdown($Inline_Filename)')
If $ext = "DLL" Then
    FileWriteLine($tofile, '    DllClose($Inline_Filename)')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '    FileDelete($Inline_Filename)')
FileWriteLine($tofile, 'EndFunc   ;==>_' & CleanName($name) & '_Shutdown')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '')
FileWriteLine($tofile, 'Func _' & CleanName($name) & '_Inline()')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '    Local $sData')
FileWriteLine($tofile, "    #region    ;" & $name)
While $curpos < StringLen($fromfile)
    If $curpos = 0 Then
        $curpos = 1
        $tag = '    $sData  = "'
        $tag = '    $sData &= "'
    FileWriteLine($tofile, $tag & StringMid($fromfile, $curpos, $blocksize) & '"')
    $curpos += $blocksize
FileWriteLine($tofile, "    #endregion ;" & StringRight($fromname, StringLen($fromname) - StringInStr($fromname, "\", 0, -1)))
FileWriteLine($tofile, '    Return Binary($sData)')
FileWriteLine($tofile, 'EndFunc   ;==>_' & CleanName($name) & '_Inline')

Func CleanName($name)
    $name = StringReplace($name, ".", "")
    $name = StringReplace($name, " ", "")
    $name = StringReplace($name, "[", "")
    $name = StringReplace($name, "]", "")
    $name = StringReplace($name, "(", "")
    $name = StringReplace($name, ")", "")
    $name = StringReplace($name, "{", "")
    $name = StringReplace($name, "}", "")
    Return $name
EndFunc   ;==>CleanName

but why use a random file name

I generally try to make my includes as general use as possible. Creating the file as a temp file allows for it to be used where you may not intend for the file to be permanently installed on the system the script runs on. Since I don't want to stomp on temp files being used by another script/app, I use the _TempFile() function to ensure a unique name. Since the filename is made available to you, you can move/copy/rename as you need to, if you do want it kept.

and don't put an autostart to the new script for get the file ?

Since I don't know what the file is, how it will be used, or even if it is executable; it does not make sense to autostart it here. It would be up to the script author to determine when and how the file is used.



You are probably right. I can make my way around Japanese screens, but Chinese was a bit beyond me, so I had no idea what it was.


Thank you. I appreciate it.

  • 2 years later...
  • 3 years later...
On 12/10/2010 at 4:02 AM, willichan said:

This is a script I banged out for a project where, for some reason, my client's anti-virus program detected any compiled script that used FileInstall() as infected. (They were using some program from China I was not familiar with, nor could I read the messages.) It creates an include file patterned somewhat after the SQLite.dll.au3 that is included with AutoIt. This makes the resulting EXE file a little larger than FileInstall() does (even after /striponly), but it solved my particular problem.


It is intended to be compiled, and then drag/drop the binary file onto it to do the conversion.

If the dropped file is a DLL file, it will add the DllOpen() and DllClose() commands to the startup and shutdown functions.




Const $blocksize = 512
Dim $fromfile, $fromname, $curpos, $tag, $tofile, $toname, $ext, $name
If $CmdLine[0] = 0 Then
    $fromname = $CmdLine[1]
If Not FileExists($fromname) Then Exit
$toname = $fromname & ".au3"
$fromfile = StringToBinary(BinaryToString(FileRead($fromname)))
$curpos = 0

$tofile = FileOpen($toname, 2)
If $tofile = -1 Then Exit
If StringInStr($fromname, ".") Then
    $ext = StringUpper(StringRight($fromname, StringLen($fromname) - StringInStr($fromname, ".", 0, -1)))
    $ext = ""
$name = StringRight($fromname, StringLen($fromname) - StringInStr($fromname, "\", 0, -1))
FileWriteLine($tofile, '#include-once')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '#include <file.au3>')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '')
FileWriteLine($tofile, 'Func _' & CleanName($name) & '_Startup()')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '    Local $Inline_Filename = _TempFile(@TempDir, "~", ".' & $ext & '")')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '    Local $InlineOutFile = FileOpen($Inline_Filename, 2)')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '    If $InlineOutFile = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '    FileWrite($InlineOutFile, _' & CleanName($name) & '_Inline())')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '    FileClose($InlineOutFile)')
If $ext = "DLL" Then
    FileWriteLine($tofile, '    If DllOpen($Inline_Filename) = -1 Then')
    FileWriteLine($tofile, '        Return SetError(1, 0, "")')
    FileWriteLine($tofile, '    Else')
    FileWriteLine($tofile, '        Return $Inline_Filename')
    FileWriteLine($tofile, '    EndIf')
    FileWriteLine($tofile, '    Return $Inline_Filename')
FileWriteLine($tofile, 'EndFunc   ;==>_' & CleanName($name) & '_Startup')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '')
FileWriteLine($tofile, 'Func _' & CleanName($name) & '_Shutdown($Inline_Filename)')
If $ext = "DLL" Then
    FileWriteLine($tofile, '    DllClose($Inline_Filename)')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '    FileDelete($Inline_Filename)')
FileWriteLine($tofile, 'EndFunc   ;==>_' & CleanName($name) & '_Shutdown')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '')
FileWriteLine($tofile, 'Func _' & CleanName($name) & '_Inline()')
FileWriteLine($tofile, '    Local $sData')
FileWriteLine($tofile, "    #region    ;" & $name)
While $curpos < StringLen($fromfile)
    If $curpos = 0 Then
        $curpos = 1
        $tag = '    $sData  = "'
        $tag = '    $sData &= "'
    FileWriteLine($tofile, $tag & StringMid($fromfile, $curpos, $blocksize) & '"')
    $curpos += $blocksize
FileWriteLine($tofile, "    #endregion ;" & StringRight($fromname, StringLen($fromname) - StringInStr($fromname, "\", 0, -1)))
FileWriteLine($tofile, '    Return Binary($sData)')
FileWriteLine($tofile, 'EndFunc   ;==>_' & CleanName($name) & '_Inline')

