#cs =============================================================================== *XProTec - Free Version f1.0.0 - 04.09.2007 Autor: Robert M @ QT Appraisal E-mail: Valuater@aol.com Language: English OSystem: Windows Xp Features: -Automated Program -Register Users -Receive Payment -Program Protection Requirements: Legal copy of Microsoft Windows Xp Construction: AutoIt, SciTE 1.73 Thanks to all, Enjoy... #ce =============================================================================== #cs Demo Use ;#include ; MUST BE AN INCLUDE $D_Mail = "developer@msn.com " ; your email $D_Program = "XPro-Tec-Free" ; your program name $U_Price = "20.00" ; the amount of money you wish to be payed by the user $U_Trial = "30" ; amount of days for the trial period $U_License = "3" ; 3 = one computer only - see license notes $D_License = "1" ; developers license # $D_PayPal = "www.paypal.com/my account-link to paypal" ; - paypal link $D_Link = "www.mywebsite.com/.../" ; looks for "www.mywebsite.com/.../Blacklist.txt" ; see Blacklist $U_Return = 1 ; pay or quit .... or $U_Return = 0 ; will return control to developer with @extended = 6 [Limited Freeware Option] XProTec($D_Mail, $D_Program, $U_Price, $U_Trial, $U_License, $D_License, $D_PayPal, $D_Link, $U_Return) ; your script starts here .............. #ce End Demo #include-once Global $smtpserver = "YOUR_SERVER" Global $sendusername = "YOUR_SERVER_USER_NAME" Global $sendpassword = "YOUR_SERVER_USERS_PASSWORD" ; Info for this function by JdeB = http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=23860&view=findpost&p=166575 Func XProTec($D_Mail, $D_Program, $U_Price = 0, $U_Trial = 0, $U_License = 1, $D_License = 1, $D_PayPal = 1, $D_Link = 1, $U_Return = 1) If @Compiled <> 1 and $D_License <> 1 Then Return SetError(1, -1, "Not a Compiled Program") If $D_Program <> StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4) Then mError("ERROR - Not a Valid Program Name ", 1, 1) Local $i_rand, $U_info, $Vreg, $U_Payed, $rtemp = @TempDir & "\XTemp.txt", $M_server = "@ClickTask.com", $ND_Mail = $D_Mail, $encrypt = "Fudge", $ver = "f1.0.0" Local $P_program = $D_Program, $sC = @ComputerName, $sD = @HomeDrive, $R_owner = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion", "RegisteredOwner"), $sS = @ScriptName Local $D_1 = _StringEncryptor(1, $D_Mail, $encrypt), $D_2 = _StringEncryptor(1, "X" & (StringInStr($D_Mail, "@") * (StringLen($D_Mail) - 2)) + ((StringLen($D_Mail) - 2) * 7) , (StringLen($D_1) - 9)) Local $rand = Chr(Random(Asc("A"), Asc("Z"), 1)) & Random(100, 999, 1) & "-" & Chr(Random(Asc("A"), Asc("Z"), 1)) & Random(100, 999, 1) & "-" & Chr(Random(Asc("A"), Asc("Z"), 1)) & Random(100, 999, 1) & "-" & Chr(Random(Asc("A"), Asc("Z"), 1)) & Random(100, 999, 1) Local $P_3 = StringMid( _StringEncryptor(1, "X" & (StringLeft(DriveGetSerial($sD), 6) + StringLen($sC)) & StringLen($sC), $encrypt & "n", 2), StringLen($sC) / 2, 16), $F_days = 0, $F_file = @SystemDir & "\winopsys.dat" If StringInStr($sS, "XProTec") Then Return mError("Not a Valid Developer Program ", 2, 1) If Not StringInStr($D_Mail, "@") And Not StringInStr($D_Mail, ".") Then Return mError("Not a Valid Developer Email ", 3, 1) If $U_License <> 1 And $U_License <> 2 And $U_License <> 3 Then Return mError("Not a Valid User License Number (1,2 or 3) ", 4, 1) If $D_License <> $D_2 Then mError("Please Register as Developer" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Dev Email = " & $D_Mail & " " & @CRLF & "Dev License = " & $D_2 & " " & @CRLF & @CRLF, " Free # ...Valuater", 1) While 1 If Ping("www.Autoit3.com", 4000) > 0 Then ExitLoop If MsgBox(262149, "Connection Error", "An Internet Connection is Required ", 10) = 2 Then Exit WEnd $X_read001 = RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "001") $X_read004 = RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "004") If $X_read001 = "" And $X_read004 = "" Then If MsgBox(262209, $P_program, "To Register as User, an Email will be sent Immediately to you " & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Please Click OK to continue " & @CRLF) <> 1 Then Exit Do $U_Mail = Qbox($P_program, "Please Type in your Email Address " & @CRLF & @CRLF & "If not, you will need to restart - " & $P_program & " ") Until StringInStr($U_Mail, "@") And StringInStr($U_Mail, ".") $text = "Please copy the Validation Code below" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Owner = " & $R_owner & @CRLF & "Program = " & $P_program & @CRLF & _ "Validation Date = " & _DateTimeFormat( _NowCalc(), 1) & @CRLF & "Validation Code = " & $rand & @CRLF & @CRLF & " Thank You!" & @CRLF & $P_program mEmailer($P_program & $M_server, $U_Mail, $ND_Mail, $P_program & " Validation Code", $text) Do $input1 = Qbox($P_program, "Please Copy and Paste the Validation Code from the Email here " & @CRLF & "If not, you will need to restart - " & $P_program & " ") Until $input1 = $rand Local $X_read003 = $U_Mail, $X_read004 = _NowCalc(), $X_read005 = "", $X_read006 = "", $X_read007 = "" IniWrite($F_file, "Security", $P_program, _StringEncryptor(1, _NowCalc() , (StringLen($D_1) - 13))) RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "001", "REG_SZ", $D_Mail) If $D_License <> $D_2 Then RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "002", "REG_SZ", "Developer Not Licensed") If $D_License = $D_2 Then RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "002", "REG_SZ", "Licensed Developer") RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "003", "REG_SZ", $U_Mail) RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "004", "REG_SZ", _StringEncryptor(1, _NowCalc() , (StringLen($D_1) - 13))) RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "005", "REG_SZ", "") RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "006", "REG_SZ", "") RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "007", "REG_SZ", "") Else If $X_read001 <> $D_Mail Then mError("Not the Registered Developer Email ", 5, 1) If $D_License <> $D_2 Then RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "002", "REG_SZ", "Developer Not Licensed") If $D_License = $D_2 Then RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "002", "REG_SZ", "Licensed Developer") $X_read003 = RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "003") $X_read004 = _StringEncryptor(0, RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "004") , (StringLen($D_1) - 13)) $X_read005 = _StringEncryptor(0, RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "005"), $encrypt & "7") $X_read006 = _StringEncryptor(0, RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "006"), $encrypt & "2") $X_read007 = RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "007") EndIf If InetGet($D_Link & "Blacklist.txt", $rtemp, 1) = 1 Then $itemp = FileRead($rtemp) FileDelete($rtemp) If StringInStr($itemp, $X_read003) Or StringInStr($itemp, $ND_Mail) Then mError("This program has been abused and will now close ", 6, 1) EndIf If $U_Trial = 0 And $U_Price = 0 Then Return SetError(0, 0, "Free Licensed") If $U_License = 1 And $X_read005 = $X_read003 Then Return SetError(0, 1, "Email Licensed") If $U_License = 2 And $X_read006 = $R_owner Then Return SetError(0, 2, "Owner Licensed") If $U_License = 3 And $X_read007 = $P_3 Then Return SetError(0, 3, "Computer Licensed") If $U_License = 1 Then $U_info = "Your E-Mail " If $U_License = 1 Then $i_rand = _StringEncryptor(1, $X_read003, $encrypt & "7") If $U_License = 2 Then $U_info = "Windows Registered Owner " If $U_License = 2 Then $i_rand = _StringEncryptor(1, $R_owner, $encrypt & "2") If $U_License = 3 Then $U_info = "One Computer Only " If $U_License = 3 Then $i_rand = $P_3 $T_days = _DateDiff("D", $X_read004, _NowCalc()) $t = FileGetTime(_StringEncryptor(0, IniRead($F_file, "Security", $P_program, _NowCalc()) , (StringLen($D_1) - 13))) If Not @error Then $F_days = _DateDiff("D", $t[0] & "/" & $t[1] & "/" & $t[2], _NowCalc()) If $F_days > $T_days Then $T_days = $F_days If $T_days < 0 Or $T_days > 3600 Then mError("ERROR - Validation Date ", 7, 1) If $D_License <> $D_2 And $T_days > 90 Then mError("Developer Trial Period has Expired ", 9, 1) If $U_Trial <> 0 And $U_Price = 0 And $T_days > $U_Trial Then mError($P_program & "'s Trial Period has Expired ", 8, 1) If $U_Trial <> 0 And $T_days > ($U_Trial / 2) And $T_days <= $U_Trial Then $U_Payed = mRegister($P_program, $U_Price, $U_Trial, $U_License, $T_days, $D_PayPal, $U_info, $i_rand, 0) If $U_Trial = 0 And $U_Price <> 0 Or $T_days > $U_Trial Then $U_Payed = mRegister($P_program, $U_Price, $U_Trial, $U_License, $T_days, $D_PayPal, $U_info, $i_rand, $U_Return) If $U_Payed = 1 And $U_License >= 1 And $U_License <= 3 Then RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "00" & ($U_License + 4), "REG_SZ", $i_rand) If $U_Payed = 1 Then $text = "Please save this Registration Code Page" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Owner = " & $R_owner & @CRLF & "Program = " & $P_program & @CRLF & _ "Registration Date = " & _DateTimeFormat( _NowCalc(), 1) & @CRLF & "Registration Code = " & $i_rand & @CRLF & @CRLF & " Thank You!" & @CRLF & $P_program If $U_Payed = 1 Then mEmailer($P_program & $M_server, $X_read003, $ND_Mail, $P_program & " Registration Code", $text) If $U_Payed = 1 Then MsgBox(64, $P_program, " You are now registered and a confirmation email has been sent to you " & @CRLF & @CRLF & "..... Thank You ! ", 5) If $U_Payed = 1 Then Return SetError(0, 4, "License Paid") If $U_Trial = 0 And $U_Price <> 0 Or $T_days > $U_Trial Then Return SetError(0, 6, "Freeware Limited") Return SetError(0, 5, "License Not Paid") EndFunc ;==>XProTec Func mRegister($Prog, $U_P, $U_T, $U_L, $T_D, $D_P, $Uinfo, $irand, $rFatal = 0) Local $PR1 = "Trial Period = " & $U_T & " Days " & @CRLF & "License Type = " & $Uinfo & @CRLF & "Register Fee = $" & $U_P Local $PR2 = " " & @CRLF & "Days Since Validation = " & $T_D & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Would you like to Register Now? " & @CRLF & @CRLF Local $PR3 = "*Yes* to Register Now!" & @CRLF & "*No* to use your previous Registration Number. " & @CRLF & "*Cancel* to Quit Registration." & @CRLF $U_ans = MsgBox(262147, $Prog, $PR1 & $PR2 & $PR3) If $U_ans = 6 Then WinMinimizeAll() $PID = Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe "' & $D_P & '"', "", @SW_SHOW) WinWaitActive("") Local $Handle = WinGetHandle($PID), $sHTML = "", $loop = 0 While ProcessExists($PID) Sleep(3000) If ProcessExists($PID) = 0 Then ExitLoop If Not StringInStr(WinGetTitle($Handle), "PayPal") And Not StringInStr(WinGetTitle($Handle), "DreamHost") Then If $loop = 5 Then ExitLoop $loop = $loop + 1 Else $loop = 0 EndIf If StringInStr(WinGetTitle($Handle), "Thank you for your payment") Then Return 1 WEnd ProcessClose($PID) EndIf If $U_ans = 7 Then Do $input1 = Qbox($Prog, "Please Paste your Registration Code below " & @CRLF & "License Type = " & $Uinfo & " " & @CRLF & "If not, you will need to restart - " & $Prog & " ") Until $input1 = $irand Return 1 EndIf If $rFatal Then Exit Return 0 EndFunc ;==>mRegister Func mEmailer($e_Sender, $e_Recipient, $e_CcAddress, $e_Subject, $e_Text) ; Info for this function by JdeB = http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=23860&view=findpost&p=166575 $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc") $objMessage = ObjCreate("CDO.Message") With $objMessage .Subject = $e_Subject .Sender = $e_Sender .From = $e_Sender .To = $e_Recipient .Cc = $e_CcAddress .TextBody = $e_Text EndWith With $objMessage.Configuration.Fields .Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 .Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = $smtpserver .Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1 .Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = $sendusername .Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = $sendpassword .Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25 .Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60 .Update EndWith $objMessage.Send If @error Then MyErrFunc() $oMyError = "" $objMessage = "" EndFunc ;==>mEmailer Func Qbox($t1, $L1) $Qbox = InputBox($t1, $L1, "", "", 300, 150) If @error = 1 Then Exit Return $Qbox EndFunc ;==>Qbox Func mError($sText, $ret = 0, $iFatal = 0) MsgBox(48 + 4096 + 262144, "*XProTec*", $sText & " #" & $ret & " ") If $iFatal Then Exit EndFunc ;==>mError Func MyErrFunc() MsgBox(262209, "COM / Internal Error", "This Program has been interupted by a Fatal COM Error ") Exit EndFunc ;==>MyErrFunc Func _INetGetSources($s_URL, $s_Header = '') If StringLeft($s_URL, 7) <> 'http://' And StringLeft($s_URL, 8) <> 'https://' Then $s_URL = 'http://' & $s_URL Local $h_DLL = DllOpen("wininet.dll"), $ai_IRF, $s_Buf = '' Local $ai_IO = DllCall($h_DLL, 'int', 'InternetOpen', 'str', "AutoIt v3", 'int', 0, 'int', 0, 'int', 0, 'int', 0) If @error Or $ai_IO[0] = 0 Then DllClose($h_DLL) SetError(1) Return "" EndIf Local $ai_IOU = DllCall($h_DLL, 'int', 'InternetOpenUrl', 'int', $ai_IO[0], 'str', $s_URL, 'str', $s_Header, 'int', StringLen($s_Header), 'int', 0x80000000, 'int', 0) If @error Or $ai_IOU[0] = 0 Then DllCall($h_DLL, 'int', 'InternetCloseHandle', 'int', $ai_IO[0]) DllClose($h_DLL) SetError(1) Return "" EndIf Local $v_Struct = DllStructCreate('udword') DllStructSetData($v_Struct, 1, 1) While DllStructGetData($v_Struct, 1) <> 0 $ai_IRF = DllCall($h_DLL, 'int', 'InternetReadFile', 'int', $ai_IOU[0], 'str', '', 'int', 256, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Struct)) $s_Buf &= StringLeft($ai_IRF[2], DllStructGetData($v_Struct, 1)) WEnd DllCall($h_DLL, 'int', 'InternetCloseHandle', 'int', $ai_IOU[0]) DllCall($h_DLL, 'int', 'InternetCloseHandle', 'int', $ai_IO[0]) DllClose($h_DLL) Return $s_Buf EndFunc ;==>_INetGetSources Func _StringEncryptor($i_Encrypt, $s_EncryptText, $s_EncryptPassword, $i_EncryptLevel = 1) If $i_Encrypt <> 0 And $i_Encrypt <> 1 Then SetError(1) Return '' ElseIf $s_EncryptText = '' Or $s_EncryptPassword = '' Then SetError(1) Return '' Else If Number($i_EncryptLevel) <= 0 Or Int($i_EncryptLevel) <> $i_EncryptLevel Then $i_EncryptLevel = 1 Local $v_EncryptModified, $i_EncryptCountH, $i_EncryptCountG, $v_EncryptSwap, $av_EncryptBox[256][2], $i_EncryptCountA Local $i_EncryptCountB, $i_EncryptCountC, $i_EncryptCountD, $i_EncryptCountE, $v_EncryptCipher, $v_EncryptCipherBy If $i_Encrypt = 1 Then For $i_EncryptCountF = 0 To $i_EncryptLevel Step 1 $i_EncryptCountG = '' $i_EncryptCountH = '' $v_EncryptModified = '' For $i_EncryptCountG = 1 To StringLen($s_EncryptText) If $i_EncryptCountH = StringLen($s_EncryptPassword) Then $i_EncryptCountH = 1 Else $i_EncryptCountH = $i_EncryptCountH + 1 EndIf $v_EncryptModified = $v_EncryptModified & Chr(BitXOR(Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptText, $i_EncryptCountG, 1)), Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptPassword, $i_EncryptCountH, 1)), 255)) Next $s_EncryptText = $v_EncryptModified $i_EncryptCountA = '' $i_EncryptCountB = 0 $i_EncryptCountC = '' $i_EncryptCountD = '' $i_EncryptCountE = '' $v_EncryptCipherBy = '' $v_EncryptCipher = '' $v_EncryptSwap = '' $av_EncryptBox = '' Local $av_EncryptBox[256][2] For $i_EncryptCountA = 0 To 255 $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][1] = Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptPassword, Mod($i_EncryptCountA, StringLen($s_EncryptPassword)) + 1, 