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Sliding Toolbar


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Wow, nice additions Valuater.. I really like it. I'll work on an animated Gif for your version of it today!

I think the next thing I'm going to add is if you drag the window close to one side or the other it will switch which side to snap to.

EDIT: and in your case, the position of the config button and the slider button will switch if it switches sides as well.

Great!!... and thanks Simucal!!

Nice and clean looking job on the original post



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Ok, here is how I thought we could do the side switching. The spacing on the left side of the toolbar isnt even with the right.. so it will have to be lengthed and all the controls moved over slightly. Let me know if you think there is a better way to do it:


Edited by Simucal
AutoIt Scripts:Aimbot: Proof of Concept - PixelSearching Aimbot with several search/autoshoot/lock-on techniques.Sliding Toolbar - Add a nice Sliding Toolbar to your next script. Click the link to see an animation of it in action!FontInfo UDF - Get list of system fonts, or search to see if a particular font is installed.Get Extended Property UDF - Retrieve a files extended properties (e.g., video/image dimensions, file version, bitrate of song/video, etc)
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here is another approach... just bored

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

Global $Button_[8], $Label_[8], $config_[8]
Dim $Max = 350
Dim $Child_[8], $Top = 100, $y_pos[8]

If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini") Then Create_ini()
$Label_name = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label")
$Launch_name = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch")

For $x = 1 To 7
    $y_pos[$x] = $Top + 30
    $Child_[$x] = GUICreate("", 100, 25, 2, $Top + 30, $WS_POPUP, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW))
    $Button_[$x] = GUICtrlCreateButton($Label_name[$x][1], -2, -1, 102, 27)
    DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $Child_[$x], "int", 350, "long", 0x00050002);slide out to left
    $Top = $Top + 30

While 1
    $msg1 = GUIGetMsg()
    If $msg1 = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit
    $a_loc = 10
    $a_mpos = MouseGetPos()
    For $b = 1 To 7
        If $a_mpos[1] <= $y_pos[$b] + 25 And $a_mpos[1] >= $y_pos[$b] And $a_mpos[0] <= $a_loc Then
            DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $Child_[$b], "int", 350, "long", 0x00040001);slide in from left
            $a_loc = 100
            While $a_mpos[1] <= $y_pos[$b] + 25 And $a_mpos[1] >= $y_pos[$b] And $a_mpos[0] <= $a_loc
                $msg = GUIGetMsg()
                If $msg = $Button_[$b] Then
                $a_mpos = MouseGetPos()
            DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $Child_[$b], "int", 350, "long", 0x00050002);slide out to left

Func Create_ini()
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch", 1, @ProgramFilesDir & "\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch", 2, @SystemDir & "\osk.exe")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch", 3, @ProgramFilesDir & "\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch", 4, @SystemDir & "\notepad.exe")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch", 5, @SystemDir & "\calc.exe")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch", 6, @SystemDir & "\mstsc.exe")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch", 7, @SystemDir & "\cleanmgr.exe")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label", 1, "IE Explorer")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label", 2, "Keyboard")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label", 3, "Media Player")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label", 4, "Notepad")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label", 5, "Calculator")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label", 6, "Net Service")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label", 7, "Clean Mngr")
EndFunc  ;==>Create_ini

Func Function(ByRef $B)
    If FileExists($Launch_name[$b][1]) Then
        $LFile = FileGetShortName($Launch_name[$b][1])
        MsgBox(262208, "Sorry!", "The file location could not be verified   ", 4)
EndFunc  ;==>Function


Edited by Valuater


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That gives me some ideas Val.. I like that. I'm going to play with that tonight for a horizontal toolbar.

Vollyman made a good suggestion that we should have a button that would allow the sliding toolbar to just be "out" and not snap to the side. I'll implement that once I finish the snap to both sides and spacing issues. Any ideas on where the button would go?

I might make another one that mimicks the behavior of the Mac OSX toolbar.. when you click a button/icon it will bounce in place for half a second or so.. and all the buttons size change with the one under the mouse being the largest and smaller from there on out.

AutoIt Scripts:Aimbot: Proof of Concept - PixelSearching Aimbot with several search/autoshoot/lock-on techniques.Sliding Toolbar - Add a nice Sliding Toolbar to your next script. Click the link to see an animation of it in action!FontInfo UDF - Get list of system fonts, or search to see if a particular font is installed.Get Extended Property UDF - Retrieve a files extended properties (e.g., video/image dimensions, file version, bitrate of song/video, etc)
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Loves it....

My only problem with it is that in a dual monitor config it snaps to the left side of the main monitor but my secondary in on the left, so the "hidden" portion of the bar is visible on the second monitor..

