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About This File

This is a UDP chat for lan. Existing two chat one simple (UDP chat) and one administrative (Hack UDP chat). It needs Au3Lib.

Now it's support some languages (Italian,English...), if you add new language post your code of (new language).lng here Translates. Thank you for your translate




<*> User can't corrupt the message (User doesn't type ยค [divisor])

<*> Animation always enabled (Before you use reload to see animation)

<*> Changes mode of view( Used _IEEmbedded instead of create file and navigate in it)

<*> User can modify 'linguaggio.txt' (curse-words)

<*> User can send file infinite size (a shazzamabyte)

<*> The search in series with program, you don't need wait it finshed to chat

<*> Code is more readable

<*> I write English version


<*> This version is compatible only 1.3.2 and upper version

<*> You can send unicode characters

<*> Multilanguage(To change the language Opzioni>lingua>(select language)>Salva)

<*>Added new language(Greek,Chinese,Finnish,French,Deutsch,Portugese, Espanol, Dannish, Estonian, Dutch...)

<*>Added intercept shut down

<*>If new version is downloaded, restart alone


<*> Added images at your profile adn you can see images of the others users

<*> Changed research mode (more efficient)

<*> Added version display in user information

<*> Compatible with AutoIt beta

<*> Changed About GUI

<*> You can write while you get a message

<*> Updated to version v3.2.10.0 of AutoIt

<*> If the chat is in tray icon and is updated it resart in tray icon

<*> Some tray icon don't work, they are cut off from the range of icon of shell32.dll (0-54)

<*> You can send unicode characters

<*> Self delete when is updated

<*> Changed meetings Can't Update this page, input "Upload file" isn't existing, I uploaded the files on my dropbox

<*> Update to AutoIt v3.3.0.0

<*> No problem with send button

<*> UDP Chat Files uploaded click here.

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