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Translating working bat to AI re commandline RAR ...

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I honestly could have sworn that I had asked this at some point in the distant past but many searches didn't yield the thread. Perhaps it was in another forum or a newsgroup, even though I thought I asked the exact same question <g>. Anyway, can't find it here. It's late and it could be my eyes or that I'm tired <g>, but begging the group's indulgence.

For once, I really managed to plough very far along before hitting a brick wall. Very pleased with that. I've created 3 scripts that work in tandem. The first is actually a batch file which I don't know how to deal with re switching over to AI syntax and format. I found the exact coding online and so far several tests have yielded viable compression results.

The last 2 scripts I couldn't get to work together in 1 file, but when separated they do the job. I'm not worried about those 2 at this point. I'll get to them later once the bat file deal with.

The bat is there here; can anyone tell me how to do the exact same thing in AI, please? This backs up a folder to a compressed RAR.

"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe" a "C:\Documents and Settings\RGAUDREA\Favorites\01.rar" C:\DOCUME~1\RGAUDREA\FAVORI~1\01

I can't stand batch files, they're so darned hard to work with and don't know how to take care of the absolute paths. With AI, I have lots of tricks up my sleeve re relative paths and LFNs are much better supported!

Anyway, thank you in advance! If I can automate my daily backup with commandline RARing via AI, that will save me quite a bit of time.

Cheers. :)

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Help file quote:



Executes a DOS command in a hidden command window.

#include <Process.au3>

_RunDOS ( $sCommand )


$sCommand Command to execute

Return Value

Success: Returns the exit code of the command

Failure: Depends on RunErrorsFatal setting

Every command in the batch file is a simple DOS comand, so in order to convert the batch file to AutoIt, you only need to change the synthax as above.

Keep in mind that: to use quotes you have to "double" them.

#include <Process.au3>
_RunDOS ( '""C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe"" a ""C:\Documents and Settings\RGAUDREA\Favorites\01.rar"" C:\DOCUME~1\RGAUDREA\FAVORI~1\01')

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Help file quote:

Every command in the batch file is a simple DOS comand, so in order to convert the batch file to AutoIt, you only need to change the synthax as above.

Keep in mind that: to use quotes you have to "double" them.

#include <Process.au3>
_RunDOS ( '""C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe"" a ""C:\Documents and Settings\RGAUDREA\Favorites\01.rar"" C:\DOCUME~1\RGAUDREA\FAVORI~1\01')
(Love your avatar!!! <g>)

Run('"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe" a "C:\Documents and Settings\RGAUDREA\Favorites\01.rar" "C:\DOCUME~1\RGAUDREA\FAVORI~1\01"')

Wow, that is so cool, thanks! I'll try both examples out at work tonight when I attempt my new backup routine with this instead of the batch.

'course, will be even better with AI's syntax, something along the lines of ...:

Run('"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe" a "C:\Documents and Settings\RGAUDREA\Favorites\01.rar" "C:\DOCUME~1\RGAUDREA\FAVORI~1\01"')oÝ÷ Û^f{%j׫Û"-ZÞiÜ«jx§¶k¢æåz[`Ò-®'¶n¶)íêÞ«b½êZ¶º×hmëmè^j[aʧÊ%¢êì~ëzV­÷©jØljÂ.²çh"È­i¢Ë"nW­¢ë¥«a²«zȧqè­ßÛ%G9$ájÝý³r"wuçm+-¡·¢-«ZÖÞx,ºh±çeɦåzÚ.±âÅ6ÃÚºÚ"µÍÚ[ÛYH   ÔØÙÜË]LÉÝÂÔ[ÔÈ
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Thanks much guys, you're the best! :)

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carefull there, the macro's just plop in a string, so use string contacts to piece your line together-

Run('"'&@ProgramFilesDir & '\WinRAR\Rar.exe" a '&'"'&@UserProfileDir & '\Favorites\01.rar" ' & '"'& @UserProfileDir & '\Favorites\01"')
Edited by evilertoaster
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carefull there, the macro's just plop in a string, so use string contacts to piece your line together-

Run('"'&@ProgramFilesDir & '\WinRAR\Rar.exe" a '&'"'&@UserProfileDir & '\Favorites\01.rar" ' & '"'& @UserProfileDir & '\Favorites\01"')
Hah, knew I was missing something! <lol>

I'll give this a try at work on Monday. What I do know is that even with the bat file along with the 2 AI scripts, the backing up process got a whole lot easier! If the daily backup process to the USB flash drive was revolutionized with this 3-script process, I can't wait till I can accomplish the same with just one mouse click on _one_ AI one!

Thanks. :)

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