Moderators SmOke_N Posted January 12, 2006 Moderators Posted January 12, 2006 (edited) Thought I better post this here before I keep going back to it and playing with it (not getting any of my other work done ). I had not used Adaware until yesterday, but this works using PixelCheckSum() to recognize the 'Start' / 'Next' / 'Finished' buttons. I had read where people had had problems automating it because if it's funny controls, but this seems to do the trick on my Windows XP Pro SP2. **Note** I've noticed that US and Some European OS's don't have the same default Font settings, so this may not work on some European OS's settings, you can get your own PixelCheckSum() values and replace the others to get them to work. (If someone knows how to change them (fonts) as desired, I'd love to know ) It also has a UDF _MsgBox() that I use... feel free to play with or add to either the script or the UDF _MsgBox() << (needs more parameters but don't want to get started on that right now!! ). expandcollapse popupOpt('MouseCoordMode', 2) Opt('PixelCoordMode', 2) Global $AdAwareTitle = 'Ad-Aware SE Personal' Global $AdAwareChildTitle = 'Ad-Aware SE' Global $AdStart = 4058524881 Global $AdNext = 704396283 Global $AdCancel = 181093911 Global $AdFinished = 2663204375 Dim $ScanChoice = '' Dim $Click = 0 Dim $ScanMsgBox = _MsgBox(2, 'Scan Type', 'What type of scan would you like to do?') If $ScanMsgBox = 6 Then $ScanChoice = 'TRadioButton1' Else $ScanChoice = 'TRadioButton2' EndIf If Not ProcessExists('Ad-Aware.exe') Then Run(@ProgramFilesDir & '\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Personal\Ad-Aware.exe') EndIf WinWait($AdAwareTitle) While WinExists($AdAwareTitle) If Not WinActive($AdAwareTitle) Then WinActivate($AdAwareTitle) Sleep(500) Local $CheckSum = PixelChecksum(585, 346, 607, 353) If $Click = 0 Then If $CheckSum = $AdStart Then ControlClick($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TACimage16') $Click = 1 ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf If $Click = 1 Then ControlClick($AdAwareTitle, '', $ScanChoice) $Click = 2 ContinueLoop EndIf If $Click = 2 Then If $CheckSum = $AdNext Then ControlClick($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TACimage16') $Click = 3 ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf If $Click = 3 Then If $CheckSum = $AdCancel Then Do Sleep(1000) Until PixelChecksum(585, 346, 607, 353) <> $AdCancel $Click = 4 ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf If $Click = 4 Then If $CheckSum = $AdFinished Then ProcessClose('Ad-Aware.exe') Do Sleep(100) Until ProcessExists('Ad-Aware.exe') = 0 Exit Else ControlClick($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TACimage16') $Click = 5 ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf If $Click = 5 Then ControlClick($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TVirtualStringTree1', 'Right', 1) ControlSend($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TVirtualStringTree1', '{DOWN 2}' & '{ENTER}') Sleep(250) ControlClick($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TACimage16') $Click = 6 ContinueLoop EndIf If $Click = 6 Then Local $OPT = Opt('WinTitleMatchMode', 4) ControlClick($AdAwareChildTitle, '', 'TACimage1') $Click = 7 Opt('WinTitleMatchMode', $OPT) ContinueLoop EndIf If $Click = 7 Then If $CheckSum = $AdStart Then ProcessClose('Ad-Aware.exe') Do Sleep(100) Until ProcessExists('Ad-Aware.exe') = 0 Exit EndIf EndIf Local $OPT = Opt('WinTitleMatchMode', 4) If ControlCommand($AdAwareChildTitle, '', 'TACimage1', 'IsVisible', '') Then ControlClick($AdAwareChildTitle, '', 'TACimage1') EndIf Opt('WinTitleMatchMode', $OPT) ;ToolTip($Click, 0, 0) WEnd Func _MsgBox($mb_Icon, $mb_Title, $mb_Text, $mb_Time = '') Local $StrnLenText = MsgLongestString($mb_Text) Local $NumberOfLines = (UBound(StringSplit($mb_Text, @CRLF)) - 1) * 5 Local $Button1Txt = "Full Scan" Local $Button2Txt = "Smart Scan" Local $MsgValue = 0 Local $Timer = '' $iMsgBox = GUICreate($mb_Title, $StrnLenText + 190, 100 + $NumberOfLines, -1, -1, 0x00400000, 0x00000008) GUICtrlCreateLabel($mb_Text, 60, 10) GUICtrlCreateIcon(@SystemDir & "\User32.dll", $mb_Icon, 10, 10, 35, 35) $FullScan = GUICtrlCreateButton($Button1Txt, 30 + ($StrnLenText / 2), 45 + $NumberOfLines, 60 + StringLen($Button1Txt), 25) $SmartScan = GUICtrlCreateButton($Button2Txt, 100 + ($StrnLenText / 2), 45 + $NumberOfLines, 60 + StringLen($Button2Txt), 25) GUISetState() If $mb_Time <> '' Then $Timer = TimerInit() While 1 $imsg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $imsg = $FullScan $MsgValue = 6 ExitLoop Case $imsg = $SmartScan $MsgValue = 7 ExitLoop Case $mb_Time <> '' If TimerDiff($Timer) / 1000 >= $mb_Time Then ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd GUIDelete($iMsgBox) Return $MsgValue EndFunc Func MsgLongestString($sText) Local $sSplit = StringSplit($sText, @CRLF) Local $Times = '' If Not @error Then ArraySortByLen($sSplit) If StringLen($sSplit[1]) <= 100 Then $Times = 2.25 If StringLen($sSplit[1]) >= 101 And StringLen($sSplit[1]) <= 150 Then $Times = 2.5 If StringLen($sSplit[1]) >= 151 And StringLen($sSplit[1]) <= 201 Then $Times = 3 If StringLen($sSplit[1]) >= 202 Then $Times = 3.25 Return Round(StringLen($sSplit[1])*$Times) Else If StringLen($sText) <= 100 Then $Times = 2.25 If StringLen($sText) >= 101 And StringLen($sText) <= 150 Then $Times = 2.5 If StringLen($sText) >= 151 And StringLen($sText) <= 201 Then $Times = 3 If StringLen($sText) >= 202 Then $Times = 3.25 Return Round(StringLen($sText)*$Times) EndIf EndFunc Func ArraySortByLen(ByRef $nArray, $Start = 1) For $i = $Start To UBound($nArray) - 2 Local $SE = $i For $x = $i To UBound($nArray) - 1 If StringLen($nArray[$SE]) < StringLen($nArray[$x]) Then $SE = $x Next Local $HLD = $nArray[$i] $nArray[$i] = $nArray[$SE] $nArray[$SE] = $HLD Next EndFunc Edited January 12, 2006 by SmOke_N Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
PrgSkidmark Posted January 12, 2006 Posted January 12, 2006 Thought I better post this here before I keep going back to it and playing with it (not getting any of my other work done ). I had not used Adaware until yesterday, but this works using PixelCheckSum() to recognize the 'Start' / 'Next' / 'Finished' buttons. I had read where people had had problems automating it because if it's funny controls, but this seems to do the trick on my Windows XP Pro SP2.**Note** I've noticed that US and Some European OS's don't have the same default Font settings, so this may not work on some European OS's settings, you can get your own PixelCheckSum() values and replace the others to get them to work. (If someone knows how to change them (fonts) as desired, I'd love to know )It also has a UDF _MsgBox() that I use... feel free to play with or add to either the script or the UDF _MsgBox() << (needs more parameters but don't want to get started on that right now!! ).Hey,When it first ran, it wanted to update, which it went to the connect dialog, and then I had to click connect.After the update the About dialog kept displaying. I End Task AdAware and tried again.All mine does is keep displaying the About dialog. I have build 1.06r1. What should I do now?Doug
PrgSkidmark Posted January 12, 2006 Posted January 12, 2006 My Start button has X of 532, Y of 338, W of 128, and H of 32. I created the PixelChecksum of the entire region 532, 338, 660, 370. Start and Next have the same checksum of 57557339. What's up with that?
