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Posted (edited)


I'm trying to get all opened windows.

I tried this:

For $i=1 To $wins[0][0]
If $wins[$i][0]<>"" And BitAND(WinGetState($wins[$i][1]),4) Then MsgBox(0,"",$wins[$i][0])

The problem is that it don't shows only the windows. It shows the Sidebar gadgets, the Tray icons, the Start menu...

Is there a way to get only ALL windows?


Edited by FSoft

The problem is the definition of window in Windows doesn't always mean a 'visible' item. However, there are tricks..

_WinAPI_EnumWindowsTop() works pretty well, use WinGetTitle() with the handles it returns for the titles.

I think you can achieve the same result as that with WinList by using this test:

If _WinAPI_GetAncestor($wins[$i][1],3)==$wins[$i][1] And (BitAND(WinGetState($wins[$i][1]),2)==2) Then MsgBox(0,"",$wins[$i][0])

You'll still get a few Explorer 'unseen' window results like Progman and Shell_TrayWnd, so you might want to test for those, or just ignore all that have the same process ID as explorer.exe


I get the same result.

I can't ignore the windows that have the same PID of explorer.exe because if I open the My Documents folder, the script cannot "see" it.

Any solution?


Open explorer windows would probably be listed as classname 'CabinetWClass', if you use WinList() then you can use _WinAPI_GetClassName() to get the class name.

Basically it depends entirely on what you're looking for and why.

Posted (edited)

Open explorer windows would probably be listed as classname 'CabinetWClass', if you use WinList() then you can use _WinAPI_GetClassName() to get the class name.

Basically it depends entirely on what you're looking for and why.

I want to list in a combo-box all opened windows (listed in the taskbar).

P.S.: Why in AutoIt isn't there a "directly" function to get only all windows? :)

Edited by FSoft
Posted (edited)


this almost gets its right

$wins = WinList()
For $i = 1 To $wins[0][0]
    If $wins[$i][0] <> "" And BitAND(WinGetState($wins[$i][1]), 2) Then ConsoleWrite($wins[$i][0] & @CRLF)

only change i made was

BitAND(WinGetState($wins[$i][1]), 2)

I have the same problem!!!

Here are the real opened windows: PowerEr, C:\Users\FSoft\Desktop\PowerEr\PowerEr.au3 - SciTE4AutoIt3, Get all windows - AutoIt Forums - Mozilla Firefox, Scrittura di lunedì 23 febbraio 2009 - Watchtower Library 2008 - Edizione italiana, Posta in arrivo - Windows Live Mail, Documento1 - Microsoft Word

Here are the opened windows retrived by your script:



C:\Users\FSoft\Desktop\PowerEr\PowerEr.au3 - SciTE4AutoIt3

Get all windows - AutoIt Forums - Mozilla Firefox


Misuratore CPU




AppBar Bullet

Windows Sidebar


Scrittura di lunedì 23 febbraio 2009 - Watchtower Library 2008 - Edizione italiana

Posta in arrivo - Windows Live Mail

Documento1 - Microsoft Word

Program Manager

I need a script that gives me only the windows, not the Sidebar gadgets, the Start menu, etc... Edited by FSoft

Please google for what a window is, and remember only to bump your posts once in a 24 hour period.

WINDOW: Section on computer screen: a rectangular frame on a computer screen in which images output by application programs can be displayed, moved around, or resized.

I didn't understand what means your post. I know the meaning of window!

I want only some help with my script... :)

Posted (edited)

Well then you know what the side bar gadgets are don't you?

Your script grabs almost all of the windows. So what exactly do you want?

Maybe I don't make myself clear...

I want a script that lists in a combo-box ALL opened windows.

In practice, I want all windows listed in the taksbar, in a combo-box.

Edited by FSoft

Try this one:

#include <Array.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>
#include <windowsConstants.au3>

Dim $aWin = WinList(), $aWindows[1][1]
Dim $hUser32 = DllOpen('user32.dll')
Dim $iEx_Style, $iCounter = 0

For $i = 1 To $aWin[0][0]
    $iEx_Style = BitAND(GetWindowLong($aWin[$i][1], $GWL_EXSTYLE), $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)
    Local $iStyle = BitAND(WinGetState($aWin[$i][1]), 2)
    If $iEx_Style <> -1 And Not $iEx_Style And $iStyle Then
        ReDim $aWindows[$iCounter+1][1]
        $aWindows[$iCounter][0] = $aWin[$i][0]
        $iCounter += 1

Func GetWindowLong($hWnd, $iIndex, $hUser = 'user32.dll')
    Local $Ret = DllCall($hUser, 'int', 'GetWindowLong', 'hwnd', $hWnd, 'int', $iIndex)
    If Not @error Then Return $Ret[0]
    Return SetError(-1, 0, -1)

Authenticity, nice solution!

Just one thought, this line can change:

If $iEx_Style <> -1 And Not $iEx_Style And $iStyle Then


If Not $iEx_Style And $iStyle Then

as WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW is 0x80 (128), and BitAND()'ing it with -1 will result in 0x80 anyway, so if there is an error it will be set to 128 as if there was a WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW result.... but either way, the 'Not $iEx_Style' tests for a non-zero value so you're set.

Definitely a neat technique to getting the 'alt-tabbable' windows! Kudos,


Posted (edited)

Heh, Actually I wanted it to fail first in case of the returning -1 as the GetWindowLong SetError() call.

Edit: ...but my poor math knowledge takes place again, BitAND(0x80, -1) = always 0x80....

Edited by Authenticity
Posted (edited)

Try this one:

#include <Array.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>
#include <windowsConstants.au3>

Dim $aWin = WinList(), $aWindows[1][1]
Dim $hUser32 = DllOpen('user32.dll')
Dim $iEx_Style, $iCounter = 0

For $i = 1 To $aWin[0][0]
    $iEx_Style = BitAND(GetWindowLong($aWin[$i][1], $GWL_EXSTYLE), $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)
    Local $iStyle = BitAND(WinGetState($aWin[$i][1]), 2)
    If $iEx_Style <> -1 And Not $iEx_Style And $iStyle Then
        ReDim $aWindows[$iCounter+1][1]
        $aWindows[$iCounter][0] = $aWin[$i][0]
        $iCounter += 1

Func GetWindowLong($hWnd, $iIndex, $hUser = 'user32.dll')
    Local $Ret = DllCall($hUser, 'int', 'GetWindowLong', 'hwnd', $hWnd, 'int', $iIndex)
    If Not @error Then Return $Ret[0]
    Return SetError(-1, 0, -1)
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Is there any error?


Edited by FSoft

How is it not working? What is it not doing that you expect it to be doing? Is there an error code... or something in the scite console that might point to the error?

[u]Helpful tips:[/u]If you want better answers to your questions, take the time to reproduce your issue in a small "stand alone" example script whenever possible. Also, make sure you tell us 1) what you tried, 2) what you expected to happen, and 3) what happened instead.[u]Useful links:[/u]BrettF's update to LxP's "How to AutoIt" pdfValuater's Autoit 1-2-3 Download page for the latest versions of Autoit and SciTE[quote]<glyph> For example - if you came in here asking "how do I use a jackhammer" we might ask "why do you need to use a jackhammer"<glyph> If the answer to the latter question is "to knock my grandmother's head off to let out the evil spirits that gave her cancer", then maybe the problem is actually unrelated to jackhammers[/quote]

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