therks Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 (edited) Edit: (2016-08-03) In case anyone somehow ends up here in the future, you don't need to use user functions to get variable types, AutoIt has VarGetType() for that. However if you are looking for a function to show all variable details, you can use the following. expandcollapse popup#include-once ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: Variable ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Functions for dumping variable information. ; Author(s) .....: Rob Saunders (rksaunders (at) gmail (dot) com) ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ; _VarDump ; _ExprDump ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; _VarDumpArray ; _VarDumpStruct ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _VarDump ; Description ...: This function returns information about a variable. Does not reset @error or @extended. ; Syntax.........: _VarDump(ByRef Const $vVar, $vDumpType = Default) ; Parameters ....: $vVar - The variable to analyze. ; $vDumpType - How to display the information. See Notes for keywords. ; Return values .: String: Information about the variable. This is returned regardless of the $vDumpType parameter. ; Author ........: Rob Saunders (rksaunders (at) gmail (dot) com) ; Remarks .......: $vVar is passed by reference. If you want to pass an expression use the wrapper function provided: _ExprDump() ; Use one of the following keywords for the $vDumpType parameter: ; 1, ConsoleWrite, Console, CW = ConsoleWrite() ; 2, MsgBox, Msg, Box, MB = MsgBox() ; 3, ToolTip, Tip, TT = ToolTip() ; 4, Clipboard, Clip, CB = ClipPut() ; 5, GUI, Window, Text = Display in an edit control in a GUI window created on the fly ; You can add an asterisk "*" to the keyword to also return @ScriptLineNumber, @error, and @extended values. ie: "cw*" ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _VarDump(ByRef Const $vVar, $vDumpType = '', $sIndent = '', $iLineNum = @ScriptLineNumber, $iError = @error, $iExtended = @extended) Local $sVarDump, $sVarInfo $vDumpType = StringReplace($vDumpType, '*', '') If @extended Then $sVarInfo = '*** Line: ' & $iLineNum & ', @error: ' & $iError & ', @extended: ' & $iExtended EndIf Local $sVarType = VarGetType($vVar) Switch $sVarType Case 'Array' $sVarDump &= 'Array(' & @CRLF & _VarDumpArray($vVar, $sIndent & @TAB) & @CRLF & $sIndent & ')' Case 'DllStruct' $sVarDump &= 'DllStruct(' & @CRLF & _VarDumpStruct($vVar, $sIndent & @TAB) & @CRLF & $sIndent & ')' Case 'Binary' $sVarDump &= 'Binary(' & BinaryLen($vVar) & ') ' & $vVar Case 'Object' $sVarDump &= 'Object(' & ObjName($vVar) & ')' Case 'String' $sVarDump &= 'String(' & StringLen($vVar) & ') ' & $vVar Case 'Ptr' If IsHWnd($vVar) Then $sVarDump &= 'HWnd(' & $vVar & ')' Else $sVarDump &= 'Ptr(' & $vVar & ')' EndIf Case Else $sVarDump &= $sVarType & '(' & $vVar & ')' EndSwitch If $sVarInfo And StringRegExp($sVarDump, '[\r\n]') Then $sVarDump = $sVarInfo & @CRLF & $sVarDump ElseIf $sVarInfo Then $sVarDump = $sVarDump & ' ' & $sVarInfo EndIf Switch $vDumpType Case 1, 'ConsoleWrite', 'Console', 'CW' ConsoleWrite($sVarDump & @CRLF) Case 2, 'MsgBox', 'Msg', 'Box', 'MB' MsgBox(0x2040, 'VarDump', $sVarDump) Case 3, 'ToolTip', 'Tip', 'TT' ToolTip($sVarDump) Case 4, 'Clipboard', 'Clip', 'CB' ClipPut($sVarDump) Case 5, 'GUI', 'Window', 'Text' Local $iGUIOnEventMode = Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 0) Local $guiVarDump = GUICreate('VarDump', 300, 200, Default, Default, 0xCF0000) ; $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW GUICtrlCreateEdit($sVarDump, 0, 0, 300, 200) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, 102) ; $GUI_DOCKBORDERS GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $guiVarDump) Do Until GUIGetMsg() = -3 ; $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($guiVarDump) Opt('GUIOnEventMode', $iGUIOnEventMode) EndSwitch Return SetError($iError, $iExtended, StringReplace($sVarDump, Chr(0), ' ')) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _ExprDump ; Description ...: This function returns information about an expression/variable. Does not reset @error or @extended. ; Syntax.........: _ExprDump(ByRef $vVar, $vDumpType = Default) ; Parameters ....: $vVar - The variable/expression to analyze. ; $vDumpType - How to display the information. See _VarDump remarks for keywords. ; Return values .: String: Information about the expression/variable. This is returned regardless of the $vDumpType parameter. ; Author ........: Rob Saunders (rksaunders (at) gmail (dot) com) ; Remarks .......: If you want to analyze an expression instead of a variable use this function. Otherwise use _VarDump(). ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _ExprDump($vVar, $vDumpType = Default, $iLineNum = @ScriptLineNumber, $iError = @error, $iExtended = @extended) Local $vReturn = _VarDump($vVar, $vDumpType, '', $iLineNum, $iError, $iExtended) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $vReturn) EndFunc ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _VarDumpArray ; Description ...: Details an array variable. ; Syntax.........: _VarDumpArray(ByRef Const $aArray) ; Parameters ....: $aArray - array to analyze. ; Return values .: String: Structured output of array contents. ; Author ........: Rob Saunders (rksaunders (at) gmail (dot) com) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _VarDumpArray(ByRef Const $aArray, $sIndent = '') If Not IsArray($aArray) Then ; This should only happen if end user calls function directly on non-array Return $sIndent & '!! Variable is not array' EndIf Local $iDimensions = UBound($aArray, 0) ; How many dimensions in array If $iDimensions < 1 Then ; This should be impossible, but error check for safety Return $sIndent & '!! Array has 0 dimensions?' EndIf Local $aIndexes[$iDimensions] ; Tracker for reading indexes Local $aUBounds[$iDimensions] ; List of dimension sizes For $i = 0 To $iDimensions - 1 $aIndexes[$i] = 0 $aUBounds[$i] = UBound($aArray, $i + 1) ; Store each dimension size If $aUBounds[$i] < 1 Then ; Again, should be impossible Return $sIndent & '!! Array dimension [' & $i + 1 & '] size is ' & $aUBounds[$i] EndIf Next Local $sArrayIndex ; Indexing string for individual item reading (ie: "[1][2][3]") Local $sArrayRead ; Value of array item Local $bDone ; Indicates if overall array has finished parsing Local $sDump ; Output string While 1 $bDone = True ; Default to true, flag false if dimension read is not done ; Reset and build indexing string $sArrayIndex = '' For $i = 0 To $iDimensions - 1 $sArrayIndex &= '[' & $aIndexes[$i] & ']' If $aIndexes[$i] < $aUBounds[$i] - 1 Then $bDone = False ; Indexing has not reached end of dimension: NOT done Next $sArrayRead = Execute('$aArray' & $sArrayIndex) ; Read the darn value already! If @error Then ; Item read failed, cancel the whole listing $sDump &= $sIndent & $sArrayIndex & ' !! Error reading index' ExitLoop Else ; Add the index and value to the output string $sDump &= $sIndent & $sArrayIndex & ' => ' & _VarDump($sArrayRead, '', $sIndent) If $bDone Then Return $sDump Else ; If not done, line break and loop again $sDump &= @CRLF EndIf EndIf ; Ok, I didn't comment this before and it took me forever to figure out what was going on so this is going to be verbose. ; The reason this FOR loop goes backwards is because it's stepping through the last dimension first and working it's way back. ; Just like when you increase a number, you increment the right-most digit first, ie: the "one's place". ; So for example, if we have an array of [X][X][X] - it starts with the third dimension [ ][ ][X] and steps through it one at a time, ; like this: [0][0][0], [0][0][1], [0][0][2], etc. If the index hasn't hit the dimension's ubound then the FOR loop exits, so all that ; gets incremented is that one dimension index. However, if it has met or exceeded that dimension's ubound, then it resets it to 0 and ; the FOR loop gets to continue to the next dimension up (ie: [ ][X][ ]), and now we get [0][1][0], [0][1][1], [0][1][2], etc. For $i = $iDimensions - 1 To 0 Step -1 $aIndexes[$i] += 1 If $aIndexes[$i] >= $aUBounds[$i] Then $aIndexes[$i] = 0 If $i = $iDimensions - 1 Then $sDump &= @CRLF ; The above line puts an extra line break between groups of the last dimension. ie: ; [0][0][0] => String(0) ; [0][0][1] => String(0) ; [0][0][2] => String(0) ; ; [0][1][0] => String(0) ; [0][1][1] => String(0) ; [0][1][2] => String(0) Else ExitLoop EndIf Next WEnd Return $sDump EndFunc ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _VarDumpStruct ; Description ...: Details a struct variable. ; Syntax.........: VarDumpStruct(ByRef $tStruct) ; Parameters ....: $tStruct - struct to analyze. ; Return values .: String: Structured output of struct details/contents. ; Author ........: Rob Saunders (rksaunders (at) gmail (dot) com) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _VarDumpStruct(ByRef Const $tStruct, $sIndent = '') Local $iElement = 1, $vRead, $vTest ; Do the initial $sDump contents - Standard fare for any struct Local $sDump = _ $sIndent & '[Size] => ' & DllStructGetSize($tStruct) & @CRLF & _ $sIndent & '[Ptr] => ' & DllStructGetPtr($tStruct) While 1 $vRead = DllStructGetData($tStruct, $iElement) If @error = 2 Then ExitLoop ; If we've overstepped $iElement we're done $vTest = VarGetType($vRead) If $vTest = 'String' Or $vTest = 'Binary' Then ; Test the vartype for String or Binary, in which case we dump now because we already have the full contents $sDump &= @CRLF & $sIndent & '[' & $iElement & '] => ' & _VarDump($vRead, '', $sIndent) Else ; Here we'll test to see if the element is an array by looking for an index of 2. DllStructGetData($tStruct, $iElement, 2) If @error Then ; @error means no index, which means no array, which means we can just dump the stored $vRead from above $sDump &= @CRLF & $sIndent & '[' & $iElement & '] => ' & _VarDump($vRead, '', $sIndent) Else ; If we get no @error then that means that index 2 was valid, so we'll just start from 1 and work our way up til we @error again Local $sSubDump, $iIndex = 1, $iCount = 0, $iNonEmpties = 0 While 1 $vRead = DllStructGetData($tStruct, $iElement, $iIndex) If @error Then ExitLoop ; And that's the limit of this array, so we're done. If $vRead Then ; We're skipping empty indices just to cut down on some of the clutter from large structs $sSubDump &= @CRLF & @TAB & $sIndent & '[' & $iIndex & '] => ' & _VarDump($vRead) $iNonEmpties += 1 EndIf $iIndex += 1 WEnd $iIndex -= 1 $sDump &= @CRLF & $sIndent & '[' & $iElement & '] => Array(' If $iNonEmpties < $iIndex Then $sDump &= @CRLF & $sIndent & @TAB & '> Skipping empty indices (' & ($iIndex-$iNonEmpties) & '/' & $iIndex & ')' EndIf $sDump &= $sSubDump & @CRLF & $sIndent & ')' EndIf EndIf $iElement += 1 WEnd Return $sDump EndFunc This topic started in Feature Requests as I didn't think a UDF would be possible. But if you skip along you'll see that one has been created. I'm still working on it. Original post follows... --------------------------------------- I think for the purposes of debugging it would be really handy if AutoIt had a function that simply gives you information on a variable. I use this function in PHP (called var_dump) all the time. Even if we didn't have it output the actual data within the variable, just giving us the type would be nice. Edited August 4, 2016 by therks Time travel My AutoIt Stuff | My Github
Siao Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 It woudn't be too hard to write such function yourself, using IsArray/IsObject/IsBinary/IsBool/etc... "be smart, drink your wine"
therks Posted September 15, 2007 Author Posted September 15, 2007 Yeah it's true, I won't deny it. I just thought it might be a useful built-in function. Func var_dump(ByRef $vVar) Select Case IsArray($vVar) Return 'Array' Case IsBinary($vVar) Return 'Binary' Case IsBool($vVar) Return 'Boolean' Case IsDllStruct($vVar) Return 'Struct' Case IsFloat($vVar) Return 'Float' Case IsHWnd($vVar) Return 'HWnd' Case IsInt($vVar) Return 'Integer' Case IsKeyword($vVar) Return 'Keyword' Case IsObj($vVar) Return 'Object' Case IsString($vVar) Return 'String' Case Else Return 'Unknown' EndSelect EndFunc Did I miss anything? (I left out IsNumber for obvious reasons ) My AutoIt Stuff | My Github
