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WinPenPack's X-Launcher Update to x64 - Script error help please

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Posted (edited)

Hi, not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I needed a little help with my project :) Please understand I have zero experience with AutoIT and am not a programmer, though I know some very simple stuff.

I wanted to try and make an updated version of X-Launcher to x64. I tried asking on the PortableFreeware forum and got a response on how to compile, but it doesn't work. It only creates a 32 bit version following the instructions given there:


However you can easily create the 64 bit versions yourself.
The steps are as follows:
1. obtain the sources of the launcher you are interested in (browse at Sourceforge.net https://sourceforge.net/projects/winpenpack/files/)
2. uses updated "X-SciTEAutoIt".
- open the source code, e.g. X-LibreOffice.au3" located in the X-Libreoffice folder
- in the second line there is the parameter:
that it must become
--> (AutoIt supports 64-bit compilation)
3. then go to Tools --> Compile
to get a new 64-bit launcher :wink:

I have also asked some questions there about this, but I'm not sure anyone knows how to code with AutoIT, and where it's so outdated, it's not seen as worthy of updating. But it still works fine as 32bit, but I wanted to future proof it.

So, two things at present:
1. Is the source code sound enough to be worthy of updating?
2. Why am I unable to compile to 64bit following the instructions above?

Here's the original launcher and source code:

If you could provide any help that would be great! :)

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4 minutes ago, sl23 said:

 It only creates a 32 bit version following the instructions given there:

Forgot to say, it also doesn't name the compiled EXE to X-Launcher and doesn't include the icon in the source code.

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Posted (edited)

I've managed to get this working thanks to user "rbon" on portable freeware.com. He had an updated launcher made for LibreOffice that seems to work ok apart from SplashScreen.jpg not working:

I tried recompiling with rbon's latest update. Which is pretty much what I had setup anyway.

This is the latest compiled version with all the changes for SplashScreen.
1. Renamed any X-LibreOffice files to X-Launcher.
2. All references of LibreOffice changed to X-Launcher in X-LibreOffice.au3
3. Changed file x-default to the default empty one.
4. Changed file x-launcher.ini to the default one and set Java=false.
5. Changed the JavaGet Variables code in x-launcher.au3 from:

Code: Select all

Global $sJGUnpackDir, $sJavaURL

;Global $sJGUnpackDir = "jre1.8.0_381"
Global $sJGAppName = "winPenPack Java Installer"
;Global $sJavaURL = "https://javadl.oracle.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=248773_8c876547113c4e4aab3c868e9e0ec572"
;~ $sJavaURL = "http://javadl.sun.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=35684"
Global $iMsgBoxAnswer
Global $sJBak
to the default:

Code: Select all

Global $sJGAppName = "winPenPack Java Installer"
Global $sJavaURL = "http://www.winpenpack.com/main/request.php?956"
;~ $sJavaURL = "http://javadl.sun.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=35684"
Global $iMsgBoxAnswer
Global $sJBak

Includes all source from X-LibreOffice_launcher_x64_updated, with my edits and My compiled X-Launcher x64.
The Splash still doesn't show. I have no idea what the issue is, but it's just so strange that compiling this doesn't add it into the launcher. It's also strange how the original X-Launcher source can't be compiled without errors.

If you can help, that would be great, but I get it if you're not interested. But I thank you greatly for what you've done so far. It's a fairly trivial thing to get the splash working. Would be nice, but least it works. :)
Edited by sl23
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I've also looked at the INI included with rbon's version of X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work as shared on PortableFreeware.

In the file X-SciTE4AutoIt3.ini, I found this:


; winPenPack Project § X-Software collection
; Copyright © 2005-2013 Danilo Leggieri and winPenPack Development Team
; X-Launcher 1.6.0_beta Copyright © Gabriele Tittonel and winPenPack Development Team

Ini Author=Danilo Leggieri
Ini Revision=6
Ini Rev.Author=Massimo Pietrolonardo
Ini Date=19/09/2022
Ini Locale=en
Soft.Author=Jos van der Zande


So I was wondering if this newer beta version of X-Launcher will ever be released and what's changed or fixed in it?


