Moderators SmOke_N Posted September 1, 2006 Moderators Posted September 1, 2006 (edited) Sometimes I see posts where people are complaining about the 32kb limit on IniReadSetion. I never did understand why you would have a section that was 32kb's...One of my string parsing functions reads and writes to an ini, well for the first time ever, the section was 34.x kbs and I couldn't understand for the longest time (about 10 trials of re-writing different things) why I wasn't getting all the values... Just bits and pieces it seemed. I never check for anything other than if IniReadSection is an array... But then I thought to look at the size... and their lay the problem.I wrote a really slow IniReadSection for someone else 2 or so months ago that had this problem, and to be honest, it was 2000 times slower than the current released one that Valik wrote... This didn't suite my needs either, as every second counts ... So I wrote another one, This one isn't near as fast as Valiks for obvious reasons, but it did the trick 20x's faster than the last one I wrote.Hope it helps someone...Update: - 2011/05/18 - SmOke_NChanged: _IniReadSectionEx() - Changed all existing functions; hopefully more proficient; thanks llewxamOld Code:expandcollapse popupFunc _IniDeleteEx($hFile, $vSection, $vKey = '') Local $iSize = FileGetSize($hFile) / 1024 If $iSize <= 31 Then Return IniDelete($hFile, $vSection, $vKey) Local $sString = FileRead($hFile) Local $sFRead = @CRLF & $sString & @CRLF & '[' $vSection = StringStripWS($vSection, 7) Local $aData = StringRegExp($sFRead, '(?s)(?i)\n\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*\r\n(.*?)\[', 3) If IsArray($aData) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $aData[0] = StringRegExpReplace($aData[0], '(\r\n)+$', '') If $vKey = '' Then $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '(?s)(?i)(^|\n)\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*(\r\n)+' & StringReplace($aData[0], '\', '\\'), @LF & @CRLF) Else $sString = StringRegExpReplace($aData[0], '(?s)(?i)\n\s*' & $vKey & '\s*=.*?(?m:\r\n|$)', @LF) EndIf $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '(^(\r\n)+)+|^\r+|^\n+|(\r\n)+$|\[$', '') $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '(\r\n){3}', @CRLF) $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '(^(\r\n)+)+', '') FileClose(FileOpen($hFile, 2)) Return FileWrite($hFile, $sString) EndFunc Func _IniWriteEx($hFile, $vSection, $vKey, $vValue) If FileExists($hFile) = 0 Then FileClose(FileOpen($hFile, 2)) Local $iSize = FileGetSize($hFile) / 1024 If $iSize <= 31 Then Return IniWrite($hFile, $vSection, $vKey, $vValue) Local $sString = FileRead($hFile) Local $sFRead = @CRLF & $sString & @CRLF & '[' $vSection = StringStripWS($vSection, 7) Local $aData = StringRegExp($sFRead, '(?s)(?i)\n\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*\r\n(.*?)\[', 3) If IsArray($aData) = 0 Then If StringRegExp($sString, '(?s)\r\n$') = 0 Then $sString &= @CRLF & '[' & $vSection & ']' & @CRLF & $vKey & '=' & $vValue Else $sString &= '[' & $vSection & ']' & @CRLF & $vKey & '=' & $vValue EndIf FileClose(FileOpen($hFile, 2)) Return FileWrite($hFile, $sString) EndIf $aData[0] = StringRegExpReplace($aData[0], '(\r\n)+$', '') If StringRegExp(@LF & $aData[0] & @CRLF, '(?s)(?i)\n\s*' & $vKey & '\s*=') Then Local $sTempReplace = StringRegExpReplace(@LF & $aData[0] & @CR, _ '(?s)(?i)\n\s*' & $vKey & '=.*?\r', @LF & $vKey & '=' & StringReplace($vValue, '\', '\\') & @CR) $aData[0] = StringRegExpReplace($sTempReplace, '^\r\n|^\s*\n|^\s*\r|\r$', '') Else $aData[0] = StringReplace($aData[0] & @CRLF & $vKey & '=' & $vValue, '\', '\\') EndIf $sString = StringRegExpReplace(@LF & $sString & _ '[', '(?s)(?i)(^|\n)\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*\r\n.*?\s*\[', @LF & @CRLF & '\[' & $vSection & '\]' & @CRLF & $aData[0] & @CRLF & @CRLF & '\[') $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '(^(\r\n)+)+|^\r+|^\n+|\[$|(\r\n)+$', '') FileClose(FileOpen($hFile, 2)) Return FileWrite($hFile, $sString) EndFunc Func _IniReadSectionNamesEx($hFile) Local $iSize = FileGetSize($hFile) / 1024 If $iSize <= 31 Then Local $aNameRead = IniReadSectionNames($hFile) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, '') Return $aNameRead EndIf Local $aSectionNames = StringRegExp(@CRLF & FileRead($hFile) & @CRLF, '(?s)\n\s*\[(.*?)\]s*\r', 3) If IsArray($aSectionNames) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $nUbound = UBound($aSectionNames) Local $aNameReturn[$nUbound + 1] $aNameReturn[0] = $nUbound For $iCC = 0 To $nUBound - 1 $aNameReturn[$iCC + 1] = $aSectionNames[$iCC] Next Return $aNameReturn EndFunc Func _IniReadSectionEx($hFile, $vSection) Local $iSize = FileGetSize($hFile) / 1024 If $iSize <= 31 Then Local $aSecRead = IniReadSection($hFile, $vSection) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, '') Return $aSecRead EndIf Local $sFRead = @CRLF & FileRead($hFile) & @CRLF & '[' $vSection = StringStripWS($vSection, 7) Local $aData = StringRegExp($sFRead, '(?s)(?i)\n\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*\r\n(.*?)\[', 3) If IsArray($aData) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aKey = StringRegExp(@LF & $aData[0], '\n\s*(.*?)