mmavipc2 Posted December 12, 2006 Posted December 12, 2006 Do we need to update scite or something to get these? I really have no clue about this whole thing.AND WHAT ABOUT MY LITTLE COLLECTION OF INCLUDES!!! THANX FOR PUTTING THAT ONE.wht's idiot.gif for?
Developers Jos Posted December 12, 2006 Author Developers Posted December 12, 2006 (edited) wht's idiot.gif for?What about not resurrecting a post from Dec 2004 ?And for your info: The idiot is gone ... banned for live ... and beyond Edited December 12, 2006 by JdeB SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
Moderators big_daddy Posted March 28, 2007 Moderators Posted March 28, 2007 Just wondering if my Word Automation Library would be worth adding to the Standard UDF Library? It was wrote to standard from the beginning so there shouldn't be any problems there, and now with over 1100 downloads and very few if any reported bugs I think it's stable.
Moderators big_daddy Posted April 3, 2007 Moderators Posted April 3, 2007 Anyone have any thoughts on this? For it or against it your not going to upset me!
theguy0000 Posted April 4, 2007 Posted April 4, 2007 I think it would be fantastic. The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
randallc Posted May 1, 2007 Posted May 1, 2007 (edited) Hi, I have tried to get the TailRW udf up to standard; for fast writing, reading/ deleting lines from the end of huge log files etc. [and for redaing, / writing binary parts of files...] main funcs are; ;apitry2.au3 #include "APITailRW.au3" Local $sDeskFile = @DesktopDir & "\Rhododendron.bmp", $s_File = @WindowsDir & "\Rhododendron.bmp" Local $i_FileSize = FileGetSize($s_File), $iMod = $i_FileSize - 4 * Int($i_FileSize / 4) ;======Read parts or tail of binary file =====in any order as Demo ================================= $h_File = _FileOpenAPI ($s_File) ;_APIFileOpen $s_data2 = _FileReadAPI ($h_File, Int($i_FileSize / 4), 1 * Int($i_FileSize / 4), 1) ; read 2nd quarter file $s_data1 = _FileReadAPI ($h_File, Int($i_FileSize / 4), 0 * Int($i_FileSize / 4), 1) ; read 1st quarter file $s_data4 = _FileReadAPI ($h_File, Int($i_FileSize / 4) + $iMod, 3 * Int($i_FileSize / 4), 1) ; read 4th quarter file $s_data3 = _FileReadAPI ($h_File, Int($i_FileSize / 4), 2 * Int($i_FileSize / 4), 1) ; read 3rd quarter file $s_data = $s_data1 & $s_data2 & $s_data3 & $s_data4 ; concatenate in correct order _FileCloseAPI ($h_File);_APIFileClose ;======Save binary file to desktop and open==========in any order as Demo ================================== Local $iDel=FileDelete($sDeskFile), $hb_File = _FileOpenAPI ($sDeskFile) ;_FileOpenAPI ;======Set End of file related to $FileSize================================= _FileSetPosAPI ($hb_File, $i_FileSize) _FileSetEndAPI ($hb_File) ;======Set Data pieces================in any order as Demo ====================== _FileWriteAPI ($hb_File, $s_data3, 2 * Int($i_FileSize / 4), 1);_APIFileWrite($hFile, $szData, $i_FileSetPosAPI = -1, $Option = 0) _FileWriteAPI ($hb_File, $s_data1, 0 * Int($i_FileSize / 4), 1);_APIFileWrite($hFile, $szData, $i_FileSetPosAPI = -1, $Option = 0) _FileWriteAPI ($hb_File, $s_data4, 3 * Int($i_FileSize / 4), 1);_APIFileWrite($hFile, $szData, $i_FileSetPosAPI = -1, $Option = 0) _FileWriteAPI ($hb_File, $s_data2, 1 * Int($i_FileSize / 4), 1);_APIFileWrite($hFile, $szData, $i_FileSetPosAPI = -1, $Option = 0) _FileCloseAPI ($hb_File);_FileCloseAPI ShellExecuteWait($sDeskFile) FileDelete($sDeskFile)Can someone plesae tell me if they might be wanted; and if so, what more neds be done? Thanks, Randall [EDIT] - new file posted, new names planned; BinaryTailRead Edited June 25, 2007 by randallc ExcelCOM... AccessCom.. Word2... FileListToArrayNew...SearchMiner... Regexps...SQL...Explorer...Array2D.. _GUIListView...array problem...APITailRW
