gleem Posted January 20, 2008 Share Posted January 20, 2008 (edited) I am writting a script to export network information to a xml file but I am having trouble getting the ip address to show. In addition, I only want it to show network cards and not any other device such as a firewire device. Ideally, I am trying to show what you would have if you did ipconfig /all but I do not want to deal with converting that to a string and splicing from there. Below is what I have so far ; Connect to WMI $wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10 $wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20 $strComputer = "localhost" $networkItems = "" $Output="" $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") $networkItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration", "WQL", _ $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly) ; Network Information $count = 1 If IsObj($networkItems) then For $objItem In $networkItems $Output = $Output & ' <networkdescription' & $count & '>' & $objItem.Description & '</networkdescription' & $count & '>' & @CRLF $Output = $Output & ' <networkmacaddress' & $count & '>' & $objItem.MacAddress & '</networkmacaddress' & $count & '>' & @CRLF $Output = $Output & ' <networkipaddress' & $count & '>' & $objItem.IPAddress($count) & '</networkipaddress' & $count & '>' & @CRLF msgbox(0,"", $Output) if $Output = "" then ExitLoop $Output="" $count = $count + 1 Next Endif Edited January 20, 2008 by gleem Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stampy Posted January 21, 2008 Share Posted January 21, 2008 I wrote this a while ago to deal with adapters. It's been a long time, if I remember there was some small errors still to fix in it, but you can get the code from it for the IP info. Hope it helps. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GuiIPAddress.au3> ; _Singleton('awaaslkdfwelkjrnfwoidfslkndfoiwefrswnfdoiwewwwwiiiiiiiiiiii') Opt("GUICloseOnESC", 0) ;1=ESC closes, 0=ESC won't close If $CmdLine[0] > 1 Then If $CmdLine[2] <> '' Then ;MAC required If $CmdLine[1] = StringUpper('DHCP') Then DHCPSet($CmdLine[2]) ElseIf $CmdLine[1] = StringUpper('STATIC') Then Dim $strIPAddress[1],$strSubnetMask[1],$strGateway[1],$strGatewayMetric[1] if $CmdLine[3] <> '' and $CmdLine[4] <> '' Then If $CmdLine[0] > 4 Then $strGateway[0] = $CmdLine[5] $strGatewayMetric[0] = 1 Else $strGateway[0] = '' $strGatewayMetric[0] = 1 EndIf $strIPAddress[0] = $CmdLine[3] $strSubnetMask[0] = $CmdLine[4] StaticSet($CmdLine[2],$strIPAddress,$strSubnetMask,$strGateway,$strGatewayMetric) EndIf ElseIf $CmdLine[1] = StringUpper('SWITCH') Then $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\root\cimv2") $colNetCards = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True") For $objNetCard in $colNetCards If $objNetCard.macaddress = $CmdLine[2] Then If $objNetCard.DHCPEnabled = 0 then Dim $strIPAddress[1],$strSubnetMask[1],$strGateway[1],$strGatewayMetric[1] if $CmdLine[3] <> '' and $CmdLine[4] <> '' Then If $CmdLine[0] > 4 Then $strGateway[0] = $CmdLine[5] $strGatewayMetric[0] = 1 Else $strGateway[0] = '' $strGatewayMetric[0] = 1 EndIf $strIPAddress[0] = $CmdLine[3] $strSubnetMask[0] = $CmdLine[4] StaticSet($CmdLine[2],$strIPAddress,$strSubnetMask,$strGateway,$strGatewayMetric) EndIf Else DHCPSet($CmdLine[2]) EndIf ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndIf EndIf Global $subItemCount = 0 Global $MainItemArray=0 Global $treeview, $ContextRefreshitem, $ContextDHCPitem , $ContextStaticitem , $ContextCopyClipitem Global $objWMIService Global $colNetCards ;;;;;;;;;;;; create ipinputgui $IPguiWidth = 280 $IPguiHeight = 170 $IPInputGui = GUICreate("Input IP Address",$IPguiWidth,$IPguiHeight) GUICtrlCreateLabel('IP Address',10,13) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Subnet' ,10,53) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Gateway' ,10,93) $IPinput = _GUICtrlIpAddressCreate ($IPInputGui, $IPguiWidth-10-175, 10, 175, 30);, $WS_THICKFRAME) $Subnetinput = _GUICtrlIpAddressCreate ($IPInputGui, $IPguiWidth-10-175, 50, 175, 30);, $WS_THICKFRAME) $Gatewayinput = _GUICtrlIpAddressCreate ($IPInputGui, $IPguiWidth-10-175, 90, 175, 30);, $WS_THICKFRAME) $IPOKBtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK" , $IPguiWidth/2-10-50,$IPguiHeight-20-10,50,20) $IPCancelBtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", $IPguiWidth/2+10 ,$IPguiHeight-20-10,50,20) ;;;;;;;;;;;; END create ipinputgui ;;;;;;;;;;;; create treeview gui $guiWidth = 600 $guiHeight = 400 $TreeViewGui = GUICreate("TCP Enabled Network Adapters", $guiWidth,$guiHeight) $RefreshBtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Refresh", 80, $guiHeight -30, 70, 20) $statebutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("- / +" , 10, $guiHeight -30, 70, 20) $cancelbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("E&xit" , $guiWidth-10-70, $guiHeight -30, 70, 20) $DHCPBtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Set &DHCP", $guiWidth/2-80, $guiHeight -30, 80, 20) $StaticBtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Set &Static", $guiWidth/2, $guiHeight -30, 80, 20) $OneMomentLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("One Moment Please", $guiWidth/2-120,$guiHeight/2-32,240,25);LTWH GUICtrlSetFont(-1,16) GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_HIDE) setTreeData() ;;;;;;;;;;;; END create treeview gui GUISetState () While 1 Sleep(50) $msg = GUIGetMsg(1) Select Case ($msg[0] = $cancelbutton And $msg[1] = $TreeViewGui) Or ($msg[0] = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE And $msg[1] = $TreeViewGui) Exit ;ExitLoop Case $msg[0] = $statebutton $item = GUICtrlRead($treeview) If $item > 0 Then $item = Int(($item-$treeview-1)/$subItemCount)*$subItemCount+$treeview+1 ;adjust to affect main item if on sub items $hItem = GUICtrlGetHandle($item) GuiCtrlSendMsg($treeview, $TVM_EXPAND, $TVE_TOGGLE, $hItem) Else MsgBox(0,'Highlight Network Adapter','No Adapter Selected') ContinueLoop EndIf Case $msg[0] = $RefreshBtn GUICtrlDelete($treeview) setTreeData() Case $msg[0] = $DHCPBtn $item = GUICtrlRead($treeview) If $item > 0 Then $item = Int(($item-$treeview-1)/$subItemCount)*$subItemCount+$treeview+1+2 ;adjust for reading MAC $text = GUICtrlRead($item, 1) ; Get the text of the treeview item $text = StringTrimLeft($text,14) Else MsgBox(0,'Highlight Network Adapter','No Adapter Selected') ContinueLoop EndIf GUICtrlDelete($treeview) DHCPSet($text) setTreeData() Case $msg[0] = $StaticBtn $item = GUICtrlRead($treeview) If $item > 0 Then $item = Int(($item-$treeview-1)/$subItemCount)*$subItemCount+$treeview+1 +2;adjust for MAC $text = GUICtrlRead($item, 1) ; Get the text of the treeview item $text = StringTrimLeft($text,14) Else MsgBox(0,'Highlight Network Adapter','No Adapter Selected') ContinueLoop EndIf For $objNetCard in $colNetCards If $objNetCard.macaddress = $text Then ;show static gui ;fill the ip box's $x=$objNetCard.IPAddress If not IsArray($x) then dim $x[1] _GUICtrlIpAddressSet($IPinput,$x[0]) $x=$objNetCard.IPSubnet If not IsArray($x) then dim $x[1] _GUICtrlIpAddressSet($Subnetinput,$x[0]) $x=$objNetCard.DefaultIPGateway If not IsArray($x) then dim $x[1] _GUICtrlIpAddressSet($Gatewayinput,$x[0]) ExitLoop EndIf Next ;show the gui GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE ,$TreeViewGui) GUISwitch($IPInputGui) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$IPInputGui) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE,$IPInputGui) Case $msg[0] = $IPOKBtn and $msg[1]= $IPInputGui ;show the gui GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE ,$IPInputGui) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE ,$IPInputGui) GUISwitch($TreeViewGui) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$TreeViewGui) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE,$TreeViewGui) GUICtrlDelete($treeview) Dim $strIPAddress[1],$strSubnetMask[1],$strGateway[1],$strGatewayMetric[1] $strIPAddress[0] = _GUICtrlIpAddressGet($IPinput) $strSubnetMask[0] = _GUICtrlIpAddressGet($Subnetinput) $strGateway[0] = _GUICtrlIpAddressGet($Gatewayinput) $strGatewayMetric[0] = 1 StaticSet($text,$strIPAddress,$strSubnetMask,$strGateway,$strGatewayMetric) setTreeData() Case $msg[0] = $IPCancelBtn and $msg[1] = $IPInputGui ;show the gui GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE ,$IPInputGui) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE ,$IPInputGui) GUISwitch($TreeViewGui) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$TreeViewGui) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE,$TreeViewGui) ContinueLoop Case $msg[0] = $ContextRefreshitem GUICtrlDelete($treeview) setTreeData() Case $msg[0] = $ContextDHCPitem $item = GUICtrlRead($treeview) If $item > 0 Then $item = Int(($item-$treeview-1)/$subItemCount)*$subItemCount+$treeview+1+2 ;adjust for reading MAC $text = GUICtrlRead($item, 1) ; Get the text of the treeview item $text = StringTrimLeft($text,14) Else MsgBox(0,'Highlight Network Adapter','No Adapter Selected') ContinueLoop EndIf GUICtrlDelete($treeview) DHCPSet($text) setTreeData() Case $msg[0] = $ContextStaticitem $item = GUICtrlRead($treeview) If $item > 0 Then $item = Int(($item-$treeview-1)/$subItemCount)*$subItemCount+$treeview+1 +2;adjust for MAC $text = GUICtrlRead($item, 1) ; Get the text of the treeview item $text = StringTrimLeft($text,14) Else MsgBox(0,'Highlight Network Adapter','No Adapter Selected') ContinueLoop EndIf For $objNetCard in $colNetCards If $objNetCard.macaddress = $text Then ;show static gui ;fill the ip box's $x=$objNetCard.IPAddress If not IsArray($x) then dim $x[1] _GUICtrlIpAddressSet($IPinput,$x[0]) $x=$objNetCard.IPSubnet If not IsArray($x) then dim $x[1] _GUICtrlIpAddressSet($Subnetinput,$x[0]) $x=$objNetCard.DefaultIPGateway If not IsArray($x) then dim $x[1] _GUICtrlIpAddressSet($Gatewayinput,$x[0]) ExitLoop EndIf Next ;show the gui GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE ,$TreeViewGui) GUISwitch($IPInputGui) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$IPInputGui) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE,$IPInputGui) Case $msg[0] = $ContextCopyClipitem $item = GUICtrlRead($treeview) If $item > 0 Then $item = Int(($item-$treeview-1)/$subItemCount)*$subItemCount+$treeview+1 +2;adjust for MAC $text = GUICtrlRead($item, 1) ; Get the text of the treeview item $text = StringTrimLeft($text,14) Else MsgBox(0,'Highlight Network Adapter','No Adapter Selected') ContinueLoop EndIf ClipPut($text) EndSelect WEnd GUIDelete() Exit Func setTreeData() $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\root\cimv2") $colNetCards = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True") $treeview = GUICtrlCreateTreeView(10,10,$guiWidth-20,$guiHeight-60, BitOr($TVS_HASBUTTONS, $TVS_HASLINES, $TVS_LINESATROOT, $TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP, $TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS), $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) dim $subItemCount = 11 dim $MainItemArray[$colNetCards.count][$subItemCount];set how many treeviewitems to create $i=0 For $objNetCard in $colNetCards $MainItemArray[$i][0] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewitem($objNetCard.Caption, $treeview) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000C0) GUICtrlSetState(-1, BitOr($GUI_EXPAND,$GUI_DEFBUTTON)) ; Expand the "General"-item and paint in bold $MainItemArray[$i][1] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem('Description = ' & $objNetCard.description ,$MainItemArray[$i][0]) $MainItemArray[$i][2] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem('MAC Address = ' & $objNetCard.macaddress,$MainItemArray[$i][0]) If $objNetCard.DHCPEnabled = 0 then $x = 'NO' Else $x = 'YES' EndIf $MainItemArray[$i][3] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem('DHCP Enabled = ' & $x,$MainItemArray[$i][0]) $y = $objNetCard.IPAddress If not IsArray($y) then dim $y[1] $x = '' For $k = 0 to UBound($y)-1 $x = $x & $y[$k] & '; ' Next $MainItemArray[$i][4] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem('IP Address(s) = ' & $x,$MainItemArray[$i][0]) $y = $objNetCard.IPSubnet If not IsArray($y) then dim $y[1] $x = '' For $k = 0 to UBound($y)-1 $x = $x & $y[$k] & '; ' Next $MainItemArray[$i][5] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem('IP Subnet(s) = ' & $x,$MainItemArray[$i][0]) $y = $objNetCard.DefaultIPGateway If Not IsArray($y) Then dim $y[1] $x = '' For $k = 0 to UBound($y)-1 $x = $x & $y[$k] & '; ' Next $MainItemArray[$i][6] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem('IP Gateway(s) = ' & $x,$MainItemArray[$i][0]) $MainItemArray[$i][7] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem('DHCP Server = ' & $objNetCard.DHCPServer ,$MainItemArray[$i][0]) $y = $objNetCard.DNSServerSearchOrder $x = '' For $k = 0 to UBound($y)-1 $x = $x & $y[$k] & '; ' Next $MainItemArray[$i][8] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem('DNS Servers = ' & $x,$MainItemArray[$i][0]) $x = $objNetCard.DHCPLeaseObtained if $x <> '' then $x = StringMid($x,1,4) & '/' & StringMid($x,5,2)& '/' & StringMid($x,7,2) & ' at ' & StringMid($x,9,2) & ':' & StringMid($x,11,2) & ':' & StringMid($x,13,2) $MainItemArray[$i][9] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem('DHCP Lease Obtained = ' & $x ,$MainItemArray[$i][0]) $x = $objNetCard.DHCPLeaseExpires if $x <> '' then $x = StringMid($x,1,4) & '/' & StringMid($x,5,2)& '/' & StringMid($x,7,2) & ' at ' & StringMid($x,9,2) & ':' & StringMid($x,11,2) & ':' & StringMid($x,13,2) $MainItemArray[$i][10] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem('DHCP Lease Expires = ' & $x ,$MainItemArray[$i][0]) $i = $i + 1 Next $contextmenu = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu ($treeview) $ContextRefreshitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Refresh", $contextmenu) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("", $contextmenu);seperator $ContextDHCPitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Set DHCP", $contextmenu) $ContextStaticitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Set Static", $contextmenu) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("", $contextmenu);seperator $ContextCopyClipitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Copy MAC to clipboard", $contextmenu) EndFunc Func DHCPSet($text) GUISetCursor(15) GUICtrlSetState($OneMomentLabel,$GUI_SHOW) For $objNetCard in $colNetCards If $objNetCard.macaddress = $text Then ;'set here to release if its already dhcp If $objNetCard.DHCPEnabled <> 0 