Moderators SmOke_N Posted January 12, 2006 Author Moderators Posted January 12, 2006 (edited) did you do the checksum using the correct PixelCoordMode? Edit: I have build 1.06r1 also... it works on all my computers... XP Pro / XP Home / XP Pro Corp x2 ... I dunno ... Maybe try doing the checksum of just the lettering... I used the Top of the left hand corner of the 'Start' button text to the bottom left hand corner of the 'Start' button text, and those coords I used for all my checksums so they would always be different. Edited January 12, 2006 by SmOke_N Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
Moderators SmOke_N Posted January 12, 2006 Author Moderators Posted January 12, 2006 (edited) Ok, I really have to be Fraking Bored!! I did one without PixelCheckSum() so it should work on everyones PC (Hopefully)... It goes pretty fast, so if you want to see what it is doing step by step, increase the Sleep(250) to like Sleep(2000) and uncomment the ToolTip() so you can see what $Click step your on (Normally I wouldn't do $Click Step like this, but it was easily documented this way. expandcollapse popupOpt('MouseCoordMode', 2) Opt('PixelCoordMode', 2) Global $AdAwareTitle = 'Ad-Aware SE Personal' Global $AdAwareChildTitle = 'Ad-Aware SE' Dim $ScanChoice = '' Dim $Click = 0 Dim $ScanMsgBox = _MsgBox(2, 'Scan Type', 'What type of scan would you like to do?') If $ScanMsgBox = 6 Then $ScanChoice = 'TRadioButton1' Else $ScanChoice = 'TRadioButton2' EndIf If Not ProcessExists('Ad-Aware.exe') Then Run(@ProgramFilesDir & '\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Personal\Ad-Aware.exe') EndIf WinWait($AdAwareTitle) While 1 Sleep(250) If $Click = 0 Then If ControlCommand($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TPageControl1', 'IsVisible', '') Then; First page ;WinSetState($AdAwareTitle, '', @SW_MINIMIZE) ControlClick($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TACimage16') $Click = 1 ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf If $Click = 1 Then If ControlCommand($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TACGFXcheckbox3', 'IsVisible', '') Then; 2nd page ControlClick($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TACimage16') $Click = 2 EndIf EndIf If $Click = 2 Then Do Sleep(100) Until ControlCommand($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TACimage15', 'IsVisible', '') $Click = 3 ContinueLoop EndIf If $Click = 3 Then ControlClick($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TACimage16') $Click = 4 ContinueLoop EndIf If $Click = 4 Then If ControlCommand($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TAdvTabSet1', 'IsVisible', '') Then ControlClick($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TVirtualStringTree1', 'Right', 1) ControlSend($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TVirtualStringTree1', '{DOWN 2}' & '{ENTER}') ControlClick($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TACimage16') $Click = 5 ContinueLoop Else $Click = 6 ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf If $Click = 5 Then Local $OPT = Opt('WinTitleMatchMode', 4) If ControlCommand($AdAwareChildTitle, '', 'TACimage1', 'IsVisible', '') Then ControlClick($AdAwareChildTitle, '', 'TACimage1') $Click = 6 Opt('WinTitleMatchMode', $OPT) ContinueLoop Else ControlClick($AdAwareTitle, '', 'TACimage16') $Click = 6 ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf If $Click = 6 Then ProcessClose('Ad-Aware.exe') Do Sleep(100) Until Not ProcessExists('Ad-Aware.exe') Exit EndIf ;ToolTip("You're on step: " & $Click, 0, 0) WEnd Func _MsgBox($mb_Icon, $mb_Title, $mb_Text, $mb_Time = '') Local $StrnLenText = MsgLongestString($mb_Text) Local $NumberOfLines = (UBound(StringSplit($mb_Text, @CRLF)) - 1) * 5 Local $Button1Txt = "Full Scan" Local $Button2Txt = "Smart Scan" Local $MsgValue = 0 Local $Timer = '' $iMsgBox = GUICreate($mb_Title, $StrnLenText + 190, 100 + $NumberOfLines, -1, -1, 0x00400000, 0x00000008) GUICtrlCreateLabel($mb_Text, 60, 10) GUICtrlCreateIcon(@SystemDir & "\User32.dll", $mb_Icon, 10, 10, 35, 35) $FullScan = GUICtrlCreateButton($Button1Txt, 30 + ($StrnLenText / 2), 45 + $NumberOfLines, 60 + StringLen($Button1Txt), 25) $SmartScan = GUICtrlCreateButton($Button2Txt, 100 + ($StrnLenText / 2), 45 + $NumberOfLines, 60 + StringLen($Button2Txt), 25) GUISetState() If $mb_Time <> '' Then $Timer = TimerInit() While 1 $imsg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $imsg = $FullScan $MsgValue = 6 ExitLoop Case $imsg = $SmartScan $MsgValue = 7 ExitLoop Case $mb_Time <> '' If TimerDiff($Timer) / 1000 >= $mb_Time Then ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd GUIDelete($iMsgBox) Return $MsgValue EndFunc Func MsgLongestString($sText) Local $sSplit = StringSplit($sText, @CRLF) Local $Times = '' If Not @error Then ArraySortByLen($sSplit) If StringLen($sSplit[1]) <= 100 Then $Times = 2.25 If StringLen($sSplit[1]) >= 101 And StringLen($sSplit[1]) <= 150 Then $Times = 2.5 If StringLen($sSplit[1]) >= 151 And StringLen($sSplit[1]) <= 201 Then $Times = 3 If StringLen($sSplit[1]) >= 202 Then $Times = 3.25 Return Round(StringLen($sSplit[1])*$Times) Else If StringLen($sText) <= 100 Then $Times = 2.25 If StringLen($sText) >= 101 And StringLen($sText) <= 150 Then $Times = 2.5 If StringLen($sText) >= 151 And StringLen($sText) <= 201 Then $Times = 3 If StringLen($sText) >= 202 Then $Times = 3.25 Return Round(StringLen($sText)*$Times) EndIf EndFunc Func ArraySortByLen(ByRef $nArray, $Start = 1) For $i = $Start To UBound($nArray) - 2 Local $SE = $i For $x = $i To UBound($nArray) - 1 If StringLen($nArray[$SE]) < StringLen($nArray[$x]) Then $SE = $x Next Local $HLD = $nArray[$i] $nArray[$i] = $nArray[$SE] $nArray[$SE] = $HLD Next EndFunc I'm done doing this I hope Edit: Added WinSetState() so you can run it in minimized mode, just uncomment line 27 if you want to do that. Edited January 12, 2006 by SmOke_N Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
PrgSkidmark Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 This worked on my computer now! I'm excited. I'll have to automate SpyBot and run them back to back.
KegRaider Posted January 14, 2006 Posted January 14, 2006 (edited) Cool script Smoke_N. Works 4 me, i'm gonna trick it up a little, as i always do a full scan. That way i can add it to scheduled tasks to run weekly. Sort of the way microsoft's program runs then Thanks buddy. Good work. *** Update.... OK, i just tried this on my older laptop (still runs XP), anyway, it comes up with the definitions out of date message first, and won't get past it. I used the Active window tool and got the following info: Press CTRL-ALT-F to pause the display. >>>>>>>>>>>> Window Details <<<<<<<<<<<<< Title: Ad-Aware SE Class: Tawmessage Size: X: 294 Y: 304 W: 436 H: 147 >>>>>>>>>>> Mouse Details <<<<<<<<<<< Screen: X: 400 Y: 417 Cursor ID: 0 >>>>>>>>>>> Pixel Color Under Mouse <<<<<<<<<<< RGB: Hex: 0x297D00 Dec: 2718976 >>>>>>>>>>> Control Under Mouse <<<<<<<<<<< Size: X: 74 Y: 69 W: 128 H: 32 Control ID: 1639090 ClassNameNN: TACimage1 Text: >>>>>>>>>>> Status Bar Text <<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>> Visible Window Text <<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>> Hidden Window Text <<<<<<<<<<< I noticed you script has "Global $AdAwareChildTitle = 'Ad-Aware SE'" defined at the top, I was just wondering, where should i place this information? If i make it a "WinWaitActive" and it doesn't appear, the script won't continue? Edited January 23, 2006 by KegRaider