\s*=', 3) Local $aValue = StringRegExp(@LF & $aData[0], '\n\s*.*?\s*=(.*?)\r', 3) Local $nUbound = UBound($aKey) Local $aSection[$nUBound +1][2] $aSection[0][0] = $nUBound For $iCC = 0 To $nUBound - 1 $aSection[$iCC + 1][0] = $aKey[$iCC] $aSection[$iCC + 1][1] = $aValue[$iCC] Next Return $aSection EndFunc Func _IniReadEx($hFile, $vSection, $vKey, $vDefault = -1) If $vDefault = -1 Or $vDefault = Default Then $vDefault = '' Local $iSize = FileGetSize($hFile) / 1024 If $iSize <= 31 Then Return IniRead($hFile, $vSection, $vKey, $vDefault) Local $sFRead = @CRLF & FileRead($hFile) & @CRLF & '[' $vSection = StringStripWS($vSection, 7) Local $aData = StringRegExp($sFRead, '(?s)(?i)\n\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*\r\n(.*?)\[', 3) If IsArray($aData) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aRead = StringRegExp(@LF & $aData[0], '(?s)(?i)\n\s*' & $vKey & '\s*=(.*?)\r', 1) If IsArray($aRead) = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Return $aRead[0] EndFunc; New code with changes, be sure to test if you have doubts. I only moderately tested.; The IniRead* functions now accept a passed string ( like from a FileRead() or ClipPut() etc... )expandcollapse popup; change added - SmOke_N - 2011/05/18 Func _IniDeleteEx($s_file, $s_section, $s_key = "") If Not FileExists($s_file) Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) Local $i_size = FileGetSize($s_file) Local $i_delete = 0 If $i_size < 31 Then $i_delete = IniDelete($s_file, $s_section, $s_key) Return SetError(@error, 0, $i_delete) EndIf ; is file read only If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($s_file), "R") Then Return SetError(-2, 0, 0) EndIf Local $s_fread = FileRead($s_file) ; find out if section exist, if so get data Local $s_secpatt = "(?si)(?:^|\v)(\h*\[\h*\Q" $s_secpatt &= $s_section $s_secpatt &= "\E\h*\].*?)(?:\z|\v\v?\[)" Local $a_data = StringRegExp($s_fread, $s_secpatt, 1) Local $f_dataexists = Not @error If Not $f_dataexists Then Return 1 Local $h_open, $i_write = 0 If $s_key = "" Then If $s_fread = $a_data[0] Then $h_open = FileOpen($s_file, 2) If $h_open = -1 Then Return SetError(-3, 0, 0) FileClose($h_open) Return 1 EndIf $s_fread = StringReplace($s_fread, $a_data[0], "", 1, 1) $h_open = FileOpen($s_file, 2) If $h_open = -1 Then Return SetError(-3, 0, 0) $i_write = FileWrite($h_open, $s_fread) FileClose($h_open) If Not $i_write Then Return SetError(-4, 0, 0) Return 1 EndIf ; since we stop at cr/lf then lets just split Local $a_lines If StringInStr($a_data[0], @CRLF, 1, 1) Then $a_lines = StringSplit(StringStripCR($a_data[0]), @LF) ElseIf StringInStr($a_data[0], @LF, 1, 1) Then $a_lines = StringSplit($a_data[0], @LF) Else $a_lines = StringSplit($a_data[0], @CR) EndIf Local $a_key, $f_found = False, $s_write Local $s_keypatt = "\h*(?!;|#)(.*?)\h*=" For $iline = 1 To $a_lines[0] If $a_lines[$iline] = "" Then ContinueLoop $a_key = StringRegExp($a_lines[$iline], $s_keypatt, 1) If @error Or $s_key <> $a_key[0] Then $s_write &= $a_lines[$iline] & @CRLF ContinueLoop EndIf $f_found = True Next If Not $f_found Then Return 1 $s_fread = StringReplace($s_fread, $a_data[0], $s_write) Local $h_open = FileOpen($s_file, 2) $i_write = FileWrite($h_open, $s_fread) FileClose($h_open) Return $i_write EndFunc ; change added - SmOke_N - 2011/05/18 Func _IniWriteEx($s_file, $s_section, $s_key, $s_value) If Not $s_file Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) Local $f_exists = FileExists($s_file) If Not $f_exists Then FileClose(FileOpen($s_file, 2)) EndIf Local $i_write = 0 Local $i_size = FileGetSize($s_file) / 1024 ; if the file is smaller than 32kb, no need for regex If $i_size <= 31 Then $i_write = IniWrite($s_file, $s_section, $s_key, $s_value) Return SetError(@error, 0, $i_write) EndIf ; is file read only If $f_exists Then If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($s_file), "R") Then Return SetError(-2, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf Local $s_fread = FileRead($s_file) Local $s_write = "" ; find out if section exist, if so get data Local $s_secpatt = "(?si)(?:^|\v)(\h*\[\h*\Q" $s_secpatt &= $s_section $s_secpatt &= "\E\h*\].*?)(?:\z|\v\v?\[)" Local $a_data = StringRegExp($s_fread, $s_secpatt, 1) Local $f_dataexists = Not @error Local $s_write = "" ; if section doesn't exist; append If Not $f_dataexists Then If $s_fread Then If StringRight($s_fread, 2) <> @CRLF Then $s_write &= @CRLF EndIf EndIf $s_write &= "[" & $s_section & "]" & @CRLF $s_write &= $s_key & "=" & $s_value & @CRLF Return FileWrite($s_file, $s_write) EndIf ; since we stop at cr/lf then lets just split Local $a_lines If StringInStr($a_data[0], @CRLF, 1, 1) Then $a_lines = StringSplit(StringStripCR($a_data[0]), @LF) ElseIf StringInStr($a_data[0], @LF, 1, 1) Then $a_lines = StringSplit($a_data[0], @LF) Else $a_lines = StringSplit($a_data[0], @CR) EndIf Local $a_key, $f_changed = False Local $s_keypatt = "\h*(?!;|#)(.*?)