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Great job.

I am having a few problems though. I have tried the latest version (downloaded today).

1) When I open a saved file with one form and a couple of buttons, I get an error that the button name '$Button1 is not valid component name'.

2) When I save a form as the default Form1, then open the file again, the program complains because form1 already exists. Could you add a 'close' menu item to the program to close out an open project and run this command when creating a new project or opening an existing one? If I load a project with a form name other than Form1, it keeps Form1 open and adds the other forms.

3) Sometimes when I open a project with a form 'frmMain', it does not appear in the formlist unless I make a change to the form's caption.

Another couple of suggestions:

1) Make the save dialog the same common dialog like the open one. This saves a lot of mouse clicks when you can cut & paste the path from Win Explorer.

2) Add a 'Save As' menu item so that the save file can be specified. Also, change the Save menu item to save without prompt if a project has been opened and saved.

3) Take the 'Not working' tooltip off of the open toolbar button. It does appear to work.

4) Take a look at the save button. It does not appear to do anything. Maybe the open buttons tooltip should be on the save button instead?

5) The treeview control does not load from a saved file. It is still in the AUF file, but never appears on the form again.

Anyway, keep up the good work. I really enjoy using the program.

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Posted (edited)

I uploaded new version which uses your solution, however instead of creating a const and more variables, I simply add up the numbers to arrive at the same thing.

since I already know what the top and left of the groupbox is at designtime I just grab the controls top and left and add them up. ..seems to work just fine.

again thanks for that.

The loading isn't working yet as I am getting rid of that whole thing and doing a re-write.

btw: I tried applying the same solution to the controls top and left to controls in a TabSheet but it does not seem to react in the same way as a groupbox.

Do you have any ideas on that?



Try using absolute positioning for left and top,

to get letf value

Left=position+4 (4 i think is border width)

top value

top=font height*2+6 (6 might be border height)

This is just looking at conrtols with AutoitInfo, I have no idea if this is the solution yet but from appearence it looks right. It seems more research is needed

I will at some point look into relative positoning, I have yet to write a GUI with Autoit so know I have a lot of research ahead of me.

Oh, I noticed you are creating all controls after you have finished creating Tabs, create your tab controls before creating next tab...I think that is how it is done.


Edited by wiredbits

I'm interested to know how you do that ?



Was not very clear in previous post (way to much coffee) so thought i would give u an example. The code below works ok until user resizes window, group box resizes ok but not the Tab control!. I will look into this when i have time.

Script generated by FormDesigner Preview 1 (very alpha state, use at your own risk)

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

If Not IsDeclared('WS_CLIPSIBLINGS') Then Global $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS = 0x04000000

GuiCreate("Form1", 420, 331, 302,218 ,BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))

Opt("GUICoordMode",1) ;set to absolute mode

$FONTHEIGHT=9 ;just used as an example



;$PageControl1 = GUICtrlCreateTab(112,32, 233, 241)

$PageControl1 = GUICtrlCreateTab(112,32, 233, 241)

$TabSheet1 = GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("TabSheet1")

$GroupBox2 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("GroupBox2",$PageControl1_LEFT_OFFSET+ 60, $PageControl1_TOP_OFFSET+32 , 129, 153)

$Edit1 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Edit1",$PageControl1_LEFT_OFFSET+ 84,$PageControl1_TOP_OFFSET+ 88, 81, 21)

$TabSheet2 = GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("TabSheet2")

$GroupBox1 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("GroupBox1", $PageControl1_LEFT_OFFSET+52,$PageControl1_TOP_OFFSET+32, 145, 161)

$Button1 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Button1",$PageControl1_LEFT_OFFSET+ 92, $PageControl1_TOP_OFFSET+152, 73, 25)

GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("")


While 1

$msg = GuiGetMsg()


Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE


Case Else





Posted (edited)

Just finally got around to checking out the editor. I was wondering if it will work with the latest betas?

Other than that, all I have to say is that it looks awesome and that you should keep up the work.

Edited by Frozenyam

"... and the Lord said to John, "Come forth and ye shall receive eternal life," but instead John came fifth and won a toaster."



Was not very clear in previous post (way to much coffee) so thought i would give u an example. The code below works ok until user resizes window, group box resizes ok but not the Tab control!. I will look into this when i have time.



Thank you wiredbits for your valuable input.

The problems that were present with child controls have been fixed with your help and

the great help of lazycat who is now helping with FormDesigner and has re-written all the code generation functions. We will be uploading first Beta version soon.


Hey thats great, glad all is working out and will grab beta when you post it. I am curious on your fix for child controls.

I need a front end for a program I wrote so am reading up on GUIs with Autoit, need to know its limits and such.


LazyCat and myself are working hard on getting the new version ready.

In the meantime I have uploaded a preliminary build which fixes all the child control issues we were having with the groupbox and tabbed pages.

This is thanks to LazyCat :whistle: who rewrote the whole CodeGen procedures.

