Malkey Posted February 5, 2008 Posted February 5, 2008 (edited) In an attempt to combine the command line calculator found @a simple calculator function, sin, cos, powers, brackets etcwith the matrix calculator found @Matrix Calculator (Autosize, floating matrix windows)The result is as follows:-Edit: Up to 9Nov2008 File CmdLineCalc.au3 ( 62.58K ) Number of downloads: 58Removed file and pasted script.expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GuiEdit.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> ; ;======= From matrixUDF.au3 file @ bottom ============ Global $iDF = 0 ; use to calculate determinantand used in Upper Triangle calculations. sign of submatrices Global $setdecplac, $decplInput1, $decplaceval = 0 ;================================================ Global Const $WM_LBUTTONDOWN = 0x0201 ; Drag Window 1 of 3 addin Dim $matrix1, $newm1, $RandMat1, $menu1, $openf1, $saveas1, $separator1, $filexit1, $Matname1 = "Untitled" ;Gui matrix1 Dim $matrix2, $newm2, $RandMat2, $menu2, $openf2, $saveas2, $filexit2, $Matname2 = "Untitled" ;Gui matrix2 Dim $matrix3, $newm3, $RandMat3, $menu3, $openf3, $saveas3, $filexit3, $Matname3 = "Untitled" ;Gui matrix3 Dim $Run1[1072],$Run2[630],$Run3[630], $opos = 0, $matrix1, $matrix2, $matrix3 ; dispmat func variables Dim $filename,$w2, $h3 Dim $m1[5][5] = [[ 3, 2, -1, 3, 4], [1, 6, 3, 3, 1], [2, -4, 0, 3, 9 ],[2, 3, 9, 12, 3],[4, 2, 8, 5, 1]] ;Gui matrix1 Dim $m2[3][3] = [[ 3, 2, -1], [1, 6, 3], [2, -4, 0]] ;Gui matrix2 Dim $m3[3][3] = [[ 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] ;Gui matrix3 Const $pi = 4*atan(1) , $pifactor = $pi/180 ; Command line varables Global $stringtocalc,$splitcalc,$pp, $temg, $tempm, $mf = 0, $mr = 0 ; Command line varables Dim $string, $linButok, $linButcan, $commandInput, $mainfrm , $lineEdit ; Command line varables Opt("GUIResizeMode", 802) ; Very important to get the right size GUICtrlCreateInput Opt("PixelCoordMode", 2) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 3) HotKeySet("{Enter}", "enterkey") matrix1gui() matrix2gui() matrix3gui() Commandline() GuiRegisterMsg($WM_LBUTTONDOWN, "_WinMove") ; Drag Window 2 of 3 addin While 1 If GetHoveredHwnd() = $matrix1 Then ToolTip("Matrix1 is "& $Matname1) ElseIf GetHoveredHwnd() = $matrix2 Then ToolTip("Matrix2 is "& $Matname2) ElseIf GetHoveredHwnd() = $matrix3 Then ToolTip("Matrix3 is "& $Matname3) Else ToolTip("") EndIf $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $filexit1, $filexit2, $filexit3, $linButcan $no = MsgBox(4, "Exit Matrix Manipulation?", " If you wish to continue and save matrix (matrices), press No " & @CRLF & @CRLF & " To Exit, press Yes.") if $no = 6 then ExitLoop ;-------------------------------- Matrix 1 Menu ------------- ;Case $loadcal1, $loadcal2, $loadcal3 ;Calculator ; ShellExecute("Calc.exe") Case $newm1 $n = NewMatrix("Matrix 1") if $n <> 1 then $m1 = $n ;MsgBox(0,"",$m1[0][0] & " " & $m1[0][1]) dispmat("Matrix 1", $m1) $Matname1 = $filename EndIf Case $openf1 $n = fileop() if $n <> 1 then $m1 = $n dispmat("Matrix 1", $m1) $Matname1 = $filename EndIf Case $saveas1 $m1 = refreshmat($m1, "Matrix 1") $n = savemat("Matrix 1", $m1) if $n <>1 then $Matname1 = $filename EndIf Case $RandMat1 ;$oldfname = $Matname1 $m1 = refreshmat($m1, "Matrix 1") $m1 = RandomizeMatrixData($m1) dispmat("Matrix 1", $m1) $Matname1 = "Untitled" ;--------------------------> End of Matrix 1 Menu ------------- Case $newm2 $n = NewMatrix("Matrix 2") if $n <> 1 then $m2 = $n ;MsgBox(0,"",$m2[0][0] & " " & $m2[0][2]) dispmat("Matrix 2", $m2) $Matname2 = $filename EndIf Case $openf2 $n = fileop() if $n <> 1 then $m2 = $n dispmat("Matrix 2", $m2) $Matname2 = $filename EndIf Case $saveas2 $m2 = refreshmat($m2, "Matrix 2") $n = savemat("Matrix 2", $m2) if $n <>2 then $Matname2 = $filename EndIf Case $RandMat2 ;$oldfname = $Matname2 $m2 = refreshmat($m2, "Matrix 2") $m2 = RandomizeMatrixData($m2) dispmat("Matrix 2", $m2) $Matname2 = "Untitled" ;-----------------------------> End of Matrix 2 Menu ------------- Case $newm3 $n = NewMatrix("Matrix 3") if $n <> 1 then $m3 = $n ;MsgBox(0,"",$m3[0][0] & " " & $m3[0][3]) dispmat("Matrix 3", $m3) $Matname3 = $filename EndIf Case $openf3 $n = fileop() if $n <> 1 then $m3 = $n dispmat("Matrix 3", $m3) $Matname3 = $filename EndIf Case $saveas3 $m3 = refreshmat($m3, "Matrix 3") $n = savemat("Matrix 3", $m3) if $n <>3 then $Matname3 = $filename EndIf Case $RandMat3 ;$oldfname = $Matname3 $m3 = refreshmat($m3, "Matrix 3") $m3 = RandomizeMatrixData($m3) dispmat("Matrix 3", $m3) $Matname3 = "Untitled" ;---------------------------------> End of Matrix 3 Menu ------------- Case $linButok $string = GUICtrlRead ($commandInput) ;If $string = '' Then Exit $string = StringStripWS($string,8) $string = StringUpper($string) consolewrite(' @start $string =' & $string & " str lngth- 2 = "& (StringLen($string)-2) & @CR) if StringInStr ($string,"=") = (StringLen($string)-2) Then $mr = StringRight($string,2) $string = StringMid($string,1,StringLen($string)-3) consolewrite(' @start2nd $string =' & $string & ' $mr =' & expandabbrev($mr) & @CR) EndIf If StringRight($string,1) = '=' Then $string = StringMid($string,1,StringLen($string)-1) EndIf $m1 = refreshmat($m1, "Matrix 1") $m2 = refreshmat($m2, "Matrix 2") $m3 = refreshmat($m3, "Matrix 3") consolewrite(' sent $string =' & $string & @CR) $answ = calculate($string) consolewrite('IsArray($answ) =' & IsArray($answ) & ' ($answ) =' & ($answ) & @CR) If IsArray($answ) then If $mr = "" then $mr = SelMatRslt() If $mr <> "0" then If $mf = 2 Then $decplaceval = 8 if $mf >= 1 Then If expandabbrev($mr) = "Matrix 1" Then $m1 = $answ ;$tempm dispmat(expandabbrev($mr),$m1) ElseIf expandabbrev($mr) = "Matrix 2" Then $m2 = $answ ;$tempm dispmat(expandabbrev($mr),$m2) ElseIf expandabbrev($mr) = "Matrix 3" Then $m3 = $answ ;$tempm dispmat(expandabbrev($mr),$m3) EndIf EndIf EndIf else MsgBox(0,$string & ' = ',$answ) EndIf If $mf = 2 Then $decplaceval = 0 GUICtrlSetData ( $commandInput, "") $string = "" $tempm = "" $mr = "" $mf = 0 GUICtrlSetState ($lineEdit, $GUI_FOCUS) EndSwitch WEnd ; ========== Martix 1 GUI window ========== Func matrix1gui() $matrix1 = GuiCreate( "Matrix1",540, 200, @DesktopWidth * 0.1, 20, Default, Default) ;, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW ) GUISetBkColor(0xA6CAF0) ;==== Matrix1 Menu $menu1 = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Menu") $newm1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("New Matrix", $menu1) $openf1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Open Matrix", $menu1) $saveas1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Save As", $menu1) $RandMat1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Randomize Data in Matrix", $menu1) $separator1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("",$menu1,6) ; create a separator line $filexit1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Exit", $menu1) ;====> End of Matrix1 Menu dispmat("Matrix 1", $m1) GUISetState() EndFunc ; ========== Martix 2 GUI window ========== Func matrix2gui() $matrix2 = GuiCreate( "Matrix2", $w2, 200, @DesktopWidth - $w2 - 5, 