1)) $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] = $i_EncryptCountA Next For $i_EncryptCountA = 0 To 255 $i_EncryptCountB = Mod(($i_EncryptCountB + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][1]), 256) $v_EncryptSwap = $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] = $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountB][0] $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountB][0] = $v_EncryptSwap Next For $i_EncryptCountA = 1 To StringLen($s_EncryptText) $i_EncryptCountC = Mod(($i_EncryptCountC + 1), 256) $i_EncryptCountD = Mod(($i_EncryptCountD + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountC][0]), 256) $i_EncryptCountE = $av_EncryptBox[Mod(($av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountC][0] + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountD][0]), 256)][0] $v_EncryptCipherBy = BitXOR(Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptText, $i_EncryptCountA, 1)), $i_EncryptCountE) $v_EncryptCipher = $v_EncryptCipher & Hex($v_EncryptCipherBy, 2) Next $s_EncryptText = $v_EncryptCipher Next Else For $i_EncryptCountF = 0 To $i_EncryptLevel Step 1 $i_EncryptCountB = 0 $i_EncryptCountC = '' $i_EncryptCountD = '' $i_EncryptCountE = '' $v_EncryptCipherBy = '' $v_EncryptCipher = '' $v_EncryptSwap = '' $av_EncryptBox = '' Local $av_EncryptBox[256][2] For $i_EncryptCountA = 0 To 255 $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][1] = Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptPassword, Mod($i_EncryptCountA, StringLen($s_EncryptPassword)) + 1, 1)) $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] = $i_EncryptCountA Next For $i_EncryptCountA = 0 To 255 $i_EncryptCountB = Mod(($i_EncryptCountB + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][1]), 256) $v_EncryptSwap = $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] = $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountB][0] $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountB][0] = $v_EncryptSwap Next For $i_EncryptCountA = 1 To StringLen($s_EncryptText) Step 2 $i_EncryptCountC = Mod(($i_EncryptCountC + 1), 256) $i_EncryptCountD = Mod(($i_EncryptCountD + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountC][0]), 256) $i_EncryptCountE = $av_EncryptBox[Mod(($av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountC][0] + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountD][0]), 256)][0] $v_EncryptCipherBy = BitXOR(Dec(StringMid($s_EncryptText, $i_EncryptCountA, 2)), $i_EncryptCountE) $v_EncryptCipher = $v_EncryptCipher & Chr($v_EncryptCipherBy) Next $s_EncryptText = $v_EncryptCipher $i_EncryptCountG = '' $i_EncryptCountH = '' $v_EncryptModified = '' For $i_EncryptCountG = 1 To StringLen($s_EncryptText) If $i_EncryptCountH = StringLen($s_EncryptPassword) Then $i_EncryptCountH = 1 Else $i_EncryptCountH = $i_EncryptCountH + 1 EndIf $v_EncryptModified = $v_EncryptModified & Chr(BitXOR(Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptText, $i_EncryptCountG, 1)), Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptPassword, $i_EncryptCountH, 1)), 255)) Next $s_EncryptText = $v_EncryptModified Next EndIf Return $s_EncryptText EndIf EndFunc ;==>_StringEncryptor Func _NowCalc() Return (@YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) EndFunc ;==>_NowCalc Func _DateTimeFormat($sDate, $sType) Local $asDatePart[4] Local $asTimePart[4] Local $sTempDate = "" Local $sTempTime = "" Local $sAM Local $sPM Local $iWday Local $lngX If Not _DateIsValid($sDate) Then SetError(1) Return ("") EndIf If $sType < 0 Or $sType > 5 Or Not IsInt($sType) Then SetError(2) Return ("") EndIf _DateTimeSplit($sDate, $asDatePart, $asTimePart) Switch $sType Case 0 $lngX = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "long", "GetLocaleInfo", "long", 0x400, "long", 0x1F, "str", "", "long", 255) If Not @error And $lngX[0] <> 0 Then $sTempDate = $lngX[3] Else $sTempDate = "M/d/yyyy" EndIf If $asTimePart[0] > 1 Then $lngX = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "long", "GetLocaleInfo", "long", 0x400, "long", 0x1003, "str", "", "long", 255) If Not @error And $lngX[0] <> 0 Then $sTempTime = $lngX[3] Else $sTempTime = "h:mm:ss tt" EndIf EndIf Case 1 $lngX = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "long", "GetLocaleInfo", "long", 0x400, "long", 0x20, "str", "", "long", 255) If Not @error And $lngX[0] <> 0 Then $sTempDate = $lngX[3] Else $sTempDate = "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy" EndIf Case 2 $lngX = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "long", "GetLocaleInfo", "long", 0x400, "long", 0x1F, "str", "", "long", 255) If Not @error And $lngX[0] <> 0 Then $sTempDate = $lngX[3] Else $sTempDate = "M/d/yyyy" EndIf Case 3 If $asTimePart[0] > 1 Then $lngX = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "long", "GetLocaleInfo", "long", 0x400, "long", 0x1003, "str", "", "long", 255) If Not @error And $lngX[0] <> 0 Then $sTempTime = $lngX[3] Else $sTempTime = "h:mm:ss tt" EndIf EndIf Case 4 If $asTimePart[0] > 1 Then $sTempTime = "hh:mm" EndIf Case 5 If $asTimePart[0] > 1 Then $sTempTime = "hh:mm:ss" EndIf EndSwitch If $sTempDate <> "" Then $lngX = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "long", "GetLocaleInfo", "long", 0x400, "long", 0x1D, "str", "", "long", 255) If Not @error And $lngX[0] <> 0 Then $sTempTime = StringReplace($sTempTime, "/", $lngX[3]) EndIf $iWday = _DateToDayOfWeek($asDatePart[1], $asDatePart[2], $asDatePart[3]) $asDatePart[3] = StringRight("0" & $asDatePart[3], 2) $asDatePart[2] = StringRight("0" & $asDatePart[2], 2) $sTempDate = StringReplace($sTempDate, "d", "@") $sTempDate = StringReplace($sTempDate, "m", "#") $sTempDate = StringReplace($sTempDate, "y", "&") $sTempDate = StringReplace($sTempDate, "@@@@", _DateDayOfWeek($iWday, 0)) $sTempDate = StringReplace($sTempDate, "@@@", _DateDayOfWeek($iWday, 1)) $sTempDate = StringReplace($sTempDate, "@@", $asDatePart[3]) $sTempDate = StringReplace($sTempDate, "@", StringReplace(StringLeft($asDatePart[3], 1), "0", "") & StringRight($asDatePart[3], 1)) $sTempDate = StringReplace($sTempDate, "####", _DateMonthOfYear($asDatePart[2], 0)) $sTempDate = StringReplace($sTempDate, "###", _DateMonthOfYear($asDatePart[2], 1)) $sTempDate = StringReplace($sTempDate, "##", $asDatePart[2]) $sTempDate = StringReplace($sTempDate, "#", StringReplace(StringLeft($asDatePart[2], 1), "0", "") & StringRight($asDatePart[2], 1)) $sTempDate = StringReplace($sTempDate, "&&&&", $asDatePart[1]) $sTempDate = StringReplace($sTempDate, "&&", StringRight($asDatePart[1], 2)) EndIf If $sTempTime <> "" Then $lngX = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "long", "GetLocaleInfo", "long", 0x400, "long", 0x28, "str", "", "long", 255) If Not @error And $lngX[0] <> 0 Then $sAM = $lngX[3] Else $sAM = "AM" EndIf $lngX = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "long", "GetLocaleInfo", "long", 0x400, "long", 0x29, "str", "", "long", 255) If Not @error And $lngX[0] <> 0 Then $sPM = $lngX[3] Else $sPM = "PM" EndIf $lngX = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "long", "GetLocaleInfo", "long", 0x400, "long", 0x1E, "str", "", "long", 255) If Not @error And $lngX[0] <> 0 Then $sTempTime = StringReplace($sTempTime, ":", $lngX[3]) EndIf If StringInStr($sTempTime, "tt") Then If $asTimePart[1] < 12 Then $sTempTime = StringReplace($sTempTime, "tt", $sAM) If $asTimePart[1] = 0 Then $asTimePart[1] = 12 Else $sTempTime = StringReplace($sTempTime, "tt", $sPM) If $asTimePart[1] > 12 Then $asTimePart[1] = $asTimePart[1] - 12 EndIf EndIf $asTimePart[1] = StringRight("0" & $asTimePart[1], 2) $asTimePart[2] = StringRight("0" & $asTimePart[2], 2) $asTimePart[3] = StringRight("0" & $asTimePart[3], 