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I've just checked the integrity of the syntax and Scite gives 7 errors:

>"E:\Documents\- Archived Apps\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\Bin\AutoIt\\SciTE\..\Au3Check.exe" -q "E:\Documents\- Archived Apps\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\Backups\X-Launcher_source\x-launcher.au3"
"E:\Documents\- Archived Apps\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\Backups\X-Launcher_source\x-udf.au3"(938,22) : error: undefined macro.
    While @InetGetActive
"E:\Documents\- Archived Apps\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\Backups\X-Launcher_source\x-udf.au3"(939,37) : error: undefined macro.
        $iCount = Round(@InetGetBytesRead /
"E:\Documents\- Archived Apps\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\Backups\X-Launcher_source\x-udf.au3"(943,23) : error: undefined macro.
    If @InetGetBytesRead =
"E:\Documents\- Archived Apps\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\Backups\X-Launcher_source\x-udf.au3"(944,23) : error: undefined macro.
    If @InetGetBytesRead <>
"E:\Documents\- Archived Apps\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\Backups\X-Launcher_source\x-udf.au3"(1242,35) : error: AdlibEnable(): undefined function.
    AdlibEnable("_TrayTipOff", $time)
"E:\Documents\- Archived Apps\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\Backups\X-Launcher_source\x-udf.au3"(1255,16) : error: AdlibDisable(): undefined function.
"E:\Documents\- Archived Apps\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\Backups\X-Launcher_source\x-launcher.au3"(415,30) : error: _DefaultInstall(): undefined function.
_DefaultInstall($Temp, $Lang)
E:\Documents\- Archived Apps\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work\Backups\X-Launcher_source\x-launcher.au3 - 7 error(s), 0 warning(s)
>Exit code: 2    Time: 0.1376

How do I fix these?

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  • sl23 changed the title to WinPenPack's X-Launcher Update to x64 - Script error help please
On 5/25/2024 at 3:32 PM, sl23 said:

Hi, not sure if this is the right place to ask, but

3 hours ago, sl23 said:

I've also looked at the INI included with rbon's version of X-SciTE4AutoIt3_4.4.6_rev6_work as shared on PortableFreeware.

1 hour ago, sl23 said:

I've just checked the integrity of the syntax and Scite gives 7 errors:

You got the stuff from elsewhere but you are asking here for support.
You should install the SciTE we use here. That, we can give support to.

On 5/25/2024 at 3:32 PM, sl23 said:

I needed a little help with my project

Let's start with that. What is your project ? Where is the code ?

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1 hour ago, sl23 said:

I've just checked the integrity of the syntax and Scite gives 7 errors:

the files you are running here are not the ones you uploaded above

I know that I know nothing

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Posted (edited)

Thanks for your replies.

I originally asked on the winpenpack forum as it was created by them. As I didn't get any response, I tried the PortableFreeware forum. A user called rbon has very generously been helping and supplying links and downloads as well as advice on how to do things.

As the X-Launcher has been written in AutiIT3 code, I thought I would see if I can get any help here. I appreciate you probably don't want to spoon feed yet another newbie. But if anyone has any advice on how to fix the issue I have with the splash screen, please help.

I just received a reply from rbon on PF forum:

rbon wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 10:43 pm:
Also I have added the instruction:
after Icon instruction.
by rbon » Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:54 pm:
This instruction don't works because the code for manage Splash screen is missing inside file '_x-launcher\x-launcher.au3'.

I have removed the instruction of splash screen (#AutoIt3Wrapper_Splash=graphics\x-splash.jpg) from my uploaded archive on MediaFire.

I have downloaded from winPenPack the archive X-Launcher_source_1.5.4.zip and I immediately realized that the files had been placed in randomly.
I recreated the same file structure used for X-LibreOffice and compiled in 64 bit:
1. during compilation I specified that the resulting file should be called x-launcher.exe
2. I changed the version number of X-Launcher to 1.5.5
3. I updated the current version of AutoIt ( in the description of files contained in '_x-launcher' folder.
The archive that I uploaded to MediaFire also includes the 64-bit x-Launcher.exe file.


The problem of Splash screen not displaying is very old (about 12 years old):
if you really want to solve it you have to go to Google and type the command:
'splash missing autoit'
the other day I saw a post on AutoIt with some code to insert in '_x-launcher\x-launcher.au3'. If I find it again I'll let you know.

I can't do anything else for the moment.

So it seems the splash screen not showing is an old problem. But I wonder, how is it working in the X-Launcher v1.5.4.exe?

