peethebee Posted May 31, 2005 Posted May 31, 2005 (edited) Hi! This tool is able to react on almost ANY window to appear. It can send then keystrokes or mouse clicks, it can activate controls or manipulate the controls texts, it can run a exe file (e.g. a compiled script with additional functions) or it can just log the appearance of the window. All these featrues are quite stable in the actual version. You can get it via my fileman (please make sure to download the newest one as there are mostly more then one version online). The complete source code is included. Perhaps it is a good idea for a little bit more advanced coders to have a quick look at it to see some useful techniques to work with windows. "busysignal" is using this tool in daily life at the moment and "Analritter" ran it too. "busysignal" is kind of happy with it, I think . Of course you can post your own feature requests here and I will see if I can implement them. I hope you like my work, and I appreciate any kind of reaction to it, peethebee Original initial post: Hi!I'm at the moment developping a tool that's able to press any button in a given dialog or window.Features: - Send keystroke- Send mousclick- write log- run proggywould you like that?I developped about 50% so far. could post it, if interest is toooo big ;-)peethebee Edited September 20, 2005 by peethebee vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvGerman Forums: http://www.autoit.deGerman Help File: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
GrungeRocker Posted May 31, 2005 Posted May 31, 2005 yes im interested! [font="Verdana"]In work:[list=1][*]InstallIt[*]New version of SpaceWar[/list] [/font]
busysignal Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 Interesting to see what you have come up with.. Bring on the code!! Cheers..
peethebee Posted June 5, 2005 Author Posted June 5, 2005 (edited) Hi!Here's the code for you, guys!I thought about adding this (universal translation) to the script later on.Here the code now:1.: The scan engineexpandcollapse popup; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AutoIt Version: 3.1.1 ; Author: peethebee <> ; ; Script Function: ; Clicks buttons for you automatically! ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start - Add your code below here #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <date.au3> HotKeySet("!^a", "show_add_Window") HotKeySet("!^s", "show_settings") HotKeySet("!^q", "Quit") HotKeySet("!^w", "active") Global $active $active = 1 ; Language modifications take place here: ; english $lang_program_name = 'Click4u "chip-Edition" ' $lang_program_version = "1.1" $lang_welcome_text = "The following things are now possible:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Ctrl + Alt + S: program options" & @CRLF & "Ctrl + Alt + A: New action with actual window" & @CRLF & "Ctrl + Alt + W: (De)aktivieren" & @CRLF & "Ctrl + Alt + Q: Quit" $lang_GUI_win_title = "Fenstertitel des aktiven Fensters:" $lang_GUI_win_text = "Fenstertext des aktiven Fensters:" $lang_add_new_target_window = "Neues Zielfenster" $lang_add_new_target_window_button = "Fenster merken" $lang_input_titlemode_title = "WinTitleMatchMode" $lang_input_titlemode_prompt = "Please specifie comparison modefor win titles and texts" & @CRLF & "1 = given text is begin of title/text" & @CRLF & "2 = given text is anywhere in title/text" & @CRLF & "3 = given text is exactly title/text" & @CRLF & "4 = extended mode (experts only)" $lang_input_titlemode_default = "3" $lang_input_action_type_title = "please choose action of " & $lang_program_name & "" $lang_input_action_type_default = "K" $lang_input_action_letter_keystroke = "K" $lang_input_action_letter_mouse = "M" $lang_input_action_letter_log = "L" $lang_input_action_letter_run = "R" $lang_input_action_type_prompt = "key press (" & $lang_input_action_letter_keystroke & ")," & @CRLF & "mouse click (" & $lang_input_action_letter_mouse & ")," & @CRLF & "logging (" & $lang_input_action_letter_log & ") oder" & @CRLF & "run program (" & $lang_input_action_letter_run & ")" $lang_input_action_key_title = "send keystroke" $lang_input_action_key_prompt = "Order of keys to send (AutoIt's format, see help!):" $lang_input_action_key_default = "{ENTER}" $lang_input_action_mouse_title = "Send mouse click" $lang_input_action_mouse_prompt = "Position