Func CleanName($name)
    $name = StringReplace($name, ".", "")
    $name = StringReplace($name, " ", "")
    $name = StringReplace($name, "[", "")
    $name = StringReplace($name, "]", "")
    $name = StringReplace($name, "(", "")
    $name = StringReplace($name, ")", "")
    $name = StringReplace($name, "{", "")
    $name = StringReplace($name, "}", "")
    Return $name
EndFunc   ;==>CleanName


My Exe File 289 kb.. Drop to inlineme

Execute file.. Display command Prompt.. File to big to fit in memory..

How to change blocksize .. ?


Thank you..

On Monday, October 24, 2016 at 3:32 PM, Sudiro said:

My Exe File 289 kb.. Drop to inlineme

Execute file.. Display command Prompt.. File to big to fit in memory..

How to change blocksize .. ?

blocksize is set in the first line of the script.  It won't change much as far as the final size goes though.

  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)


Great script , thanks for sharing :)

I ran the script and created the SQLite.dll.au3 file , and included it in my script

but im still getting error "SQLite3.dll Can't be Loaded!"

I will really appreciate it if you took a look at my code below


#include <SQLite.au3>
#include <SQLite.dll.au3>


If @error Then
    MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "SQLite Error", "SQLite3.dll Can't be Loaded!")
    Exit -1

$DB = _SQLite_Open("C:\Temp\Test.db")
$Action = "TestAction"
$Time = @HOUR&":"&@MIN&":"&@SEC
$Date = @YEAR&"-"&@MON&"-"&@MDAY
$User = @UserName
$Computer = @ComputerName
$DC = @LogonServer
If @error Then
    MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "SQLite Error", "Couldnt open Database")
    Exit -1
_SQLite_Exec($DB,"INSERT INTO QLogs (Action,Date,Time,User,Computer,DC) " & _
                              "VALUES ("& _SQLite_FastEscape($Action) & "," & _
                                          _SQLite_FastEscape($Date) & "," & _
                                          _SQLite_FastEscape($Time) & "," & _
                                          _SQLite_FastEscape($User) & "," & _
                                          _SQLite_FastEscape($Computer) & "," & _
                                          _SQLite_FastEscape($DC) & ");")

If @error Then
    MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "SQLite Error", "Couldnt insert!")
    Exit -1


Edited by BisherSH
  • 1 year later...

I know this is an old post, but I wanted to give a solution to the problem for anyone that comes up on this topic.  The _Starup and _Shutdown functions created by the Inline script are not being called.  The updated script is below.  

#include <SQLite.au3>
#include "SQLite.dll.au3" ;Created by InlineMe.au3

Global $sSQLiteDLL = _SQLitedll_Startup()


If @error Then
    MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "SQLite Error", "SQLite3.dll Can't be Loaded!")
    Exit -1

Global $DB = _SQLite_Open("C:\Temp\Test.db")
Global $Action = "TestAction"
Global $Time = @HOUR&":"&@MIN&":"&@SEC
Global $Date = @YEAR&"-"&@MON&"-"&@MDAY
Global $User = @UserName
Global $Computer = @ComputerName
Global $DC = @LogonServer
If @error Then
    MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "SQLite Error", "Couldnt open Database")
    Exit -1
_SQLite_Exec($DB,"INSERT INTO QLogs (Action,Date,Time,User,Computer,DC) " & _
                              "VALUES ("& _SQLite_FastEscape($Action) & "," & _
                                          _SQLite_FastEscape($Date) & "," & _
                                          _SQLite_FastEscape($Time) & "," & _
                                          _SQLite_FastEscape($User) & "," & _
                                          _SQLite_FastEscape($Computer) & "," & _
                                          _SQLite_FastEscape($DC) & ");")

If @error Then
    MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "SQLite Error", "Couldnt insert!")
    Exit -1





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