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I am playing with a UDP example from the forums, had to modify it and install the latest beta but I got it working ;)

Anyways, on the server side, I don't have access to the incoming connections meta data, i.e. the connection IP address. This info would be needed to be able to block IP addresses etc. I know the information is in the packet but that info is not exposed in the functions that are currently available.

Am I missing something obvious?


Ok I gave that a try Larry,


#include <vars.au3>
#include <functions.au3>
#include <gui.au3>

HotKeySet("{F10}", "Quit")
$uServer = UDPBind(@IPAddress1, 31337)
If $uServer = -1 Then Exit


While 1
    $uText = UDPRecv($uServer, 100)
    If $uText <> "" Then
        $cIP = SOCKET2IP($uServer)
        MsgBox(0, "IP Address", "client IP: " & $cIP)


$uClient = UDPOpen("", 31337)
If $uClient = -1 Then Exit


While 1 
    $uStatus = UDPSend($uClient, $PublicIP & ": Hello")

All I am getting is "0" so most likely I am doing something wrong...


I tried it with the UNBIND socket and also on the UDPRecv... same result... I take it that it worked for you Larry, are you able to post the code you tested it with?


I may not be understanding you correctly, but from the beta helpfile, can't you just use the return of UDPBind?

$array[2] = IP Address


Livewire, you're right, the UDP "socket" (which is an array) contains all the information of the connection. That was necessary to get the UDP stuff to work.



__________________________________________________________(l)user: Hey admin slave, how can I recover my deleted files?admin: No problem, there is a nice tool. It's called rm, like recovery method. Make sure to call it with the "recover fast" option like this: rm -rf *


Isn't that the IP of the socket you have bound to as the server? What I need is the IP of the incoming connections to the server, not the server itself.


No...it's the IP of the incomming communication...at least I just tried it and it is...try it.


Send some data to this...


$socket = UDPBind(@IPAddress1, 20000) ; Change port if u want

If @error <> 0 Then Exit

While 1

$data = UDPRecv($socket, 5000)

If $data <> "" Then

MsgBox(0,"Testing","$socket[1] = " & $socket[1] & @CRLF & _

"$socket[2] = " & $socket[2] & @CRLF & _

"$socket[3] = " & $socket[3] & @CRLF)




Func OnAutoItExit()





Oh well sheesh... ok cool I'll give that a go.

One thing I wonder about is multiple connections.

I am planning a tool that 1-10 clients will be sending a command as well as periodic keep-alive broadcasts to the server and I wanted to tag each incoming cumunication with it's ip and timestamp from the server side.

So... the value of $array[2] = IP Address will be the data about the communication that is currently being processed? I overlooked that as the Ubind is setup prior to our runtime loop so I expected that to be static data from that point.... am I making sense?


That example is modified from the beta helpfile.

After you receive data (UDPRecv), I'm assuming $array[2] becomes the IP of the computer that that specific packet came from.



Ok cool then, if that's how it works I am good to go. I'll report back how I make out ;)

Ah that is indeed how it works. Nice. Thank you for the info and the replies people :P


Isn't that the IP of the socket you have bound to as the server? What I need is the IP of the incoming connections to the server, not the server itself.

After a UDPRecv() it's the data of the connecting host.



What IS an incoming connection for this UDP? I see a "main" socket set using UDPBind() and then just UDPRecv()... I don't see any UDPAccept() that would give you a socket for parsing.


Actually there is no UDPAccept() because there are no "connections" like in TCP. UDPRecv() will just return the incoming data of the last client that sent something. Additionally UDPRecv() it sets the IP addr and port of the incoming "connection", so you can answer to that client. I could not find another way to do it, as there are no established connections for UDP.



__________________________________________________________(l)user: Hey admin slave, how can I recover my deleted files?admin: No problem, there is a nice tool. It's called rm, like recovery method. Make sure to call it with the "recover fast" option like this: rm -rf *

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