slicxwliqw Posted February 23, 2006 Posted February 23, 2006 Hi .... just wondering if there is a similar script for older OS's. One that will run Ad-Aware or SpyBot would be kewl..Slicxwliqw'Cool script Smoke_N. Works 4 me, i'm gonna trick it up a little, as i always do a full scan. That way i can add it to scheduled tasks to run weekly. Sort of the way microsoft's program runs then Thanks buddy. Good work.*** Update....OK, i just tried this on my older laptop (still runs XP), anyway, it comes up with the definitions out of date message first, and won't get past it. I used the Active window tool and got the following info:Press CTRL-ALT-F to pause the display.>>>>>>>>>>>> Window Details <<<<<<<<<<<<<Title: Ad-Aware SEClass: TawmessageSize: X: 294 Y: 304 W: 436 H: 147>>>>>>>>>>> Mouse Details <<<<<<<<<<<Screen: X: 400 Y: 417Cursor ID: 0>>>>>>>>>>> Pixel Color Under Mouse <<<<<<<<<<<RGB: Hex: 0x297D00 Dec: 2718976>>>>>>>>>>> Control Under Mouse <<<<<<<<<<<Size: X: 74 Y: 69 W: 128 H: 32Control ID: 1639090ClassNameNN: TACimage1Text: >>>>>>>>>>> Status Bar Text <<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> Visible Window Text <<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> Hidden Window Text <<<<<<<<<<<I noticed you script has "Global $AdAwareChildTitle = 'Ad-Aware SE'" defined at the top, I was just wondering, where should i place this information? If i make it a "WinWaitActive" and it doesn't appear, the script won't continue?
Moderators SmOke_N Posted February 24, 2006 Author Moderators Posted February 24, 2006 Err... I made this simply because people said that you couldn't use the control ID's to make it work (or they were having a hard time doing it). I would assume if you used the last one, that it would work on any AdAware SE (key point here) as long as the control id's were the same. If they aren't then you specifically could do some work on it, to suit your specific needs. Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
cyanidemonkey Posted December 11, 2006 Posted December 11, 2006 Sorry if it's a bit of resurrecting an old post, but here's a wee bit I added to Sm0ke_N's code to deal with the definitions out of date message. Might not be the best way around it (it checks pixel colour to see if there is a green tick on the button). Add this line near the top: Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 3) Declear a third window title: Global $AdAwareChildTitle2 = 'Lavasoft Ad-Aware SE' Add this before the while loop: Sleep(5000) If WinActive($AdAwareChildTitle) Then ;--------------- NEW UPDATES READY WINDOW WinActivate($AdAwareChildTitle, "") ControlCommand( $AdAwareChildTitle, "", "TACimage1" ,"Check") WinWaitActive($AdAwareChildTitle2, "") ControlCommand( $AdAwareChildTitle2, "", "TACimage3" ,"Check") WinWaitActive($AdAwareChildTitle, "") ControlCommand( $AdAwareChildTitle, "", "TACimage1" ,"Check") WinWaitActive($AdAwareChildTitle2, "") While WinActive($AdAwareChildTitle2) If PixelGetColor ( 346 , 236 ) = 3979776 Then ControlCommand( $AdAwareChildTitle2, "", "TACimage3" ,"Check") EndIf Sleep(2000) WEnd EndIf My AutoIt Scripts.- AutoHost and Password Enabler for Delta Force 2 Demo.| Caffine for Winamp 2.9x and WRS 2.0 | mp3 directory cleaner | CRAP DJ | A:B:J Radio Automation Software | FFMPEG batch conversion automator
loonietunez Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 this is a wicked script many thanks, i had to adapt it for the professional version, is there a way to update ad-aware before you scan? any help appreciated.
titewad Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 this is a wicked script many thanks, i had to adapt it for the professional version, is there a way to update ad-aware before you scan? any help appreciated.Yes, just do this before running it: $r=InetGet("", "C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Personal\defs.ref", 1) If $r=0 Then Msgbox(0,"Error","Ad-Aware definition file is not available.") Exit EndIf Note: I use the personal edition, so you will have to update the target path for the Pro version.
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