Siao Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 (edited) Did I miss anything?I guess no. Although personally I wouldn't like "" being reported as string, even if Autoit recognizes it as such. And you could also recurse through a recognized array, to be it more like that PHP function, something like this: expandcollapse popupDim $a[4] = [1, Binary("0x01"), "h"] Dim $b[3] = [Default, WinGetHandle("Program Manager"), $a] Dim $c[3] = [-5.5, $b, True] $x = var_dump($c) ConsoleWrite($x & @CRLF) Func var_dump($vVar) Local $sRet = "", $sTmp, $i Select Case IsArray($vVar) $sRet = "Array[" & UBound($vVar) & "]:" For $i = 0 To UBound($vVar)-1 $sTmp = var_dump($vVar[$i]) If StringInStr($sTmp, "Array") Then $sTmp = StringReplace($sTmp, @CRLF, @CRLF&@TAB) $sRet &= @CRLF & @TAB & "[" & $i & "]" & $sTmp Next Case IsString($vVar) AND $vVar <> "" $sRet = "String" Case IsFloat($vVar) OR IsInt($vVar) $sRet = "Number" Case IsBinary($vVar) $sRet = "Binary" Case IsBool($vVar) $sRet = "Boolean" Case IsObj($vVar) $sRet = "Object" Case IsDllStruct($vVar) $sRet = "DllStruct" Case IsHWnd($vVar) $sRet = "HWnd" Case IsKeyword($vVar) $sRet = "Keyword" Case Else $sRet = "Empty/Unknown" EndSelect Return $sRet EndFunc Edit: fixed StringReplace tabbing. Edited September 15, 2007 by Siao "be smart, drink your wine"
therks Posted September 16, 2007 Author Posted September 16, 2007 Yeah I thought about that, but since we can't have real dynamic functions for cycling through arrays I just dropped the idea. My AutoIt Stuff | My Github
martin Posted September 17, 2007 Posted September 17, 2007 Yeah I thought about that, but since we can't have real dynamic functions for cycling through arrays I just dropped the idea.What's a 'real dynamic function'? Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
therks Posted September 17, 2007 Author Posted September 17, 2007 Well, I mean like, we can't have one function you can write that you can just toss any array at and have it output the results. For example, if you throw a 2d array at his function it will choke. So you could rewrite it for 2d, but then if you throw 3d at it, that would choke, and so on. PHP's arrays work in a totally different way, they aren't really 2 dimensional in the way AutoIt's are, instead you have arrays whose items are arrays, so you could have this: $a = array(); $a[0] = 'hello'; $a[1] = 'world'; $a[2] = array(); $a[2][0] = 'sub hello'; $a[2][1] = 'sub world'; And if you var_dump that, you get: array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "hello" [1]=> string(5) "world" [2]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "sub hello" [1]=> string(9) "sub world" } } And writing your own function to loop through that array would be as simple as (pseudo-code): Func PrintVariable($variable) If IsArray($variable) Then For $i = 0 to UBound($variable) - 1 If IsArray($variable[$i]) Then PrintVariable($variable[$i]) Else ConsoleWrite($variable[$i] & @CRLF) EndIf Next Else ConsoleWrite($variable & @CRLF) EndIf EndFunc But like I said, AutoIt's arrays are totally different, so you can't do anything like that to loop through it's multi-dim arrays. My AutoIt Stuff | My Github
flyingboz Posted September 18, 2007 Posted September 18, 2007 But like I said, AutoIt's arrays are totally different, so you can't do anything like that to loop through it's multi-dim arrays.Didn't anybody tell you never to say never???Check out the options involved with Ubound(). You can get the number of dimensions, and then iterate to get the number of elements therein.The exercise of implementation is left to the student Reading the help file before you post... Not only will it make you look smarter, it will make you smarter.