40, Default) ;, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW ) GUISetBkColor( 0xF4F6B4 ) ;==== Matrix2 Menu $menu2 = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Menu") $newm2 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("New Matrix", $menu2) $openf2 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Open Matrix", $menu2) $saveas2 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Save As", $menu2) $RandMat2 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Randomize Data in Matrix", $menu2) ;$loadcal2 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Calculator", $menu2) $separator1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("",$menu2,6) ; create a separator line $filexit2 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Exit", $menu2) ;====> End of Matrix2 Menu dispmat("Matrix 2", $m2) GUISetState() EndFunc ; ========== Martix 3 GUI window ========== Func matrix3gui() $matrix3 = GuiCreate( "Matrix3", 540, $h3, 40, @DesktopHeight - $h3 - 186, Default) ;, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW ) GUISetBkColor( 0xff0000 ) ;==== Matrix3 Menu $menu3 = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Menu") $newm3 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("New Matrix", $menu3) $openf3 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Open Matrix", $menu3) $saveas3 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Save As", $menu3) $RandMat3 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Randomize Data in Matrix", $menu3) ;$loadcal3 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Calculator", $menu3) $separator1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("",$menu3,6) ; create a separator line $filexit3 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Exit", $menu3) ;====> End of Matrix3 Menu dispmat("Matrix 3", $m3) GUISetState() EndFunc ;================== dispmat ============================= ;Formats the input boxes in the resized Gui, and, displays the 2d array data (matrix). ; input -> $mainfrm = "Matrix 1" or "Matrix 2" or "Matrix 3"; $m = 2d array to be displayed. ; Func dispmat($mainfrm, $m = 0) If $m = 0 Then $m = NewMatrix($mainfrm) GUISetState (@SW_ENABLE,namerethndl($mainfrm)) dim $w2 = 0, $h3 = 0 ;====== for tooltips to work correctly individual inputbox handles are needed, and, ; previous inputbox handles need to be deleted. if $mainfrm = "Matrix 1" Then $xx = 0 while $Run1[$xx] <> "" ;MsgBox(0,"",$Run1[$xx]& " " & $xx) GUICtrlDelete($Run1[$xx]) $xx += 1 WEnd ElseIf $mainfrm = "Matrix 2" Then $xx = 0 while $Run2[$xx] <> "" GUICtrlDelete($Run2[$xx]) $xx += 1 WEnd ElseIf $mainfrm = "Matrix 3" Then $xx = 0 while $Run3[$xx] <> "" GUICtrlDelete($Run3[$xx]) $xx += 1 WEnd EndIf ; ===> End of previous inputbox handles deletion. ; Dim $Counter = 0, $WidthPos1 = -60, $HeightPos1 = 5, $r = UBound($m), $c = UBound($m, 2), $inputwidth = 60, $inputht = 20 ; --- set deciminal places ------ If $decplaceval <> 0 and $opos <> 10 and $opos <> 11 Then for $x = 0 to $r -1 for $y = 0 to $c -1 If IsNumber($m[$x][$y]) Then $m[$x][$y] = Round($m[$x][$y], $decplaceval) Next Next EndIf ;-------> end of set deciminal places------ ;MsgBox(0,"",$m[0][0] & " " & $m[0][1] & " row=" & $r) GUISetFont(9, 400, 0, "Tahoma") for $x = 0 to $r -1 for $y = 0 to $c -1 $WidthPos1 += 65 ;GUISetState (@SW_ENABLE,$mainfrm ) if $mainfrm = "Matrix 1" Then $Run1[$Counter] = GUICtrlCreateInput( $m[$x][$y], $WidthPos1, $HeightPos1, 60, 20) ; , $inputwidth, $inputht) ;MsgBox(0,"",$Run1[$Counter]& " " & $Counter & " data)] "& GUICtrlRead($Run1[$Counter] ));GUICtrlSetPos (-1, $WidthPos1, $HeightPos1, 60, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1,"Row "& $x +1 & " Column " & $y +1 & " [Data: " & GUICtrlRead($Run1[$Counter], 0) & "] Cell No. " & $counter+1 ) ElseIf $mainfrm = "Matrix 2" Then $Run2[$Counter] = GUICtrlCreateInput($m[$x][$y], $WidthPos1 , $HeightPos1, 60, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1,"Row "& $x +1 & " Column " & $y +1 & " [Data: " & GUICtrlRead($Run2[$Counter], 0) & "] Cell No. " & $counter+1 ) ElseIf $mainfrm = "Matrix 3" Then $Run3[$Counter] = GUICtrlCreateInput($m[$x][$y], $WidthPos1 , $HeightPos1, 60, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1,"Row "& $x +1 & " Column " & $y +1 & " [Data: " & GUICtrlRead($Run3[$Counter], 0) & "] Cell No. " & $counter+1 ) EndIf ;GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 0, "Tahoma") $Counter += 1 If Mod($Counter, $c) = 0 Then $WidthPos1 -= 65 * $c $HeightPos1 += 25 EndIf Next Next ;MsgBox(0,"",$WidthPos1 & "= $WidthPos1 "& $HeightPos1 & "= $HeightPos1 " & Mod($Counter, $c) & "= Mod($Counter, $c) "&$m[0][0] & " " & $m[0][1] & " row=" & $r) if $mainfrm = "Matrix 1" then WinMove($matrix1, "", @DesktopWidth * 0.03, @DesktopHeight * 0.02, 65*($c)+11, $HeightPos1 + 46) if $mainfrm = "Matrix 2" then $w2 = 65*($c)+11 WinMove($matrix2, "", @DesktopWidth - $w2 - 5, @DesktopHeight * 0.04, 65*($c)+11, $HeightPos1+ 46) EndIf if $mainfrm = "Matrix 3" then $h3 = $HeightPos1 +46 WinMove($matrix3, "", 20, @DesktopHeight - $h3 - 160, 65*($c)+11, $h3) EndIf EndFunc Func NewMatrix($mainfrm) GUISetState (@SW_ENABLE,namerethndl($mainfrm )) $Notident = 0 #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= $Form1 = GUICreate("Auto-Fill Matrix", 396, 462, 193, 115) GUISetBkColor(0xECE9D8) $Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("1", 39, 157, 57, 28) GUICtrlSetTip($Input1, "e.g. enter 9 in Start No. and 7 in Last No."& @CRLF &"will genetate 9 8 7 9 8 7 9 ...until the matrix is filled. ") GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Input2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("2", 131, 157, 57, 28) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Start No.", 32, 134, 96, 24) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Last No.", 128, 134, 96, 24) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Inclusive", 197, 156, 74, 24) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("OR", 98, 192, 30, 24) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Checkbox1 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Identity Matrix", 48, 224, 145, 17) GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox1, "Enabled only if a square matrix "& @CRLF &"i.e. No. of Rows equals No. of Columns") GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Must be a square matrix", 48, 248, 168, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $but1gm = GUICtrlCreateButton("Generate Matrix", 248, 288, 124, 38, $BS_FLAT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFF00FF) $Label6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("OR", 101, 287, 30, 24) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Checkbox2 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Blank Matrix", 51, 319, 145, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Checkbox3 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Matrix All Zeros", 51, 396, 145, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label8 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("OR", 101, 364, 30, 24) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Group1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("New Matrix Size", 32, 8, 281, 113) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label9 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("No. of Columns", 175, 52, 108, 20) $Label7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("No. of Rows", 62, 50, 87, 20) $Input3 = GUICtrlCreateInput(0, 78, 71, 49, 28) GUICtrlSetTip($Input3, " Maximium size of matrix is No. of Rows multiplied by No. of Columns = 626") GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Input4 = GUICtrlCreateInput(0, 202, 71, 49, 28) GUICtrlSetTip($Input4, "Press Enter, Tab, Or click on another input box to enter data") GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $m = 1 ExitLoop Case $Input1 ;ControlClick ( "Auto-Fill Matrix", "", $Input2) Case $Input2 ;ControlClick ( "Auto-Fill Matrix", "", $Input1) Case $Checkbox1 if GUICtrlRead ( $Checkbox1) = $GUI_CHECKED then GUICtrlSetState ($Checkbox3, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Checkbox2, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Input1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Input2, $GUI_DISABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState ($Checkbox3, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Checkbox2, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Input1, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Input2, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Case $but1gm if IsInt ($Input3) and IsInt ($Input4) and GUICtrlRead ($Input3) > 0 and GUICtrlRead ($Input4) > 0 Then $m = MatCreate(GUICtrlRead($Input3), GUICtrlRead ($Input4)) If GUICtrlGetState ($Input1) = 80 then if GUICtrlRead ($Input1) > 0 And GUICtrlRead ($Input2) > 0 Then $counter = GUICtrlRead ($Input1) $min = $counter $max = GUICtrlRead ($Input2) $increm = 1 if $min > $max then $increm = -1 EndIf EndIf for $x = 0 to GUICtrlRead ($Input3) -1 for $y = 0 to GUICtrlRead ($Input4) -1 If GUICtrlGetState ($Input1) = 80 then ;MsgBox(0,"",$counter & " $max" & $max) if GUICtrlRead ($Input1) >0 And GUICtrlRead ($Input2) > 0 Then $m[$x][$y] = $counter if $counter = $max Then $counter = $min Else $counter = $counter + $increm ;MsgBox(0,"",$counter & " " & $increm) EndIf EndIf EndIf If GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox3) = $GUI_CHECKED then $m[$x][$y] = 0 If GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox2) = $GUI_CHECKED then $m[$x][$y] = "" If GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox1) = $GUI_CHECKED then If $x = $y Then $m[$x][$y] = 1 Else $m[$x][$y] = 0 EndIf EndIf Next Next $filename = "Untitled" ExitLoop EndIf Case $Checkbox2 if GUICtrlRead ( $Checkbox2) = $GUI_CHECKED then GUICtrlSetState ($Checkbox3, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Checkbox1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Input1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Input2, $GUI_DISABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState ($Checkbox3, $GUI_ENABLE) if $Notident = 0 then GUICtrlSetState ($Checkbox1, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Input1, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Input2, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Case $Checkbox3 if GUICtrlRead ( $Checkbox3) = $GUI_CHECKED then GUICtrlSetState ($Checkbox1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Checkbox2, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Input1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Input2, $GUI_DISABLE) Else if $Notident = 0 then GUICtrlSetState ($Checkbox1, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Checkbox2, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Input1, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Input2, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Case $Input3 ;ControlClick ( "Auto-Fill Matrix", "", $Input3) if GUICtrlRead ($Input3) = GUICtrlRead ($Input4) Then GUICtrlSetState ($Checkbox1, $GUI_ENABLE) $Notident = 0 else GUICtrlSetState ($Checkbox1, $GUI_DISABLE) $Notident = 1 EndIf if IsInt ($Input3) and IsInt ($Input4) and GUICtrlRead ($Input3) > 0 and GUICtrlRead ($Input4) > 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($Input1, 1) GUICtrlSetData($Input2, GUICtrlRead ($Input3) * GUICtrlRead ($Input4)) EndIf ;ControlClick ( "Auto-Fill Matrix", "", $Input4) Case $Input4 if GUICtrlRead ($Input3) = GUICtrlRead ($Input4) Then GUICtrlSetState ($Checkbox1, $GUI_ENABLE) $Notident = 0 else GUICtrlSetState ($Checkbox1, $GUI_DISABLE) $Notident = 1 EndIf if IsInt ($Input3) and IsInt ($Input4) and GUICtrlRead ($Input3) > 0 and GUICtrlRead ($Input4) > 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($Input1, 1) GUICtrlSetData($Input2, GUICtrlRead ($Input3) * GUICtrlRead ($Input4)) EndIf ;ControlClick ( "Auto-Fill Matrix", "", $Input3) EndSwitch WEnd DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $Form1, "int", 10, "long", 0x00090000);fade-out return $m ;GUIDelete($Form1); ; will return 1 EndFunc Func expandabbrev($mainfrm) Local $n If StringLeft($mainfrm,1) & StringRight($mainfrm,1) = "M1" Then $n = "Matrix 1" If StringLeft($mainfrm,1) & StringRight($mainfrm,1) = "M2" Then $n = "Matrix 2" If StringLeft($mainfrm,1) & StringRight($mainfrm,1) = "M3" Then $n = "Matrix 3" return $n EndFunc ; Name variable return Handle Func namerethndl($mainfrm) Local $n If $mainfrm = "Matrix 1" Then $n = $matrix1 If $mainfrm = "Matrix 2" Then $n = $matrix2 If $mainfrm = "Matrix 3" Then $n = $matrix3 return $n EndFunc Func mxretmat($mainfrm) Local $n If StringLeft($mainfrm,1) & StringRight($mainfrm,1) = "M1" Then $n = $m1 If StringLeft($mainfrm,1) & StringRight($mainfrm,1) = "M2" Then $n = $m2 If StringLeft($mainfrm,1) & StringRight($mainfrm,1) = "M3" Then $n = $m3 If $mainfrm = $tempm Then Return $tempm Else return $n EndIf EndFunc ; Save matrix to disk. csv file extension Func savemat($mainfrm, $m) GUISetState (@SW_ENABLE,$mainfrm ) $Pathfile = FileSaveDialog( "Choose a name.",@WorkingDir,"Comma-Separated Variables files (*.csv)|All (*.*)",8) If @error Then ;MsgBox(4096,"","No File(s) chosen") $p = 1 return $p ;MsgBox(0,"return -1", $p) EndIf dim $r = UBound($m), $c = UBound($m, 2) if StringRight($Pathfile,4) <> ".csv" then $Pathfile = $Pathfile & ".csv" $filename = StringTrimLeft($Pathfile,StringLen(@WorkingDir)+1) $hfile = FileOpen($Pathfile, 2) $Line = "" $Counter = 0 for $x = 0 to $r -1 for $y = 0 to $c -1 if $mainfrm = "Matrix 1" Then $COMMALESS = StringReplace (GUICtrlRead($run1[$Counter]),",","{COMMA}") $Line = $Line & $COMMALESS & "," EndIf if $mainfrm = "Matrix 2" Then $COMMALESS = StringReplace (GUICtrlRead($run2[$Counter]),",","{COMMA}") $Line = $Line & $COMMALESS & "," EndIf if $mainfrm = "Matrix 3" Then $COMMALESS = StringReplace (GUICtrlRead($run3[$Counter]),",","{COMMA}") $Line = $Line & $COMMALESS & "," EndIf $Counter += 1 Next FileWriteLine($hfile, StringTrimRight($Line,1) & @CRLF) $Line = "" next FileClose($hfile) $p = 0 ;MsgBox(0,"End", $p) Return $p EndFunc ; Open file stored on disk. csv file extension ; $Pathfile - path and name of file to be opened ; If $Pathfile not supplied, FileOpenDialog will allow the choosing a file to be open. Func fileop($Pathfile = "") If $Pathfile = "" Then $Pathfile = FileOpenDialog( "Choose a name.",@WorkingDir,"Comma-Separated Variables files (*.csv)|All (*.