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About This File

The CodeScannerCrypterBundle (ca. 2.9 MB unzipped) contains the following UDFs and utilities:

  • CodeScanner: analyse AutoIt script structure and content, identify potential issues, generate MCF data files
  • CodeCrypter: front-end GUI for the MCF library, for script encryption (without storing the decryption key(s) in the script!)
  • MetaCodeFile UDF (MCF library): for analysis and user-defined alterations of AutoIt script structure and content
  • MCFinclude.au3: #include this UDF in any AutoIt script that you wish CodeCrypter to process
  • CryptoNG, by TheXman; encryption UDF using Bcrypt dll calls (32/64-bit; various algorithms)
  • StoreCCprofile.au3/readCSdatadump.au3/helloworld.au3: auxiliary utilities and example script
  • HowToCodeCrypt.pdf: a simple guide in five steps
  • CodeCrypterFAQ.pdf: questions and answers, partly based upon exchanges in the CodeCrypter thread.
  • MetaCodeTutorial.pdf: the MCF engine explained; useful for encryption, GUI translation, code translation, and much more...

Please follow the links for additional information.

Edited by RTFC

What's New in Version 3.4


  • CryptoNG by TheXman upgraded to v.1.9.3, and promoted to the sole encryption/decryption engine in this bundle; with many thanks to TheXman (Semper volens auxilium indeed) for their help and support in creating a CodeCrypter-compatible version of CryptoNG! :thumbsup:
  • Ward's AES UDF (x86 only) has been retired, with many thanks to the author for eight years of their UDF's solid service;
  • CodeScanner now supports struct(ure) detection (stored as regular variables, but listed separately);
  • CodeCrypter is now able to distinguish between (and encrypt) object properties (reading) and struct member access using dot notation;
  • FAQ.pdf (slightly) updated and MetaCodeTutorial.pdf added to the bundle;
  • HowToCodeCrypt.pdf extended with new tables to clarify key types (depending upon environment control and user trust) and the target's runtime decryption behaviour (depending upon Key Type versus prespecified Expected Return).

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