of the mouse click (Press Strg + Alt + Y for aktual mouse pos):" $lang_input_action_mouse_default = "210,243" $lang_input_action_log_title = "Write log file entry" $lang_input_action_log_prompt = "Give the text that shall be logged with win title and name and date and time:" $lang_input_action_log_default = "Fenster aufgetaucht" $lang_input_action_run_title = "Run program" $lang_input_action_run_prompt = "Give the program's path:" $lang_input_action_run_default = "notepad" $lang_error = "Error" $lang_error_at_file_open = "Error at file opening!" $lang_quit_text = "is closed..." $lang_deactive_title = $lang_program_name & "is now inaktive" $lang_deactive_text = "Reaktivate by pressing Alt + Ctrl + W!" $lang_reactive_title = $lang_program_name & "is now active" $lang_reactive_text = "Deactivate by pressing Alt + Ctrl + W!" $lang_make_immediately_active_input_title = "Activate action?" $lang_make_immediately_active_input_text = "Is the script ought to scan for the win immediately (Y/N)?" $lang_make_immediately_active_input_default = "Y" ;Willkommensgruß TrayTip($lang_program_name & $lang_program_version, $lang_welcome_text, 5) ;GUI vorproduzieren $var_act_win_title = WinGetTitle("") $var_act_win_text = WinGetText("") ; GUI erstellen; Build GUI $GUI_win_add_target = GUICreate($lang_program_name & $lang_program_version, 229, 294, (@DesktopWidth - 229) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 294) / 2, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $GUI_Label_1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lang_GUI_win_title, 20, 60, 160, 20) $GUI_Input_2 = GUICtrlCreateInput($var_act_win_title, 20, 80, 190, 20) $GUI_Label_3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lang_GUI_win_text, 20, 110, 160, 20) $GUI_Edit_4 = GUICtrlCreateEdit($var_act_win_text, 20, 130, 190, 75) $GUI_Label_5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lang_add_new_target_window, 20, 10, 160, 20) GUICtrlSetFont($GUI_Label_5, 12) $GUI_Button_6 = GUICtrlCreateButton($lang_add_new_target_window_button, 20, 240, 190, 30) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) ; Willkommenstip weg Sleep(5000) TrayTip("", "", 3) While 1 If $active = 1 Then ClickIt() $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $active = 1 GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) Case $msg = $GUI_Button_6 GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) $var_act_win_title = GUICtrlRead($GUI_Input_2) $var_act_win_text = GUICtrlRead($GUI_Edit_4) $var_act_win_text = StringReplace($var_act_win_text,@CRLF,"%BR%") $var_act_win_text = StringReplace($var_act_win_text,@LF,"") $var_act_win_text = StringReplace($var_act_win_text,@CR,"") ;MsgBox(0, $var_act_win_text, $var_act_win_text) $var_wintitlematchmode = InputBox($lang_input_titlemode_title, $lang_input_titlemode_prompt, $lang_input_titlemode_default) $var_action_typ = InputBox($lang_input_action_type_title, $lang_input_action_type_prompt, $lang_input_action_type_default) Select Case $var_action_typ = $lang_input_action_letter_keystroke $var_action = InputBox($lang_input_action_key_title, $lang_input_action_key_prompt, $lang_input_action_key_default) Case $var_action_typ = $lang_input_action_letter_mouse Run(@ScriptDir & "\MousePos.exe") $var_action = InputBox($lang_input_action_mouse_title, $lang_input_action_mouse_prompt, $lang_input_action_mouse_default) Send("!^{ESC}") Case $var_action_typ = $lang_input_action_letter_log $var_action = InputBox($lang_input_action_log_title, $lang_input_action_log_prompt, $lang_input_action_log_default) Case $var_action_typ = $lang_input_action_letter_run $var_action = InputBox($lang_input_action_run_title, $lang_input_action_run_prompt, $lang_input_action_run_default) EndSelect $var_window_number = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "NumWin", "number", "error") If $var_window_number = "error" Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "NumWin", "number", "0") $var_window_number = 0 EndIf ;Daten schreiben IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "NumWin", "number", $var_window_number + 1) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $var_window_number + 1, "Title", $var_act_win_title) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $var_window_number + 1, "Text", $var_act_win_text) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $var_window_number + 1, "MatchMode", $var_wintitlematchmode) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $var_window_number + 1, "ActionType", $var_action_typ) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $var_window_number + 1, "Action", $var_action) $aktiv = InputBox($lang_make_immediately_active_input_title, $lang_make_immediately_active_input_text, $lang_make_immediately_active_input_default) If $aktiv = $lang_make_immediately_active_input_default Then $active = 1 EndSelect WEnd Func show_add_Window() $var_act_win_title = WinGetTitle("") $var_act_win_text = WinGetText("") $var_act_win_text = StringTrimRight($var_act_win_text,1) $var_act_win_text_edit = StringReplace($var_act_win_text,@LF,@CRLF) ; Zusätzliche Merkmale hgerausfinden?; get additional things about the window? GUICtrlSetData($GUI_Input_2, $var_act_win_title) GUICtrlSetData($GUI_Edit_4, $var_act_win_text_edit) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $active = 0 EndFunc ;==>show_add_Window Func ClickIt() $var_waittime = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "Settings", "WaitTime", 500) $var_window_number = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "NumWin", "number", "error") If Not $var_window_number = "error" Then For $i = 1 To $var_window_number Step 1 ; Variablen einlesen $var_wintitlematchmode = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $i, "MatchMode", 3) $var_win_title = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $i, "Title", "Error reading Title...") $var_win_text = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $i, "Text", "Error reading Text...") $var_win_text = StringReplace($var_win_text, "%BR%", @CRLF) ;DEBUG: ;TrayTip("Fenstertext ausgelesen:", $var_win_text, 10) $var_action_type = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $i, "ActionType", "") $var_action = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $i, "Action", "") ; MatchMode setzen Opt ("WinTitleMatchMode", $var_wintitlematchmode) ; Fenster suchen If WinExists($var_win_title, $var_win_text) Then ; Fenster gefunden, ab geht die Post WinActivate($var_win_title, $var_win_text) Sleep($var_waittime) Select Case $var_action_type = $lang_input_action_letter_keystroke Send($var_action, 0) Case $var_action_type = $lang_input_action_letter_mouse $var_pos = StringSplit($var_action, ",") MouseClick("left", $var_pos[1], $var_pos[2], 1, 1) Case $var_action_type = $lang_input_action_letter_log $file = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\log.txt", 1) If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, $lang_error, $lang_error_at_file_open) Else FileWriteLine($file, _Now() & ": -> " & $var_action & " <- (" & $var_win_title & " --- " & $var_win_text & ")") EndIf FileClose($file) Case $var_action_type = $lang_input_action_letter_run Run(@ComSpec & " /c Start " & $var_action) EndSelect EndIf Next EndIf EndFunc ;==>ClickIt Func show_settings() Run(@ScriptDir & "\Click4uSet.exe") EndFunc ;==>show_settings Func Quit() TrayTip($lang_program_name & $lang_program_version, $lang_quit_text, 4) Sleep(3000) Exit EndFunc ;==>Quit Func active() If $active = 1 Then $active = 0 TrayTip($lang_deactive_title, $lang_deactive_text, 3) sleep(2500) TrayTip("", "", 0) Else $active = 1 TrayTip($lang_reactive_title, $lang_reactive_text, 3) sleep(2500) TrayTip("", "", 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>active2. The settings proggy:expandcollapse popup; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AutoIt Version: 3.1.1 ; Author: peethebee <> ; ; Script Function: ;~; Clicks buttons for you automatically! Settings program ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start - Add your code below here ;License: ; It is not allowed to print this script in a magazine or pack it on CD without the permission of the author! #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <file.au3> #include <Array.au3> $lang_program_name = 'Click4u "chip-Edition" ' $lang_program_version = "1.1" $lang_link_program_name = "Click4u" ;english $lang_error = "Error!" $lang_error_at_file_open = "Log file coulf not be opened!" $lang_autorun_user = "autorun only for this user" $lang_autorun_all_users = "autorun for all users" $lang_disable_autorun = "no autorun" $lang_apply_settings = "save settings" $lang_wait_time = "Time to wait bevor action (in ms):" $lang_settings_title = "settings" $lang_general_settings = "general settings" $lang_target_settings = "window" $lang_delete_request_title = "delete item" $lang_delete_request_text = "Do you really want to delete this one?" $lang_listview_title = "Nr.