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Problems where removable usb drives conflict with networked drive letters? Here's a script that will try to resolve the conflict by assigning the drive to B:

I was inspired by this thread: http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=938880&page=1

When you run the program, it attempts to resolve the first USB/Network conflict by assigning the USB drive to B: and opening it. Probably requires Win 2000/XP and Admin rights. I've done limited testing and code commenting.


; Script to workaround a Windows bug that causes USB drive letter assignments to conflict with network drives
; The file dp1.txt contains two lines:
;               list volume
;               exit 
; DiskPart.exe can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/reskit/tools/new/diskpart-o.asp
; DiskPart documentation http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/diskpart.mspx
; Philip Gump - 17 Feb 2005 -  AutoIt 3.1.0 Script

If DriveStatus("B:") <> "INVALID" Then
   Run("explorer b:")

Dim $diskPart = "DiskPart.exe"
Dim $dpScriptOne = "dpScriptOne.txt"
Dim $dpScriptTwo = "dpScriptTwo.txt"
Dim $infoOutput =  "DiskPartInfo.txt"

FileInstall("C:\DISKPART.EXE", $diskPart)
FileInstall("C:\dp1.txt", $dpScriptOne)

; Otherwise, need to do magic
If @OSType <> "WIN32_NT" Then
   MsgBox(4096,"Error", "This program does not run on " & @OSVersion)

If IsAdmin() Then
   MsgBox(4096,"USB Drive maybe not ready yet...", "If device is plugged and Windows says it's ready, click OK.")
   MsgBox(4096,"Error", "You do not have access to change drive letters.  Click OK to exit")

SplashTextOn("Please wait...", @CRLF & @CRLF & "Assigning the USB drive to letter B:")

Dim $info = ""
$run = RunWait(@Comspec & " /c " & $diskPart & " /s " & $dpScriptOne & " > " & $infoOutput, "", @SW_HIDE)
$info = FileRead($infoOutput, FileGetSize($infoOutput))

$InfoWithHeaderRemoved = StringTrimLeft($info, StringInStr($info, "Volume 0")-1)
$info = StringSplit($InfoWithHeaderRemoved, @CRLF)

;Sample element in the $info array looks like:
;  "Volume 2     C   HARD DRIVE   NTFS   Partition   73 GB  Healthy System"

For $i = 1 to $info[0]
   If StringStripWS($info[$i], 8) = "" Then ExitLoop ;quit when hit blank lines
   If StringInStr($info[$i], "Removeable") Then
      $letter = StringMid($info[$i],16,1)
      $volume = StringMid($info[$i],10,1)
      If DriveMapGet($letter) <> "" Or Not StringInStr($info[$i],"0 B") Then
        ; if drive letter is mapped to something else and Size is larger than 0 bytes, then
         $handle = FileOpen($dpScriptTwo, 2)
         If $handle <> -1 Then 
            FileWrite($handle, "select volume " & $volume & @CRLF & "assign letter=B")
         RunWait($diskPart & " /s " & $dpScriptTwo, "", @SW_HIDE)
         Run("explorer b:")

MsgBox(4096,"Error", "USB drive not detected; no drive letter assignment made...")
Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!

Problems where removable usb drives conflict with networked drive letters?  Here's a script that will try to resolve the conflict by assigning the drive to B:

I was inspired by this thread: http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=938880&page=1

When you run the program, it attempts to resolve the first USB/Network conflict by assigning the USB drive to B: and opening it.  Probably requires Win 2000/XP and Admin rights.  I've done limited testing and code commenting.


; Script to workaround a Windows bug that causes USB drive letter assignments to conflict with network drives
; The file dp1.txt contains two lines:
;                list volume
;                exit 
; DiskPart.exe can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/reskit/tools/new/diskpart-o.asp
; DiskPart documentation http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/diskpart.mspx
; Philip Gump - 17 Feb 2005 -  AutoIt 3.1.0 Script

If DriveStatus("B:") <> "INVALID" Then
   Run("explorer b:")

Dim $diskPart = "DiskPart.exe"
Dim $dpScriptOne = "dpScriptOne.txt"
Dim $dpScriptTwo = "dpScriptTwo.txt"
Dim $infoOutput =  "DiskPartInfo.txt"

FileInstall("C:\DISKPART.EXE", $diskPart)
FileInstall("C:\dp1.txt", $dpScriptOne)

; Otherwise, need to do magic
If @OSType <> "WIN32_NT" Then
   MsgBox(4096,"Error", "This program does not run on " & @OSVersion)

If IsAdmin() Then
   MsgBox(4096,"USB Drive maybe not ready yet...", "If device is plugged and Windows says it's ready, click OK.")
   MsgBox(4096,"Error", "You do not have access to change drive letters.  Click OK to exit")
SplashTextOn("Please wait...", @CRLF & @CRLF & "Assigning the USB drive to letter B:")

Dim $info = ""
$run = RunWait(@Comspec & " /c " & $diskPart & " /s " & $dpScriptOne & " > " & $infoOutput, "", @SW_HIDE)
$info = FileRead($infoOutput, FileGetSize($infoOutput))

$InfoWithHeaderRemoved = StringTrimLeft($info, StringInStr($info, "Volume 0")-1)
$info = StringSplit($InfoWithHeaderRemoved, @CRLF)

;Sample element in the $info array looks like:
;  "Volume 2     C   HARD DRIVE   NTFS   Partition     73 GB  Healthy    System"

For $i = 1 to $info[0]
   If StringStripWS($info[$i], 8) = "" Then ExitLoop;quit when hit blank lines
   If StringInStr($info[$i], "Removeable") Then
      $letter = StringMid($info[$i],16,1)
      $volume = StringMid($info[$i],10,1)
      If DriveMapGet($letter) <> "" Or Not StringInStr($info[$i],"0 B") Then
        ; if drive letter is mapped to something else and Size is larger than 0 bytes, then
         $handle = FileOpen($dpScriptTwo, 2)
         If $handle <> -1 Then 
            FileWrite($handle, "select volume " & $volume & @CRLF & "assign letter=B")
         RunWait($diskPart & " /s " & $dpScriptTwo, "", @SW_HIDE)
         Run("explorer b:")

MsgBox(4096,"Error", "USB drive not detected; no drive letter assignment made...")


you could have use DriveGetDrive ("removable") and start with the letter above c: :lmao:

you could have use DriveGetDrive ("removable") and start with the letter above c: :lmao:


Doesn't work... that's the whole point o:)

For example, you could insert a USB drive, and it does not appear in Windows Explorer because Windows tries to assign the drive to E: when E: is already mapped to a network drive.

DriveGetType("E:") returns Network. The only way to can "see" the removable drive is by running diskmgmt.msc (or DiskPart.exe) and notice the drive letter conflict.

Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!

Doesn't work... that's the whole point  o:)

For example, you could insert a USB drive, and it does not appear in Windows Explorer because Windows tries to assign the drive to E: when E: is already mapped to a network drive.

DriveGetType("E:") returns Network.  The only way to can "see" the removable drive is by running diskmgmt.msc (or DiskPart.exe) and notice the drive letter conflict.


on my XP SP2 it works fine I get 2 devices the A: and D: :lmao:

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