then ;'release ip $ret3 = $objNetCard.ReleaseDHCPLease() ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 'this doesnt work MsgBox(0,'',$ret3) $ret3 = 0 Else $ret3 = 0 EndIf ;enable DHCP $ret = $objNetCard.EnableDHCP() ;if ret 0 ok ;if ret 1 ok but reboot ;if ret other --- error $ret2 = $objNetCard.SetDynamicDNSRegistration(True,True) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'this doesnt work ;info===== ;if ret 0 ok ;if ret 1 ok but reboot ;if ret other --- error If $ret > 1 or $ret2 > 1 or $ret3 > 1 Then MsgBox(16,'DHCP Set Error','There was an unknown error setting DHCP') ElseIf $ret = 1 or $ret2 = 1 or $ret3 = 1 Then MsgBox(48,'DHCP Set','DHCP was set on the adapter. Please reboot for all changes to take affect') Else ;no error EndIf ExitLoop EndIf Next ;'set here to check for if ip address exsists and do loop (with timeout) until ip is set $timer = TimerInit() Do $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\root\cimv2") $colNetCards = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True") For $objNetCard in $colNetCards If $objNetCard.macaddress = $text Then $x = $objNetCard.IPAddress If not IsArray($x) then dim $x[1] If $x[0] <> '' Then $x=0 ExitLoop 2 EndIf ExitLoop EndIf Next ;clear objects $objNetCard=0 $objWMIService=0 $colNetCards=0 Until TimerDiff($timer) > 20*1000 GUISetCursor(2) GUICtrlSetState($OneMomentLabel,$GUI_HIDE) EndFunc Func StaticSet($text,$strIPAddress,$strSubnetMask,$strGateway,$strGatewayMetric) GUISetCursor(15) GUICtrlSetState($OneMomentLabel,$GUI_SHOW) For $objNetCard in $colNetCards If $objNetCard.macaddress = $text Then $z = $objNetCard.DNSServerSearchOrder;get the order as it will be wiped out $ret = $objNetCard.enablestatic($strIPAddress,$strSubnetMask) ;0ok;1reboot;othererror $ret2 = $objNetCard.SetGateways($strGateway,$strGatewayMetric) ;'.... metric is listed as optional parameter, and gateway is array ;0ok;1reboot;othererror If $ret > 1 or $ret2 > 1 Then MsgBox(16,'Static IP Set Error','There was an unknown error setting the static IP') ElseIf $ret = 1 or $ret2 = 1 Then MsgBox(48,'Static IP Set','Static IP was set on the adapter. Please reboot for all changes to take affect') Else ;no error EndIf $objNetCard.SetDNSServerSearchOrder($z);reenter the dns order ExitLoop EndIf Next GUISetCursor(2) GUICtrlSetState($OneMomentLabel,$GUI_HIDE) EndFunc ; 3 removed button enable/disable ; add check for ip ; move DHCP and static set to seperate functions ; move buttons around ; check that gateway,ip,subnet when read result in array if not set blank array ;4 change to use the mac address instead ;5 context menu ; release dhcp on dhcp ;6 add copy MAC to context ; add cmdlines Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gleem Posted January 21, 2008 Author Share Posted January 21, 2008 Thanks Stampy for the reply.. I started working on code that doesnt use wmi... This seems to work.. but what I need to do now is to have it loop until all adapters are picked out. here is what I have so far. --------- #include <Constants.au3> $source = Run(@ComSpec & " /c ipconfig /all", @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) $sourceread = StdoutRead($source) ; Get Description Name $startnumber = StringInStr($sourceread,"Description . . . . . . . . . . . : ") $endnumber = StringInStr($sourceread, "Physical Address") $startnumber = $startnumber + 36 $endnumber = $endnumber - $startnumber $descriptionresult = StringMid($sourceread,$startnumber,$endnumber) $descriptionresult = StringStripWS($descriptionresult,2) ; Get MAC Address $startnumber = StringInStr($sourceread,"Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : ") $startnumber = $startnumber + 36 $macresult = StringMid($sourceread,$startnumber,17) $macresult = StringStripWS($macresult,2) ; Get IP Address $startnumber = StringInStr($sourceread,"IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : ") $startnumber = $startnumber + 36 $ipresult = StringMid($sourceread,$startnumber,16) $ipresult = StringStripWS($ipresult,2) ; Get Subnet Address $startnumber = StringInStr($sourceread,"Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : ") $startnumber = $startnumber + 36 $subnetresult = StringMid($sourceread,$startnumber,16) $subnetresult = StringStripWS($subnetresult,2) ; Get Default Gateway Address $startnumber = StringInStr($sourceread,"Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : ") $startnumber = $startnumber + 36 $defaultgatewayresult = StringMid($sourceread,$startnumber,16) $defaultgatewayresult = StringStripWS($defaultgatewayresult,2) ; Get DHCP Server Address $startnumber = StringInStr($sourceread,"DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . : ") $startnumber = $startnumber + 36 $dhcpserverresult = StringMid($sourceread,$startnumber,16) $dhcpserverresult = StringStripWS($dhcpserverresult,2) ; Get DNS Server Address $startnumber = StringInStr($sourceread,"DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . : ") $startnumber = $startnumber + 36 $dnsserverresult = StringMid($sourceread,$startnumber,16) $dnsserverresult = StringStripWS($dnsserverresult,2) ; Output Results msgbox(0,"",$descriptionresult & @CRLF & $macresult & @CRLF & $ipresult & @CRLF & $subnetresult & @CRLF & $defaultgatewayresult & @CRLF & $dhcpserverresult & @CRLF & $dnsserverresult) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stampy Posted January 21, 2008 Share Posted January 21, 2008 Here is the wmi code striped out of my earlier script with the gui and other info removed. The function below I created will give only the caption then the ip's and the subnets all in an array. You can adjust as you need. Cheers expandcollapse popup#include <array.au3> $array = getIPs() If IsArray($array) then _ArrayDisplay($array) Func getIPs() $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\root\cimv2") $colNetCards = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True") dim $MainItemArray[$colNetCards.count][3] ;set an array to hold ip's $i=0 For $objNetCard in $colNetCards $MainItemArray[$i][0] = $objNetCard.Caption $y = $objNetCard.IPAddress If not IsArray($y) then dim $y[1] $x = '' For $k = 0 to UBound($y)-1 $x = $x & $y[$k] & '; ' Next $MainItemArray[$i][1] = $x $y = $objNetCard.IPSubnet If not IsArray($y) then dim $y[1] $x = '' For $k = 0 to UBound($y)-1 $x = $x & $y[$k] & '; ' Next $MainItemArray[$i][2] = $x $i=$i+1 Next If Not IsArray($MainItemArray) Then Dim $MainItemArray[1][1] Return $MainItemArray EndFunc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emiel Wieldraaijer Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 Hi Stampy, nice one thnx i'm trying to convert your script .. but there a re some small problem .. could you tell me what is wrong ? or someone else expandcollapse popup; Reference ; Microsoft : ; AutoIt forum : Global $cI_CompName = @ComputerName Global Const $cI_VersionInfo = "00.03.08" Global Const $cI_aName = 0, _ $cI_aDesc = 4 Global $wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10, _ $wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20 Global $ERR_NO_INFO = "Array contains no information", _ $ERR_NOT_OBJ = "$colItems isnt an object" Dim $NetworkInfoEx _ComputerGetNetworkInfoExtended($NetworkInfoEx) If @error Then $error = @error $extended = @extended Switch $extended Case 