|window title |window text " $lang_title_title = "Change title" $lang_title_text = "New title:" $lang_text_title = "Change text" $lang_text_text = "New text (%BR% for line break):" $lang_input_titlemode_title = "WinTitleMatchMode" $lang_input_titlemode_prompt = "Please specifie comparison modefor win titles and texts" & @CRLF & "1 = given text is begin of title/text" & @CRLF & "2 = given text is anywhere in title/text" & @CRLF & "3 = given text is exactly title/text" & @CRLF & "4 = extended mode (experts only)" $lang_input_titlemode_default = "3" $lang_input_action_type_title = "please choose action of " & $lang_program_name & "" $lang_input_action_type_default = "K" $lang_input_action_letter_keystroke = "K" $lang_input_action_letter_mouse = "M" $lang_input_action_letter_log = "L" $lang_input_action_letter_run = "R" $lang_input_action_type_prompt = "key press (" & $lang_input_action_letter_keystroke & ")," & @CRLF & "mouse click (" & $lang_input_action_letter_mouse & ")," & @CRLF & "logging (" & $lang_input_action_letter_log & ") oder" & @CRLF & "run program (" & $lang_input_action_letter_run & ")" $lang_input_action_key_title = "send keystroke" $lang_input_action_key_prompt = "Order of keys to send (AutoIt's format, see help!):" $lang_input_action_mouse_title = "Send mouse click" $lang_input_action_mouse_prompt = "Position of the mouse click (Press Ctrl + Alt + Y for aktual mouse pos):" $lang_input_action_log_title = "Write log file entry" $lang_input_action_log_prompt = "Give the text that shall be logged with win title and name and date and time:" $lang_input_action_run_title = "Run program" $lang_input_action_run_prompt = "Give the program's path:" Dim $GUI_item[1] ; Settings GUI $GUI_win_settings = GUICreate($lang_program_name & $lang_program_version, 283, 323, (@DesktopWidth - 283) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 323) / 2, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $GUI_Label_8 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lang_settings_title, 20, 10, 160, 20) GUICtrlSetFont($GUI_Label_8, 12) $GUI_tab = GUICtrlCreateTab(20, 40, 250, 230) $GUI_tab_1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem($lang_general_settings) $GUI_auto_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton($lang_autorun_user, 30, 80, 230, 20) $GUI_auto_2 = GUICtrlCreateButton($lang_autorun_all_users, 30, 100, 230, 20) $GUI_auto_3 = GUICtrlCreateButton($lang_disable_autorun, 30, 120, 230, 20) $GUI_Label_5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lang_wait_time, 30, 175, 300, 20) $GUI_Input_6 = GUICtrlCreateInput("5000", 30, 195, 70, 20) ; SCHEINT SONST DURCH! $GUI_Spin_7 = GUICtrlCreateUpdown($GUI_Input_6, $UDS_ARROWKEYS & $UDS_NOTHOUSANDS) ;#cs zunächst deaktiviert, da noch nicht fertig: $GUI_tab_2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem($lang_target_settings) $GUI_listview = GUICtrlCreateListView($lang_listview_title, 30, 80, 225, 155);, $LVS_SORTDESCENDING) ;Items einlesen $var_win_count = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "NumWin", "number", "error") If $var_win_count = "error" Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "NumWin", "number", "0") $var_win_count = 0 EndIf Fill_listview() ;Buttons $GUI_list_button_new = GUICtrlCreateButton("Neu", 30, 240, 60, 20) $GUI_list_button_edit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Bearbeiten", 90, 240, 60, 20) $GUI_list_button_delete = GUICtrlCreateButton("Löschen", 150, 240, 60, 20) $GUI_list_button_up = GUICtrlCreateButton("^", 215, 240, 20, 20) $GUI_list_button_down = GUICtrlCreateButton("v", 235, 240, 20, 20) ;#ce GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") $GUI_Button_4 = GUICtrlCreateButton($lang_apply_settings, 150, 300, 130, 20, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) $var_temp = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "Settings", "WaitTime", 1001) If $var_temp = 1001 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "Settings", "WaitTime", "1000") $var_temp = 1000 EndIf