Note: this build still uses the original form save (ini) which will no longer be used

so loading/saving forms does not work very well (If at all) . Hopefully soon we will have the final beta ready that will use standard Delphi style *.DFM forms (just working out some kinks). as well as a few other features


LazyCat and myself are working hard on getting the new version ready.

In the meantime I have uploaded a preliminary build which fixes all the child control issues we were having with the groupbox and tabbed pages.

This is thanks to LazyCat  :whistle:    who rewrote the whole CodeGen procedures.

Note: this build still uses the original form save (ini) which will no longer be used

so loading/saving forms does not work very well (If at all) . Hopefully soon we will have the final beta ready that will use standard Delphi style *.DFM forms (just working out some kinks). as well as a few other features


Looks very good :dance:

Don't know if somebody ask for it:

What would be great if all windows 'docks' together (hopefully you know what I mean).

Cause when I switch to another window and switch on the taskbar to the Formdesigner again then I got:

- the main-window only if the main window was last active

- all windows if the 'Form' window was last active

- the control property window only if this was the last active.

So often I have to switch via Ctrl-Tab trough the windows until I come to the 'Form' window

So for me it looks like a small bug.

But however, great work :dance:




Looks very good :whistle:

Don't know if somebody ask for it:

What would be great if all windows 'docks' together (hopefully you know what I mean).

Cause when I switch to another window and switch on the taskbar to the Formdesigner again then I got:

- the main-window only if the main window was last active

- all windows if the 'Form' window was last active

- the control property window only if this was the last active.

So often I have to switch via Ctrl-Tab trough the windows until I come to the 'Form' window

So for me it looks like a small bug.

But however, great work :dance:




Yes, we will make this smoother, originally all forms were "stay on top" but this presented a problem when user wished to paste into his editor and FormDesigner still had control of the desktop (everything on top)
  • 3 weeks later...

lookfar I just wanted to say that this program is exactly what AutoIt needs! Great job. I wish you and the others working on this project the best of luck.


looking forward to your release...

you and lazy are both able to produce quality stuff


Oh I can't resist , here is a sneak peek at the new version:


still got a bunch of stuff to do but it's getting there. You can now save/load forms to XML

(less restricted than delphi dfm).There is Templates (choose new...)

There is Extended Styles (look at constraints in Object Inspector) which is not quite done...(lazycats idea and code). There is other things too, will have something final pretty soon


I was wondering if anyone is interested in designing a logo for the FormDesigner.

I know there are a lot of talented Gimp/Photoshop artists here.

Something that will fit into the existing "aboutbox " of the current formdesigner.

The new name of FormDesigner will be :


and I was hoping for something simple with white letters framed in black like this vector linux logo:



I was wondering if anyone is interested in designing a logo for the FormDesigner.

I know there are a lot of talented Gimp/Photoshop artists here.

Something that will fit into the existing "aboutbox " of the current formdesigner.

The new name of FormDesigner will be :


and I was hoping for something simple with white letters framed in black like this vector linux logo:


$interested_people += me ;)
Posted (edited)

Formdesign is very well dressed as a alpha project but I miss some properties to all controls like to set styles and extended styles and I was wondering about why not attach an project design preferences entry like: do this application need arguments, what overall options to attach and do I want only the intuition part or also the handle part generated...

I attached Formdesign to my Au3update manager and if there is an revision number to catch somewhere this could be notified: updates available as well as on Autoit3...

Keep up the work - it's a nice application...

kjactive ;)

Edited by kjactive

Excellent program, saving me a lot of time on minor utility applications.

Two problems, annoyances I've noticed:

When changing object values such as Text or Name they do not save if you immediatly select another object on the form, however if you select another field in the object properties box the values will save.

Also a small bug with setting fonts. The following code generated is:

GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, MS Sans Serif)

Font name should be in quotations:

GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif")


Excellent program, saving me a lot of time on minor utility applications.

Two problems, annoyances I've noticed:

When changing object values such as Text or Name they do not save if you immediatly select another object on the form, however if you select another field in the object properties box the values will save.

Also a small bug with setting fonts. The following code generated is:

GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, MS Sans Serif)

Font name should be in quotations:

GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif")

first : This is inherit of the object inspector, most changes will require a simple click on the object inspector or the enter key pressed to qualify your changes. this is most notable when using listview/columns editor.

second: yes your right and thanks for pointing that bug out.

@kjactive : Styles and Extended styles are being worked on as you can see in the sneak peek

link for formdesigner 1.2 (a message or two above.) A project manager is in the works. Build version and revisions will start as soon as it leaves (preview) alpha dev.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Great work on this, but here are a few bugs to report..

1) When saving the forms, the *.xml extension does not get added to the filename when saving.

2) When clicking on the "save" button for the first time rather than using "File|Save", No Popup dialog appears asking for a new filename to given for the form. I kinda lost 2 hours work because of this, but hey I understand this version is still in Alpha so the egg is on my face for this one!


3) "Green" Start button still does now work, similar to using F5 in Scite to run your compiled code

That is all thus far


PS: Can't this topic be a Sticky, as it is getting used and replied to all the time?

Edited by lyledg

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