randallc Posted May 5, 2007 Posted May 5, 2007 Hi, Here is an attempt to get fast GUI ListView sort to standard UDF; please let e know if wanted;/ any more work needed [did I see help files can be generated automatically form udf doc now?] Best, Randall ; Function Name: _GUICtrlCreateListView() ; Description: Creates a ListView control for the GUI, to us ethe faster associated sort routines ; Faster than orig autoIt sort [20-50x] and [12-15x] as fast as GUIRegister sort [unless icons; same] due to ; 1. maintaining arrays of text and LV objects in memory as 1D arrays ; 2. sorting them via fast VBS sort [main speed saving is the VBS change to 2D and back to sort; instead of AutoIt] ; 3. refilling the LV objects by SetData, so no re-creation of objects ExcelCOM... AccessCom.. Word2... FileListToArrayNew...SearchMiner... Regexps...SQL...Explorer...Array2D.. _GUIListView...array problem...APITailRW
theguy0000 Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 (edited) I sent this to JdeB awhile back, but we never really wrapped it up, and I never posted it here as an official submission. And I've added another new parameter since then.I made a replacement _ArraySearch. There are two new parameters, $iFlag and $fMultiReturn.$iFlag (optional) describes where and how to search for $vWhat2Find. Possible Values:0 = (Default) Exact match.1 = match at beginning of element.2 = match at end of element.3 = anywhere in element.4 = Regular Expression (if used, $iCaseSense is ignored).$fMultiReturn (optional) is a boolean value. If true, it returns an array listing the elements in which the search string was found. If false, returns the first element it finds. False by default.I realize that there is already an improved version included, but I think that mine adds much more functionality and's rather long, but hey, it works.expandcollapse popup;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Finds an entry within a one-dimensional array. (Similar to _ArrayBinarySearch() except the array does not need to be sorted.) ; Syntax: _ArraySearch($avArray, $vWhat2Find, $iStart = 0, $iEnd = 0,$iCaseSense=0) ; ; Parameter(s): $avArray = The array to search ; $vWhat2Find = What to search $avArray for ; $iStart (Optional) = Start array index for search, normally set to 0 or 1. If omitted it is set to 0 ; $iEnd (Optional) = End array index for search. If omitted or set to 0 it is set to Ubound($AvArray)- ; $iCaseSense (Optional) = If set to 1 then search is case sensitive ; $iFlag (Optional) = How to match the search string. ; Possible Values: ; 0 - (Default) Exact match ; 1 - match at beginning of element ; 2 - match at end of element ; 3 - anywhere in element ; 4 - Regular Expression (if used, $iCaseSense is ignored) ; $fMultiReturn = if 1 or true, returns an array containing all matches. $Array[0] = number of matches ; Requirement(s): None ; ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the position of an item in an array. ; On Failure - Returns an -1 if $vWhat2Find is not found ; @Error=1 $avArray is not an array ; @Error=2 $iStart is greater than UBound($AvArray)-1 ; @Error=3 $iEnd is greater than UBound($AvArray)-1 ; @Error=4 $iStart is greater than $iEnd ; @Error=5 $iCaseSense was invalid. (Must be 0 or 1) ; @Error=6 $vWhat2Find was not found in $avArray ; @Error=7 Invalid $iFlag parameter ; ; Author(s): SolidSnake <MetalGearX91 at Hotmail dot com>; theguy0000 <theguy0000 at gmail dot com> ; Note(s): This might be slower than _ArrayBinarySearch() but is useful when the array's order can't be altered. ;=============================================================================== Func _ArraySearch(Const ByRef $avArray, $vWhat2Find, $iStart = 0, $iEnd = 0, $iCaseSense = 0, $iFlag = 