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Hi Everyone,

I noticed that if you right click a file and choose properties, there is a tab called summary. In there you can give the file several descriptions, including a title, subject, author, category, keywords, and comments.

Is there any way to set these fields with AutoIt? I've tried searching the forums and haven't come up with anything yet.



Posted (edited)

Search for "file properties" "extended properties" "metadata" on forum search for more posts on this well covered topic

Note: some examples on the forum are for the older version of the Dsofile.dll

Microsoft TechNet column: Tales from the Script - March 2005: Dsofile: The Untold Story


Dsofile.dll installer - latest version


Udf: Get Extended File Property - ExtProp.au3




Edit: forgot this link to another metadata UDF

UDF GetFileProperty, Return any property of a file by name


basic example of Dsofile.dll usage

installer registers DLL

otherwise run regsvr32.exe Dsofile.dll

tested on AutoIt EXEs' succesfully as well as text files, word docs, etc.

Caveat: YMMV

try on a copy of your database file

; constants for new properties type
Global Const $msoPropertyTypeNumber  = 1
Global Const $msoPropertyTypeBoolean = 2
Global Const $msoPropertyTypeDate    = 3
Global Const $msoPropertyTypeString  = 4

Global $g_eventerror = 0  ; to be checked to know if com error occurs. Must be reset after handling.

$file = FileOpenDialog("Select a file to read/change file properties",@ScriptDir,"All (*.*)")
If @error Then Exit
If Not FileExists($file) Then Exit
Global $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "ComErrorHandler"); Install a custom error handler
$objFile = ObjCreate("DSOFile.OleDocumentProperties")
If $g_eventerror Then Exit
$g_eventerror = 0
If Not IsObj($objFile) Then Exit

$objFile.Open($file) ; bind to the summary information metadata attached to the file.
If $g_eventerror Then Exit
$g_eventerror = 0

;~ ; Remove properties
;~ $objProperty = $objFile.CustomProperties.Item("CustomItem")
;~ $objProperty.Remove
;~ $objFile.Save

; Create new property
; Add new property
;$objFile.CustomProperties.Add "CustomItem", $msoPropertyTypeString

; Set new property value
;$objProperty = $objFile.CustomProperties.Item("CustomItem")
;$objProperty.Value = "CustomText"

; Modify existing properties - Note: some wont allow writing to even if they exist in file
; more properties available - use DLL Export Viewer or OLE/COM Object Viewer 'oleview.exe' on dsofile.dll
; see also http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/resources/tales/sg0305.mspx for a list
$objFile.SummaryProperties.Title = "Title" ; replace Title text here
;$objFile.SummaryProperties.Subject = "Subject"
;$objFile.SummaryProperties.Category = "Category"
;$objFile.SummaryProperties.Keywords = "Keywords"
;$objFile.SummaryProperties.Comments = "Comments"
;$objFile.SummaryProperties.Company = "Company"
;$objFile.SummaryProperties.Author = "Author"
;$objFile.SummaryProperties.RevisionNumber = "?"

$objFile.Save ; save changes to file properties
If $g_eventerror Then Exit
$g_eventerror = 0

; Retrieve custom properties values (if any)
For $objProperty In $objFile.CustomProperties
    ConsoleWrite("+> " & $objProperty.Name & " : " & $objProperty.Value & @crlf)

; display a sampling of some properties of file
$Title = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Title
ConsoleWrite('-> $Title = ' & $Title & @crlf)
$Subject = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Subject
ConsoleWrite('-> $Subject = ' & $Subject & @crlf)
$Category = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Category
ConsoleWrite('-> $Category = ' & $Category & @crlf)
$Keywords = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Keywords
ConsoleWrite('-> $Keywords = ' & $Keywords & @crlf)
$Comments = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Comments
ConsoleWrite('-> $Comments = ' & $Comments & @crlf)
$Company = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Company
ConsoleWrite('-> $Company = ' & $Company & @crlf)
$Author = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Author
ConsoleWrite('-> $Author = ' & $Author & @crlf)
$RevisionNumber = $objFile.SummaryProperties.RevisionNumber
ConsoleWrite('-> $RevisionNumber = ' & $RevisionNumber & @crlf)

$objFile.Close ; unbind from the summary information metadata attached to the file.

Func ComErrorHandler() ; optionally bypass message box, or use ConsoleWrite, Debugview or log errors to file
    Local $sHexNumber = Hex($oMyError.number,8)
    Local $sDesc = StringStripWS($oMyError.windescription, 2) 
    Msgbox(0,"AutoItCOM Test","We intercepted a COM Error !"        & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
             "err.description is: "    & @TAB & $oMyError.description       & @CRLF & _
             "err.windescription:"     & @TAB & $oMyError.windescription    & @CRLF & _
             "err.number is: "         & @TAB & $sHexNumber                 & @CRLF & _
             "err.scriptline is: "     & @TAB & $oMyError.scriptline        & @CRLF)
    $g_eventerror = 1 ; something to check for when this function returns
Edited by rover

I see fascists...