GUICtrlSetData($GUI_Input_6, $var_temp) GUISetState() While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $msg = $GUI_Button_4 Exit Case $msg = $GUI_auto_1 If FileExists(@StartupCommonDir & "\" & $lang_link_program_name & ".lnk") Then FileDelete(@StartupCommonDir & "\" & $lang_link_program_name & ".lnk") EndIf If Not FileExists(@StartupDir & "\" & $lang_link_program_name & ".lnk") Then FileCreateShortcut(@ScriptDir & "\Click4u.exe", @StartupDir & "\" & $lang_link_program_name & ".lnk", @ScriptDir, "", "Startet das Tool Click4u, das für Sie Dialogfenster wegklickt") EndIf Case $msg = $GUI_auto_2 If FileExists(@StartupDir & "\" & $lang_link_program_name & ".lnk") Then FileDelete(@StartupDir & "\" & $lang_link_program_name & ".lnk") EndIf If Not FileExists(@StartupCommonDir & "\" & $lang_link_program_name & ".lnk") Then FileCreateShortcut(@ScriptDir & "\Click4u.exe", @StartupCommonDir & "\" & $lang_link_program_name & ".lnk", @ScriptDir, "", "Startet das Tool Click4u, das für Sie Dialogfenster wegklickt") EndIf Case $msg = $GUI_auto_3 If FileExists(@StartupCommonDir & "\" & $lang_link_program_name & ".lnk") Then FileDelete(@StartupCommonDir & "\" & $lang_link_program_name & ".lnk") EndIf If FileExists(@StartupDir & "\" & $lang_link_program_name & ".lnk") Then FileDelete(@StartupDir & "\" & $lang_link_program_name & ".lnk") EndIf Case $msg = $GUI_list_button_up ; Debug: ToolTip($item1_id) $var_list_id = GUICtrlRead($GUI_listview) If $var_list_id <> $item1_id Then Tausche_in_ini($var_list_id - $item1_id + 1, $var_list_id - $item1_id, 1) ;GUICtrlSetData($GUI_listview, $var_list_id - 1) evtl. im Forum fragen (Eintrag markieren!)! Else Tausche_in_ini(1, $var_win_count, 1) ;GUICtrlSetData($GUI_listview, $item1_id + $var_win_count) EndIf Case $msg = $GUI_list_button_down ; Debug: ToolTip($item1_id) $var_list_id = GUICtrlRead($GUI_listview) If $var_list_id <> $item1_id + $var_win_count - 1 Then Tausche_in_ini($var_list_id - $item1_id + 1, $var_list_id - $item1_id + 2, 1) ;GUICtrlSetData($GUI_listview, $var_list_id + 1) Else Tausche_in_ini(1, $var_win_count, 1) ;GUICtrlSetData($GUI_listview, $item1_id) EndIf Case $msg = $GUI_list_button_new WinSetState("", "", @SW_HIDE) Send("!^a") Exit Case $msg = $GUI_list_button_delete $var_list_id = GUICtrlRead($GUI_listview) - $item1_id + 1 If MsgBox(4, $lang_delete_request_title, $lang_delete_request_text) = 6 Then IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $var_list_id) For $r = $var_list_id + 1 To $var_win_count Tausche_in_ini($r, $r - 1, 0) Next $var_win_count = $var_win_count - 1 IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "NumWin", "number", $var_win_count) Fill_listview() EndIf Case $msg = $GUI_list_button_edit $var_id = GUICtrlRead($GUI_listview) - $item1_id + 1 $var_wintitlematchmode = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $var_id, "MatchMode", 3) $var_win_title = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $var_id, "Title", "Error reading Title...") $var_win_text = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $var_id, "Text", "Error reading Text...") $var_action_type = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $var_id, "ActionType", "") $var_action = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $var_id, "Action", "") $var_act_win_title = InputBox($lang_title_title, $lang_title_text, $var_win_title) $var_act_win_text = InputBox($lang_text_title, $lang_text_text, $var_win_text) $var_win_text = StringReplace($var_win_text, "%BR%", @CRLF) $var_wintitlematchmode = InputBox($lang_input_titlemode_title, $lang_input_titlemode_prompt, $var_wintitlematchmode) $var_action_typ = InputBox($lang_input_action_type_title, $lang_input_action_type_prompt, $var_action_type) Select Case $var_action_typ = $lang_input_action_letter_keystroke $var_action = InputBox($lang_input_action_key_title, $lang_input_action_key_prompt, $var_action) Case $var_action_typ = $lang_input_action_letter_mouse Run(@ScriptDir & "\MousePos.exe") $var_action = InputBox($lang_input_action_mouse_title, $lang_input_action_mouse_prompt, $var_action) Send("!