About This File
LOG UDF, with or without GUI.
Main focus is to keep it simple, so you have just to include _gollog.au3 and call:
GOLLOG("a line of text"), and start logging.
If your script is without GUI the log will be only written to disk, if you have a GUI you can initialize an edit control :
GOLLOG_INI($guititle, $left, $top, $width, $height)
and GOLLOG() will write your log both in an auto generated EDIT control in your $guititle GUI and disk; also GOLLOG_INI() will AUTO-create a GUI (if it doesn't exist $guititle) with a screen log if you want !
The majority of options (colors, fonts, position of logs ) are default-defined, but you can initialize them with GOLLOG_INI(), is all documented in the UDF and partially in the example.
Edited by t0nZ
What's New in Version 3.16
Minor changes in one internal variable definition for a rare warning