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About This File


Visit: http://www.koshyjohn.com/downloads. Click here.

Latest Update: 15-08-2008, 00:00 IST (GMT +530) - v1.80

Download count: 10,015+ (25 per day)

If this is the first time you are coming across neoSearch, I suggest you try it - it's one of those programs that will amaze you with what AutoIt can do. Please note that this version of neoSearch does not require any form of activation - those of you who were holding back despite the process being anonymous before can now dig in. As always, feedback is requested.

Acclaim for neoSearch

1. AutoIt Forum Download section

2. c|net download.com

3. Softonic

4. SnapFiles

5. Popular Shareware

and lots more: Google search

What does neoSearch do?

- Indexes your computer intelligently

- Watch results dynamically change as you type in a query (first 5 results; its instantaneous!)

- Full results are available in a new window if you press the magnifying glass button (~ 0.15 seconds)

Key Features

1. Five dynamically changing results

2. Full results (hit 'Return/Enter') in a resizable window (the results are now resortable by attribute!)

3. Vista-esque interface with dynamic transparency effects (can be turned off)

4. Parallel indexing with scheduling

5. Hot key starting: 'Alt+F3' (for neoSearch) vs. 'F3' for Windows default

... lots more... you have to try it!! Its much faster that Vista's built-in search and there is no dumb indexing process running all the time in the background! YOU are in control!


Indexing: 2 secs to 32 secs

Searching: 0.01 secs to 0.40 secs

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Installing and Uninstalling

- Self-installing and self-uninstalling

- Does not require admin privileges and doesn't change system settings (trade-off: only installed for the current user)

- Uninstalling: open options window and select uninstall: all traces of the program are removed: it even deletes itself!

Download neoSearch here!

Size: 416Kb

I'm indebted to those of you who have provided feedback to me in the past.

I'm not charging anyone for the software, nor do I intend to. If you think neoSearch is good enough, kindly recommend it to your friends (at this forum and outside) and family.

User Feedback

You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.


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