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About This File

The back story:
I've got a Dell XPS w/ i7-8700K. The fastest, by single core, I could get, by well known PC maker.
The problem is that the fan can get so loud, like, REALLY LOUD, I can not use the CPU at its max. clock speed.
I could leave it at 90% all the time and not use this but I want to have the full 4.x Ghz and no parked cores, at all times, if I can.
But as room temperature and CPU load changes, a set throttle, may still make fan noise.

The solution:
To avoid the fan from going "airplane turbine mode", the utility gets the temp. from "Core Temp" ( you can google it )
It has a"plug-in" called "Core Temp Remote Server". The utility gets the values via TCP.

When it "feels" it's gonna get hot, drops the CPU throttle to a selected value, lets say 99% ( where is quieter ) and back up to 100% when it "feels" is ok to go back.
Now temperature can creep up to higher than expected if load is sustained or room temperature changes. So there is an "anti creep up" feature, to temporarily set the throttle even lower, 5% at a time, until the known quiet temperature is achieved.

If don't know how to find the temperature you should use, check out these videos. They will tell you how.

The end result:
Any thermal problem, is a hardware problem. No way around that, other than attending to the CPU cooling and case ventilation. Software can not fix that.

But without this utility, the PC would slow down the CPU anyway, to keep it from melting.
This software preemptively slow down the CPU, keeping the CPU related fan speeds from going to maximum RPM. Hence having a slower, but a quieter box.

What's New in Version 0.2018.6.23


Added a CPU stress test, to aid test settings.
Added an automatic mode called "anti creep up temperature thing" to lower the throttle, if needed.

Added a paused state.
Added a predefined throttle state, for an "overwhelmed  CPU", where everything is unresponsive or way too slow to get the CPU temp. in a timely manner ( ~1000 ms. ).
Added a measurement of efficiency for the "CPU stress test" in cycles/1000 ( kilo cycles ).
Added sample data to read via ControlGetText()  ( There is an example is in the source zip ).

Fixed a bug related to pause & emergency

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