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Posted (edited)

I've been looking through the helpfile/forum and I'm not really sure what an .ini file is. Is it just like a notepad file that you Autoit can read stuff from easily... 'cause that would be very helpful for a program I'm trying to write. I assume that .ini files would be used for keeping data for several days or whatever. Is that right?

P.S. I'm making a program that will remind you of what you needed reminded of (i.e. you insert your friends birthday and at the specified time a msgbox will come up saying "It's so and so's birthday). Would I use .ini to store the reminders for a long time? So far I've only been able to do daily stuff, when close the program it doesn't remember them...


Edited by Piano_Man
My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
Posted (edited)

Understanding how a INI-files is built up is just as easy as blinking with your eyes. It doesn't

require to much concentration really... INIs contains sections, keys and values. Which is what

also speaks for itself if you study it. Below is a simple example that you could use to store

the birthdays with names. If there are multiple people with the same birthday you can simply

just separete them with commas or something.

So to check if there's someone's birthday today you could do something like this :
IniRead("c:\birthdays.ini", "birthdays", @MON & @MDAY, "")
Edited by Helge

Understanding how a INI-files is built up is just as easy as blinking with your eyes. It doesn't

require to much concentration really... INIs contains sections, keys and values. Which is what

also speaks for itself if you study it. Below is a simple example that you could use to store

the birthdays with names. If there are multiple people with the same birthday you can simply

just separete them with commas or something.

So to check if there's someone's birthday today you could do something like this :
IniRead("c:\birthdays.ini", "birthdays", @MON & @MDAY, "")
Thanks... that's kind of what I thought... And thanks to JdeB also


My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]

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