Lazycat Posted August 17, 2005 Posted August 17, 2005 My vacation is coming to end, I'm was bored and made something totally useless for fun, so this is more scrap then script Anyway, here the simple screensaver that simulate old DosNavigator's (?) starfield screensaver. It's damn slow, but fully functional, even with config window. Compile it, rename to *.scr and put into windows or system folder. Only for beta, sorry.Au3stars.au3 Koda homepage ([s]Outdated Koda homepage[/s]) (Bug Tracker)My Autoit script page ([s]Outdated mirror[/s])
Raindancer Posted August 17, 2005 Posted August 17, 2005 I like it... didn't know that one can make screensavers with AutoIt. But I also never cared about making screensavers :-) Say: "Chuchichäschtli"My UDFs:_PrintImage UDF_WinAnimate UDFGruess Raindancer
w0uter Posted August 17, 2005 Posted August 17, 2005 looks leeb. My UDF's:;mem stuff_Mem;ftp stuff_FTP ( OLD );inet stuff_INetGetSource ( OLD )_INetGetImage _INetBrowse ( Collection )_EncodeUrl_NetStat_Google;random stuff_iPixelSearch_DiceRoll
MSLx Fanboy Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 Oh so beautiful! Multi-colored too! Writing AutoIt scripts since _DateAdd("d", -2, _NowCalcDate())
blindwig Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 Neat! I took the Int() wrapper off the $Stars[$i][2] assignment, to give it a smoother flow. My UDF Threads:Pseudo-Hash: Binary Trees, Flat TablesFiles: Filter by Attribute, Tree List, Recursive Find, Recursive Folders Size, exported to XMLArrays: Nested, Pull Common Elements, Display 2dSystem: Expand Environment Strings, List Drives, List USB DrivesMisc: Multi-Layer Progress Bars, Binary FlagsStrings: Find Char(s) in String, Find String in SetOther UDF Threads I Participated:Base64 Conversions
Doglok Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 Nice one Lazycat! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I truely see a Game in this somewhere, also was wondering ifyou had plans on doing a forward view star field works great on my how to incorperate celestia and autoit to make a truely awesome space sim
ioliver Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 I just checked out your script. Great job! Ian "Blessed be the name of the Lord" - Job 1:21Check out Search IMF
blindwig Posted August 19, 2005 Posted August 19, 2005 OK, I've been fiddling with this thing trying to make it look cooler and more 3d, and finally broke down and wrote some 3d and pseudo-3d routines. I also used onevent mode to try to speed it up a bit. (but haven't done an actual benchmark to see if I was successful or not) I haven't touched the config panel, so to adjust the new stuff just change the constants at the beginning. Use small numbers, because the 3d universe coordinate system is only -1 to 1 in all dimensions. Also Speed and Bias have no relavence anymore. Anyway, have at it: expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> Const $gFocalDistance = 1;Focal Distance affects the field of view. ;If you want to find FOV in degrees then: ;FOV = ArcTan(1/$gFocalDistance) * 114.59155902616464175359630962821 ;If you want to set FOV in degrees then: ;FocalDistance = 1 / Tan(FOV * 114.59155902616464175359630962821) Const $gMaxTurnRate = 3;maximum turn rate in degrees Const $gMouseSensativity = 3;how far you have to move the mouse to trigger a screen saver cancel Dim $gDone = 0, $gMouse Func coord3dto2d($x, $y, $z) Local $return[2] $Return[0] = ($gFocalDistance * $x) / ($gFocalDistance + $z) $Return[1] = ($gFocalDistance * $y) / ($gFocalDistance + $z) Return $return EndFunc Opt("ColorMode", 1) $gSpeed = IniRead("starfield.ini", "Main", "Speed", 50) $gNumStars = IniRead("starfield.ini", "Main", "NumStars", 32) $gStarSize = IniRead("starfield.ini", "Main", "StarSize", 2) $gStarBias = IniRead("starfield.ini", "Main", "StarBias", 4) $gStarColor = IniRead("starfield.ini", "Main", "StarColor", 0xFFFFFF) $gFieldColor = IniRead("starfield.ini", "Main", "FieldColor", 0) $gRandColor = IniRead("starfield.ini", "Main", "RandomColor", 1) If StringInStr($CmdLineRaw, "/S") Then SaverWindow(@DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, 0, 0) ElseIf StringInStr($CmdLineRaw, "/P") Then Exit Else ConfigWindow() Endif Func StarsStepForward(ByRef $stars, $step = .01) For $i = 0 to UBound($stars, 1) - 1 $stars[$i][2] -= $Step If $stars[$i][2] < -1 Then $stars[$i][0] = Random(-1,1);x $stars[$i][1] = Random(-1,1);y $stars[$i][2] += 2;z EndIf If $stars[$i][2] > 1 Then $stars[$i][0] = Random(-1,1);x $stars[$i][1] = Random(-1,1);y $stars[$i][2] -= 2;z EndIf Next EndFunc Func StarsRotateX(ByRef $Stars, $Degrees = 5) Local $Theta, $sin, $cos, $i, $x, $y $Theta = $Degrees / 57.295779513082320876798154814105 $sin = Sin($Theta) $cos = Cos($Theta) For $i = 0 to UBound($stars, 1) - 1 $x = $Cos * $Stars[$i][2] - $Sin * $Stars[$i][1] $y = $cos * $Stars[$i][1] + $Sin * $Stars[$i][2] $Stars[$i][2] = $x $Stars[$i][1] = $y Next EndFunc Func StarsRotateY(ByRef $Stars, $Degrees = 5) Local $Theta, $sin, $cos, $i, $x, $y $Theta = $Degrees / 57.295779513082320876798154814105 $sin = Sin($Theta) $cos = Cos($Theta) For $i = 0 to UBound($stars, 1) - 1 $x = $Cos * $Stars[$i][0] - $Sin * $Stars[$i][2] $y = $cos * $Stars[$i][2] + $Sin * $Stars[$i][0] $Stars[$i][0] = $x $Stars[$i][2] = $y Next EndFunc Func StarsRotateZ(ByRef $Stars, $Degrees = 5) Local $Theta, $sin, $cos, $i, $x, $y $Theta = $Degrees / 57.295779513082320876798154814105 $sin = Sin($Theta) $cos = Cos($Theta) For $i = 0 to UBound($stars, 1) - 1 $x = $Cos * $Stars[$i][0] - $Sin * $Stars[$i][1] $y = $cos * $Stars[$i][1] + $Sin * $Stars[$i][0] $Stars[$i][0] = $x $Stars[$i][1] = $y Next EndFunc Func SaverWindow($nWidth, $nHeight, $nLeft, $nTop, $hParent = 0) ;Set up GUI window $hGUI = GUICreate("", $nWidth, $nHeight, $nLeft, $nTop, $WS_POPUPWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $hParent) GUISetBkColor($gFieldColor) ;Create Stars Local $stars[$gNumStars][4] For $i = 0 To $gNumStars - 1 ;the coordinate universe is from -1 to 1 in 3 dimensions $stars[$i][0] = Random(-1,1);x $stars[$i][1] = Random(-1,1);y $stars[$i][2] = Random(-1,1);z $stars[$i][3] = GUICtrlCreateLabel(" ", -10, -10, $gStarSize, $gStarSize) If $gRandColor = 1 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, Int(Random(0, 0xFFFFFF))) Else GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $gStarColor) Endif Next GUISetState() Local $movement, $timeleft, $TurnRate, $LastGuiMode $gMouse=MouseGetPos() $LastGuiMode = Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) $gDone = 0 GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE, 'SetDone') While not $gDone ;$TimeLeft is a count-down timer for the next movement type $timeleft -= 1 If $timeleft < 1 Then $timeleft = Random(20,60,1) $movement = Random(0,3,1) If Random(0,1,1) Then $movement = $movement * -1 $TurnRate = 0 EndIf ;pseudo-smooth transitions If $TurnRate < $gMaxTurnRate Then $TurnRate += 1 If $TurnRate > $TimeLeft Then $TurnRate = $TimeLeft ;Make the turn Select Case $movement = 1 