0, $fMultiReturn = False) Local $iCurrentPos, $iUBound Dim $avMatches[UBound($avArray)+1] $avMatches[0] = 0 If Not IsArray($avArray) Then SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf $iUBound = UBound($avArray) - 1 If $iEnd = 0 Then $iEnd = $iUBound If $iStart > $iUBound Then SetError(2) Return -1 EndIf If $iEnd > $iUBound Then SetError(3) Return -1 EndIf If $iStart > $iEnd Then SetError(4) Return -1 EndIf If Not ($iCaseSense = 0 Or $iCaseSense = 1) Then SetError(5) Return -1 EndIf If $iFlag < 0 Or $iFlag > 4 Then SetError (7) Return -1 EndIf For $iCurrentPos = $iStart To $iEnd Select Case $iCaseSense = 0 Switch $iFlag Case 0 If $avArray[$iCurrentPos] = $vWhat2Find Then SetError(0) If $fMultiReturn Then $avMatches[0] += 1 $iNum = $avMatches[0] $avMatches[$iNum] = $iCurrentPos Else Return $iCurrentPos EndIf EndIf Case 1 If StringLeft ($avArray[$iCurrentPos], StringLen($vWhat2Find)) = $vWhat2Find Then SetError (0) If $fMultiReturn Then $avMatches[0] += 1 $iNum = $avMatches[0] $avMatches[$iNum] = $iCurrentPos Else Return $iCurrentPos EndIf EndIf Case 2 If StringRight ($avArray[$iCurrentPos], StringLen($vWhat2Find)) = $vWhat2Find Then SetError (0) If $fMultiReturn Then $avMatches[0] += 1 $iNum = $avMatches[0] $avMatches[$iNum] = $iCurrentPos Else Return $iCurrentPos EndIf EndIf Case 3 If StringInStr ($avArray[$iCurrentPos], $vWhat2Find) Then SetError (0) If $fMultiReturn Then $avMatches[0] += 1 $iNum = $avMatches[0] $avMatches[$iNum] = $iCurrentPos Else Return $iCurrentPos EndIf EndIf Case 4 If StringRegExp ($avArray[$iCurrentPos], $vWhat2Find) Then SetError (0) If $fMultiReturn Then $avMatches[0] += 1 $iNum = $avMatches[0] $avMatches[$iNum] = $iCurrentPos Else Return $iCurrentPos EndIf EndIf EndSwitch Case $iCaseSense = 1 Switch $iFlag Case 0 If $avArray[$iCurrentPos] == $vWhat2Find Then SetError(0) If $fMultiReturn Then $avMatches[0] += 1 $iNum = $avMatches[0] $avMatches[$iNum] = $iCurrentPos Else Return $iCurrentPos EndIf EndIf Case 1 If StringLeft ($avArray[$iCurrentPos], StringLen($vWhat2Find)) == $vWhat2Find Then SetError (0) If $fMultiReturn Then $avMatches[0] += 1 $iNum = $avMatches[0] $avMatches[$iNum] = $iCurrentPos Else Return $iCurrentPos EndIf EndIf Case 2 If StringRight ($avArray[$iCurrentPos], StringLen($vWhat2Find)) == $vWhat2Find Then SetError (0) If $fMultiReturn Then $avMatches[0] += 1 $iNum = $avMatches[0] $avMatches[$iNum] = $iCurrentPos Else Return $iCurrentPos EndIf EndIf Case 3 If StringInStr ($avArray[$iCurrentPos], $vWhat2Find, 1) Then SetError (0) If $fMultiReturn Then $avMatches[0] += 1 $iNum = $avMatches[0] $avMatches[$iNum] = $iCurrentPos Else Return $iCurrentPos EndIf EndIf Case 4 If StringRegExp ($avArray[$iCurrentPos], $vWhat2Find) Then SetError (0) If $fMultiReturn Then $avMatches[0] += 1 $iNum = $avMatches[0] $avMatches[$iNum] = $iCurrentPos Else Return $iCurrentPos EndIf EndIf EndSwitch EndSelect Next If $fMultiReturn Then For $i = $avMatches[0]+1 To UBound($avMatches)-1 _ArrayDelete ($avMatches, $i) Next Return $avMatches Else SetError(6) Return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ArraySearchHope you like it! Edited June 11, 2007 by theguy0000 The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
theguy0000 Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 ????? Any body have anything at all to say? I thought it was a pretty good function... The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
exodius Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 I'd like to suggest a function to go in the Date Management UDF... _DateToMonth works very much like _DateDayOfWeek (in fact I even formatted it almost identically to it) in that it takes a month number and returns the month. (e.g. 1 = January, 12 = December). We have a function to convert the weekday number to the actual day, but not one for months and I think this would be useful to include in the standard UDF library. DateToMonth.au3