\h*=" For $iline = 1 To $a_lines[0] If $a_lines[$iline] = "" Then ContinueLoop $a_key = StringRegExp($a_lines[$iline], $s_keypatt, 1) If @error Or $s_key <> $a_key[0] Then $s_write &= $a_lines[$iline] & @CRLF ContinueLoop EndIf $f_changed = True $s_write &= $s_key & "=" & $s_value & @CRLF Next If Not $f_changed Then If StringRight($s_fread, 2) <> @CRLF Then $s_write &= @CRLF EndIf $s_write &= $s_key & "=" & $s_value & @CRLF EndIf $s_fread = StringReplace($s_fread, $a_data[0], $s_write) Local $h_open = FileOpen($s_file, 2) $i_write = FileWrite($h_open, $s_fread) FileClose($h_open) Return $i_write EndFunc ; change added - SmOke_N - 2011/05/18 Func _IniReadSectionNamesEx($v_file) If Not $v_file Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) Local $f_exists = FileExists($v_file) Local $i_size, $a_secs If $f_exists Then $i_size = FileGetSize($v_file) / 1024 ; if the file is smaller than 32kb, no need for regex If $i_size <= 31 Then $a_secs = IniReadSectionNames($v_file) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) If Not IsArray($a_secs) Then Return SetError(-2, 0, 0) Return $a_secs EndIf EndIf Local $s_fread If Not $f_exists Then ; string of data was passed $s_fread = $v_file Else $s_fread = FileRead($v_file) EndIf Local $s_secpatt = "(?m)(?:^|\v)\h*\[\h*(.*?)\h*\]" Local $a_secsre = StringRegExp($s_fread, $s_secpatt, 3) If @error Then Return SetError(-3, 0, 0) Local $i_ub = UBound($a_secsre) Local $a_secret[$i_ub + 1] = [$i_ub] For $isec = 0 To $i_ub - 1 $a_secret[$isec + 1] = $a_secsre[$isec] Next Return $a_secret EndFunc ; change added - SmOke_N - 2011/05/17 Func _IniReadSectionEx($v_file, $s_section) If Not $v_file Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) Local $f_exists = FileExists($v_file) Local $i_size, $a_secread If $f_exists Then $i_size = FileGetSize($v_file) / 1024 ; if the file is smaller than 32kb, no need for regex If $i_size <= 31 Then $a_secread = IniReadSection($v_file, $s_section) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) If Not IsArray($a_secread) Then Return SetError(-2, 0, 0) Return $a_secread EndIf EndIf Local $s_fread If Not $f_exists Then ; string of data was passed $s_fread = $v_file Else $s_fread = FileRead($v_file) EndIf ; data between sections or till end of file Local $s_datapatt = "(?is)(?:^|\v)(?!;|#)\h*\[\h*\Q" $s_datapatt &= $s_section $s_datapatt &= "\E\h*\]\h*\v+(.*?)(?:\z|\v\h*\[)" Local $a_data = StringRegExp($s_fread, $s_datapatt, 1) If @error Then Return SetError(-3, 0, 0) ; sanity check for inf people If Not StringInStr($a_data[0], "=", 1, 1) Then Return SetError(-4, 0, 0) EndIf ; since we stop at cr/lf then lets just split Local $a_lines If StringInStr($a_data[0], @CRLF, 1, 1) Then $a_lines = StringSplit(StringStripCR($a_data[0]), @LF) ElseIf StringInStr($a_data[0], @LF, 1, 1) Then $a_lines = StringSplit($a_data[0], @LF) Else $a_lines = StringSplit($a_data[0], @CR) EndIf ; prevent capturing commented keys Local $a_key, $a_value Local $s_keypatt = "\h*(?!;|#)(.*?)\h*=" Local $s_valpatt = "\h*=\h*(.*)" Local $a_secs[$a_lines[0] + 1][2], $i_add = 0 For $iline = 1 To $a_lines[0] $a_key = StringRegExp($a_lines[$iline], $s_keypatt, 1) If @error Then ContinueLoop $s_valpatt = "\h*=\h*(.*)" $a_value = StringRegExp($a_lines[$iline], $s_valpatt, 1) If @error Then ContinueLoop If StringLeft($a_key[0], 1) = '"' And StringRight($a_key[0], 1) = '"' Then $a_key[0] = StringTrimLeft(StringTrimRight($a_key[0], 1), 1) EndIf If StringLeft($a_value[0], 1) = '"' And StringRight($a_value[0], 1) = '"' Then $a_value[0] = StringTrimLeft(StringTrimRight($a_value[0], 1), 1) EndIf $i_add += 1 $a_secs[$i_add][0] = $a_key[0] $a_secs[$i_add][1] = $a_value[0] Next If Not $i_add Then Return SetError(-5, 0, 0) ; cleanup return array ReDim $a_secs[$i_add + 1][2] $a_secs[0][0] = $i_add Return $a_secs EndFunc ; change added - SmOke_N - 2011/05/18 Func _IniReadEx($v_file, $s_section, $s_key, $v_default = -1) If Not $v_file Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) If $v_default = -1 Or $v_default = Default Then $v_default = "" EndIf Local $f_exists = FileExists($v_file) Local $i_size, $s_read If $f_exists Then $i_size = FileGetSize($v_file) / 1024 ; if the file is smaller than 32kb, no need for regex If $i_size <= 31 Then $s_read = IniRead($v_file, $s_section, $s_key, $v_default) Return $s_read EndIf EndIf Local $s_fread If Not $f_exists Then ; string of data was passed $s_fread = $v_file Else $s_fread = FileRead($v_file) EndIf ; data between sections or till end of file Local $s_datapatt = "(?is)(?:^|\v)(?!;|#)\h*\[\h*\Q" $s_datapatt &= $s_section $s_datapatt &= "\E\h*\]\h*\v+(.*?)(?:\z|\v\h*\[)" Local $a_data = StringRegExp($s_fread, $s_datapatt, 1) If @error Then Return SetError(-2, 0, 0) ; sanity check for inf people If Not StringInStr($a_data[0], "=", 1, 1) Then Return SetError(-3, 0, 0) EndIf ; since we stop at cr/lf then lets just split Local $a_lines If StringInStr($a_data[0], @CRLF, 1, 1) Then $a_lines = StringSplit(StringStripCR($a_data[0]), @LF) ElseIf StringInStr($a_data[0], @LF, 1, 1) Then $a_lines = StringSplit($a_data[0], @LF) Else $a_lines = StringSplit($a_data[0], @CR) EndIf ; prevent capturing commented keys Local $a_key, $a_value, $s_ret Local $s_keypatt = "\h*(?!;|#)(.*?)\h*=" Local $s_valpatt = "\h*=\h*(.*)" For $iline = 1 To $a_lines[0] $a_key = StringRegExp($a_lines[$iline], $s_keypatt, 1) If @error Then ContinueLoop If StringLeft($a_key[0], 1) = '"' And StringRight($a_key[0], 1) = '"' Then $a_key[0] = StringTrimLeft(StringTrimRight($a_key[0], 1), 1) EndIf If $a_key[0] <> $s_key Then ContinueLoop $s_valpatt = "\h*=\h*(.*)" $a_value = StringRegExp($a_lines[$iline], $s_valpatt, 1) If @error Then ContinueLoop If StringLeft($a_value[0], 1) = '"' And StringRight($a_value[0], 1) = '"' Then $a_value[0] = StringTrimLeft(StringTrimRight($a_value[0], 1), 1) EndIf $s_ret = $a_value[0] ExitLoop Next If Not $s_ret Then Return $v_default Return $s_ret EndFuncIf you're interested in Ini encryption, you might take a look at this thread:I might integrate these with the IniCrypt.au3 at some future time if I don't get bug feedback from the above. Edited May 18, 2011 by SmOke_N Subz and DinFuv 2 Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