Sorry if I uploaded the wrong ones, I have a set up that is contained in one folder:

I must've got confused which one I used to get the errors! Sorry about that. I do believe at the moment though the errors mentioned above may be caused by the incorrect folder structure as mentioned by rbon. I have been looking at the tutorials and docs to see what I can learn that might help, but there's so much to take in, especially for a non programmer! So for now, If you can help, I would just like to get the splash screen to show. If not I understand and thank you for your time. :)

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2 hours ago, sl23 said:



;** AUTOIT3 settings
#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseAnsi=Y                   ;(Y/N) Use Ansi versions for AutoIt3a or AUT2EXEa. Default=N
#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=Y                    ;(Y/N) Use X64 versions for AutoIt3_x64 or AUT2EXE_x64. Default=N
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Version=P                   ;(B/P) Use Beta or Production for AutoIt3 and AUT2EXE. Default is P
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug_Mode=N            ;(Y/N)Run Script with console debugging. Default=N

is for version of AutoIt.
Hence the error on "While @InetGetActive"

That is as far as am going to dig into it. I hope this helps.

Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ).
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Unfortunately not! :(

I have found the AutoIT 1-2-3 package and am starting to learn some stuff, maybe I'll figure things out but I don't expect to learn much on my own!

One thing that may be important...
Using the portable set up doesn't compile a script to an x64.exe using SciTE/Tools/Compile. In order to get this working and to use the AutoIT 1-2-3 package, I had to install the full SciTE set up file, then I copied this full installation to the portable folder, which allowed me to compile my scripts for X-Launcher to a x64.exe as the app Aut3Wrapper isn't included in the portable version for some reason.

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1 hour ago, sl23 said:

Aut3Wrapper isn't included in the portable version for some reason

If you get the portable version from this site the wrapper is there.
Whatever you use, portable or installed, do update with the latest beta files. You'll be glad you did.

Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ).
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Posted (edited)

I did download it from this page and no it doesn't include the Wrapper, I just checked my downloaded zip file.

Also, I had a look at the beta page, but the latest said rc2, is that newer than Or is it the pre-release before came out?

File+Folder list from the downloaded zip:


- SciTe - Portable:
api= DIR

File+Folder list from the Full installation:


- SciTe - Full:
api= DIR
Au3Stripper= DIR
AutoIt3Wrapper= DIR
backup= DIR
CodeWizard= DIR
defs= DIR
Koda= DIR
Lua= DIR
properties= DIR
SciTE Jump= DIR
SciTEConfig= DIR
Tidy= DIR


Massive difference! 😮

EDIT: Just looked at the beta page that you linked to, which is different, and there's two download pages, I see that the zip I downloaded is not marked as a portable version and may even be a cut down version? Whereas the page you point to has a full portable version. Why the two separate download pages? I did a web search for AutoIt Downloads and was directed to the page I linked above! I'll check out the beta, thanks. :)

I just saw that the version numbers are the same but the dates are different? This makes it confusing and is the reason I downloaded the version that I did.

It would be much clearer if all these downloads were on one page. I notice now that one page is AutoIt and the other is SciTE. Being a complete newcomwer to AutoIT/SciTE, I didn't understand what the difference was between the two and how they work together. But I get it now. Sorry for being a bit slow! lol Still think it would be helpful to merge the two download pages though ;)

PS. How do I download all those beta files in one go? I really don't want to download one by one and have to sort them into folders!

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51 minutes ago, sl23 said:

PS. How do I download all those beta files in one go?

I put this together ( https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=208871 ) just for that.

52 minutes ago, sl23 said:

I did download it from this page and no it doesn't include the Wrapper

AutoIt has a light editor and is not the one that we use. 

53 minutes ago, sl23 said:

I notice now that one page is AutoIt and the other is SciTE.

Yes. They are 2 different products hence the 2 different pages. Even maintain by 2 different persons.

55 minutes ago, sl23 said:

But I get it now. Sorry for being a bit slow! lol Still think it would be helpful to merge the two download pages though ;)

Glad to hear you found your way around :)

Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ).
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Posted (edited)

Ah thanks for the link! and explaining, makes sense now :)

I can't access that link until 20 posts! :(


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Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, sl23 said:

I can't access that link until 20 posts!

Ok. I'll repost it here:

This is for version 4.x.x.x full install of SciTE4AutoIt3.