StarsRotateX($Stars, $TurnRate) Case $movement = -1 StarsRotateX($Stars, -$TurnRate) Case $movement = 2 StarsRotateY($Stars, $TurnRate) Case $movement = -2 StarsRotateY($Stars, -$TurnRate) Case $movement = 3 StarsRotateZ($Stars, $TurnRate) Case $movement = -3 StarsRotateZ($Stars, -$TurnRate) EndSelect ;move forward StarsStepForward($Stars, .05) ;draw the stars For $i = 0 To $gNumStars - 1 If $Stars[$i][2] > 0 Then ;find 2d coordinates for the star and move it accordingly $coord = Coord3dto2d($stars[$i][0], $stars[$i][1], $stars[$i][2]) $Coord[0] = ($Coord[0] + 1) * $nWidth / 2 + $nLeft $Coord[1] = ($Coord[1] + 1) * $nHeight / 2 + $nTop GUICtrlSetPos($stars[$i][3], $Coord[0], $Coord[1]) Else ;move the star outside the viewable range GUICtrlSetPos($stars[$i][3], -10, -10) EndIf Next WEnd Opt("GUIOnEventMode", $LastGuiMode) GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func SetDone() Local $mouse = MouseGetPos() If abs($mouse[0] - $gmouse[0]) > $gMouseSensativity Or abs($mouse[1] - $gmouse[1]) > $gMouseSensativity Then $gDone = 1 Else $gMouse = $Mouse EndIf EndFunc Func ConfigWindow() $hConfigGUI = GuiCreate("Stars Saver Config", 358, 148, 302,218 ,BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS)) $hOk = GuiCtrlCreateButton("OK", 274, 84, 80, 24) $hPreview = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Preview", 140, 118, 80, 25) $hCancel = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 274, 118, 80, 25) GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Stars", 3, 0, 129, 145) GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Color", 136, 0, 220, 80) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Star count", 8, 24, 49, 13) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Speed", 8, 56, 31, 13) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Bias", 8, 88, 20, 13) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Star size", 8, 120, 40, 13) $SpinEditInput1=GuiCtrlCreateInput($gNumStars, 64, 16, 49, 22) $up = GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 256, 1) $SpinEditInput2=GuiCtrlCreateInput($gSpeed, 64, 48, 49, 22) GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 50, 1) $SpinEditInput3=GuiCtrlCreateInput($gStarBias, 64, 80, 49, 22) GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 32, 2) $SpinEditInput4=GuiCtrlCreateInput($gStarSize, 64, 112, 49, 22) GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 3, 1) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Stars color", 148, 20) $hStarsColorLbl = GUICtrlCreateLabel(" ", 208, 16, 40, 20) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $gStarColor) $hStarsColorBtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("...", 254, 16, 30, 20) $hRndCheck = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Random", 290, 15) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $gRandColor) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Field color", 148, 50) $hFieldColorLbl = GUICtrlCreateLabel(" ", 208, 46, 40, 20) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $gFieldColor) $hFieldColorBtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("...", 254, 46, 30, 20) If $gRandColor = 1 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($hStarsColorLbl, 0xCCCCCC) GUICtrlSetState($hStarsColorBtn, $GUI_DISABLE) Endif GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $hOk or $msg = $hPreview $gNumStars = GUICtrlRead($SpinEditInput1) $gSpeed = GUICtrlRead($SpinEditInput2) $gStarBias = GUICtrlRead($SpinEditInput3) $gStarSize = GUICtrlRead($SpinEditInput4) If $msg = $hPreview Then SaverWindow(640, 480, -1, -1, $hConfigGUI) Else IniWrite("starfield.ini", "Main", "Speed", $gSpeed) IniWrite("starfield.ini", "Main", "NumStars", $gNumStars) IniWrite("starfield.ini", "Main", "StarSize", $gStarSize) IniWrite("starfield.ini", "Main", "StarBias", $gStarBias) IniWrite("starfield.ini", "Main", "StarColor", $gStarColor) IniWrite("starfield.ini", "Main", "FieldColor", $gFieldColor) IniWrite("starfield.ini", "Main", "RandomColor", $gRandColor) Exit Endif Case $msg = $hStarsColorBtn ChooseColor($hConfigGUI, $gStarColor) GUICtrlSetBkColor($hStarsColorLbl, $gStarColor) Case $msg = $hFieldColorBtn ChooseColor($hConfigGUI, $gFieldColor) GUICtrlSetBkColor($hFieldColorLbl, $gFieldColor) Case $msg = $hRndCheck $gRandColor = GUICtrlRead($hRndCheck) If BitAnd($gRandColor, 1) Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($hStarsColorLbl, 0xCCCCCC) GUICtrlSetState($hStarsColorBtn, $GUI_DISABLE) Else GUICtrlSetBkColor($hStarsColorLbl, $gStarColor) GUICtrlSetState($hStarsColorBtn, $GUI_ENABLE) Endif Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE or $msg = $hCancel ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd EndFunc Func ChooseColor($hWnd, ByRef $nColor) $cp = DllStructCreate("dword[16]") $p = DllStructCreate("dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword") DllStructSetData($p, 1, DllStructGetSize($p)) DllStructSetData($p, 2, $hWnd) DllStructSetData($p, 4, $nColor) DllStructSetData($p, 5, DllStructGetPtr($cp)) DllStructSetData($p, 6, 2 + 1) $ret = DllCall("comdlg32.dll", "long", "ChooseColorA", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($p)) If IsArray($ret) and $ret[0] <> 0 Then $nColor = DllStructGetData($p, 4) DllStructDelete($p) DllStructDelete($cp) EndFunc My UDF Threads:Pseudo-Hash: Binary Trees, Flat TablesFiles: Filter by Attribute, Tree List, Recursive Find, Recursive Folders Size, exported to XMLArrays: Nested, Pull Common Elements, Display 2dSystem: Expand Environment Strings, List Drives, List USB DrivesMisc: Multi-Layer Progress Bars, Binary FlagsStrings: Find Char(s) in String, Find String in SetOther UDF Threads I Participated:Base64 Conversions
therks Posted August 19, 2005 Posted August 19, 2005 (edited) OK, I've been fiddling with this thing trying to make it look cooler and more 3d, and finally broke down and wrote some 3d and pseudo-3d routines. I also used onevent mode to try to speed it up a bit. (but haven't done an actual benchmark to see if I was successful or not)I haven't touched the config panel, so to adjust the new stuff just change the constants at the beginning. Use small numbers, because the 3d universe coordinate system is only -1 to 1 in all dimensions. Also Speed and Bias have no relavence anymore.Anyway, have at it:<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Wow, awesome. That's very cool, too bad it gets so slow once you add a lot of stars though. I wonder, would it be possible to have this running with the same visual effect, but faster, if you used that dll function.. uh.. SetPixel? I don't know how much better it might work since you'd be calling the dll all the time, but it might be easier on the CPU than having 100 seperate controls that you're trying to move around.*Edit: Of course, you'd have to "undraw" all the stars manually. Edited August 19, 2005 by Saunders My AutoIt Stuff | My Github
LxP Posted August 19, 2005 Posted August 19, 2005 That is truly awesome blindwig. I envy your trig skills!