*)",8) EndIf If @error Then ;MsgBox(4096,"","No File(s) chosen") $m = 1 return $m EndIf $filename = StringTrimLeft($Pathfile,StringLen(@WorkingDir)+1) $hfile = FileOpen($Pathfile, 0) $colcount = 1 $line = FileReadLine($hfile) for $ch = 1 to StringLen($line) if StringMid($line, $ch,1) = "," then $colcount += 1 ;MsgBox(0,"","rowcount "& $rowcount & " colcount " & $colcount) next $rowcount = 1 While 1 $line = FileReadLine($hfile) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop $rowcount += 1 Wend ;MsgBox(0,"","rowcount "& $rowcount & " colcount " & $colcount) FileClose($hfile) $m = MatCreate($rowcount, $colcount) ;MsgBox(0,"","$rowcount=" & $rowcount & " $colcount=" & $colcount) $hfile = FileOpen($Pathfile, 0) for $x = 0 to $rowcount - 1 $line = StringSplit (FileReadLine($hfile),",") for $y = 0 to $colcount - 1 $m[$x][$y] = StringReplace ($line[$y+1],"{COMMA}",",") ;MsgBox(0,"","$x=" & $x & " $y=" & $y & " $m[$x][$y]=" & $m[$x][$y] ) Next next FileClose($hfile) return $m EndFunc ;Randomize existing data in in array (matrix) Func RandomizeMatrixData($m) ; Shuffle Dim $irow= UBound($m), $icol = UBound($m, 2) for $loop5 = 1 to 5 For $x = 0 To $irow - 1 for $y = 0 to $icol -1 $c = $m[$x][$y] ; swap $rx = Random (0,($irow -1),1) ; Random x index $ry = Random (0,($icol -1),1) ; Random y index $m[$x][$y] = $m[$rx][$ry] ; swap $m[$rx][$ry] = $c ; final swap Next Next next return $m EndFunc ;==== What is seen on screen are the numbers used in the maths operations. Refresh Array (refresh matrix) Func refreshmat($m, $mainfrm) GUISetState (@SW_ENABLE,$mainfrm ) dim $r = UBound($m), $c = UBound($m, 2) consolewrite( 'refresh $r ' & $r & ' $C =' & $c & ' $mainfrm =' & $mainfrm &@CRLF) Dim $n[$r][$c] $Counter = 0 for $x = 0 to $r -1 for $y = 0 to $c -1 if $mainfrm = "Matrix 1" Then $n[$x][$y] = GUICtrlRead($run1[$Counter]) if $n[$x][$y] <> $m[$x][$y] then $Matname1 = "Untitled" EndIf if $mainfrm = "Matrix 2" Then $n[$x][$y] = GUICtrlRead($run2[$Counter]) if $n[$x][$y] <> $m[$x][$y] then $Matname2 = "Untitled" EndIf if $mainfrm = "Matrix 3" Then $n[$x][$y] = GUICtrlRead($run3[$Counter]) if $n[$x][$y] <> $m[$x][$y] then $Matname3 = "Untitled" EndIf $Counter += 1 Next next Return $n EndFunc ;==================================================== ; Returns the Handle of GUI the mouse is over. ; ; Func GetHoveredHwnd() Local $iRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "WindowFromPoint", "long", MouseGetPos(0), "long", MouseGetPos(1)) If IsArray($iRet) Then ;MsgBox(0,"",$iRet[0] & " " & $iRet[1] & " " & $iRet[2] & " " & HWnd($iRet[0] )) Return HWnd($iRet[0]) else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;chkisnum(input variable ) check if number allows "-" and "." and not an array Output 0 if not a number or 1 is number func chkisnum($a) dim $fL = 1 if not(IsArray($a)) then for $cpos = 1 to StringLen($a) If StringIsDigit(StringMid ( $a, $cpos ,1 )) Or StringMid ( $a, $cpos ,1 ) = "." or StringMid ( $a, $cpos ,1 ) = "-" Then ;consolewrite('$cpos =' & $cpos & ' chkisnum= ' & StringMid ( $a, $cpos ,1 ) & @CRLF) ;$fL = 1 Else ;consolewrite('$cpos =' & $cpos & ' chkisnum= ' & StringMid ( $a, $cpos ,1 ) & @CRLF) $fL = 0 EndIf next Else $fL = 0 EndIf Return $fL EndFunc ;====================================================== ; Will allow left mouse button drag on the gui. Also, when the gui height is greater than the screen ; left clicking on the gui raises the gui to view bottom cells. ; Drag Window 3 of 3 addin Func _WinMove($HWnd, $Command, $wParam, $lParam) If BitAND(WinGetState($HWnd), 32) Then Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG ;DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $HWnd, "int", @DesktopWidth_SYSCOMMAND, "int", 0xF009, "int", 0) dllcall("user32.dll","int","SendMessage","hWnd", $HWnd, "int",$WM_LBUTTONDOWN,"int", $HTCAPTION,"int", 0) $pos = WinGetPos($HWnd) if @DesktopHeight - $pos[3] < 0 Then WinMove ( $HWnd, "", $pos[0], $pos[1] + (-50 * (((@DesktopHeight - $pos[1] - $pos[3]-50) <= 0) And ($pos[1] <= 0)))) EndFunc Func enterkey() $nMsg = $linButok ;MsgBox(0,"","enter") EndFunc ;=============== Basic Command line =================================== ;rest of script is the calculator function ;return the calculation result of $stringin ;very little error checking, just a sample to show a way to make a calculator Func calculate($stringin) $stringin = StringReplace($stringin,'^','**') ;$stringin = StringReplace($stringin,'#','+') $stringtocalc = $stringin & '=' $splitcalc = StringSplit($stringtocalc,"") $pp = 1 Return compute(0) EndFunc Func Commandline() $linecalcgui = GUICreate("Line Calculator", 523, 200, 347, 263, BitOR($WS_MAXIMIZEBOX,$WS_MINIMIZEBOX,$WS_SYSMENU,$WS_CAPTION,$WS_POPUP,$WS_POPUPWINDOW,$WS_GROUP,$WS_TABSTOP,$WS_BORDER,$WS_CLIPSIBLINGS)) GUISetIcon("D:\003.ico") $linButok = GUICtrlCreateButton("&OK", 79, 171, 75, 25, 0) $linButcan = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Cancel", 306, 169, 75, 25, 0) $lineEdit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", -2, -2, 525, 141, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL,$ES_READONLY,$ES_WANTRETURN,$WS_VSCROLL,$WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, ' Enter the line calculation below, ( Copy/Paste examples further down)' & @CRLF & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit , ' Allowed operators and functions :-, ' & @CRLF & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit , ' Common operators :-, ' & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit , ' * , / , + , - , ^ , ( , ) . mod(num, modulus)' & @CRLF & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit , ' Trigonometry operators :-' & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit , ' sin(degrees), cos(degrees), tan(degrees), ' & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit , ' asin(degrees), acos(degrees), atan(degrees), pi ' & @CRLF & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' Matrices operators :-' & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' All common operators work on the Matrices m1, m2, m3,' & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' trn(matrix) Transpose a matrix - rows and columns swap, ' & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' ^e all elements of a matrix to the power of ' & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' det(matrix) Determinant, ' & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' utr(matrix) Upper Triangle, ' & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' minv(matrix or number, m) multiplicative inverse of a, Modulus m. ' & @CRLF & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' Other :- ' & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' gcd( $a, $b) Greatest Common Denominator,' & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' Prim($a) Return Factors or is Prime' & @CRLF & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' Examples (Can be copy/paste to command line) :- ' & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' ((45- 3^2.6)/17)*cos(23.7)*Mod(12^4,5) ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' m1*m1=m2 To display a matrix result enter =m1 ,=m2, or, =m3 ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' 1/m1=m2 or m1^-1=m3 Inverse of matrix ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' m1/m1=m2 or m1*m1^-1=m3 Identity matrix is the result ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' The inverse of a matrix = (1/determinant) * adjoint ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' So, the adjoint = the inverse * determinant ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' m1^-1*det(m1)=m3 is the Adjoint ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' (2+m1)/4=m2 and 2+m1/4=m3 give different results. ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' m1-trn(m1)=m3 A matrix minus the transpose of the matrix. ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' utr(m1)=m2 Upper Triangle ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' trn(utr(m1))=m3 Upper Triangle transposed ' & @CRLF & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' m1^e2.5=m2 Each element in m1 to the 2.5 power. Note :- If an ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' element cotains a negative number and the power has a deciminal ' & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' part, the answer is a complex number for that element. ' & @CRLF ) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' m1^4=m2 Same as m1*m1*m1*m1 Power must be an integer only. ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' mod(m2,97)=m2 Matrix m2 mod 97 ' & @CRLF & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' Encrypt m2 Which contains whole, positive numbers, say ASCII values. ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' m1 contains whole, positive random numbers, but must be square, the key. ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' The modulus should be a prime number. 97 is used in this formula. ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' mod(m1*m2,97)=m3 Encrypted m2 is displayed in m3 ' & @CRLF & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' To decrypt the code in m3 matrix use ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' mod((minv(m1,97)*m3),97)=m3 Now, m3 contains decryption to compare to m2 ' & @CRLF & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' mod((m1*minv(m1,97)),97)=m2 Shows that the mod of a matrix multiplied ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' by its multiplicative inverse (with same modulus) = an identity matrix' & @CRLF & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' (sin(40))^2 + (cos(40))^2 This result should = 1 ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' cos(60)/sin(30) This result should = 1' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' asin(sin(30)) acos(cos(40)) atan(tan(50)) pi ' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' (3^2+4^2)^0.5 Hypotenuse, other 2 sides are 3 and 4.' & @CRLF) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText ($lineEdit ,' ' & @CRLF) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000080) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xA6CAF0) $commandInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("M2 * 2 + 1 = M3", 8, 142, 507, 24, 0) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;MsgBox(0,antilog(Log($String)),Exp(Log($string))) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) EndFunc func compute($rank); Local $mtt,$tem1,$tem2,$tem3,$pnum2,$bracketset consolewrite('@start compute rank= ' & $rank & ' $tem1 =' & $tem1 & ' $tem2 =' & $tem2 & ' $mtt =' & $mtt & ' $pp =' & $pp & " of " & $splitcalc[0] & @CRLF) $tem1=0; ;$tem2=0; $bracketset=0 while(True) $pp += 1; Switch $splitcalc[$pp-1] Case ' ' ;ignore Case 'G' ;gcd? ConsoleWrite('got the g for gcd' &@CRLF) If StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,3) = "GCD" then $pp += 2 $temg = compute( 3) $pp += 1 $tem1 = compute( 3) If not(IsArray($tem1)) And not(IsArray($temg)) Then $tem1 = gcd($temg, $tem1); $temg = "" EndIf $pp += 1 Case 'M' ;Mod If StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,3) = "MOD" then $pp += 2 $temg = compute( 3) $pp += 1 $tem1 = compute( 3) consolewrite( ' mod StringLeft ($tem1,1) =' & StringLeft ($tem1,1) & ' StringLeft ($temg,1)) =' & StringLeft ($temg,1) &' chkisnum($tem1) ' & chkisnum($tem1) & ' chkisnum($temg) =' & chkisnum($temg) & @CRLF) If chkisnum($tem1) And chkisnum($temg) Then $tem1 = Mod($temg, $tem1) ElseIf IsArray($tem1) Then consolewrite( '3* $temg ' & $temg & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) $tem1 = " Modulus can not be an array" $mf = 0 elseIf IsArray($temg) and chkisnum($tem1) Then consolewrite( ' 7* $temg ' & $temg & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) $decplaceval = 8 $tem1 = _arraymod($temg, $tem1) $decplaceval = 0 $mf = 2 EndIf $pp += 1 ElseIf StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,4) = "MINV" then $pp += 3 $temg = compute( 3) $pp += 1 $tem1 = compute( 3) consolewrite( ' minv StringLeft ($tem1,1) =' & StringLeft ($tem1,1) & ' StringLeft ($temg,1)) =' & StringLeft ($temg,1) &' chkisnum($tem1) ' & chkisnum($tem1) & ' chkisnum($temg) =' & chkisnum($temg) & @CRLF) If chkisnum($tem1) And chkisnum($temg) Then $tem1 = Multinv($temg, $tem1) elseIf IsArray($temg) and chkisnum($tem1) Then consolewrite( ' minv2 $temg ' & $temg & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) $tem1 = matrixInv($temg, $tem1) $mf = 2 EndIf $pp += 1 $temg = "" ElseIf StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,2) = "M1" then ConsoleWrite('got the M1' &@CRLF) $pp += 1 $tem1 = $m1 ElseIf StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,2) = "M2" then ConsoleWrite('got the M2' &@CRLF) $pp += 1 $tem1 = $m2 ElseIf StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,2) = "M3" then ConsoleWrite('got the M3' &@CRLF) $pp += 1 $tem1 = $m3 EndIf If $pp < $splitcalc[0] Then while( $splitcalc[$pp] = '.') or StringIsDigit($splitcalc[$pp]) $pp += 1; WEnd EndIf Case 'P' ;Prim If StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,4) = "PRIM" then ConsoleWrite('got the p for Prim' &@CRLF) $pp += 3 $tem2 = compute( 3); If not(IsArray($tem1)) Or not(IsArray($temg)) Then $tem1 = Prim($tem2 ); If $tem2 = number( $tem1) Then $tem1 = "The number " &$tem1 & " is a prime number" Else $tem1 = "The factors of " & $tem2 & " are " & $tem1 EndIf EndIf ElseIf ($splitcalc[$pp] = 'I') then $tem1 = $PI; $pp += 1; EndIf Case 'S' ;sin? ConsoleWrite('got the s for sin' &@CRLF) If StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,3) = "SIN" then $pp += 2 If not(IsArray($tem1)) Then $tem1 = sin($pifactor * compute( 3)); EndIf Case 'D'; Determinant? If StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,3) = "DET" then ; Determinant $pp += 2 $tem3 = compute(3) consolewrite(' Determinant rank= ' & $rank & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & ' $tem3 =' & $tem3 & ' $pp ' & $pp & " char = " & $splitcalc[$pp] & @CRLF) If