So I install more OSs in VMs than I should, but I do. Each time I forget to update tidy from the beta I feel infuriated so, time to code me a solution.
One script is the "beta file downloader" to keep a local copy:

#include <Array.au3>

Global $gui = 0, $edit = 0

Func main()

    If Not IsScite_v4() Then
        MsgBox(262144, StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4), "This is meant for SciTE ( full install ) v4.x only !", 60)
        Exit 5

    If @Compiled Then
        MsgBox(262144, StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4), "Please run as script.", 60)
        Exit 4

    ; Read the file without downloading to a folder. The option of 'get the file from the local cache' has been selected.
    ;Local $dData = InetRead("http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/files/beta/update.dat")
    $gui = GUICreate(StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4), 400, 300)
    $edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("..getting data.." & @CRLF, 0, 0, 400, 300)
    WinSetOnTop($gui, "", 1)
    Local $sURL = "https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/download/beta_SciTE4AutoIt3/"
    Local $dData = InetRead($sURL)

    ; The number of bytes read is returned using the @extended macro.
    Local $iBytesRead = @extended

    ; Convert the ANSI compatible binary string back into a string.
    Local $sData = BinaryToString($dData)

    Local $aTemp, $aData = StringSplit($sData, @CRLF, 0)
    For $n = 1 To $aData[0]
        If StringInStr($aData[$n], '<a href="') Then
            $aTemp = f_GetHRef($aData[$n])
            If Not @extended Then ContinueLoop
            If FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\beta_SciTE_v4\' & $aTemp[1]) Then
                ConsoleWrite('! FileExists > ' & $aTemp[1] & @CRLF)
                GUICtrlSetData($edit, '! FileExists > ' & $aTemp[1] & @CRLF, 1)
            ConsoleWrite('+ Getting > ' & $aTemp[1] & @CRLF)
            GUICtrlSetData($edit, '+ Getting > ' & $aTemp[1] & @CRLF, 1)
            If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\beta_SciTE_v4') Then DirCreate(@ScriptDir & '\beta_SciTE_v4')
            InetGet($sURL & $aTemp[1], @ScriptDir & '\beta_SciTE_v4\' & $aTemp[1])
    GUICtrlSetData($edit, @CRLF & "Done.", 1)
    While GUIGetMsg() <> -3
EndFunc   ;==>main

Func f_GetHRef($sHtmlLine)
    Local $aRet[2] = [0, ""], $aTemp = StringSplit($sHtmlLine, '"')
    For $n = 1 To UBound($aTemp) - 1
        If StringInStr($aTemp[$n - 1], '<a href=') Then
            If Not StringInStr($aTemp[$n], '.') Then ContinueLoop
            $aRet[0] = 1
            $aRet[1] = $aTemp[$n]
;~          $aRet[2] = get the date-time from HTML ???
            Return SetError(0, 1, $aRet)
    Return SetError(0, 0, $aRet)
EndFunc   ;==>f_GetHRef

Func IsScite_v4()
    Local $sAutoIt3root = StringLeft(@AutoItExe, StringInStr(@AutoItExe, '\', 0, -1) - 1)
    Local $sSciteVersion = FileGetVersion($sAutoIt3root & '\SciTE\SciLexer.dll')
    Return Int($sSciteVersion) = 4
EndFunc   ;==>IsScite_v4

and the other one is the "overwrite the old files with the betas": 

#include <File.au3>
#include <Debug.au3>
#include <Crypt.au3>

Func main()

    If Not IsScite_v4() Then
        MsgBox(262144, StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4), "This is meant for SciTE ( full install ) v4.x only !", 60)
        Exit 5

    If @Compiled Then
        MsgBox(262144, StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4), "Please run as script.", 60)
        Exit 4