2) $sTempTime = StringReplace($sTempTime, "hh", StringFormat( "%02d", $asTimePart[1])) $sTempTime = StringReplace($sTempTime, "h", StringReplace(StringLeft($asTimePart[1], 1), "0", "") & StringRight($asTimePart[1], 1)) $sTempTime = StringReplace($sTempTime, "mm", StringFormat( "%02d", $asTimePart[2])) $sTempTime = StringReplace($sTempTime, "ss", StringFormat( "%02d", $asTimePart[3])) $sTempDate = StringStripWS($sTempDate & " " & $sTempTime, 3) EndIf Return ($sTempDate) EndFunc ;==>_DateTimeFormat Func _DateDiff($sType, $sStartDate, $sEndDate) Local $asStartDatePart[4] Local $asStartTimePart[4] Local $asEndDatePart[4] Local $asEndTimePart[4] Local $iTimeDiff Local $iYearDiff Local $iMonthDiff Local $iStartTimeInSecs Local $iEndTimeInSecs Local $aDaysDiff $sType = StringLeft($sType, 1) If StringInStr("d,m,y,w,h,n,s", $sType) = 0 Or $sType = "" Then SetError(1) Return (0) EndIf If Not _DateIsValid($sStartDate) Then SetError(2) Return (0) EndIf If Not _DateIsValid($sEndDate) Then SetError(3) Return (0) EndIf _DateTimeSplit($sStartDate, $asStartDatePart, $asStartTimePart) _DateTimeSplit($sEndDate, $asEndDatePart, $asEndTimePart) $aDaysDiff = _DateToDayValue($asEndDatePart[1], $asEndDatePart[2], $asEndDatePart[3]) - _DateToDayValue($asStartDatePart[1], $asStartDatePart[2], $asStartDatePart[3]) If $asStartTimePart[0] > 1 And $asEndTimePart[0] > 1 Then $iStartTimeInSecs = $asStartTimePart[1] * 3600 + $asStartTimePart[2] * 60 + $asStartTimePart[3] $iEndTimeInSecs = $asEndTimePart[1] * 3600 + $asEndTimePart[2] * 60 + $asEndTimePart[3] $iTimeDiff = $iEndTimeInSecs - $iStartTimeInSecs If $iTimeDiff < 0 Then $aDaysDiff = $aDaysDiff - 1 $iTimeDiff = $iTimeDiff + 24 * 60 * 60 EndIf Else $iTimeDiff = 0 EndIf Select Case $sType = "d" Return ($aDaysDiff) Case $sType = "m" $iYearDiff = $asEndDatePart[1] - $asStartDatePart[1] $iMonthDiff = $asEndDatePart[2] - $asStartDatePart[2] + $iYearDiff * 12 If $asEndDatePart[3] < $asStartDatePart[3]Then $iMonthDiff = $iMonthDiff - 1 $iStartTimeInSecs = $asStartTimePart[1] * 3600 + $asStartTimePart[2] * 60 + $asStartTimePart[3] $iEndTimeInSecs = $asEndTimePart[1] * 3600 + $asEndTimePart[2] * 60 + $asEndTimePart[3] $iTimeDiff = $iEndTimeInSecs - $iStartTimeInSecs If $asEndDatePart[3] = $asStartDatePart[3]And $iTimeDiff < 0 Then $iMonthDiff = $iMonthDiff - 1 Return ($iMonthDiff) Case $sType = "y" $iYearDiff = $asEndDatePart[1] - $asStartDatePart[1] If $asEndDatePart[2] < $asStartDatePart[2]Then $iYearDiff = $iYearDiff - 1 If $asEndDatePart[2] = $asStartDatePart[2]And $asEndDatePart[3] < $asStartDatePart[3]Then $iYearDiff = $iYearDiff - 1 $iStartTimeInSecs = $asStartTimePart[1] * 3600 + $asStartTimePart[2] * 60 + $asStartTimePart[3] $iEndTimeInSecs = $asEndTimePart[1] * 3600 + $asEndTimePart[2] * 60 + $asEndTimePart[3] $iTimeDiff = $iEndTimeInSecs - $iStartTimeInSecs If $asEndDatePart[2] = $asStartDatePart[2]And $asEndDatePart[3] = $asStartDatePart[3]And $iTimeDiff < 0 Then $iYearDiff = $iYearDiff - 1 Return ($iYearDiff) Case $sType = "w" Return (Int($aDaysDiff / 7)) Case $sType = "h" Return ($aDaysDiff * 24 + Int($iTimeDiff / 3600)) Case $sType = "n" Return ($aDaysDiff * 24 * 60 + Int($iTimeDiff / 60)) Case $sType = "s" Return ($aDaysDiff * 24 * 60 * 60 + $iTimeDiff) EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_DateDiff Func _DateIsValid($sDate) Local $asDatePart[4] Local $asTimePart[4] Local $iNumDays $iNumDays = "31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31" $iNumDays = StringSplit($iNumDays, ",") _DateTimeSplit($sDate, $asDatePart, $asTimePart) If $asDatePart[0] <> 3 Then Return (0) EndIf If _DateIsLeapYear($asDatePart[1]) Then $iNumDays[2] = 29 If $asDatePart[1] < 1000 Or $asDatePart[1] > 2999 Then Return (0) If $asDatePart[2] < 1 Or $asDatePart[2] > 12 Then Return (0) If $asDatePart[3] < 1 Or $asDatePart[3] > $iNumDays[$asDatePart[2]]Then Return (0) If $asTimePart[0] < 1 Then Return (1) If $asTimePart[0] < 2 Then Return (0) If $asTimePart[1] < 0 Or $asTimePart[1] > 23 Then Return (0) If $asTimePart[2] < 0 Or $asTimePart[2] > 59 Then Return (0) If $asTimePart[3] < 0 Or $asTimePart[3] > 59 Then Return (0) Return (1) EndFunc ;==>_DateIsValid Func _DateTimeSplit($sDate, ByRef $asDatePart, ByRef $iTimePart) Local $sDateTime Local $x $sDateTime = StringSplit($sDate, " T") If $sDateTime[0] > 0 Then $asDatePart = StringSplit($sDateTime[1], "/-.") If $sDateTime[0] > 1 Then $iTimePart = StringSplit($sDateTime[2], ":") If UBound($iTimePart) < 4 Then ReDim $iTimePart[4] Else Dim $iTimePart[4] EndIf If UBound($asDatePart) < 4 Then ReDim $asDatePart[4] For $x = 1 To 3 $asDatePart[$x] = Number($asDatePart[$x]) $iTimePart[$x] = Number($iTimePart[$x]) Next Return (1) EndFunc ;==>_DateTimeSplit Func _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) Local $i_aFactor Local $i_yFactor Local $i_mFactor Local $i_dFactor If Not _DateIsValid($iYear & "/" & $iMonth & "/" & $iDay) Then SetError(1) Return ("") EndIf $i_aFactor = Int((14 - $iMonth) / 12) $i_yFactor = $iYear - $i_aFactor $i_mFactor = $iMonth + (12 * $i_aFactor) - 2 $i_dFactor = Mod($iDay + $i_yFactor + Int($i_yFactor / 4) - Int($i_yFactor / 100) + Int($i_yFactor / 400) + Int((31 * $i_mFactor) / 12), 7) return ($i_dFactor + 1) EndFunc ;==>_DateToDayOfWeek Func _DateDayOfWeek($iDayNum, $iShort = 0) Local $aDayOfWeek[8] $aDayOfWeek[1] = "Sunday" $aDayOfWeek[2] = "Monday" $aDayOfWeek[3] = "Tuesday" $aDayOfWeek[4] = "Wednesday" $aDayOfWeek[5] = "Thursday" $aDayOfWeek[6] = "Friday" $aDayOfWeek[7] = "Saturday" Select Case Not StringIsInt($iDayNum) Or Not StringIsInt($iShort) SetError(1) Return "" Case $iDayNum < 1 Or $iDayNum > 7 SetError(1) Return "" Case Else Select Case $iShort = 0 Return $aDayOfWeek[$iDayNum] Case $iShort = 1 Return StringLeft($aDayOfWeek[$iDayNum], 3) Case Else SetError(1) Return "" EndSelect EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_DateDayOfWeek Func _DateMonthOfYear($iMonthNum, $iShort) Local $aMonthOfYear[13] $aMonthOfYear[1] = "January" $aMonthOfYear[2] = "February" $aMonthOfYear[3] = "March" $aMonthOfYear[4] = "April" $aMonthOfYear[5] = "May" $aMonthOfYear[6] = "June" $aMonthOfYear[7] = "July" $aMonthOfYear[8] = "August" $aMonthOfYear[9] = "September" $aMonthOfYear[10] = "October" $aMonthOfYear[11] = "November" $aMonthOfYear[12] = "December" Select Case Not StringIsInt($iMonthNum) Or Not StringIsInt($iShort) SetError(1) Return "" Case $iMonthNum < 1 Or $iMonthNum > 12 SetError(1) Return "" Case Else Select Case $iShort = 0 Return $aMonthOfYear[$iMonthNum] Case $iShort = 1 Return StringLeft($aMonthOfYear[$iMonthNum], 3) Case Else SetError(1) Return "" EndSelect EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_DateMonthOfYear Func _DateToDayValue($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) Local $i_aFactor Local $i_bFactor Local $i_cFactor Local $i_eFactor Local $i_fFactor Local $iJulianDate If Not _DateIsValid(StringFormat( "%04d/%02d/%02d", $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)) Then SetError(1) Return ("") EndIf If $iMonth < 3 Then $iMonth = $iMonth + 12 $iYear = $iYear - 1 EndIf $i_aFactor = Int($iYear / 100) $i_bFactor = Int($i_aFactor / 4) $i_cFactor = 2 - $i_aFactor + $i_bFactor $i_eFactor = Int(1461 * ($iYear + 4716) / 4) $i_fFactor = Int(153 * ($iMonth + 1) / 5) $iJulianDate = $i_cFactor + $iDay + $i_eFactor + $i_fFactor - 1524.5 return ($iJulianDate) EndFunc ;==>_DateToDayValue Func _DateIsLeapYear($iYear) If StringIsInt($iYear) Then Select Case Mod($iYear, 4) = 0 And Mod($iYear, 100) <> 0 Return 1 Case Mod($iYear, 400) = 0 Return 1 Case Else Return 0 EndSelect Else SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DateIsLeapYear