therks Posted September 18, 2007 Author Posted September 18, 2007 (edited) Okay... so when did Execute change to allow us to read arrays? I could swear that was a problem before... Anyway, I just realized that code like the following works just fine: Dim $array1[2][2] = [ [ 'Cloud', 'Squall' ], [ 'Aerith', 'Rinoa' ] ] ConsoleWrite(Execute("$array1[1][1]")) So all my insane ramblings about it being impossible are just that.. insane ramblings. Don't listen to me anymore. Sorry flyingboz. No no, it still can't be done. Because you'll always have to rewrite the array reference itself if the dimensions change. Let's take this example... expandcollapse popupDim $array1[2][2] = [ [ 'Cloud', 'Squall' ], [ 'Aerith', 'Rinoa' ] ] Dim $array2[2][2][2] = [ [ [ 'Cloud', 'Squall' ], [ 'Aerith', 'Rinoa' ] ], [ [ 'Sephiroth', 'Seifer' ], [ 'JENOVA', 'Edea' ] ] ] ArrayDump($array1) ArrayDump($array2) Func ArrayDump(ByRef $array) Local $subs = UBound($array, 0) Local $tabs If $subs = 1 Then ConsoleWrite('array:' & @CRLF) $tabs = @TAB For $a = 0 to UBound($array, 1) - 1 ConsoleWrite($tabs & $array[$a] & @CRLF) Next ElseIf $subs = 2 Then ConsoleWrite('array:' & @CRLF) For $a = 0 to UBound($array, 1) - 1 $tabs = @TAB ConsoleWrite($tabs & $a & ':' & @CRLF) For $b = 0 to UBound($array, 2) - 1 $tabs = @TAB & @TAB ConsoleWrite($tabs & $array[$a][$b] & @CRLF) Next Next ElseIf $subs = 3 Then; A new section will have to be added here for every amount of subscript... ConsoleWrite('array:' & @CRLF) For $a = 0 to UBound($array, 1) - 1 $tabs = @TAB ConsoleWrite($tabs & $a & ':' & @CRLF) For $b = 0 to UBound($array, 2) - 1 $tabs = @TAB & @TAB ConsoleWrite($tabs & $b & ':' & @CRLF) For $c = 0 to UBound($array, 3) - 1 $tabs = @TAB & @TAB & @TAB ConsoleWrite($tabs & $array[$a][$b][$c] & @CRLF) Next Next Next EndIf EndFunc That piece of code works fine, but if I decide I need to dump $array[2][2][2][2] in there, it's going to choke (or rather, the way I have it written it just won't do anything). Now, I'm sure I could probably avoid repetition in that code by doing recursion through another function, thereby making the for-loops themselves dynamic, but no matter which way you hack it, it all boils down to $array[$a][$b][$c]. Because that's the line that we can't make truly dynamic. If you have a 2 subscript array or a 200 subscript array (though I doubt that's even possible) that line has to be rewritten for every eventuality. Edited September 18, 2007 by Saunders My AutoIt Stuff | My Github
flyingboz Posted September 18, 2007 Posted September 18, 2007 No problem I have been bitten by the language moving from under my feet too. What a great thing to have a problem with, that the language is even more capable than you thought! my array_walk udf by default displays the value for every element in the array. However, if an optional second parameter is specified, I return the specified element of the array only. This second parameter must be a vector (1d array) or a comma delimited string (that I turn into a vector), with the zeroth element matching the number of dimensions of the array. If you're interested, let me know and I'll try to track it down and post it or a snippet thereof. The big extension that my array_walk udf still needs is if the elements in the arrays are themselves arrays, I haven't decided how to handle that case. PHP, IIRC just prints [array] in the location.... Reading the help file before you post... Not only will it make you look smarter, it will make you smarter.
