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Posted (edited)

Thought Scripts and Scraps was a better place for this. Original thread. All credit should go to Larry, I just converted his code into a UDF and added some bits along with Gary Frost.

Here's a simple example of how it is called and used:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <GUIwindow.au3>

While 1

Func MainGUI()
    _TransparentTextWindow("MyTextGUI", "Larry Rocks!", 200, 30)
    If @error Then
        MsgBox(262160, "ERROR", "Unable to create window - check parameters")

Format for the UDF is as follows:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <GUIwindow.au3>
_TransparentTextWindow ( "Title", "Text", Width, Height [, Left [, Top [, Font [, Font Weight [, Font Color [, Italics [, Underlined [, Striked Out [, Taskbar]]]]]]]]] )


"Title" - The title of the transparent window created

"Text" - The text to display in the window

Width - [optional] The width of the window

Height - [optional] The height of the window

Left - [optional] The left side of the window. Default (-1) - the window is horizontally centered.

Top - [optional] The top of the window. Default (-1) - the window is vertically centered

Font - [optional] The font name. Default (-1) - "Microsoft Sans Serif"

Font Weight - [optional] The thickness of the font. Default (-1) - 450

Font Color - [optional] Hex RGB color representation. Default (-1) - "0xFF0000"

Italics - [optional] Italisized Font 0=normal, 1=italics. Default (0) - not italisized

Underlined - [optional] Underlined Font 0=normal, 1=underlined. Default (0) - not underlined

Striked Out - [optional] Stiked Out Font 0=normal, 1=striked out. Default (0) - not striked out

Taskbar - [optional] Taskbar display 0=Tray icon and Taskbar window, 1=Tray icon only. Default (0) - Tray icon and Taskbar window

Return Value

Success: Displays a transparent window with a visible text overlay

Failure: Sets @error to 1.


Fonts are system dependant, however, most systems have "Microsoft Sans Serif", "Time New Roman", "Terminal", "Courier New", "Arial", "Verdana".

Generally speaking, a bold typeface can be achieved with font weights over 650, however, 1000 works well. GUIwindow.au3 should be placed in your AutoIt3 Includes folder. Requires Beta to run.

Edit: Updated UDF (55 downloads)

Edited by PartyPooper
Posted (edited)

Here's a quick and dirty bit of code I used to test the UDF with. Uses middle mouse button to grab the various screen/window parameters and display them at the bottom of the screen. Press <END> to exit the program. Don't forget to put the UDF in your AutoIt INCLUDE folder/s for it to work.

#region  --  Code Header
; PROGRAM:  WinInfo
; C/RIGHT:  @2005 MickK
; AUTHOR:   MickK (aka PartyPooper)
; EMAIL:    partypooper@optusnet.com.au
; WEBSITE:  http://members.optusnet.com.au/partypooper
; INFO:     This program uses the middle mouse button to grab the various
;          parameters of the active screen and displays them as text in a
;          transparent background window on the top line of the active screen.
 #region  --  Declarations
; Standard Decs
 Global $Title = "WinInfo"
 Global $Version = "v1.0.0.1"
 Global $Programmer = "MickK"
 Global $g_szVersion = $Title & " by " & $Programmer
; Variables
 Global $MouseCoords [2]
 Global $PixelColor
 Global $WinPosn
 Global $WinTitle
 Global $Text
; Windows
 Global $MainGUI
 #region  --  Includes
 #include <GUIConstants.au3>
 #include <GUIwindow.au3>
 #Include <Misc.au3>
 #region  --  Processor Instructions
 opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
 opt("TrayAutoPause", 0)
 opt("MouseCoordMode", 0)
 Opt("PixelCoordMode", 0)
 #region  --  Pre-Run Program Checks
 If WinExists($g_szVersion) Then Exit
 #region  --  Script Loop
 HotKeySet("{END}", "Quit")
     If _IsPressed (04) Then GetParameters()
 Until 0
 #region  --  GetParameters()
 Func GetParameters()
     $MouseCoords = MouseGetPos()
     $PixelColor = PixelGetColor($MouseCoords[0], $MouseCoords[1])
     $WinPosn = WinGetPos("")
     $WinTitle = WinGetTitle ("")
     $Text = "Window: " & $WinPosn[0] & ", " & $WinPosn[1] & ", " & $WinPosn[2] & ", " _
         & $WinPosn[3] & "  Width: " & @DesktopWidth & "  Height: " & @DesktopHeight _
         & "  Mouse: " & $MouseCoords[0] & ", " & $MouseCoords[1] & "  Colour: " _
         & $PixelColor & "  Title: " & $WinTitle
     $MainGUI = _TransparentTextWindow ($Title, $Text, (@DesktopWidth - 1), 22, 1, (@DesktopHeight - 50), -1, -1, "0xFFFF00", 0, 0, 0, 1)
     If @error Then
         MsgBox(262160, "ERROR", "Unable to create window - check parameters")
 #region  --  Quit()
 Func Quit()
Edited by PartyPooper

hey, goodjob on this, i needed this before :lmao:.

BTW, when you say DUH, you mean DOH right? cause duh means like, of course.

Thanks. Yeah, too much coding and not enough pizza and coke ;)

Posted (edited)

From WikiPedia...

The slang exclamation duh is used to express one's disapproval of the obviousness of something. For example, if you read a headline saying "Scientific study proves rain may make you wet", the response may well be "Well, duh!".

Duh! got its start as a derogatory imitation of the sounds made by severely mentally handicapped people.

Eventually, it worked its way into sarcastic usage. If somebody said "Rain is wet!", a response might be, "No, duh! I never would have guessed that!" In this sense, the responder is mocking the sounds of a mentally-handicapped person to imply that he himself would have to be mentally handicapped not to already know that rain is wet.

In other words, PartyPooper was saying, "I'm such a dumbass!"

Personally, I like the Futurama variation, "FLUH!"

Edited by c0deWorm

My UDFs: ExitCodes

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