^{ESC}") Case $var_action_typ = $lang_input_action_letter_log $var_action = InputBox($lang_input_action_log_title, $lang_input_action_log_prompt, $var_action) Case $var_action_typ = $lang_input_action_letter_run $var_action = InputBox($lang_input_action_run_title, $lang_input_action_run_prompt, $var_action) EndSelect ;Daten schreiben IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $var_id, "Title", $var_act_win_title) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $var_id, "Text", $var_act_win_text) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $var_id, "MatchMode", $var_wintitlematchmode) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $var_id, "ActionType", $var_action_typ) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $var_id, "Action", $var_action) Fill_listview() EndSelect WEnd Func Tausche_in_ini($a, $b, $fill) Dim $datei _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", $datei) Local $j For $j = 1 To $datei[0] $datei[$j] = StringReplace($datei[$j], "[" & $a & "]", "[TEMP]") $datei[$j] = StringReplace($datei[$j], "[" & $b & "]", "[" & $a & "]") $datei[$j] = StringReplace($datei[$j], "[TEMP]", "[" & $b & "]") Next _FileSaveToArray (@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", $datei) If $fill = 1 Then Fill_listview() EndFunc ;==>Tausche_in_ini Func Fill_listview() Global $item1_id If UBound($GUI_item) <> 1 Then For $i = 1 To UBound($GUI_item) - 1 GUICtrlDelete($GUI_item[$i]) Next EndIf ReDim $GUI_item[1] For $i = 1 To $var_win_count $var_title = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $i, "Title", $lang_error) $var_text = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", $i, "Text", $lang_error) $var_text = StringReplace($var_text, "%BR%", ", ") _ArrayAdd($GUI_item, GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($i & "|" & $var_title & "|" & $var_text, $GUI_listview)) ;$GUI_item[$i] = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($i & "|" & $var_title & "|" & $var_text, $GUI_listview) If $i = 1 Then $item1_id = $GUI_item[$i] Next EndFunc ;==>Fill_listview Func Quit() Exit EndFunc ;==>QuitHope you like it!Feel free to post comment, suggestions, problems, bugs and so on!peethebee Edited June 7, 2005 by peethebee vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvGerman Forums: http://www.autoit.deGerman Help File: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Valuater Posted June 5, 2005 Posted June 5, 2005 I really want to see this work... but i had lots of problems... 1 the English needed to be worked on to read it You could probably fix that with this at the beginning expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <date.au3> $English="" $German="" #Region --- CodeWizard generated code Start --- ;MsgBox features: Title=Yes, Text=Yes, Buttons=Yes, No, and Cancel, Icon=Info If Not IsDeclared("iMsgBoxAnswer") Then Dim $iMsgBoxAnswer $iMsgBoxAnswer = MsgBox(67,"Set Language/(= in German)","Press *Yes* - for English Laguage" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "(German) Press *No* - For German Language(written in German)" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Cancel = Exit") Select Case $iMsgBoxAnswer = 6;Yes ;#cs english $lang_program_name = 'Click4u "chip-Edition" ' $lang_program_version = "1.1" $lang_welcome_text = "The following things are now possible:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Ctrl + Alt + S: program options" & @CRLF & "Ctrl + Alt + A: New action with actual window" & @CRLF & "Ctrl + Alt + W: (De)aktivieren" & @CRLF & "Ctrl + Alt + Q: Quit" $lang_GUI_win_title = "Fenstertitel des aktiven Fensters:" this is not english $lang_GUI_win_text = "Fenstertext des aktiven Fensters:" english? $lang_add_new_target_window = "Neues Zielfenster" english? $lang_add_new_target_window_button = "Fenster merken" etc $lang_input_titlemode_title = "WinTitleMatchMode" ........ All the language ........ And $English="on"; for later with message boxes If $English="on" Then Msgbox( IN English...bla...bla.bla) Case $iMsgBoxAnswer = 7;No ;#cs german $lang_program_name = 'Click4u "chip-Edition" ' $lang_program_version = "1.1" $lang_welcome_text = "Folgende Funktionen stehen jetzt zur Verfügung:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Strg + Alt + S: Programmoptionen" & @CRLF & "Strg + Alt + A: In aktivem Fenster tätig werden" & @CRLF & "Strg + Alt + W: Fenstererkennung (de)aktivieren" & @CRLF & "Strg + Alt + Q: Beenden" $lang_GUI_win_title = "Fenstertitel des aktiven Fensters:" $lang_GUI_win_text = "Fenstertext des aktiven Fensters:" $lang_add_new_target_window = "Neues Zielfenster" ............ All the language ............ And $$German="on"; for later with message boxes If $German="on" Then MsgBox( IN German...bla..bla) Case $iMsgBoxAnswer = 2;Cancel Exit EndSelect #EndRegion --- CodeWizard generated code End --- Just an Idea thx CodeWizard 2 I have an error with (Control+Alt+S) i get the attached error