marfdaman Posted September 1, 2006 Posted September 1, 2006 Good work, it works very well I made my own version of the ini functions as well some time ago, for the exact same reason. Don't take my pic to serious...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You Looked, but you did not see!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GaryFrost Posted September 4, 2006 Posted September 4, 2006 (edited) While you were playing in Chat, btw I saw that post I was playing around with my version of the _Ini functions Might need some fine tuning, but here ya go (formats the same as the built in for params) Edit: Fixed the _IniWrite so that if the ini file doesn't exist then it is created Edit: Fixed _IniReadSection value may contain "=" Edit: Fixed _IniWrite, if adding new key and last line in section is CRLF the CRLF line is remove Edit: Fixed _IniReadSection return error when no "=" found expandcollapse popupFunc _IniWrite($FileName, $Section, $KeyName, $Value) Local $INIContents, $PosSection, $PosEndSection If FileExists($FileName) Then $INIContents = FileRead($FileName) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @error, @error) ;Find section $PosSection = StringInStr($INIContents, "[" & $Section & "]") If $PosSection > 0 Then ;Section exists. Find end of section $PosEndSection = StringInStr(StringMid($INIContents, $PosSection + 1), "[") + ($PosSection - 2) ;?Is this last section? If $PosEndSection = 0 Then $PosEndSection = StringLen($INIContents) + 1 ;Separate section contents Local $OldsContents, $NewsContents, $Line Local $sKeyName, $Found = False $OldsContents = StringMid($INIContents, $PosSection, $PosEndSection - $PosSection) $OldsContents = StringSplit($OldsContents, @CRLF, 1) ;Temp variable To find a Key $sKeyName = StringLower($KeyName & "=") ;Enumerate section lines For $x = 1 To $OldsContents[0] If StringLower(StringMid($OldsContents[$x], 1, StringLen($sKeyName))) = $sKeyName Then $OldsContents[$x] = $KeyName & "=" & $Value $Found = True EndIf If StringLen($OldsContents[$x]) Then $NewsContents = $NewsContents & $OldsContents[$x] & @CRLF Next If $Found Then ;remove last CRLF - the CRLF is at PosEndSection If StringRight($NewsContents, 2) = @CRLF Then $NewsContents = StringMid($NewsContents, 1, StringLen($NewsContents) - 2) Else ;key Not found - add it at the end of section $NewsContents = $NewsContents & $KeyName & "=" & $Value EndIf ;Combine pre-section, new section And post-section data. $INIContents = StringMid($INIContents, 1, $PosSection - 1) & $NewsContents & StringMid($INIContents, $PosEndSection) Else ;Section Not found. Add section data at the end of file contents. If StringRight($INIContents, 2) <> @CRLF And StringLen($INIContents) > 0 Then $INIContents = $INIContents & @CRLF $INIContents = $INIContents & "[" & $Section & "]" & @LF & $KeyName & "=" & $Value EndIf ;if PosSection>0 Then Else $INIContents = "[" & $Section & "]" & @CRLF & $KeyName & "=" & $Value & @CRLF EndIf $file = FileOpen($FileName, 2) FileWrite($FileName, $INIContents) FileClose($file) EndFunc ;==>_IniWrite Func _IniRead($FileName, $Section, $KeyName, $Default) Local $INIContents, $PosSection, $PosEndSection, $sContents, $Value, $Found $INIContents = FileRead($FileName) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @error, @error) ;Find section $PosSection = StringInStr($INIContents, "[" & $Section & "]") If $PosSection > 0 Then ;Section exists. Find end of section $PosEndSection = StringInStr(StringMid($INIContents, $PosSection + 1), "[") + ($PosSection - 2) ;?Is this last section? If $PosEndSection = 0 Then $PosEndSection = StringLen($INIContents) + 1 ;Separate section contents $sContents = StringMid($INIContents, $PosSection, $PosEndSection - $PosSection) Local $Found = False If StringInStr($sContents, $KeyName & "=") > 0 Then $Found = True ;Separate value of a key. $Value = _SeparateField($sContents, $KeyName & "=", @CRLF) EndIf EndIf If Not $Found Then $Value = $Default Return $Value EndFunc ;==>_IniRead Func _IniReadSection($FileName, $Section) Local $INIContents, $PosSection, $PosEndSection, $sContents, $Value, $Found $INIContents = FileRead($FileName) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @error, @error) ;Find section $PosSection = StringInStr($INIContents, "[" & $Section & "]") If $PosSection > 0 Then ;Section exists. Find end of section $PosEndSection = StringInStr(StringMid($INIContents, $PosSection + 1), "[") + ($PosSection - 2) ;?Is this last section? If $PosEndSection = 0 Then $PosEndSection = StringLen($INIContents) + 