therks Posted September 21, 2007 Author Posted September 21, 2007 Yeah actually if you can find it I would like to see that. An array walk function would be very cool. My AutoIt Stuff | My Github
therks Posted September 28, 2007 Author Posted September 28, 2007 Nevermind, I figured it out myself. I wrote up this function for an array walk: Func _ArrayWalk(ByRef $aArray, $sFunction) Local $sArrayFetch, $sArrayRead, $bDone Local $iSubscripts = UBound($aArray, 0) Local $aUBounds[$iSubscripts] Local $aCounts[$iSubscripts] $iSubscripts -= 1 For $i = 0 To $iSubscripts $aUBounds[$i] = UBound($aArray, $i + 1) - 1 $aCounts[$i] = 0 Next While 1 $bDone = True $sArrayFetch = '' For $i = 0 To $iSubscripts $sArrayFetch &= '[' & $aCounts[$i] & ']' If $aCounts[$i] < $aUBounds[$i] Then $bDone = False Next $sArrayRead = Execute('$aArray' & $sArrayFetch) If @error Then ExitLoop Else Call($sFunction, $sArrayFetch, $sArrayRead) If $bDone Then ExitLoop EndIf For $i = $iSubscripts To 0 Step -1 $aCounts[$i] += 1 If $aCounts[$i] > $aUBounds[$i] Then $aCounts[$i] = 0 Else ExitLoop EndIf Next WEnd EndFunc And it works like so: Dim $array1[2][2] = [ [ 'Cloud', 'Squall' ], [ 'Aerith', 'Rinoa' ] ] Dim $array2[2][2][2] = [ [ [ 'Cloud', 'Squall' ], [ 'Aerith', 'Rinoa' ] ], [ [ 'Sephiroth', 'Seifer' ], [ 'JENOVA', 'Edea' ] ] ] ConsoleWrite('2 subscript array:' & @CRLF) _ArrayWalk($array1, '_DumpToConsole') ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & '3 subscript array:' & @CRLF) _ArrayWalk($array2, '_DumpToConsole') Func _DumpToConsole($sKey, $vValue) ConsoleWrite($sKey & ' => ' & $vValue & @CRLF) EndFunc And the output of that, looks like this: 2 subscript array: [0][0] => Cloud [0][1] => Squall [1][0] => Aerith [1][1] => Rinoa 3 subscript array: [0][0][0] => Cloud [0][0][1] => Squall [0][1][0] => Aerith [0][1][1] => Rinoa [1][0][0] => Sephiroth [1][0][1] => Seifer [1][1][0] => JENOVA [1][1][1] => Edea My AutoIt Stuff | My Github
lordofthestrings Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 pretty nice code you demonstrate there... works like a charm..