peethebee Posted June 5, 2005 Author Posted June 5, 2005 (edited) 1. i had 2 minutes ime to translate it before posting... *g* excuse it. if it gets stable and is usefull, a real TRANSLATION will be done of course. 2. that's a udf i wrote for myself. will post it here tomorrow. Do the exes work? Edited June 5, 2005 by peethebee vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvGerman Forums: http://www.autoit.deGerman Help File: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
GrungeRocker Posted June 5, 2005 Posted June 5, 2005 yes they work [font="Verdana"]In work:[list=1][*]InstallIt[*]New version of SpaceWar[/list] [/font]
Valuater Posted June 5, 2005 Posted June 5, 2005 1. i had 2 minutes ime to translate it before posting... *g* excuse it. if it gets stable and is usefull, a real TRANSLATION will be done of course.2. that's a udf i wrote for myself. will post it here tomorrow.Do the exes work?<{POST_SNAPBACK}>No, ctl+alt+q... worksctl+alt+ a... works ( but i cant tell what it is for (german)ctl+alt+w... works - switches between two tray tips (german???)html in german too*** I have no idea what to do ****PLease Note... I can see this was alot of work and I can really appreciate it!sssso PLEASE dont take anything i said offensivelyLove to see more of thisthx
peethebee Posted June 6, 2005 Author Posted June 6, 2005 (edited) First point: The Source of the lacking func: ; Description: Saves the Array. ; Author(s): peethebee Func _FileSaveToArray($sFilePath, ByRef $aArray) Local $hFile, $h $hFile = FileOpen($sFilePath, 2) If $hFile = -1 Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf For $h = 1 to UBound($aArray) - 2 FileWriteLine($sFilePath, $aArray[$h] & @LF) Next FileWriteLine($sFilePath, $aArray[UBound($aArray) - 1]) FileClose($hFile) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FileSaveToArray Secondly: I puut some work into a completely new kind of managing different languages. It is more flexible than Valuater's solution (nevertheless thanks for your report!) Now English is the standard language so that you can test it better. The next thing I'll do (perhaops today evening) is the integration of a translation function. hope you like better now ;-) peethebee p.s. updated attached archive! Edited June 11, 2005 by peethebee vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvGerman Forums: http://www.autoit.deGerman Help File: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
peethebee Posted June 7, 2005 Author Posted June 7, 2005 Short tutorial how to use Click4u: 1. Unpack all files into any folder. 2. Start it (Click4u.exe) 3. Press Ctrl + Alt + S to show settings screen 4. Choose autorun if you want to and the wait time 5. close the settings dialog 6. Bring up the dialog you want to be clicked autotically. 7. Press Ctrl + Alt + A 8. Change the given texts to make the program click similar dialogs too 9. Choose Wintitlematchmode (autoit coder's know what it will make Click4u behave like *g*) 10. Choose the action type 11. Give the actions details 12. Say yes to make it immediately ative (normally usefull) 13. now the dialog is clicked or the key is pressed or whatever you specified whenever the window pops up! Hope it helped to get started with it! peethebee vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvGerman Forums: http://www.autoit.deGerman Help File: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
GrungeRocker Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 heeh using this prog to get rid of the fu**ing new popups^^ ty very much! [font="Verdana"]In work:[list=1][*]InstallIt[*]New version of SpaceWar[/list] [/font]
peethebee Posted June 8, 2005 Author Posted June 8, 2005 Hi! Thanks. I feels good if somebody else than the programmer itself uses the program. Could post plese a more detailed description if it works, what's not comfortable and so on? would be very nice. peethebee vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvGerman Forums: http://www.autoit.deGerman Help File: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