1 Local $INISection = StringSplit(StringMid($INIContents, $PosSection, $PosEndSection), @CRLF) Local $a_Section[1][2] For $x = 2 To UBound($INISection) - 1 $INISection[$x] = StringReplace($INISection[$x], @CRLF, "") If StringLen($INISection[$x]) Then ReDim $a_Section[UBound($a_Section) + 1][2] $a_Section[0][0] += 1 Local $PosSep = StringInStr($INISection[$x], "=") If Not $PosSep Then Return SetError(-1,-1,-1) $a_Section[UBound($a_Section) - 1][0] = StringMid($INISection[$x], 1, $PosSep - 1) $a_Section[UBound($a_Section) - 1][1] = StringMid($INISection[$x], $PosSep + 1) EndIf Next Return $a_Section EndIf Return SetError(-1, -1, "") EndFunc ;==>_IniReadSection Func _IniReadSectionNames($FileName) Local $INIContents, $PosSection, $PosEndSection, $sContents, $Value, $Found $INIContents = FileRead($FileName) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @error, @error) $INIContents = StringSplit($INIContents, @CRLF) Local $a_SectionNames[1] For $x = 1 To $INIContents[0] If StringLeft($INIContents[$x], 1) = "[" And StringRight($INIContents[$x], 1) = "]" Then ReDim $a_SectionNames[UBound($a_SectionNames) + 1] $a_SectionNames[0] += 1 $a_SectionNames[UBound($a_SectionNames) - 1] = StringMid($INIContents[$x], 2, StringLen($INIContents[$x]) - 2) EndIf Next Return $a_SectionNames EndFunc ;==>_IniReadSectionNames Func _IniDelete($FileName, $Section, $KeyName = "") Local $INIContents, $PosSection, $PosEndSection $INIContents = FileRead($FileName) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @error, @error) ;Find section $PosSection = StringInStr($INIContents, "[" & $Section & "]") If $PosSection > 0 Then ;Section exists. Find end of section $PosEndSection = StringInStr(StringMid($INIContents, $PosSection + 1), "[") + ($PosSection - 2) ;?Is this last section? If $PosEndSection = 0 Then $PosEndSection = StringLen($INIContents) + 1 ;Separate section contents Local $OldsContents, $NewsContents, $Line Local $sKeyName, $Found = False $OldsContents = StringMid($INIContents, $PosSection, $PosEndSection - $PosSection) If Not StringLen($KeyName) Then $INIContents = StringReplace($INIContents, $OldsContents, "") _WriteStringAsIni($FileName, $INIContents) Return 1 EndIf ;Temp variable To find a Key $sKeyName = StringLower($KeyName & "=") $OldsContents = StringSplit($OldsContents, @CRLF, 1) Local $Found = False ;Enumerate section lines For $x = 1 To $OldsContents[0] If StringLower(StringMid($OldsContents[$x], 1, StringLen($sKeyName))) = $sKeyName Then $Found = True ContinueLoop EndIf $NewsContents = $NewsContents & $OldsContents[$x] & @CRLF Next If $Found Then ;remove last CRLF - the CRLF is at PosEndSection If StringRight($NewsContents, 2) = @CRLF Then $NewsContents = StringMid($NewsContents, 1, StringLen($NewsContents) - 2) EndIf ;Combine pre-section, new section And post-section data. $INIContents = StringMid($INIContents, 1, $PosSection - 1) & $NewsContents & StringMid($INIContents, $PosEndSection) _WriteStringAsIni($FileName, $INIContents) Return 1 EndIf Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_IniDelete ;Separates one field between sStart And sEnd Func _SeparateField($sFrom, $sStart, $sEnd) Local $PosB = StringInStr($sFrom, $sStart) If $PosB > 0 Then $PosB = $PosB + StringLen($sStart) Local $PosE = (StringInStr(StringMid($sFrom, $PosB), $sEnd)) If $PosE Then $PosE += $PosB If $PosE = 0 Then $PosE = StringInStr($sFrom, @CRLF) If $PosE = 0 Then $PosE = StringLen($sFrom) + 1 Return StringMid($sFrom, $PosB, $PosE - $PosB) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_SeparateField Func _WriteStringAsIni($FileName, $INIContents) $file = FileOpen($FileName, 2) FileWrite($FileName, $INIContents) FileClose($file) EndFunc ;==>_WriteStringAsIni Edited September 4, 2006 by gafrost SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
Moderators SmOke_N Posted September 4, 2006 Author Moderators Posted September 4, 2006 Nice work... Quick question on your IniReadSection... what happens when the value on your section has an "=" in it, my original one I did right before this one (not the one that was 2000 x's slower) was real similar to what you did, but when I tested it, I had some value strings that had "=" in it? Also... IniWrite Creates the file now if the file doesn't exist, on the newer releases for me...(noticed this the other day) (XP-Pro SP2)... Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
GaryFrost Posted September 4, 2006 Posted September 4, 2006 Nice work... Quick question on your IniReadSection... what happens when the value on your section has an "=" in it, my original one I did right before this one (not the one that was 2000 x's slower) was real similar to what you did, but when I tested it, I had some value strings that had "=" in it?Also... IniWrite Creates the file now if the file doesn't exist, on the newer releases for me...(noticed this the other day) (XP-Pro SP2)...FixedWas alread Fixed before you replied.Gary SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
MHz Posted September 4, 2006 Posted September 4, 2006 Also... IniWrite Creates the file now if the file doesn't exist, on the newer releases for me...(noticed this the other day) (XP-Pro SP2)...The file creation has always existed, AFAIK.