1 _ErrorMsg($ERR_NO_INFO) Case 2 _ErrorMsg($ERR_NOT_OBJ) EndSwitch EndIf For $i = 1 To $NetworkInfoEx[0][0] Step 1 MsgBox(0, "Test _ComputerGetNetworkCardsExtended", "Name: " & $NetworkInfoEx[$i][0] & @CRLF & _ "Description: " & $NetworkInfoEx[$i][1] & @CRLF & _ "IPAddress: " & $NetworkInfoEx[$i][2] & @CRLF & _ "Subnetmask: " & $NetworkInfoEx[$i][3] & @CRLF & _ "Gateway: " & $NetworkInfoEx[$i][4] & @CRLF & _ "DHCP: " & $NetworkInfoEx[$i][5] & @CRLF & _ "DHCPServer: " & $NetworkInfoEx[$i][6] & @CRLF & _ "DNSDomein: " & $NetworkInfoEx[$i][7] & @CRLF & _ "DNSHostname: " & $NetworkInfoEx[$i][8] & @CRLF & _ "DNSServer: " & $NetworkInfoEx[$i][9] & @CRLF & _ "MacAdress: " & $NetworkInfoEx[$i][10] & @CRLF & _ "Wins Primary: " & $NetworkInfoEx[$i][11] & @CRLF & _ "Wins Secondary: " & $NetworkInfoEx[$i][12]) Next Func _ComputerGetNetworkInfoExtended(ByRef $NetworkInfoEx) Local $colItems, $objWMIService, $objItem Dim $NetworkInfoEx[1][13], $i = 1 $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $cI_Compname & "\root\CIMV2") $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True", "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly) If IsObj($colItems) Then For $objItem In $colItems ReDim $NetworkInfoEx[UBound($NetworkInfoEx) + 1][13] $NetworkInfoEx[$i][0] = $objItem.Caption $NetworkInfoEx[$i][1] = $objItem.description $NetworkInfoEx[$i][2] = $objItem.IPAddress $NetworkInfoEx[$i][3] = $objItem.IPSubnet $NetworkInfoEx[$i][4] = $objItem.DefaultIPGateway $NetworkInfoEx[$i][5] = $objItem.DHCPEnabled $NetworkInfoEx[$i][6] = $objItem.DHCPServer $NetworkInfoEx[$i][7] = $objItem.DNSDomain $NetworkInfoEx[$i][8] = $objItem.DNSHostName $NetworkInfoEx[$i][9] = $objItem.DNSServerSearchOrder $NetworkInfoEx[$i][10] = $objItem.MACAddress $NetworkInfoEx[$i][11] = $objItem.WINSPrimaryServer $NetworkInfoEx[$i][12] = $objItem.WINSSecondaryServer $i += 1 Next $NetworkInfoEx[0][0] = UBound($NetworkInfoEx) - 1 If $NetworkInfoEx[0][0] < 1 Then SetError(1, 1, 0) EndIf Else SetError(1, 2, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;_ComputerGetNetworkCardsExtended Func _ErrorMsg($message, $time = 0) MsgBox(48 + 262144, "Error!", $message, $time) EndFunc Best regards,Emiel Wieldraaijer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Squirrely1 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 (edited) This is just a wild guess, but I think you should go back to stampy's code. Instead of what you have in its place, use the original: $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True") As for myself, I would never use ReDim in a loop like you did, and I would be very careful about its use, it's easy to screw up. But I do sometimes use ReDim once at the end of a For...Next loop. Edited February 5, 2008 by Squirrely1 Das Häschen benutzt Radar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emiel Wieldraaijer Posted February 6, 2008 Share Posted February 6, 2008 (edited) @Squirrely1 Thnx for your comment .. But my script retrieves the MACadress, the DHCP Server and DNS Domein .. why not the others the original "$objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True")" produces the same output Edited February 9, 2008 by Emiel Wieldraaijer Best regards,Emiel Wieldraaijer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jwfel Posted April 23, 2009 Share Posted April 23, 2009 Hi everyone, I am very new to Auto It. I am looking for a script to check for dns settings on obout 150 servers, I have a list of the servers in a text file. Could someone help me. Thank you, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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