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Loves it....

My only problem with it is that in a dual monitor config it snaps to the left side of the main monitor but my secondary in on the left, so the "hidden" portion of the bar is visible on the second monitor..

Yea, I just started using dual monitors and noticed this. I'll fix it in the next release with the snap-to on both sides, config menu.. etc.

AutoIt Scripts:Aimbot: Proof of Concept - PixelSearching Aimbot with several search/autoshoot/lock-on techniques.Sliding Toolbar - Add a nice Sliding Toolbar to your next script. Click the link to see an animation of it in action!FontInfo UDF - Get list of system fonts, or search to see if a particular font is installed.Get Extended Property UDF - Retrieve a files extended properties (e.g., video/image dimensions, file version, bitrate of song/video, etc)
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best one i have ever seen... REALLY

Posted Image

and its free



Thanks valuater. A similar effect is my goal. I'm goign to download it to play with it a bit.

AutoIt Scripts:Aimbot: Proof of Concept - PixelSearching Aimbot with several search/autoshoot/lock-on techniques.Sliding Toolbar - Add a nice Sliding Toolbar to your next script. Click the link to see an animation of it in action!FontInfo UDF - Get list of system fonts, or search to see if a particular font is installed.Get Extended Property UDF - Retrieve a files extended properties (e.g., video/image dimensions, file version, bitrate of song/video, etc)
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Perfect script to add in your "include" map :)

Sorry.. I dont understand. What include map?

AutoIt Scripts:Aimbot: Proof of Concept - PixelSearching Aimbot with several search/autoshoot/lock-on techniques.Sliding Toolbar - Add a nice Sliding Toolbar to your next script. Click the link to see an animation of it in action!FontInfo UDF - Get list of system fonts, or search to see if a particular font is installed.Get Extended Property UDF - Retrieve a files extended properties (e.g., video/image dimensions, file version, bitrate of song/video, etc)
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Thanks valuater. A similar effect is my goal. I'm goign to download it to play with it a bit.

?????... what happened... the dock is so nice.. dont think we can compete????


well anyways.... added trasnparency

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
Global $hide_state = 0, $btn_state = 0, $pass = 0
Global $Button_[8], $Label_[8], $config_[12]

If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini") Then Create_ini()
$config_name = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Config")
If Not IsArray($config_name) Then; this is for older versions retro use
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Config", 1, "255")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Config", 2,  "0"); 0 = left / 1 = right
    $config_name = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Config")
$Label_name = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label")
$Launch_name = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch")

$hwnd= GUICreate("Sliding Launcher", 603, 85, -588, -1, -1,  BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES)) 
$config_[1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Label Name", 15, 22, 60, 20)
$config_[2] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 75, 22, 80, 20)
$config_[3] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Program to Launch", 175, 22, 100, 20)
$config_[4] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 270, 20, 255, 20)
$config_[5] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 530, 5, 50, 20)
$config_[6] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse", 530, 30, 50, 20)
$config_[7] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Accept", 530, 55, 50, 20)
$config_[8] = GUICtrlCreateSlider(270, 50, 255, 20)
GUICtrlSetLimit($config_[8], 255, 200)
GUICtrlSetData($config_[8], $config_name[1][1])
$config_[9] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Left Justify", 18, 50)
If $config_name[2][1] = 0 Then GUICtrlSetState( $config_[9], $GUI_CHECKED)
$config_[10] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Right Justify", 95, 50)
If $config_name[2][1] = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState( $config_[10], $GUI_CHECKED)
$config_[11] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Transparency", 195, 53, 80, 20)

GUICtrlSetState( $config_[10], $GUI_DISABLE); not developed yet

For $x = 1 To 11
    GUICtrlSetState($config_[$x], $GUI_HIDE)
$author = GUICtrlCreateLabel(" By...   Simucal  &&  Valuater", 120, 25, 400, 40)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 20, 700)
$Show = GUICtrlCreateButton(">", 585, 8, 17, 70, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_FLAT))
GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hwnd)
WinSetTrans($hwnd, "",$config_name[1][1])