Moderators SmOke_N Posted September 4, 2006 Author Moderators Posted September 4, 2006 The file creation has always existed, AFAIK.I haven't used the functions much... Just recently.FixedWas alread Fixed before you replied.Gary Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
le15 Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 While you were playing in Chat, btw I saw that post I was playing around with my version of the _Ini functionsMight need some fine tuning, but here ya go (formats the same as the built in for params)Edit: Fixed the _IniWrite so that if the ini file doesn't exist then it is createdEdit: Fixed _IniReadSection value may contain "="Edit: Fixed _IniWrite, if adding new key and last line in section is CRLF the CRLF line is removeEdit: Fixed _IniReadSection return error when no "=" foundI'm trying to make a _IniWriteLine($FileName, $Section, $TextLine, $Append_Or_Prepend)Can you help me ?
Moderators SmOke_N Posted November 21, 2006 Author Moderators Posted November 21, 2006 I'm trying to make a _IniWriteLine($FileName, $Section, $TextLine, $Append_Or_Prepend)Can you help me ?Who are you asking for help?What are you trying to do (in detail)? Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
le15 Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 Who are you asking for help?What are you trying to do (in detail)?I'm working in project WinBuilder ( use AutoIt for making script for WinBuilder (MakeScript.script)There is allready a command IniWriteTextLine in winBuilder but i need to to use it in AutoItThe script in Winbuilder is like a Ini file with sectionSo i need a command for writing line of code in section like IniWrite
Moderators SmOke_N Posted November 21, 2006 Author Moderators Posted November 21, 2006 (edited) I'm working in project WinBuilder ( use AutoIt for making script for WinBuilder (MakeScript.script)There is allready a command IniWriteTextLine in winBuilder but i need to to use it in AutoItThe script in Winbuilder is like a Ini file with sectionSo i need a command for writing line of code in section like IniWriteturtleEdit...That explains nothing... if it's help you want, I would suggest post what you have been working on, in the support forum. If it's someone writing it for you, I'd suggest you start working on something, and if you get stuck post for help in the search forum. If it's something different you want, I suggest you explain yourself better, and post for help in the support forum. This is the scripts and scraps forum, not a can you make me forum.Thanks for hijacking my thread Edited November 21, 2006 by SmOke_N Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
Danny35d Posted May 9, 2007 Posted May 9, 2007 I tried your script, but when I pasted in notepad I can see character (1) between ab and cd. Run the script below and look at the help file appendix ASCII characters. MsgBox(0, 'ASCII', 'ASCII Character Code: ' & Asc(_IniRead("testIni.ini","sectionName","DaKey",""))) AutoIt Scripts:NetPrinter - Network Printer UtilityRobocopyGUI - GUI interface for M$ robocopy command line
james3mg Posted May 9, 2007 Posted May 9, 2007 (edited) I tried your script, but when I pasted in notepad I can see character (1) between ab and cd. Run the script below and look at the help file appendix ASCII characters. and it now correctly returns "" when it's blank, and it still returns the entire string if there's actually data associated with the key in the .ini file. Is this what this line should actually have been coded as? I don't want to break anything else, though _IniRead seems to be working with the line change, and I'm certainly loathe to assume that Gary made a mistake like that...others have tested these functions and not had problems with them. I also don't know if I can test with certainty that this change in code didn't break another _ini function somewhere else in his UDF... Can someone else confirm if this line was/wasn't coded incorrectly or if I'm still being dense? Thanks Edited July 21, 2009 by Jon "There are 10 types of people in this world - those who can read binary, and those who can't.""We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true." ~Robert Wilensky0101101 1001010 1100001 1101101 1100101 1110011 0110011 1001101 10001110000101 0000111 0001000 0001110 0001101 0010010 1010110 0100001 1101110
Moderators SmOke_N Posted July 11, 2007 Author Moderators Posted July 11, 2007 (edited) This one may seems to be much faster:Func _IniReadSectionEx($hFile, $vSection) Local $iSize = FileGetSize($hFile) / 1024 If $iSize <= 31 Then Return IniReadSection($hFile, $vSection) Local $sFRead = @CRLF & FileRead($hFile) & @CRLF & '[' $vSection = StringStripWS($vSection, 7) Local $aData = StringRegExp($sFRead, '(?s)(?i)\n\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*\r\n(.*?)\[', 3) If IsArray($aData) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) FileWrite(@TempDir & '\IniReadSectionTemp.ini', '[' & $vSection & ']' & @CRLF & $aData[0]) Local $aSection = IniReadSection(@TempDir & '\IniReadSectionTemp.ini', $vSection) FileDelete(@TempDir & '\IniReadSectionTemp.ini') Return $aSection EndFunc Leaving the first post up in case someone finds something wrong with this one. Edited July 11, 2007 by SmOke_N Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