theguy0000 Posted June 11, 2007 Posted June 11, 2007 Hello?? Why can't I at least get a reply? I met all the standards and everything, I think... The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
Moderators big_daddy Posted June 11, 2007 Moderators Posted June 11, 2007 Hello?? Why can't I at least get a reply? I met all the standards and everything, I think...It seems to work fine, but you could shorten it up like this... expandcollapse popup;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Finds an entry within a one-dimensional array. (Similar to _ArrayBinarySearch() except the array does not need to be sorted.) ; Syntax: _ArraySearch($avArray, $vWhat2Find, $iStart = 0, $iEnd = 0,$fCaseSense=0) ; ; Parameter(s): $avArray = The array to search ; $vWhat2Find = What to search $avArray for ; $iStart (Optional) = Start array index for search, normally set to 0 or 1. If omitted it is set to 0 ; $iEnd (Optional) = End array index for search. If omitted or set to 0 it is set to Ubound($AvArray)- ; $fCaseSense (Optional) = If set to True (1) then search is case sensitive ; $iFlag (Optional) = How to match the search string. ; Possible Values: ; 0 - (Default) Exact match ; 1 - match at beginning of element ; 2 - match at end of element ; 3 - anywhere in element ; 4 - Regular Expression (if used, $fCaseSense is ignored) ; $fMultiReturn = if 1 or true, returns an array containing all matches. $Array[0] = number of matches ; Requirement(s): None ; ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the position of an item in an array. ; On Failure - Returns an -1 if $vWhat2Find is not found ; @Error=1 $avArray is not an array ; @Error=2 $iStart is greater than UBound($AvArray)-1 ; @Error=3 $iEnd is greater than UBound($AvArray)-1 ; @Error=4 $iStart is greater than $iEnd ; @Error=5 $fCaseSense was invalid. (Must be 0 or 1) ; @Error=6 $vWhat2Find was not found in $avArray ; @Error=7 Invalid $iFlag parameter ; ; Author(s): SolidSnake <MetalGearX91 at Hotmail dot com>; theguy0000 <theguy0000 at gmail dot com> ; Note(s): This might be slower than _ArrayBinarySearch() but is useful when the array's order can't be altered. ;=============================================================================== Func _ArraySearch(Const ByRef $avArray, $vWhat2Find, $iStart = 0, $iEnd = 0, $fCaseSense = False, $iFlag = 0, $fMultiReturn = False) If Not IsArray($avArray) Then SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf Local $i, $iUBound, $fMatch Dim $avMatches[1] = [0] $iUBound = UBound($avArray) - 1 If Not $iEnd Then $iEnd = $iUBound If $iStart > $iUBound Then SetError(2) Return -1 EndIf If $iEnd > $iUBound Then SetError(3) Return -1 EndIf If $iStart > $iEnd Then SetError(4) Return -1 EndIf For $i = $iStart To $iEnd $fMatch = False Switch $fCaseSense Case False Switch $iFlag Case 0 If $avArray[$i] = $vWhat2Find Then $fMatch = True EndIf Case 1 If StringLeft($avArray[$i], StringLen($vWhat2Find)) = $vWhat2Find Then $fMatch = True EndIf Case 2 If StringRight($avArray[$i], StringLen($vWhat2Find)) = $vWhat2Find Then $fMatch = True EndIf Case 3 If StringInStr($avArray[$i], $vWhat2Find) Then $fMatch = True EndIf Case 4 If StringRegExp($avArray[$i], $vWhat2Find) Then $fMatch = True EndIf Case Else SetError(7) Return -1 EndSwitch Case True Switch $iFlag Case 0 If $avArray[$i] == $vWhat2Find Then $fMatch = True EndIf Case 1 If StringLeft($avArray[$i], StringLen($vWhat2Find)) == $vWhat2Find Then $fMatch = True EndIf Case 2 If StringRight($avArray[$i], StringLen($vWhat2Find)) == $vWhat2Find Then $fMatch = True EndIf Case 3 If StringInStr($avArray[$i], $vWhat2Find, 1) Then $fMatch = True EndIf Case 4 If StringRegExp($avArray[$i], $vWhat2Find) Then $fMatch = True EndIf EndSwitch Case Else SetError(5) Return -1 EndSwitch If Not $fMatch Then ContinueLoop If Not $fMultiReturn Then SetError(0) Return $i EndIf _ArrayAdd($avMatches, $i) $avMatches[0] += 1 Next If $avMatches[0] Then SetError(0) Return $avMatches EndIf SetError(6) Return -1 EndFunc ;==>_ArraySearch