IsArray($tem3) Then $tem1 = Round(_DetMatrix($tem3 ),10) $mf = 0 EndIf EndIf Case 'U'; Upper Triangle? If StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,3) = "UTR" then ; Upper Triangle $pp += 2 $tem3 = compute(3) consolewrite(' Upper Triangle = ' & $rank & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & ' $tem3 =' & $tem3 & ' $pp ' & $pp & " char = " & $splitcalc[$pp] & @CRLF) If IsArray($tem3) Then $tem1 = upperTriangle($tem3 ) $tem1 = upperTriangle($tem1 ) $mf = 1 EndIf EndIf Case 'T'; Transpose, tan? If StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,3) = "TRN" then ; Transpose $pp += 2 $tem3 = compute(3) consolewrite(' Transpose rank= ' & $rank & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & ' $tem3 =' & $tem3 & ' $pp ' & $pp & " char = " & $splitcalc[$pp] & @CRLF) If IsArray($tem3) Then $tem1 = matrixTranspose($tem3 ) If $mf = 0 Then $mf = 1 EndIf ElseIf StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,3) = "TAN" then $pp += 2 If not(IsArray($tem1)) Then $tem1 = Tan($pifactor * compute( 3)); EndIf If $pp < $splitcalc[0] Then while( $splitcalc[$pp] = '.') or StringIsDigit($splitcalc[$pp]) $pp += 1; WEnd EndIf Case 'A' If StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,4) = "ATAN" then $pp += 3; If not(IsArray($tem1)) Then $tem1 = atan(compute( 3))/$pifactor; elseif StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,4) = 'ASIN' then $pp += 3; ConsoleWrite('at arcsin pp = ' & $splitcalc[$pp] & @CRLF) If not(IsArray($tem1)) Then $tem1 = ASin(compute( 3))/$pifactor; elseif (StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,4) = 'ACOS') then $pp += 3 If not(IsArray($tem1)) Then $tem1 = ACos(compute( 2))/$pifactor; EndIf If $pp < $splitcalc[0] Then while( $splitcalc[$pp] = '.') or StringIsDigit($splitcalc[$pp+1]) $pp += 1; {get past the Add bit} WEnd EndIf Case 'C';cos? if StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,3) = 'COS' then $pp += 2 If not(IsArray($tem1)) Then $tem1 = cos($pifactor * compute( 2)); EndIf Case '(' consolewrite(' ( rank= ' & $rank & '$tem =' & $tem1 & ' $tem2 =' & $tem2 & ' $pp ' & $pp & @CRLF) $bracketset = 1; $tem1 = compute( 0); Case ')' consolewrite(' )1 rank= ' & $rank & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & ' $tem2 =' & $tem2 & ' $pp ' & $pp & " char = " & $splitcalc[$pp] & @CRLF) if ($bracketset = 1) then $bracketset = 0 else consolewrite(' )2 rank= ' & $rank & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & ' $tem2 =' & $tem2 & ' $pp ' & $pp & " char = " & $splitcalc[$pp] & @CRLF) $pp -= 1 $result = $tem1; Return $result EndIf Case '/' if ($rank >= 2) then $pp -= 1; $result = $tem1; Return $result else $tem2 = compute( 2); if $tem2 = "0" then MsgBox(0,'Error','divide by 0!'); $divzero = True; $result = 0; Return $result; else consolewrite( ' / StringLeft ($tem1,1) =' & StringLeft ($tem1,1) & ' StringLeft ($tem2,1)) =' & StringLeft ($tem2,1) &' chkisnum($tem1) ' & chkisnum($tem1) & ' chkisnum($tem2) =' & chkisnum($tem2) & @CRLF) If chkisnum($tem1) And chkisnum($tem2) Then $tem1 = $tem1 / $tem2; ElseIf IsArray($tem1) And IsArray($tem2) Then consolewrite( '3* $tem2 ' & $tem2 & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) $tem1 = ArrayProduct($tem1,matrixInv($tem2)) If $mf = 0 Then $mf = 1 elseIf IsArray($tem1) and chkisnum($tem2) Then consolewrite( '5* $tem2 ' & $tem2 & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) $tem1 = _arrayScalarProduct($tem1, 1/$tem2) $mf = 1 elseIf IsArray($tem2) and chkisnum ($tem1) Then consolewrite( ' 7* $tem2 ' & $tem2 & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) $tem1 = _arrayScalarProduct(matrixInv($tem2), $tem1) If $mf = 0 Then $mf = 1 EndIf ;$pp += 1 EndIf EndIf Case '*' consolewrite( ' * start $pp ' & $pp & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) If StringMid($stringtocalc,$pp - 1,3) = "**E" then ;^E each element in matrix to power $pp += 2;point to exp If $splitcalc[$pp] = '-' Then $pp += 1 $tem2 = -compute(4) ElseIf $splitcalc[$pp] = '+' Then $pp += 1 $tem2 = compute(4) Else $tem2 = compute(4); EndIf ;If StringIsDigit ($tem1) And StringIsDigit ($tem2) Then ConsoleWrite(' powerE $tem1 =' & $tem1 & ' $tem2 =' & $tem2 &' $pp= ' & $splitcalc[$pp] & @CRLF) If chkisnum($tem1) Then $tem1 = "the ^e operand only works on a matrix" $mf = 0 ;$tem1 = Power($tem1,$tem2) ElseIf IsArray($tem2) Then $tem1 = "To the power of a matrix is not allowed." $mf = 0 elseIf IsArray($tem1) and chkisnum($tem2) Then consolewrite( 'm s powerE $tem2 ' & $tem2 & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) $tem1 = matrixelementpower($tem1, $tem2) If $mf = 0 Then $mf = 1 EndIf ElseIf $splitcalc[$pp] = '*' then ; ^ the matrix as a whole to the power of (an integer) ;exponent required $pp += 1;point to exp ConsoleWrite('actual for power = ' & $splitcalc[$pp] & @CRLF) If $splitcalc[$pp] = '-' Then $pp += 1 $tem2 = -compute(4) ElseIf $splitcalc[$pp] = '+' Then $pp += 1 $tem2 = compute(4) Else $tem2 = compute(4); EndIf ;If StringIsDigit ($tem1) And StringIsDigit ($tem2) Then ConsoleWrite(' power $tem1 =' & $tem1 & ' $tem2 =' & $tem2 &' $pp= ' & $splitcalc[$pp] & @CRLF) If chkisnum($tem1) And chkisnum($tem2) Then $tem1 = Power($tem1,$tem2) ElseIf IsArray($tem2) Then $tem1 = "To the power of a matrix is not allowed." $mf = 0 elseIf IsArray($tem1) and chkisnum($tem2) Then consolewrite( 'm s power $tem2 ' & $tem2 & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) If $tem2 -int($tem2) = 0 Then $tem1 = matrixpower($tem1, $tem2) $mf = 1 Else $tem1 = "For a matrix the power must be an integer only." $mf = 0 EndIf EndIf else if ($rank >= 3) then $pp -= 1; $result = $tem1; Return $result; else $mtt = compute( 3); consolewrite( '* StringLeft ($tem1,1) =' & StringLeft ($tem1,1) & ' StringLeft ($mtt,1)) =' & StringLeft ($mtt,1) &' chkisnum($tem1) ' & chkisnum($tem1) & ' chkisnum($mtt) =' & chkisnum($mtt) & @CRLF) If chkisnum($tem1) And chkisnum($mtt) Then $tem1 = $tem1 * $mtt; ElseIf IsArray($tem1) And IsArray($mtt) Then consolewrite( '3* $mtt ' & $mtt & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) $tem1 = ArrayProduct($tem1,$mtt) $mf = 1 elseIf IsArray($tem1) and chkisnum($mtt) Then consolewrite( '5* $mtt ' & $mtt & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) $tem1 = _arrayScalarProduct($tem1, $mtt) $mf = 1 elseIf IsArray($mtt) and chkisnum($tem1) Then consolewrite( ' 7* $mtt ' & $mtt & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) $tem1 = _arrayScalarProduct($mtt, $tem1) $mf = 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf Case '+' if ($rank >= 1) then $pp -= 1; $result = $tem1; Return $result else $mtt = compute(1); consolewrite( ' + StringLeft ($tem1,1) =' & StringLeft ($tem1,1) & ' StringLeft ($mtt,1)) =' & StringLeft ($mtt,1) &' chkisnum($tem1) ' & chkisnum($tem1) & ' chkisnum($mtt) =' & chkisnum($mtt) & @CRLF) If chkisnum($tem1) And chkisnum($mtt) Then $tem1 = $tem1 + $mtt; ElseIf IsArray($tem1) And IsArray($mtt) Then consolewrite( '3* $mtt ' & $mtt & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) $tem1 = matrixplusmatrix($tem1, $mtt) $mf = 1 elseIf IsArray($tem1) and chkisnum($mtt) Then