Moderators SmOke_N Posted July 12, 2007 Author Moderators Posted July 12, 2007 (edited) Damn... Had to update it again, just noticed I didn't test to see if the new files were smaller than 32kb This one doesn't use anything but StringRegExp() unless the file is less than 31 kbs. Func _IniReadSectionEx($hFile, $vSection) Local $iSize = FileGetSize($hFile) / 1024 If $iSize <= 31 Then Return IniReadSection($hFile, $vSection) Local $sFRead = @CRLF & FileRead($hFile) & @CRLF & '[' $vSection = StringStripWS($vSection, 7) Local $aData = StringRegExp($sFRead, '(?s)(?i)\n\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*\r\n(.*?)\[', 1) If IsArray($aData) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aKey = StringRegExp(@LF & $aData[0], '\n\s*(.*?)\s*=', 3) Local $aValue = StringRegExp(@LF & $aData[0], '\n\s*.*?\s*=(.*?)\r', 3) Local $nUbound = UBound($aKey) Local $aSection[$nUBound +1][$nUBound +1] $aSection[0][0] = $nUBound For $iCC = 0 To $nUBound - 1 $aSection[$iCC + 1][0] = $aKey[$iCC] $aSection[$iCC + 1][1] = $aValue[$iCC] Next Return $aSection EndFunc My test showed almost 3 times faster than the one in post #1. Edited July 12, 2007 by SmOke_N Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
Moderators SmOke_N Posted July 12, 2007 Author Moderators Posted July 12, 2007 (edited) _IniReadEx... Same params as IniRead(), but the default param is optionalFunc _IniReadEx($hFile, $vSection, $vKey, $vDefault = -1) If $vDefault = -1 Or $vDefault = Default Then $vDefault = '' Local $iSize = FileGetSize($hFile) / 1024 If $iSize <= 31 Then Return IniRead($hFile, $vSection, $vKey, $vDefault) Local $sFRead = @CRLF & FileRead($hFile) & @CRLF & '[' $vSection = StringStripWS($vSection, 7) Local $aData = StringRegExp($sFRead, '(?s)(?i)\n\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*\r\n(.*?)\[', 1) If IsArray($aData) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aRead = StringRegExp(@LF & $aData[0], '(?s)(?i)\n\s*' & $vKey & '\s*=(.*?)\r', 1) If IsArray($aRead) = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Return $aRead[0] EndFunc If anyone is wondering, I obviously ran into a need for them ... Edited July 12, 2007 by SmOke_N Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
Moderators SmOke_N Posted July 12, 2007 Author Moderators Posted July 12, 2007 (edited) I re-wrote all the others that Gary had up there as well... these don't require making a temp folder, and "should" be faster than the others... I'm still not deleting the original post code in case someone finds bugs with these, I spent most of the time writing them not testing them... expandcollapse popupFunc _IniDeleteEx($hFile, $vSection, $vKey = '') Local $iSize = FileGetSize($hFile) / 1024 If $iSize <= 31 Then Return IniDelete($hFile, $vSection, $vKey) Local $sString = FileRead($hFile) Local $sFRead = @CRLF & $sString & @CRLF & '[' $vSection = StringStripWS($vSection, 7) Local $aData = StringRegExp($sFRead, '(?s)(?i)\n\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*\r\n(.*?)\[', 3) If IsArray($aData) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $aData[0] = StringRegExpReplace($aData[0], '(\r\n)+$', '') If $vKey = '' Then $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '(?s)(?i)(^|\n)\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*(\r\n)+' & StringReplace($aData[0], '\', '\\'), @LF & @CRLF) Else $sString = StringRegExpReplace($aData[0], '(?s)(?i)\n\s*' & $vKey & '\s*=.*?(?m:\r\n|$)', @LF) EndIf $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '(^(\r\n)+)+|^\r+|^\n+|(\r\n)+$|\[$', '') $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '(\r\n){3}', @CRLF) $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '(^(\r\n)+)+', '') FileClose(FileOpen($hFile, 2)) Return FileWrite($hFile, $sString) EndFuncoÝ÷ Û÷b½Êyº1jëh×6Func _IniWriteEx($hFile, $vSection, $vKey, $vValue) If FileExists($hFile) = 0 Then FileClose(FileOpen($hFile, 2)) Local $iSize = FileGetSize($hFile) / 1024 If $iSize <= 31 Then Return IniWrite($hFile, $vSection, $vKey, $vValue) Local $sString = FileRead($hFile) Local $sFRead = @CRLF & $sString & @CRLF & '[' $vSection = StringStripWS($vSection, 7) Local $aData = StringRegExp($sFRead, '(?s)(?i)\n\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*\r\n(.*?)\[', 3) If IsArray($aData) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $aData[0] = StringRegExpReplace($aData[0], '(\r\n)+$', '') If StringRegExp(@LF & $aData[0] & @CRLF, '(?s)(?i)\n\s*' & $vKey & '\s*=') Then Local $sTempReplace = StringRegExpReplace(@LF & $aData[0] & @CR, _ '(?s)(?i)\n\s*' & $vKey & '=.*?