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Posted (edited)

well... i was bored.. and did some research on the forums... couldn't find much... and the stuff i DID find was like... dllcall and complex stuff

THEN i found something alittle more simple

haha check this out...

#include <Misc.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <StaticConstants.au3>
HotKeySet ('{ESC}', '_Exit_')
HotKeySet ('+{DEL}', '_Show_TM_')
Opt ('GUIoneventmode',1)
$Gui = GUICreate (@ScriptName, 200,100, -1, -1, -2138570616)
GUISetBkColor (0xFFFFA2, $Gui)
$lStatus = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('', 1, 1, 198,98, $SS_CENTER)
GUICtrlSetBkColor (-1, 0x000000)
GUICtrlSetFont (-1, 60, '', '', 'Fixedsys')
GUICtrlSetColor (-1, 0xFFFFA2)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1, '_Win_Move_')
GUISetOnEvent ($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE,'_exit_',$Gui)
WinSetTrans ($Gui, '', 50)
WinSetOnTop ($GUI, '', 1)
Run(@SystemDir & '\taskmgr.exe', '', @SW_HIDE)
While 1
    $iStatus = StatusbarGetText ('Windows Task Manager', '', 2)
    GUICtrlSetData ($lStatus, StringTrimLeft ($iStatus, 10))
    Sleep (300)
    If Not ProcessExists ('Taskmgr.exe') Then Run(@SystemDir & '\taskmgr.exe', '', @SW_HIDE)
Func _Win_Move_ ()
    $MouseXY = MouseGetPos ()
    $WinXY = WinGetPos ($Gui)
    $xOff = $MouseXY[0] - $WinXY[0]
    $yOFF = $MouseXY[1] - $WinXY[1]
    While _IsPressed ('01')
        WinMove ($Gui, '',MouseGetPos (0) - $xOff ,MouseGetPos (1) - $yOFF)
        Sleep (100)
Func _Show_TM_ ()
    WinSetState ('Windows Task Manager', '', @SW_SHOW)
Func _Exit_ ()
    ProcessClose ("TaskMgr.exe")
Edited by CodyBarrett
Posted (edited)

What happens if I start the script and then want to access task manager? Or any time after that for that matter! I am now running my computer task manager less, so at least exit it in your exit function...

#include <Misc.au3>

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

#include <StaticConstants.au3>


HotKeySet ("{ESC}", "_Exit_")

Opt ("GUIoneventmode", 1)

$Gui = GUICreate (@ScriptName, 200,100, -1, -1, -2138570616)

GUISetBkColor (0xFFFFA2, $Gui)

$lStatus = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("", 1, 1, 198,98, $SS_CENTER)

GUICtrlSetBkColor (-1, 0x000000)

GUICtrlSetFont (-1, 60, "", "", "Fixedsys")

GUICtrlSetColor (-1, 0xFFFFA2)

GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1, "_Win_Move_")

GUISetOnEvent ($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_exit_", $Gui)

GUISetState ()

WinSetTrans ($Gui, "", 50)

WinSetOnTop ($GUI, "", 1)

Run (@SystemDir & "\taskmgr.exe", "", @SW_HIDE)

While 1

$iStatus = StatusbarGetText ("Windows Task Manager", "", 2)

GUICtrlSetData ($lStatus, StringTrimLeft ($iStatus, 10))

Sleep (300)

If Not ProcessExists ("Taskmgr.exe") Then Run(@SystemDir & "\taskmgr.exe", "", @SW_HIDE)


Func _Win_Move_ ()

$MouseXY = MouseGetPos ()

$WinXY = WinGetPos ($Gui)

$xOff = $MouseXY[0] - $WinXY[0]

$yOFF = $MouseXY[1] - $WinXY[1]

While _IsPressed ('01')

WinMove ($Gui, '',MouseGetPos (0) - $xOff ,MouseGetPos (1) - $yOFF)

Sleep (100)


EndFunc ; ==> _Win_Move_

Func _Exit_ ()

ProcessClose ("TaskMgr.exe")


EndFunc ; ==> _Exit_


Edited by mdiesel
Posted (edited)

that would work too... or just double click on the icon in the taskbar?? that brrings it up for me everytime


on my home computer it does not on all.. so yeah i added

[sHIFT] + [DEL] to show the taskt manager while in use...

and the processclose you suggested mDiesel

Edited by CodyBarrett

Don't forget that you can always bring up the task manager with Shift+Ctrl+Esc



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Posted (edited)

the taskmanager icon in the taskbar...

and Geosoft.. i just added [sHIFT] + [DEL] to bring it up.. your code doesn't work.. thanks to Mdiesel for the idea

Edited by CodyBarrett

Geosoft, normally you can... But after running his (Original) script - no. I run a simple process close on it and i can run it again. Cody saw sense in the end though :)


on my home computer it does not on all.. so yeah i added

[sHIFT] + [DEL] to show the taskt manager while in use...

and the processclose you suggested mDiesel

Much Better :party: One other thing, I know you can't solve it either... Task manager always leaves the status bar blank for the first few seconds after opening. So I just get flickering for a bit...

I am actually getting to like this script, and I am probably going to use it a lot. I don't know why though!



thank you.. and its because i didn't originaly set the status to 0%... but yeah a simple fix.. doubt it if i will do it though.. to lazy just for 2 characters... haha i find it usefully.. because its transparent and movable

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