consolewrite( '5* $mtt ' & $mtt & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) $tem1 = arrayplusScalar($tem1, $mtt) $mf = 1 elseIf IsArray($mtt) and chkisnum($tem1) Then consolewrite( ' 7* $mtt ' & $mtt & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) $tem1 = arrayplusScalar($mtt, $tem1) $mf = 1 EndIf EndIf; Case '-'; consolewrite(' - rank= ' & $rank & '$tem =' & $tem1 & ' $tem2 =' & $tem2 & ' $pp ' & $pp & @CRLF) if ($rank >= 1) then $pp -= 1 $result = $tem1; Return $result else $mtt = compute(1); consolewrite( ' - StringLeft ($tem1,1) =' & StringLeft ($tem1,1) & ' StringLeft ($mtt,1)) =' & StringLeft ($mtt,1) &' chkisnum($tem1) ' & chkisnum($tem1) & ' chkisnum($mtt) =' & chkisnum($mtt) & @CRLF) If chkisnum($tem1) And chkisnum($mtt) Then $tem1 = $tem1 - $mtt; ElseIf IsArray($tem1) And IsArray($mtt) Then consolewrite( '3* $mtt ' & $mtt & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) $tem1 = matrixminusmatrix($tem1,$mtt) $mf = 1 elseIf IsArray($tem1) and chkisnum($mtt) Then consolewrite( '5* $mtt ' & $mtt & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) $tem1 = arrayplusScalar($tem1, -$mtt) $mf = 1 elseIf IsArray($mtt) and chkisnum($tem1) Then consolewrite( ' 7* $mtt ' & $mtt & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) $tem1 = arrayplusScalar($mtt, -$tem1) $mf = 1 EndIf EndIf; Case '=' ;{CR LF NULL} $pp -= 1;{set back to end of line or compute will go crashing through the comments} $result = $tem1; consolewrite( 'case = $mtt ' & $mtt & '$tem1 =' & $tem1 & @CRLF) if ($bracketset = 1)then MsgBox(0,'ERROR','Unmatched brackets') EndIf; Return $result Case '0' To '9'; $pp -= 1; $pnum2 = $pp; while( $splitcalc[$pp] = '.') or StringIsDigit($splitcalc[$pp]) $pp += 1; WEnd $tem1 = StringMid($stringtocalc,$pnum2,$pp-$pnum2) Case '.' ; $pp -= 1; $pnum2 = $pp; while( $splitcalc[$pp] = '.') or StringIsDigit($splitcalc[$pp]) $pp += 1; WEnd $tem1 = StringMid($stringtocalc,$pnum2,$pp-$pnum2) Case ',';this bit doesn't work yet $pp -= 1; $result = $tem1; Return $result EndSwitch; wend; EndFunc ; Select Matrix to Display Result Func SelMatRslt() dim $ret $Form2 = GUICreate("Select a result matrix", 400, 119, 341, 254) GUISetIcon("D:\002.ico") $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Matrix 1", 36, 76, 75, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xA6CAF0) $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Matrix 2", 115, 76, 75, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFE1) $Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Matrix 3", 195, 76, 75, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFF0000) $Button4 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 300, 76, 75, 25, 0) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Result is a matrix, and, a result matrix is not selected.", 14, 8, 369, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please select a matrix to display the results.", 16, 39, 308, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $Button4 $ret = "0" ExitLoop Case $Button1 $ret = "M1" ExitLoop Case $Button2 $ret = "M2" ExitLoop Case $Button3 $ret = "M3" ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) return $ret EndFunc #cs Func Max($a,$b) ConsoleWrite('a,b = ' & $a & ', ' & $b & @CRLF) If $a > $b Then Return $a Return $b EndFunc Func Min($a,$b) ConsoleWrite('a,b = ' & $a & ', ' & $b & @CRLF) If $a < $b Then Return $a Return $b EndFunc #ce ;===============> End of Basic Command line calcs =================================== ;=============== Start of matrixUDF.au3 file =================================== ;matrixUDF.au3 file ;Global $iDF = 0 ; use to calculate determinantand used in Upper Triangle calculations. sign of submatrices ;Global $setdecplac, $decplInput1, $decplaceval = 0 ;========================================================================== ; Function: ArrayProduct (modified mod added) ; Purpose: Calculate the ordinary matrix product of two matricies, as described at: ; ; Call with: _ArrayProduct( $avA, $avB ) ; Where: $avA and $avB are 2D arrays of numbers where the ; row count (depth) of $avA matches the column count of $avB ; On success: Returns a 2D array (product matrix) ; On failure: Returns 0 and sets @error and @extended for invalid inputs ;========================================================================== Func ArrayProduct($avA, $avB, $m = 0) ; Check for parameter errors. If IsArray($avA) = 0 Or IsArray($avB) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) ; both must be arrays If UBound($avA, 0) <> 2 Or UBound($avB, 0) <> 2 Then Return SetError(1, 2, 0) ; both must be 2D arrays If UBound($avA, 2) <> UBound($avB) Then Return SetError(1, 3, 0) ; depth must match ; Create return array Local $iRows = UBound($avA), $iCols = UBound($avB, 2), $iDepth = UBound($avA, 2) Local $avRET[$iRows][$iCols] ; Calculate values For $r = 0 To $iRows - 1 For $c = 0 To $iCols - 1 $x = 0 For $z = 0 To $iDepth - 1 $x += ($avA[$r][$z] * $avB[$z][$c]) if $x < 10^-11 and $x > -10^-11 then $x = Int ($x); Rounded at 11 decimal places Next ;============== Mod if $m = 0 Then $avRET[$r][$c] = $x Else if IsNumber($m) then ; If $decplaceval <> 0 Then $x = round($x,$decplaceval) $avRET[$r][$c] = mod($x, $m) EndIf EndIf ;===============> End of Mod Section Next Next Return $avRET EndFunc ;==>_ArrayProduct ;Matrix $a multiplied by a Scalar (number) $k func _arrayScalarProduct($a, $k) ; Check for parameter errors. If IsArray($a) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) ; must be array Local $iRows = UBound($a), $iCols = UBound($a, 2) Local $aRET[$iRows][$iCols] For $r = 0 To $iRows - 1 For $c = 0 To $iCols - 1 $aRET[$r][$c] = $a[$r][$c] * $k Next Next Return $aRET EndFunc ;Matrix $a plus a Scalar (number) $k func arrayplusScalar($a, $k) If IsArray($a) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) ; must be array Local $iRows = UBound($a), $iCols = UBound($a, 2) Local $aRET[$iRows][$iCols] For $r = 0 To $iRows - 1 For $c = 0 To $iCols - 1 $aRET[$r][$c] = $a[$r][$c] + $k Next Next Return $aRET EndFunc ; Transpose a matrix columns become rows and rows become columns. Func matrixTranspose($a) Local $tms = UBound($a), $cols = UBound($a, 2) $m = MatCreate($cols, $tms) for $i = 0 to $tms -1 for $j = 0 to $cols -1 $m[$j][$i] = $a[$i][$j] Next Next Return $m EndFunc ; create matrix $a rows and $b columns Func MatCreate($a, $b) Dim $m[$a][$b] for $i =0 to $a-1 for $j = 0 to $b -1 $m[$i][$j] = 0 Next Next return $m EndFunc Func upperTriangle($a) If UBound($a, 2) <> UBound($a) Then Return SetError(1, 3, 0) ; depth must match Dim $tms = UBound($a), $f1 = 0, $temp = 0, $v = 1, $mc = $a, $stopLoop = 0 ;MsgBox(0,"",UBound($a) & " " & UBound($a, 2) ) $iDF = 1 ;MsgBox(0,"iNFO"," Matrix must be square uPPER TRI. L223 ROW = "& UBound($a) & " COLUMN = "&UBound($a, 2) ) For $col = 0 To $tms -1 For $row = $col +1 To $tms -1 $v= 1 $stopLoop = 0 While $mc[$col][$col] = 0 and $stopLoop = 0 if $col + $v >= $tms then $iDF = 0 $stopLoop = 1 Else For $c = 0 to $tms If $col < $tms and $c < $tms Then $temp = $mc[$col][$c] $mc[$col][$c] = $mc[$col + $v][$c] $mc[$col +$v][$c] = $temp EndIf Next EndIf $v = $v + 