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About This File

Andrew's Anti Snooping Tool

Current Version:

Description: Instantaneously hide all/one of the open windows with a keypress. With another keypress you can bring them all back.


Stealth mode - Hides the tray icon when the hide function is activated and brings it back when deactivated.

Password Protection - Requires a password you specify to bring all the windows back.

Disable Sound - When the hide function is activated, the sound is muted. The sound is unmuted when the hide function is deactivated.

Disable Music Only - When the hide function is activated, all music/video sound is muted. I.E. Itunes, Windows Media Player, Winamp ect. The sound is unmuted when the hide function is deactivated.

Mouse Position On - When turned on, the hide function is activated by moving the mouse to the top left hand corner of your screen. To deactivate the hide function, move the mouse to the bottom right hand corner of your screen.

Mouse Click On - When turned on, press Mouse1 (Left Click) and Mouse2 (Right Click) together to activate the hide function. Press in scroll wheel to deactivate the hide function.

Keep Windows Hidden - When turned on, all new windows will be hidden after the hide function is activated. To stop this process, deactivate the hide function.

Hide/Show Tray Icons - When turned on, all non-system tray icons will be hidden when the hide function is activated. To bring them back deactivate the hide function.

Screensaver On - Enables YOUR SCREENSAVER YOU SELECT THROUGH PROPERTIES>SCREENSAVER when the hide function is activated.


Exceptions - Prevents certain windows from being effected by the hide function. You only need to enter in a partial name of the window. For instance, if you enter in microsoft, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint ect will be passed over.

Start on startup

Change Keybinds - Change the keys used for activated all functions

USB Mode - Creates a USB version of AAST on a USB device and works solely off of the USB device. More information is provided in the help file.


Hides ALL open windows, even most video games

Stores settings for future use

Help File

Check for Updates

Known Bugs:


And as I've said in previous posts, i do not want to open this up to the public because i wish to sell it eventually. if you need help or want to know how i did something, i'll be glad to help you.

Credits: SleepyXtreme(Andrew) with some help from smstroble. Also, I used tuape's SysTray_UDF and Valuater's Xskin

Total previous downloads from this post and previous ones: 3000+


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