    Local $aNewFiles = _FileListToArray(@ScriptDir & '\beta_SciTE_v4', "*", 1)
    Local $sAutoIt3root = StringLeft(@AutoItExe, StringInStr(@AutoItExe, '\', 0, -1) - 1)
    ConsoleWrite('>' & $sAutoIt3root & '<' & @CRLF)
    Local $aTree = _FileListToArrayRec($sAutoIt3root, "*", 1, 1)
    Local $aLocal[UBound($aTree)][2]
    $aLocal[0][0] = $aTree[0]
    For $n = 1 To $aTree[0]
        $aLocal[$n][0] = $aTree[$n]
        $aLocal[$n][1] = StringTrimLeft($aTree[$n], StringInStr($aTree[$n], '\', 0, -1))
    Local $aGotten[UBound($aNewFiles)][6]
    $aGotten[0][0] = $aNewFiles[0]
    For $n = 1 To $aGotten[0][0]
        $aGotten[$n][0] = $aNewFiles[$n]
        $aGotten[$n][4] = 0
        For $m = 1 To $aLocal[0][0]
            If StringInStr($aLocal[$m][0], 'SciTE\Defs\') Then ContinueLoop
            If StringInStr($aLocal[$m][0], 'SciTE-AutoIt3Installer') Then ContinueLoop
            If $aGotten[$n][0] = $aLocal[$m][1] Then
;~              $aGotten[$n][1] &= '*' & $aLocal[$m][0] ; testing
                $aGotten[$n][1] = $aLocal[$m][0]
                $aGotten[$n][2] = _Crypt_HashFile(@ScriptDir & '\beta_SciTE_v4\' & $aGotten[$n][0], $CALG_MD5)
                $aGotten[$n][3] = _Crypt_HashFile($sAutoIt3root & '\' & $aGotten[$n][1], $CALG_MD5)
                If $aGotten[$n][2] = $aGotten[$n][3] Then
                    $aGotten[$n][4] = 0
                    $aGotten[$n][4] = 1
    For $n = 1 To $aGotten[0][0]
        If $aGotten[$n][4] = 0 Then
            $aGotten[$n][4] = "NO"
            $aGotten[$n][5] = "Good"
        $aGotten[$n][4] = "YES"
        $aGotten[$n][5] = "failed"
        FileMove($sAutoIt3root & '\' & $aGotten[$n][1], $sAutoIt3root & '\' & $aGotten[$n][1] & "._old", 1)
        If FileGetSize($sAutoIt3root & '\' & $aGotten[$n][1]) Then ContinueLoop
        FileCopy(@ScriptDir & '\beta_SciTE_v4\' & $aGotten[$n][0], $sAutoIt3root & '\' & $aGotten[$n][1])
        If FileGetSize($sAutoIt3root & '\' & $aGotten[$n][1]) Then $aGotten[$n][5] = "OK"
    _DebugArrayDisplay($aGotten, "Result", "", 0, Default, "Beta|Original|Beta (MD5)|Original (MD5)|Replace?|Result")
EndFunc   ;==>main

Func IsScite_v4()
    Local $sAutoIt3root = StringLeft(@AutoItExe, StringInStr(@AutoItExe, '\', 0, -1) - 1)
    Local $sSciteVersion = FileGetVersion($sAutoIt3root & '\SciTE\SciLexer.dll')
    Return Int($sSciteVersion) = 4
EndFunc   ;==>IsScite_v4


These two scripts solve my problem updating SciTE4AutoIt3 v4.x.x.x full install
( It does not work for the light version that comes with the AutoIt installer ) 

Edited by argumentum
added #RequireAdmin (oops)

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Nice, thanks for that! :)

One question though, the download worked ok and the install seems to have worked ok, but when you run the script to install, what is the difference between the two buttons? Do I need to click the left or the right?

I think it would be useful to close that window or show a message after clicking one of those buttons too. I wasn't sure if it worked or not, still not certain, though the file version for Au3Stripper.exe is the same, didn't check beforehand!🤨

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4 hours ago, sl23 said:

what is the difference between the two buttons? Do I need to click the left or the right?

I don't know what you mean. I just click-click.

4 hours ago, sl23 said:

I wasn't sure if it worked or not, still not certain,

For what I see in the code, the old file is kept as "._old" therefore browsing the folder will show you.

4 hours ago, sl23 said:

I think it would be useful to close that window or show a message after clicking one of those buttons too

I don't use this code. Did, but not anymore. In any case, if you make it friendlier to use, post you version. Am sure the next one that needs to update will be happy to find something easy to use.
Most of the code that you see on the forum is based in a prior someone else's script so, post the code that you envision :) 

Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ).
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Posted (edited)

After executing the install script, a window appears. At the bottom are 3 large buttons:

------Copy Data & Hdr/Row---------    ------------Copy Data Only-----------

----------------[20] [6]-------------------    ---------------Exit Script----------------

I suppose it doesn't matter. As I think you're simply copying Header and Row info.

._old ... Ok gotcha! :)

Hmm, may be a while before I figure out how to do that! lol

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Posted (edited)

these buttons are irrelevant, they are about the report.
Just close the window with X  (don't press Exit Script).   it's at the end, it doesn't matter

However, for the script to work,
you need to put #RequireAdmin at the top of the script (because it is going to copy the files to the C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3 folder)

Edited by ioa747

I know that I know nothing

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