1 $iDF = $iDF * (-1) WEnd if $mc[$col][$col] <> 0 then $f1 = (-1)* $mc[$row][$col] / $mc[$col][$col] for $i = $col to $tms - 1 $mc[$row][$i] = $f1 * $mc[$col][$i] + $mc[$row][$i] ;MsgBox(0,"Prim", $col & " " & $mc[$row][$i]) Next EndIf $v = 1 Next Next Return $mc EndFunc ; matrix $matr1 minus matrix $matr2 Func matrixminusmatrix($matr1, $matr2) If UBound($matr1, 2) <> UBound($matr2) and UBound($matr2, 2) <> UBound($matr1) Then SetError(0) Return -1 EndIf Local $r = UBound($matr1), $cols = UBound($matr1, 2) $m = MatCreate($r, $cols) for $i = 0 to $r -1 for $j = 0 to $cols -1 $m[$i][$j] = $matr1[$i][$j] - $matr2[$i][$j] Next Next Return $m EndFunc ; matrix $matr1 plus matrix $matr2 Func matrixplusmatrix($matr1, $matr2) If UBound($matr1, 2) <> UBound($matr2) and UBound($matr2, 2) <> UBound($matr1) Then SetError(0) Return -1 EndIf Local $r = UBound($matr1), $cols = UBound($matr1, 2) $m = MatCreate($r, $cols) for $i = 0 to $r -1 for $j = 0 to $cols -1 $m[$i][$j] = $matr1[$i][$j] + $matr2[$i][$j] Next Next Return $m EndFunc ;Determines the reciprocal or multiplicative inverse of, a Modulo m ; provide a and m have no common factors. ;$a and $m are numbers Func Multinv($a, $m) dim $minu = 0 if $a < 0 then $a = $a *-1 $minu = 1 ;flag for negative value EndIf dim $p = 0 Do $p = $p + 1 Until Mod(($p * $a), $m) = 1 Or $p = $m if $minu = 1 then $p = $m - $p EndIf ;If $decplaceval <> 0 Then $p = Round($p, $decplaceval) Return $p EndFunc ;_arraymod($a, $m) Returns the the molulo of array $a to modulus $m ;convert negative mod result no. to positive no. ; e.g (-17 Mod 47 ) = (30 Mod 47 ) ; i.e. 47 + (-17) = 30 func _arraymod($a, $m) ; Check for parameter errors. If IsArray($a) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) ; must be array Local $iRows = UBound($a), $iCols = UBound($a, 2), $iDepth = UBound($a, 2) Local $aRET[$iRows][$iCols] For $r = 0 To $iRows - 1 For $c = 0 To $iCols - 1 ;If $decplaceval <> 0 Then ; $aRET[$r][$c] = round(mod($a[$r][$c],$m),$decplaceval) ;Else $aRET[$r][$c] = mod($a[$r][$c],$m) ;EndIf if $m > 0 then If $aRET[$r][$c] < 0 then $aRET[$r][$c] = $m + $aRET[$r][$c] ;convert negative mod result no. to positive no. EndIf Next Next ; --- set deciminal places ------ If $decplaceval <> 0 Then for $x = 0 to $r -1 for $y = 0 to $c -1 $aRET[$x][$y] = Mod(Round($aRET[$x][$y], $decplaceval),$m) Next Next EndIf Return $aRET EndFunc ; Calculates and returns the determinant of matrix $a Func _DetMatrix($a) If UBound($a) <> UBound($a, 2) Then MsgBox(0,"Error"," Matrix must be square to determine Determinant. ROW = "& UBound($a) & " COLUMN = "&UBound($a, 2) ) else Dim $bt, $det = 1 Local $iRows = UBound($a) $temp = upperTriangle($a) $bt = upperTriangle($temp) For $r = 0 To $iRows - 1 $det = $det * $bt[$r][$r] ;MsgBox(0,"det", $iRows & " " &$r & " " & $det) Next $det = $det * $iDF EndIf ;If $decplaceval <> 0 Then $det = Round($det, $decplaceval) return $det EndFunc ; Calculates and returns the matrix which is the adjoint of matrix $a Func matrixAdjoint($a) Local $tms = UBound($a), $ii = 0, $temp = 0, $jj = 0, $ia = 0, $ja = 0, $det = 0, $m = $a ;MsgBox(0,"",$tms) For $i = 0 To $tms -1 For $j = 0 To $tms - 1 $ia = 0 $ja = 0 $ap = MatCreate($tms-1 ,$tms-1 ) $tmsp = UBound($ap) for $ii = 0 to $tms - 1 for $jj = 0 to $tms - 1 if $ii <> $i and $jj <> $j Then $ap[$ia][$ja] = $a[$ii][$jj] $ja = $ja + 1 ;MsgBox(0,"Prim", $ja & " " & $a[$ia][$ja]) EndIf Next if $ii <> $i and $jj <> $j then $ia = $ia + 1 $ja = 0 Next $det = _DetMatrix($ap) $m[$i][$j] = ((-1)^($i + $j)) * $det Next Next $m = matrixTranspose($m) Return $m EndFunc ;=============================== ; matrixInv($a) gives the inverse of Matrix $a ; matrixInv($a, $m) gives the Mudulo inverse of Matrix $a Mudulus $m func matrixInv($a, $m = 0) If UBound($a, 2) <> UBound($a) Then SetError(0) Return -1 EndIf $det = _DetMatrix($a) If $det = 0 Then MsgBox(0,"","Determinant is zero. The inverse of this matrix can not be calculated.") $avRET = 0 Else $ajnt = matrixAdjoint($a) if $m = 0 Then $avRET = _arrayScalarProduct($ajnt, 1/$det) Else ;============== Mod if $m > 0 then $mul = Multinv(mod($det,$m), $m) ;If $decplaceval <> 0 Then $mul = Round($mul, $decplaceval) ;MsgBox(0,"",$mul) $avRET = _arrayScalarProduct($ajnt, $mul) $avRET = _arraymod($avRET,$m) EndIf EndIf EndIf ;===============> End of Mod Section Return $avRET EndFunc ; Func matrixpower($mat, $pow) $ret = $mat If $pow = 0 Then $ret = ArrayProduct($mat, matrixInv($mat)) ElseIf $pow > 0 Then for $x = 1 to $pow -1 $ret = ArrayProduct($ret, $mat) next ElseIf $pow < 0 Then $ret = matrixInv($mat) for $x = 1 to abs($pow) -1 $ret = ArrayProduct($ret, matrixInv($mat)) next EndIf return $ret EndFunc ;each element in Matrix ($mat) to the power of $pow func matrixelementpower($mat, $pow) If IsArray($mat) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) ; must be array Local $iRows = UBound($mat), $iCols = UBound($mat, 2) Local $aRET[$iRows][$iCols] For $r = 0 To $iRows - 1 For $c = 0 To $iCols - 1 $aRET[$r][$c] = power($mat[$r][$c], $pow) Next Next Return $aRET EndFunc ; Two numbers $a^$b $a to the power of $b Func power($a,$b) ConsoleWrite('1st power(a,b = ' & $a & ', ' & $b &@CRLF) ;returns $a to the power of $b If $b = 0 Then Return 1 If $a < 0 Then ; Check for root of a negative number If ($b - int($b)) = 0 Then ;The decimal part of the power is taking the root e.g. 4^(2.5) = 4^2 * 4^(0.5) = 16 * 2 = 32 If Mod($b,2) = 0 Then ; (-$a)*(-$a) = (+$a^2) but (-$a)*(-$a)*(-$a) = (-$a^3) i.e. odd power = neg.result where $a < 0 $a = Abs($a) ConsoleWrite('2nd power(a,b = ' & $a & ', ' & $b &@CRLF) Return abs($a^$b) Else ConsoleWrite('3rd power(a,b = ' & $a & ', ' & $b &@CRLF) Return - abs((Abs($a)^$b)) ; odd = neg. EndIf else return "The result is a complex number" EndIf EndIf ConsoleWrite('4th power(a,b = ' & $a & ', ' & $b &@CRLF) return ($a^$b) EndFunc ;Greatest Common Denominator - Euclid's algorithm. ;(Sarah Flannery, "In Code",Profile Books Ltd,p249-250.) Func gcd($a, $m) Dim $p = 0, $r = 0 $p = Mod($a,$m) ;MsgBox(0,"Prim", $a) If $p = 0 Then $a = $r Else $r = $m Do $b = Mod($r,$p) $r = $p $p = $b Until $b = 0 ;MsgBox(0,"Prim", $r) EndIf Return $r EndFunc ; Given a Number $a returns the factors of that number Func Prim($a) $factors = "" Dim $b, $c If $a > 0 Then If $a <> 0 Then $a = Int($a) While $a / 2 - Int($a / 2) = 0 $a = $a / 2 $factors = $factors & "2 " WEnd $b = 3 $c = ($a)*($a) + 1 Do If $a / $b - Int($a / $b) = 0 Then If $a / $b * $b - $a = 0 Then $factors = $factors & $b & " " $a = $a / $b EndIf EndIf If $a / $b - Int($a / $b) <> 0 Then $b = $b + 2 $c = ($a)*($a) + 1 Until $b > $c Or $b = $c If $a <> 1 Then $factors = $factors & $a & " " EndIf EndIf ;MsgBox(0,"Prim", $factors) Return $factors EndFunc ;===============> End of matrixUDF.au3 file =================================== Edited November 9, 2008 by Malkey
Wus Posted February 5, 2008 Posted February 5, 2008 (edited) Looks nice! I mean I will still be using Matlab, but looks nice none the less. I'm guessing this was a project for linear algebra or something? Edited February 5, 2008 by Wus
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