$hwnd2 = GUICreate("Sliding Launcher", 603, 85, 3, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW))
$Button_[1] = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 20, 35, 73, 41, $BS_ICON)
GUICtrlSetImage(-1, $Launch_name[1][1])
$Label_[1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($Label_name[1][1], 20, 8, 73, 17, $SS_CENTER + $SS_SUNKEN)
$Button_[2] = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 100, 35, 73, 41, $BS_ICON)
GUICtrlSetImage(-1, $Launch_name[2][1])
$Label_[2] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($Label_name[2][1], 100, 8, 73, 17, $SS_CENTER + $SS_SUNKEN)
$Button_[3] = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 180, 35, 73, 41, $BS_ICON)
GUICtrlSetImage(-1, $Launch_name[3][1])
$Label_[3] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($Label_name[3][1], 180, 8, 73, 17, $SS_CENTER + $SS_SUNKEN)
$Button_[4] = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 260, 35, 73, 41, $BS_ICON)
GUICtrlSetImage(-1, $Launch_name[4][1])
$Label_[4] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($Label_name[4][1], 260, 8, 73, 17, $SS_CENTER + $SS_SUNKEN)
$Button_[5] = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 340, 35, 73, 41, $BS_ICON)
GUICtrlSetImage(-1, $Launch_name[5][1])
$Label_[5] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($Label_name[5][1], 340, 8, 73, 17, $SS_CENTER + $SS_SUNKEN)
$Button_[6] = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 420, 35, 73, 41, $BS_ICON)
GUICtrlSetImage(-1, $Launch_name[6][1])
$Label_[6] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($Label_name[6][1], 420, 8, 73, 17, $SS_CENTER + $SS_SUNKEN)
$Button_[7] = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 500, 35, 73, 41, $BS_ICON)
GUICtrlSetImage(-1, $Launch_name[7][1])
$Label_[7] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($Label_name[7][1], 500, 8, 73, 17, $SS_CENTER + $SS_SUNKEN)
$Hide = GUICtrlCreateButton("<", 585, 8, 17, 70, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_FLAT, $BS_MULTILINE))
$Edit = GUICtrlCreateButton("[]", 0, 8, 15, 70, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_FLAT, $BS_MULTILINE))
GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Config")
DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hwnd2, "int", 500, "long", 0x00040001);slide in from left
WinSetTrans($hwnd2, "",$config_name[1][1])

Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1)
Opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1)
$config_tray = TrayCreateItem("Configure...")
TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "Set_config")
$exit_tray = TrayCreateItem("Exit  Sliding Launcher")
TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "Set_Exit")

While 1
    $msg1 = GUIGetMsg()
    If $msg1 = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit
    If $msg1 = $Hide Then
        If $pass = 1 Then
            WinSetTitle($hwnd2, "", "Sliding Launcher")
            $pass = 0
    If $msg1 = $Show Then Slide_in()
    If $msg1 = $Edit Then $pass = 1
    $a_pos = WinGetPos($hwnd2)
    $a_pos2 = WinGetPos($hwnd)
    If $a_pos[0] <> 0 And $hide_state = 0 Then
        WinMove($hwnd2, "", 3, $a_pos[1])
        WinMove($hwnd, "", -588, $a_pos[1])
    If $a_pos2[0] <> - 588 And $hide_state = 1 Then
        WinMove($hwnd, "", -588, $a_pos2[1])
        WinMove($hwnd2, "", 3, $a_pos2[1])
    If $pass = 1 Then WinSetTitle($hwnd2, "", "Config Mode - Please Press the Button to Configure...  Press  ""<""  to Cancel")
    If $hide_state = 0 Then
        $a_mpos = GUIGetCursorInfo($hwnd2)
        If IsArray($a_mpos) = 1 Then
            For $b = 1 To 7
                If $a_mpos[4] = $Button_[$b] Then
                    If $b = 1 Then $left = 15
                    If $b > 1 Then $left = (($b - 1) * 80) + 15
                    GUICtrlSetPos($Button_[$b], $left, 30, 83, 46)
                    GUICtrlSetColor($Label_[$b], 0xff0000)
                    GUICtrlSetCursor($Button_[$b], 0)
                    While $a_mpos[4] = $Button_[$b]
                        $msg = GUIGetMsg()
                        If $msg = $Button_[$b] Then
                            If $pass = 0 Then
                        $a_mpos = GUIGetCursorInfo($hwnd2)
                        If IsArray($a_mpos) <> 1 Then ExitLoop
                    $left = $left + 5
                    GUICtrlSetPos($Button_[$b], $left, 35, 73, 41)
                    GUICtrlSetColor($Label_[$b], 0x000000)

Func Slide_in()
    $hide_state = 0
    GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hwnd)
    DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hwnd2, "int", 500, "long", 0x00040001);slide in from left
EndFunc ;==>Slide_in

Func Slide_out()
    $hide_state = 1
    DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hwnd2, "int", 500, "long", 0x00050002);slide out to left
    GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hwnd)
EndFunc ;==>Slide_out

