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Java.au3 question - JavaMonkey

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I have been excitedly trying out the Java.au3 as I had not realized it had been released. This was a big deal as the main app I am working with is based only in Java (which was a blank void to AutoIT until now).

I have hit another bump and am curious if someone could tell me if my other idea is possible.

1) Is it possible to use JavaMonkey as the reference piece since it can read all the information within a Java control?

(This one is not AutoIT based)

2) Is there a way to export the tree listing from JavaMonkey? Or is there another app out there that does this same tree structure that CAN export its contents?

The Java.au3 functions seem to only pick up the parts that are visible within the apps windows. If the list is too long, it cuts off the remainder of that list when it returns the results. I am not sure if this is because it is using JavaFerret as the go-between, but somehow it is not quite doing what I had hoped.

I have not been able to find any freeware that does the same thing as JavaMonkey, but then again I don't consider myself to be anything close to a Java expert... so my know-how and app expereince is VERY limited.

I appreciate any help on this as this could be a ground-breaker as to if I can get AutoIT approved as a formal testing application in our company (very large insurance corp). I have been trying to get the IT powers-that-be to notice how helpful AutoIT has been to me, but if it's Java capabilities are limited, then it may not even have a chance... :-(

Here is my script where I am just trying to figure out which $instance_num the license list is (as there are some many lists in the app window):

; =======================================================================================================================
#include <Java.au3>

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)

Global $Admin, $Agent, $Proc
Global $sLabel1
Global $i1

; =======================================================================================================================
If WinExists("Admin") Then
    MsgBox(262208, "Error", "You must be logged into ADMIN in order to proceed.  Exiting Script...", 30)

$Admin = WinGetHandle("Admin")
$Agent = WinGetHandle("AGENT")
$Proc = WinGetHandle("Processing")

; =======================================================================================================================

For $i1 = 200 To 10000

$sLabel1 = _JavaObjPropertyGet("", "", "label", $i1, "Name")
If StringLen($sLabel1) > 85 Then ExitLoop

ToolTip($i1 & "  -  " & $sLabel1, 0, 0)


MsgBox(0, "Info", $i1 & "  -  " & $sLabel1)



I have tested things out quite extensively and concluded that Java.au3 does indeed only read/report what is visible in the window.

Edited by dm83737
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I do this at my own peril it appears ():


Step 1

Forum threads are typically listed from top to bottom in reverse chronological order, based on the date of the most recent post in each thread. The more newly updated threads are at the top, and the older, stagnating ones gradually make their way lower and lower, eventually moving off the first page of threads and forgotten about.

While in many cases this is fine, there are times when a thread is very important, but no one has replied to it in a while, perhaps because the matter at hand is being worked on, and there is nothing new for anyone to say. In these situations, it is sometimes acceptable to BUMP the thread to the top of the list so that it is kept in prominent view, and so that the topic will not inadvertently be repeated in a new thread by someone who didn't see the original one.

Step 2

A thread can be BUMPed by adding any new posting to it at all, but is most commonly done by way of a posting with nothing but the aforementioned acronym which stands for "Bring Up My Post." Sometimes the actual word "bump" is used, which is semantically correct in and of itself.

Step 3

Before BUMPing a thread, it is important to know the culture, politics, and procedures of the forum in question. On some forums it is only acceptable for an administrator to BUMP a thread. On some it is considered acceptable for any experienced member to do so. On some it is completely unheard of, regardless of the BUMPer and/or circumstances, and even thinking about BUMPing will get you banned from the forum for life, but not before being called all sorts of bad names. On eHow, the worst you will probably run into is someone posting a message which says, "What does 'bump' mean?"

Step 4

If nothing else, don't ever BUMP a thread unless you are a veteran of the forum in question and have some "clout." Even on the most forgiving of forums, people usually get upset if a total "newbie" BUMPs a thread, with the typical reaction being, "Who the heck is this guy/girl?" Also, in some cases the person who posted the message right above your BUMP may actually assume that your BUMP was in some way related to him/her (perhaps taking it as some sort of high-tech insult), and may not know what to make of it. It is possible that you will see a follow-up posting by that person to the effect of, "What did I do wrong? Why are you calling me a bump?"

Step 5

There is then the question of when a BUMP is in order. Usually it is not a good idea to BUMP a thread unless it has moved to the very bottom of the first page, or better still, totally off the first page. No one wants to read a thread with dozens of bumps, just because you had to always have it at the very top. It is also not a good idea to BUMP a thread unless it is an important topic that truly benefits all or most of the members of the forum. It is in bad taste to BUMP a thread that contains a picture of your new puppy, or one that contains your list of Rachael Ray memorabilia for sale. Such threads are not likely to be more important than everything else being discussed on the forum.

Step 6

Note that some forums contain threads which are known as "stickies," or pinned threads. These threads are essentially permanently BUMPed, and will always be the first listed. If a topic is important enough, the site administrator may choose to handle a particular thread in this manner.

Step 7

That's all you need to know about BUMPed threads and being a good BUMPer. Happy BUMPing!

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