kpu Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 I'm sure there are tools that do what I've done, maybe even better. I just thought some green horn like myself might find useful. WHAT IT DOES 1. Reads "printer.ini" and creates a *.vbs (windows scripting) file to create the ports needed. You will need sscreen.gif to see a splash screen. Edit $destination = "sscreen.gif" to point to the correct graphic. This is composed of 2 tools: 1. Is the INI_Writer 2. Is the tool that reads the printer.ini file. Make sure you name it "printer.ini" THE INI WRITER CODE: expandcollapse popup#include <file.au3> ; Writing INI for Printer Information $ini = inputBox("Printer INI","What is the name of the ini you want to create","printer.ini") IF @error = 1 then MsgBox(0, "Closing", "Good Bye") Exit Endif _FileCreate($ini) ;Ask for the Printer Que name $printer = InputBox("Print Que","What is the printer que name?","PRINTER_2_HP4050TN_Q") IF @error = 1 then MsgBox(0, "Closing", "Good Bye") Exit Endif ;Ask for Printer IP $ip = InputBox("Printer IP","What is the printer IP?","") IF @error = 1 then MsgBox(0, "Closing", "Good Bye") Exit Endif ;Ask for Drive location $driver = InputBox("Printer Drivers","Where is the location of the printer?" & @CR & _ "Press 1 for HP5M" & @CR & "Press 2 for HP4000TN" & @CR & "Press 3 for HP4050TN" & @CR _ & "Press 4 for HP4100TN" & @CR & "Press 5 for HP4200 Series","") IF @error = 1 then MsgBox(0, "Closing", "Good Bye") Exit Endif ;Carry out task IF $driver = "1" Then;HP5M $drv = "\\XP-W2k\lj456p5.inf";put the network path to the drivers here. $dis = "HP LaserJet 5M" ElseIf $driver = "2" Then; HP4000TN $drv = "\\WINXP-2K\PCL 5e driver\HP4000P5.INF" $dis = "HP LaserJet 4000 Series PCL 5e" ElseIf $driver = "3" Then;HP4050TN $drv = "\\\HP\HP 4050tn\W2K\HP001Ip5.inf" $dis = "HP LaserJet 4050 Series PCL 5e" ElseIf $driver = "4" Then;HP4100TN $drv = "\\2K_XP PCL5e\hp4100p5.inf" $dis = "HP LaserJet 4100 PCL 5e" ElseIf $driver = "5" Then;HP4250TN $drv = "\\HP\HP 4250-4350\hpc4200b.inf" $dis = "hp LaserJet 4200 Series PCL 5e" EndIf IniWrite ( $ini, "PRINTER QUE", "Printer", $printer ) IniWrite ( $ini, "PRINTER IP", "IP", $ip) IniWrite ( $ini, "PRINTER DRIVERS", "Driver", $drv ) IniWrite ( $ini, "PRINTER DISCRIPTION", "Discription", $dis ) MsgBox( 64, "Ini Creation", $ini & " has been created successfully") THE PRINTER CODE expandcollapse popup#include <file.au3> ;Read INI File $que = IniRead( "printer.ini", "PRINTER QUE", "Printer", "") $ip = iniread("printer.ini", "PRINTER IP", "IP" ,"") $driver = IniRead( "printer.ini", "PRINTER DRIVERS", "Driver", "") $description = IniRead("printer.ini", "PRINTER DISCRIPTION", "Discription","") ;Command string to run from INI file $info = 'rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b ' & '"' & $que & '" /f "' & $driver & '" /r "' & "IP_" & $ip & '" /m "' & $description & '" /z' ;Create *.vbs File From INI _FileCreate(@TempDir & "\" & $que & ".vbs") ;name of the file to open $file = @TempDir & "\" & $que & ".vbs" $open = FileOpen($file, 0) ; Check if file opened for writing OK If $open = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file from Temp directory.") Else FileWriteLine($file,'Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:")') FileWriteLine($file, 'Set objNewPort = objWMIService.Get _') FileWriteLine($file, '("Win32_TCPIPPrinterPort").SpawnInstance_') FileWriteLine($file, 'objNewPort.Name = ' & '"IP_' & $ip & '"') FileWriteLine($file, 'objNewPort.Protocol = 1') FileWriteLine($file, 'objNewPort.HostAddress = ' & '"' & $ip & '"' ) FileWriteLine($file, 'objNewPort.PortNumber = "9100"') FileWriteLine($file, 'objNewPort.SNMPEnabled = False') FileWriteLine($file, 'objNewPort.Put_') ;Run Install $destination = "sscreen.gif" SplashImageOn("Installing printer " & $que, $destination, 272, 167,300,100,16) RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $file,"", @SW_HIDE) RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $info,"", @SW_HIDE) Sleep(500) SplashOff() MsgBox(64,"Printer", "Printer has installed correctly") Exit EndIf There is some more I want to do to this. I need some kind of error control to verify that the printer was installed correctly. Any ideas or thoughts on this would greatly be appreciated. Let me know if anyone has any questions. auto-it-tous 1
nfaustin Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Nice Idea folks.. It help much on my current projects... [font="Palatino Linotype"][size="2"]*** The information contained in this post should be considered and certified WORKS ON MY MACHINE ***[/size][/font][font="Palatino Linotype"][size="2"] [/size][/font]
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