Lazycat Posted August 19, 2005 Author Posted August 19, 2005 OK, I've been fiddling with this thing trying to make it look cooler and more 3d, and finally broke down and wrote some 3d and pseudo-3d routines. I also used onevent mode to try to speed it up a bit. (but haven't done an actual benchmark to see if I was successful or not)I haven't touched the config panel, so to adjust the new stuff just change the constants at the beginning. Use small numbers, because the 3d universe coordinate system is only -1 to 1 in all dimensions. Also Speed and Bias have no relavence anymore.Cool! I'm surprised where this "just for fun" project come Koda homepage ([s]Outdated Koda homepage[/s]) (Bug Tracker)My Autoit script page ([s]Outdated mirror[/s])
Josbe Posted August 19, 2005 Posted August 19, 2005 Cool! I'm surprised where this "just for fun" project come <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Yes, very cool. Both scripts.I believe that, there is a lot graphic's stuff to explore in AutoIt. AUTOIT > AutoIt docs / Beta folder - AutoIt latest beta
blindwig Posted August 19, 2005 Posted August 19, 2005 Wow, awesome. That's very cool, too bad it gets so slow once you add a lot of stars though. I wonder, would it be possible to have this running with the same visual effect, but faster, if you used that dll function.. uh.. SetPixel? I don't know how much better it might work since you'd be calling the dll all the time, but it might be easier on the CPU than having 100 seperate controls that you're trying to move around.*Edit: Of course, you'd have to "undraw" all the stars manually.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Yeah, I'm sure I could do that. I've never done Dllcalls before, but I think if you do a DllOpen() it keeps the DLL open so that you don't have to open it each time you want to make a call - this should make it faster? Again, never done this, just going on things I've overhead in this forum. And I guess if I really wanted to I could tap into Direct3d DLLs and do this properly... I think it's still cool to use labels, because my next thing is to replace the labels with bitmaps or something, of the autoit logo for example, and then scale them based on distance, and you now have a screensaver like the old "Flying Windows" screensaver. Maybe this could evolve into the first autoit screensaver! Too bad it's 100% CPU... My UDF Threads:Pseudo-Hash: Binary Trees, Flat TablesFiles: Filter by Attribute, Tree List, Recursive Find, Recursive Folders Size, exported to XMLArrays: Nested, Pull Common Elements, Display 2dSystem: Expand Environment Strings, List Drives, List USB DrivesMisc: Multi-Layer Progress Bars, Binary FlagsStrings: Find Char(s) in String, Find String in SetOther UDF Threads I Participated:Base64 Conversions
blindwig Posted August 19, 2005 Posted August 19, 2005 That is truly awesome blindwig. I envy your trig skills!<{POST_SNAPBACK}>When I started doing 3d graphics (late 80s - mid 90s) there was no hardware 3d acceleration, nor was there any nice free 3d libraries. If you wanted 3d, trig was not optional - it was required! I actually wrote (from scratch, using only Turbo Pascal 5.5) a 3d modelling program to create 3d object to use in other programs. I wasn't great or commercial quality or anythinig, but I learn alot about math when making it (completely from scratch - every pixel on the screen I put there - calculated position and color and everything else).Here's 2 images I created with it: and low-res, but like I said it was more of a learning experience than anything else. My UDF Threads:Pseudo-Hash: Binary Trees, Flat TablesFiles: Filter by Attribute, Tree List, Recursive Find, Recursive Folders Size, exported to XMLArrays: Nested, Pull Common Elements, Display 2dSystem: Expand Environment Strings, List Drives, List USB DrivesMisc: Multi-Layer Progress Bars, Binary FlagsStrings: Find Char(s) in String, Find String in SetOther UDF Threads I Participated:Base64 Conversions
Josbe Posted August 19, 2005 Posted August 19, 2005 When I started doing 3d graphics (late 80s - mid 90s) there was no hardware 3d acceleration, nor was there any nice free 3d libraries. If you wanted 3d, trig was not optional - it was required! I actually wrote (from scratch, using only Turbo Pascal 5.5) a 3d modelling program to create 3d object to use in other programs. I wasn't great or commercial quality or anythinig, but I learn alot about math when making it (completely from scratch - every pixel on the screen I put there - calculated position and color and everything else).Here's 2 images I created with it: and low-res, but like I said it was more of a learning experience than anything else.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Interesting. Especially the lighting with the castle one. AUTOIT > AutoIt docs / Beta folder - AutoIt latest beta
Skorn Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 I have autoit 3 installed but I get an error message with blindwigs code: Unknown function name on line 258 ?
jvanegmond Posted May 8, 2006 Posted May 8, 2006 Wow it's amazing just to look at I think i'm gonna stay up late tonight trying to do a little maze thingy but i'll use the way to built things like that guy who made snake.
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