Search for "file properties" "extended properties" "metadata" on forum search for more posts on this well covered topic

Note: some examples on the forum are for the older version of the Dsofile.dll

Microsoft TechNet column: Tales from the Script - March 2005: Dsofile: The Untold Story


Dsofile.dll installer - latest version


Udf: Get Extended File Property - ExtProp.au3




Edit: forgot this link to another metadata UDF

UDF GetFileProperty, Return any property of a file by name


basic example of Dsofile.dll usage

installer registers DLL

otherwise run regsvr32.exe Dsofile.dll

tested on AutoIt EXEs' succesfully as well as text files, word docs, etc.

Caveat: YMMV

try on a copy of your database file

; constants for new properties type
Global Const $msoPropertyTypeNumber  = 1
Global Const $msoPropertyTypeBoolean = 2
Global Const $msoPropertyTypeDate    = 3
Global Const $msoPropertyTypeString  = 4

Global $g_eventerror = 0  ; to be checked to know if com error occurs. Must be reset after handling.

$file = FileOpenDialog("Select a file to read/change file properties",@ScriptDir,"All (*.*)")
If @error Then Exit
If Not FileExists($file) Then Exit
Global $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "ComErrorHandler"); Install a custom error handler
$objFile = ObjCreate("DSOFile.OleDocumentProperties")
If $g_eventerror Then Exit
$g_eventerror = 0
If Not IsObj($objFile) Then Exit

$objFile.Open($file) ; bind to the summary information metadata attached to the file.
If $g_eventerror Then Exit
$g_eventerror = 0

;~ ; Remove properties
;~ $objProperty = $objFile.CustomProperties.Item("CustomItem")
;~ $objProperty.Remove
;~ $objFile.Save

; Create new property
; Add new property
;$objFile.CustomProperties.Add "CustomItem", $msoPropertyTypeString

; Set new property value
;$objProperty = $objFile.CustomProperties.Item("CustomItem")
;$objProperty.Value = "CustomText"

; Modify existing properties - Note: some wont allow writing to even if they exist in file
; more properties available - use DLL Export Viewer or OLE/COM Object Viewer 'oleview.exe' on dsofile.dll
; see also http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/resources/tales/sg0305.mspx for a list
$objFile.SummaryProperties.Title = "Title" ; replace Title text here
;$objFile.SummaryProperties.Subject = "Subject"
;$objFile.SummaryProperties.Category = "Category"
;$objFile.SummaryProperties.Keywords = "Keywords"
;$objFile.SummaryProperties.Comments = "Comments"
;$objFile.SummaryProperties.Company = "Company"
;$objFile.SummaryProperties.Author = "Author"
;$objFile.SummaryProperties.RevisionNumber = "?"

$objFile.Save ; save changes to file properties
If $g_eventerror Then Exit
$g_eventerror = 0

; Retrieve custom properties values (if any)
For $objProperty In $objFile.CustomProperties
    ConsoleWrite("+> " & $objProperty.Name & " : " & $objProperty.Value & @crlf)

; display a sampling of some properties of file
$Title = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Title
ConsoleWrite('-> $Title = ' & $Title & @crlf)
$Subject = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Subject
ConsoleWrite('-> $Subject = ' & $Subject & @crlf)
$Category = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Category
ConsoleWrite('-> $Category = ' & $Category & @crlf)
$Keywords = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Keywords
ConsoleWrite('-> $Keywords = ' & $Keywords & @crlf)
$Comments = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Comments
ConsoleWrite('-> $Comments = ' & $Comments & @crlf)
$Company = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Company
ConsoleWrite('-> $Company = ' & $Company & @crlf)
$Author = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Author
ConsoleWrite('-> $Author = ' & $Author & @crlf)
$RevisionNumber = $objFile.SummaryProperties.RevisionNumber
ConsoleWrite('-> $RevisionNumber = ' & $RevisionNumber & @crlf)

$objFile.Close ; unbind from the summary information metadata attached to the file.

Func ComErrorHandler() ; optionally bypass message box, or use ConsoleWrite, Debugview or log errors to file
    Local $sHexNumber = Hex($oMyError.number,8)
    Local $sDesc = StringStripWS($oMyError.windescription, 2) 
    Msgbox(0,"AutoItCOM Test","We intercepted a COM Error !"        & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
             "err.description is: "    & @TAB & $oMyError.description       & @CRLF & _
             "err.windescription:"     & @TAB & $oMyError.windescription    & @CRLF & _
             "err.number is: "         & @TAB & $sHexNumber                 & @CRLF & _
             "err.scriptline is: "     & @TAB & $oMyError.scriptline        & @CRLF)
    $g_eventerror = 1 ; something to check for when this function returns
Hey, that rocks! After downloading and installing DsoFile.dll it worked perfectly. I would rather be able to do this from the native enviroment, but this .dll is a great workaround. Thanks.