\r', @LF & $vKey & '=' & StringReplace($vValue, '\', '\\') & @CR) $aData[0] = StringRegExpReplace($sTempReplace, '^\r\n|^\s*\n|^\s*\r|\r$', '') Else $aData[0] = StringReplace($aData[0] & @CRLF & $vKey & '=' & $vValue, '\', '\\') EndIf $sString = StringRegExpReplace(@LF & $sString & _ '[', '(?s)(?i)(^|\n)\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*\r\n.*?\s*\[', @LF & @CRLF & '\[' & $vSection & '\]' & @CRLF & $aData[0] & @CRLF & @CRLF & '\[') $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '(^(\r\n)+)+|^\r+|^\n+|\[$|(\r\n)+$', '') FileClose(FileOpen($hFile, 2)) Return FileWrite($hFile, $sString) EndFuncoÝ÷ Û÷b½Êyº1jëh×6Func _IniReadSectionNamesEx($hFile) Local $iSize = FileGetSize($hFile) / 1024 If $iSize <= 31 Then Return IniReadSectionNames($hFile) Local $aSectionNames = StringRegExp(@CRLF & FileRead($hFile) & @CRLF, '(?s)\n\s*\[(.*?)\]s*\r', 3) If IsArray($aSectionNames) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $nUbound = UBound($aSectionNames) Local $aNameReturn[$nUbound + 1] $aNameReturn[0] = $nUbound For $iCC = 0 To $nUBound - 1 $aNameReturn[$iCC + 1] = $aSectionNames[$iCC] Next Return $aNameReturn EndFuncoÝ÷ Û÷b½Êyº1jëh×6Func _IniReadEx($hFile, $vSection, $vKey, $vDefault = -1) If $vDefault = -1 Or $vDefault = Default Then $vDefault = '' Local $iSize = FileGetSize($hFile) / 1024 If $iSize <= 31 Then Return IniRead($hFile, $vSection, $vKey, $vDefault) Local $sFRead = @CRLF & FileRead($hFile) & @CRLF & '[' $vSection = StringStripWS($vSection, 7) Local $aData = StringRegExp($sFRead, '(?s)(?i)\n\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*\r\n(.*?)\[', 3) If IsArray($aData) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aRead = StringRegExp(@LF & $aData[0], '(?s)(?i)\n\s*' & $vKey & '\s*=(.*?)\r', 1) If IsArray($aRead) = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Return $aRead[0] EndFuncoÝ÷ Û÷b½Êyº1jëh×6Func _IniReadSectionEx($hFile, $vSection) Local $iSize = FileGetSize($hFile) / 1024 If $iSize <= 31 Then Return IniReadSection($hFile, $vSection) Local $sFRead = @CRLF & FileRead($hFile) & @CRLF & '[' $vSection = StringStripWS($vSection, 7) Local $aData = StringRegExp($sFRead, '(?s)(?i)\n\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*\r\n(.*?)\[', 3) If IsArray($aData) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aKey = StringRegExp(@LF & $aData[0], '\n\s*(.*?)\s*=', 3) Local $aValue = StringRegExp(@LF & $aData[0], '\n\s*.*?\s*=(.*?)\r', 3) Local $nUbound = UBound($aKey) Local $aSection[$nUBound +1][$nUBound +1] $aSection[0][0] = $nUBound For $iCC = 0 To $nUBound - 1 $aSection[$iCC + 1][0] = $aKey[$iCC] $aSection[$iCC + 1][1] = $aValue[$iCC] Next Return $aSection EndFunc Edited July 12, 2007 by SmOke_N Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
martin Posted July 14, 2007 Posted July 14, 2007 I re-wrote all the others that Gary had up there as well... these don't require making a temp folder, and "should" be faster than the others...Excellent SmOke_N. I have copied all these and I now have IniEx.au3 in my includes folder. Thanks. Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
Moderators SmOke_N Posted July 16, 2007 Author Moderators Posted July 16, 2007 (edited) Had to fix _IniWriteEx()Func _IniWriteEx($hFile, $vSection, $vKey, $vValue) If FileExists($hFile) = 0 Then FileClose(FileOpen($hFile, 2)) Local $iSize = FileGetSize($hFile) / 1024 If $iSize <= 31 Then Return IniWrite($hFile, $vSection, $vKey, $vValue) Local $sString = FileRead($hFile) Local $sFRead = @CRLF & $sString & @CRLF & '[' $vSection = StringStripWS($vSection, 7) Local $aData = StringRegExp($sFRead, '(?s)(?i)\n\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*\r\n(.*?)\[', 3) If IsArray($aData) = 0 Then If StringRegExp($sString, '(?s)\r\n$') = 0 Then $sString &= @CRLF & '[' & $vSection & ']' & @CRLF & $vKey & '=' & $vValue Else $sString &= '[' & $vSection & ']' & @CRLF & $vKey & '=' & $vValue EndIf FileClose(FileOpen($hFile, 2)) Return FileWrite($hFile, $sString) EndIf $aData[0] = StringRegExpReplace($aData[0], '(\r\n)+$', '') If StringRegExp(@LF & $aData[0] & @CRLF, '(?s)(?i)\n\s*' & $vKey & '\s*=') Then Local $sTempReplace = StringRegExpReplace(@LF & $aData[0] & @CR, _ '(?s)(?i)\n\s*' & $vKey & '=.*?\r', @LF & $vKey & '=' & StringReplace($vValue, '\', '\\') & @CR) $aData[0] = StringRegExpReplace($sTempReplace, '^\r\n|^\s*\n|^\s*\r|\r$', '') Else $aData[0] = StringReplace($aData[0] & @CRLF & $vKey & '=' & $vValue, '\', '\\') EndIf $sString = StringRegExpReplace(@LF & $sString & _ '[', '(?s)(?i)(^|\n)\s*\[\s*' & $vSection & '\s*\]\s*\r\n.*?\s*\[', @LF & @CRLF & '\[' & $vSection & '\]' & @CRLF & $aData[0] & @CRLF & @CRLF & '\[') $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '(^(\r\n)+)+|^\r+|^\n+|\[$|(\r\n)+$', '') FileClose(FileOpen($hFile, 2)) Return FileWrite($hFile, $sString) EndFuncIt wasn't adding the section if the section didn't exist. Edited July 16, 2007 by SmOke_N Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
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