theguy0000 Posted June 11, 2007 Posted June 11, 2007 heh...much better...thanks Big Daddy The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
Developers Jos Posted June 11, 2007 Author Developers Posted June 11, 2007 Hello?? Why can't I at least get a reply? I met all the standards and everything, I think...I have not much time to test UDF's myself... So I still welcome updates to UDF's but expect they are well tested and shared with the forum community so people can have a look at them and comment on them. I am also reluctant to just replace a UDF submitted by somebody else unless the original creator of the UDF looked at it (assuming he's still around ).Fair enough ? SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
theguy0000 Posted June 13, 2007 Posted June 13, 2007 I have not much time to test UDF's myself... So I still welcome updates to UDF's but expect they are well tested and shared with the forum community so people can have a look at them and comment on them. I am also reluctant to just replace a UDF submitted by somebody else unless the original creator of the UDF looked at it (assuming he's still around ).Fair enough ?heh...fair enough...I don't think I had the right to get mad or anything...1. I can assure it has been tested2. but that was the old version of mine, similar but without $fMultiReturn3. this space intentionally left blank. The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
poisonkiller Posted June 16, 2007 Posted June 16, 2007 Could anyone post me "Page containing all info needed to qualify for inclusion of a UDF.", because it's real site seems to be down.
Developers Jos Posted June 16, 2007 Author Developers Posted June 16, 2007 Could anyone post me "Page containing all info needed to qualify for inclusion of a UDF.", because it's real site seems to be down.Fixed the link on the first page. SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
i542 Posted June 16, 2007 Posted June 16, 2007 And for your info: The idiot is gone ... banned for live ... and beyond Sorry for late on this post but all I wanted to say is "halelujah and his 6 ban-evading nicknames either ". Just doing a little search via forums Fixed the link on the first page. cool now it works. I can do signature me.
exodius Posted June 20, 2007 Posted June 20, 2007 I'd like to suggest a function to go in the Date Management UDF... _DateToMonth works very much like _DateDayOfWeek (in fact I even formatted it almost identically to it) in that it takes a month number and returns the month. (e.g. 1 = January, 12 = December). We have a function to convert the weekday number to the actual day, but not one for months and I think this would be useful to include in the standard UDF library. DateToMonth.au3 Any input from you super cool people (like JdeB)?
Developers Jos Posted June 20, 2007 Author Developers Posted June 20, 2007 (edited) Any input from you super cool people (like JdeB)? Sure ... why not follow the same concept as _DateDayOfWeek () and also make it possible to return the abbreviated Month name? you can also fill the arrray like: Local $aMonthNumber[13] = ["January","February","March"] etc After that just sent it to me with all required files and I will include it. Edited June 20, 2007 by JdeB SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
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