therks Posted September 28, 2007 Author Posted September 28, 2007 Oh, I meant to post this too, but forgot. The following code is essentially exactly what I was asking for when I started this thread. expandcollapse popupFunc _VarDump(ByRef $vVar, $sIndent = '') Select Case IsDllStruct($vVar) Return 'Struct(' & DllStructGetSize($vVar) & ')' Case IsArray($vVar) Return 'Array' & @CRLF & _VarDumpArray($vVar, $sIndent) Case IsBinary($vVar) Return 'Binary(' & BinaryLen($vVar) & ')' Case IsBool($vVar) Return 'Boolean(' & $vVar & ')' Case IsFloat($vVar) Return 'Float(' & $vVar & ')' Case IsHWnd($vVar) Return 'HWnd(' & $vVar & ')' Case IsInt($vVar) Return 'Integer(' & $vVar & ')' Case IsKeyword($vVar) Return 'Keyword(' & $vVar & ')' Case IsObj($vVar) Return 'Object(' & ObjName($vVar) & ')' Case IsString($vVar) Return 'String(' & StringLen($vVar) & ') ' & $vVar Case Else Return 'Unknown(' & $vVar & ')' EndSelect EndFunc Func _VarDumpArray(ByRef $aArray, $sIndent = '') Local $sDump Local $sArrayFetch, $sArrayRead, $bDone Local $iSubscripts = UBound($aArray, 0) Local $aUBounds[$iSubscripts] Local $aCounts[$iSubscripts] $iSubscripts -= 1 For $i = 0 To $iSubscripts $aUBounds[$i] = UBound($aArray, $i + 1) - 1 $aCounts[$i] = 0 Next $sIndent &= @TAB While 1 $bDone = True $sArrayFetch = '' For $i = 0 To $iSubscripts $sArrayFetch &= '[' & $aCounts[$i] & ']' If $aCounts[$i] < $aUBounds[$i] Then $bDone = False Next $sArrayRead = Execute('$aArray' & $sArrayFetch) If @error Then ExitLoop Else $sDump &= $sIndent & $sArrayFetch & ' => ' & _VarDump($sArrayRead, $sIndent) If Not $bDone Then $sDump &= @CRLF Else Return $sDump EndIf EndIf For $i = $iSubscripts To 0 Step -1 $aCounts[$i] += 1 If $aCounts[$i] > $aUBounds[$i] Then $aCounts[$i] = 0 Else ExitLoop EndIf Next WEnd EndFunc And some example code: Local $aProcList = ProcessList('svchost.exe') Local $aWinList = WinList('[CLASS:CabinetWClass]') Local $aChild[6] = [ True, 19, WinGetPos(''), 'Uh oh', Default, $aWinList ] Local $aParent[5] = [ Binary('0x200a0d'), $aChild, 5.5, DllStructCreate('int;char[128]'), $aProcList ] ConsoleWrite(_VarDump($aParent)) My AutoIt Stuff | My Github
flyingboz Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 Nicely done, Saunders -- I got hung up on some other stuff and forgot about the post I promised you. Sry. Reading the help file before you post... Not only will it make you look smarter, it will make you smarter.
Uten Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 Really nice piece of mind bending work @Saunders. May I suggest you do the required work (write a help file section, comment some code, create some helpfile samples) to get it accepted as an official UDF? You are so close anyway.. Please keep your sig. small! Use the help file. Search the forum. Then ask unresolved questions :) Script plugin demo, Simple Trace udf, TrayMenuEx udf, IOChatter demo, freebasic multithreaded dll sample, PostMessage, Aspell, Code profiling
Zedna Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 Really nice piece of code Saunders. Resources UDF ResourcesEx UDF AutoIt Forum Search
Richard Robertson Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 It's pretty, but what kind of variable would be unknown?
Uten Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 It's pretty, but what kind of variable would be unknown?At least you will get a notice if it is not handled.. Please keep your sig. small! Use the help file. Search the forum. Then ask unresolved questions :) Script plugin demo, Simple Trace udf, TrayMenuEx udf, IOChatter demo, freebasic multithreaded dll sample, PostMessage, Aspell, Code profiling
therks Posted September 29, 2007 Author Posted September 29, 2007 Yeah that's pretty much it. I wanted to cover all my bases, so this way at least it will tell you, "We don't know wtf it is..." @Uten, Re: UDF - I might just do that. I'm lazy though, so I might not. But if I remember one day when I'm not doing anything else. My AutoIt Stuff | My Github
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