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
Posted (edited)


Thanks for that listing as well as the code you posted at the bottom. I've re-arranged some of it and created a UDF out of it. I'm going to be adding it to the example scripts section. Hopefully others will be getting some use out of this.


; Function Name:   File Property Management
; Description:     This utility is for reading/writing file properties
; Parameter(s): _FileProperty($fFile, $fProperty = "Title", $fValue = "", $fMode=0)  
;                  $fFile - File path of file to be adjusted
;                 $fProperty - Property to be adjusted (title, subject, category,
;                               keywords, comments, company, author)
;                  $fValue - Value to insert into field
;                 $fMode - 0 for read, 1 for write, 2 for remove
; Requirement(s):  DLL File in script directory - dsofile.dll
; Return Value(s): Property read if the read mode is specified.
; Author(s):       Andrew Goulart

Func _FileProperty($fFile, $fProperty = "Title", $fValue = "", $fMode = 0)  
    $return = ""

    Global $g_eventerror = 0; to be checked to know if com error occurs. Must be reset after handling.
    Global $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "ComErrorHandler"); Install a custom error handler
    $objFile = ObjCreate("DSOFile.OleDocumentProperties")
    If $g_eventerror Then Exit
    $g_eventerror = 0
    If Not IsObj($objFile) Then Exit
    $objFile.Open($fFile); bind to the summary information metadata attached to the file.
    If $g_eventerror Then Exit
    $g_eventerror = 0

; Remove properties
    Switch $fProperty
        Case "Title"
            Switch $fMode
                Case 0
                    $return = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Title
                Case 1
                    $objFile.SummaryProperties.Title = $fValue
                Case 2
                    $objFile.SummaryProperties.Title = ""
        Case "Subject"
            Switch $fMode
                Case 0
                    $return = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Subject
                Case 1
                    $objFile.SummaryProperties.Subject = $fValue
                Case 2
                    $objFile.SummaryProperties.Subject = ""
        Case "Category"
            Switch $fMode
                Case 0
                    $return = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Category
                Case 1
                    $objFile.SummaryProperties.Category = $fValue
                Case 2
                    $objFile.SummaryProperties.Category = ""
        Case "Keywords"
            Switch $fMode
                Case 0
                    $return = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Keywords
                Case 1
                    $objFile.SummaryProperties.Keywords = $fValue
                Case 2
                    $objFile.SummaryProperties.Keywords = ""
        Case "Comments"
            Switch $fMode
                Case 0
                    $return = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Comments
                Case 1
                    $objFile.SummaryProperties.Comments = $fValue
                Case 2
                    $objFile.SummaryProperties.Comments = ""
        Case "Company"
            Switch $fMode
                Case 0
                    $return = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Company
                Case 1
                    $objFile.SummaryProperties.Company = $fValue
                Case 2
                    $objFile.SummaryProperties.Company = ""
        Case "Author"
            Switch $fMode
                Case 0
                    $return = $objFile.SummaryProperties.Author
                Case 1
                    $objFile.SummaryProperties.Author = $fValue
                Case 2
                    $objFile.SummaryProperties.Author = ""

    $objFile.Save; save changes to file properties
    If $g_eventerror Then Exit
    $g_eventerror = 0

    $objFile.Close; unbind from the summary information metadata attached to the file.
    If $return <> "" Then Return $return

Func ComErrorHandler(); optionally bypass message box, or use ConsoleWrite, Debugview or log errors to file
    Local $sHexNumber = Hex($oMyError.number,8)
    Local $sDesc = StringStripWS($oMyError.windescription, 2)
    Msgbox(0,"AutoItCOM Test","We intercepted a COM Error !"        & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
             "err.description is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.description     & @CRLF & _
             "err.windescription:"   & @TAB & $oMyError.windescription  & @CRLF & _
             "err.number is: "       & @TAB & $sHexNumber               & @CRLF & _
             "err.scriptline is: "   & @TAB & $oMyError.scriptline      & @CRLF)
    $g_eventerror = 1; something to check for when this function returns

Func _DLLstartup($DLLpath = '')
    If $DLLpath = Default Or $DLLpath = '' Then $DLLpath = @ScriptDir & '\dsofile.dll'
    ShellExecuteWait('regsvr32', '/s /i ' & $DLLpath, @WindowsDir, 'open', @SW_HIDE)
EndFunc ;==>_DLLstartup

Func _DLLshutdown($DLLpath = '')
    If $DLLpath = Default Or $DLLpath = '' Then $DLLpath = @ScriptDir & '\dsofile.dll'
    ShellExecuteWait('regsvr32', ' /s /u ' & $DLLpath, @WindowsDir, 'open', @SW_HIDE)
EndFunc ;==>_DLLshutdown
Edited by felanor

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