Func Create_ini()
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Config", 1, "255")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Config", 2,  "0"); 0 = left / 1 = right
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch", 1, @ProgramFilesDir & "\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch", 2, @SystemDir & "\osk.exe")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch", 3, @ProgramFilesDir & "\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch", 4, @SystemDir & "\notepad.exe")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch", 5, @SystemDir & "\calc.exe")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch", 6, @SystemDir & "\mstsc.exe")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch", 7, @SystemDir & "\cleanmgr.exe")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label", 1, "IE Explorer")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label", 2, "Keyboard")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label", 3, "Media Player")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label", 4, "Notepad")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label", 5, "Calculator")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label", 6, "Net Service")
    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label", 7, "Clean Mngr")
EndFunc ;==>Create_ini

Func Set_ini(ByRef $b)
    GUICtrlSetState($author, $GUI_HIDE)
    GUICtrlSetState($Show, $GUI_HIDE)
    For $x = 1 To 11
        GUICtrlSetState($config_[$x], $GUI_SHOW)
    WinSetTrans($hwnd, "", 0)
    WinMove($hwnd, "", 3, $a_pos[1])
    GUICtrlSetData($config_[2], $Label_name[$b][1])
    GUICtrlSetData($config_[4], $Launch_name[$b][1])
    GUICtrlSetState($config_[4], $GUI_DROPACCEPTED )
    For $x = 1 To $config_name[1][1] Step 3
        WinSetTrans($hwnd, "", $x)
    While 3
        $a_pos = WinGetPos($hwnd)
        WinMove($hwnd, "", 3, $a_pos[1])
        WinMove($hwnd2, "", 3, $a_pos[1])
        $msg3 = GUIGetMsg()
        If $msg3 = $config_[8] Then
            WinSetTrans($hwnd, "", GUICtrlRead($config_[8]))
            WinSetTrans($hwnd2, "", GUICtrlRead($config_[8]))
        If $msg3 = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit
        If $msg3 = $config_[5] Then ExitLoop
        If $msg3 = $config_[6] Then
            $Find = FileOpenDialog("Please Select a Program to Launch", @ProgramFilesDir, "exe (*.exe)", 1 + 2)
            If Not @error = 1 Then GUICtrlSetData($config_[4], $Find)
        If $msg3 = $config_[7] Then
            $temp_info = GUICtrlRead($config_[4])
            If FileExists($temp_info) Then
                If StringInStr($temp_info, ".lnk") Then
                    $details = FileGetShortcut($temp_info)
                    $temp_info = $details[0]
                If StringInStr($temp_info, ".exe") Then
                    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Config", 1, GUICtrlRead($config_[8]))
                    If BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($config_[9]),$GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED then
                        IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Config", 2, "0"); 0 = left / 1 = right
                        IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Config", 2, "1"); 0 = left / 1 = right
                    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch", $b, $temp_info)
                    IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label", $b, (GUICtrlRead($config_[2])))
                    $config_name = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Config")
                    $Label_name = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Label")
                    $Launch_name = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\toolbar.ini", "Launch")
                    For $x = 1 To 7
                        GUICtrlSetData($Label_[$x], $Label_name[$x][1])
                        GUICtrlSetImage($Button_[$x], $Launch_name[$x][1])
                    MsgBox(262208, "Sorry!", "The ""exe"" file could not be verified   ", 4)
                MsgBox(262208, "Sorry!", "The file location could not be verified   ", 4)
    For $x = 1 To 11
        GUICtrlSetState($config_[$x], $GUI_HIDE)
    GUICtrlSetState($author, $GUI_SHOW)
    For $x = $config_name[1][1] To 1 Step - 3
        WinSetTrans($hwnd, "", $x)
    WinMove($hwnd, "", -588, $a_pos[1])
    GUICtrlSetState($Show, $GUI_SHOW)
    WinSetTrans($hwnd, "", $config_name[1][1])
EndFunc ;==>Set_ini

Func Function(ByRef $b)
    If FileExists($Launch_name[$b][1]) Then
        $LFile = FileGetShortName($Launch_name[$b][1])
        MsgBox(262208, "Sorry!", "The file location could not be verified   ", 4)
EndFunc ;==>Function

Func Set_Exit()
EndFunc ;==>Set_Exit

Func Set_Config()
    $a_pos = WinGetPos($hwnd)
    If $a_pos[0] = 3 Then Return
    $pass = 1
EndFunc ;==>Set_Exit

if the transparency to too light,,, the re-draw of the sliding window has some problems.. redrawing, of-course


Edited by Valuater


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I changed it a little! Check it out here. Have fun!

PS: You MUST extract the files for it to work!

Edited by AutoItKing
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Wow, am i glad i belong to this forum,

im surrounded by overwhelming intellegence :):(:D


Great Job Guys, I have 2 of your toolbars running, as well as YzDock Its great, I love A clean desktop.

Edited by Paulie
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