GrungeRocker Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 well i think ach was zum teufel laber ich engflisch... also: es ist super geil! musst nix ändern ! wenn ich nen bug finde sag ichs dir ok? [font="Verdana"]In work:[list=1][*]InstallIt[*]New version of SpaceWar[/list] [/font]
peethebee Posted June 8, 2005 Author Posted June 8, 2005 Weltklasse ;-) Was war eigentlich mit der Ãœbersetzung los? (ehrlich bitte) peethebee vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvGerman Forums: http://www.autoit.deGerman Help File: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
peethebee Posted June 8, 2005 Author Posted June 8, 2005 Which things let you click the tool automatically? vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvGerman Forums: http://www.autoit.deGerman Help File: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
GrungeRocker Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 ehrlich: also 1. war fast fertig dann kamen die abschlussprüfungen, musste lernen 2. ok fertig gelernt, hab se an dich geschickt aber du hast se ned gekriegt kP wieso 3. dateien ned mehr efunden und dann keine lust mehr gehabt nochma alles neu zu machen 4. deine emails einfach ignoriert^^ naja sry^^ aba nen geiles prog! [font="Verdana"]In work:[list=1][*]InstallIt[*]New version of SpaceWar[/list] [/font]
busysignal Posted June 9, 2005 Posted June 9, 2005 Hi!I'm at the moment developping a tool that's able to press any button in a given dialog or window.Features: - Send keystroke- Send mousclick- write log- run proggywould you like that?I developped about 50% so far. could post it, if interest is toooo big ;-)peethebee<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Just DL'ed your code. Nice work. I have to learn a little german to get through the program. I will have to take a look at your language file to see how to make it work better. I think this programs has a lot of applications. I like the way you set it up.Cheers..
peethebee Posted June 9, 2005 Author Posted June 9, 2005 Hi! @....ritter: Schon okay, aber sag halt einfach gleich, was Sache ist! @busysignal: I tried to translate everything. It should be almost complete English. If not, just try or write an e-mail to me. Thanks for the cheering *g* peethebee vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvGerman Forums: http://www.autoit.deGerman Help File: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
busysignal Posted June 9, 2005 Posted June 9, 2005 Hi!@....ritter:Schon okay, aber sag halt einfach gleich, was Sache ist!@busysignal:I tried to translate everything. It should be almost complete English. If not, just try or write an e-mail to me.Thanks for the cheering *g*peethebee<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Peethebee, you almost got everything covered on the language files except a couple of items:File: Click4uSet.au3$GUI_list_button_new = GUICtrlCreateButton("Neu", 30, 240, 60, 20)$GUI_list_button_edit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Bearbeiten", 90, 240, 60, 20)$GUI_list_button_delete = GUICtrlCreateButton("Löschen", 150, 240, 60, 20)>These should be variables in the ?.lng file. Also I found in the English.lng file a line you need to update:53=Ner title:>Should be: 53=New title:I believe that Ner means New? or does Neu mean New? I like the way your are doing the language file. Cheers..
GrungeRocker Posted June 10, 2005 Posted June 10, 2005 Peethebee, you almost got everything covered on the language files except a couple of items:File: Click4uSet.au3$GUI_list_button_new = GUICtrlCreateButton("Neu", 30, 240, 60, 20)$GUI_list_button_edit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Bearbeiten", 90, 240, 60, 20)$GUI_list_button_delete = GUICtrlCreateButton("Löschen", 150, 240, 60, 20)>These should be variables in the ?.lng file. Also I found in the English.lng file a line you need to update:53=Ner title:>Should be: 53=New title:I believe that Ner means New? or does Neu mean New? I like the way your are doing the language file. Cheers.. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Neu = NewBearbeiten = EditLöschen = DeleteHope that helps you! [font="Verdana"]In work:[list=1][*]InstallIt[*]New version of SpaceWar[/list] [/font]
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