About This File
This is TeamViewer.au3 UDF for TeamViewer API.
; #INDEX# ======================================================================== ; Title .........: TeamViewer.au3 ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: A collection of function for use with TeamViewer API ; Author ........: mLipok ; Modified ......: ; URL ...........: ; URL ...........: https://www.teamviewer.com/ ; URL ...........: https://www.teamviewer.com/en/integrations/ ; URL ...........: https://integrate.teamviewer.com/en/develop/api/get-started/ ; URL ...........: https://downloadeu1.teamviewer.com/integrate/TeamViewer_API_Documentation.pdf ; Remarks .......: This UDF was created based on TeamViewer_API_Documentation.pdf v 1.4.1 ; Remarks .......: This UDF is using Free Chilkat component look here https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/files/file/433-chilkat-udf/ ; Remarks .......: Documentation is "work in progress" ; Date ..........: 2017/02/08 ; Version .......: 0.1.1 BETA - Work in progress ; ================================================================================
I'm using TeamViewer_Example.ini to store my secret tokens/keys.
[Settings] AccessToken= [OAuth2] ClientID= ClientSecret= authorizationCode=
in TeamViewer_Example.au3 you can see few examples:
Func _Example() ; If not exist then create new INI file from template If Not FileExists('TeamViewer_Example.ini') Then FileCopy('TeamViewer_Example — Template.ini', 'TeamViewer_Example.ini') ; Read Access Token from INI Local $sTV_AccessToken = IniRead('TeamViewer_Example.ini', 'Settings', 'AccessToken', '') If $sTV_AccessToken = '' Then ; Your Access Token, can be left empty when OAuth (below) is configured. ; ClientId = <----------------- Create an app in your TeamViewer Management Console and insert the client ID to the INI ; ClientSecret = <------------- Insert your client secret to the INI ; AuthorizationCode = <-------- Visit https://webapi.teamviewer.com/api/v1/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=YOUR$i_ClientIdHERE ; Login, grant the permissions (popup) and put the code shown in the AuthorizationCode variable to the INI Local $sTVOAuth_ClientID = IniRead('TeamViewer_Example.ini', 'OAuth2', 'ClientID', '') Local $sTVOAuth_ClientSecret = IniRead('TeamViewer_Example.ini', 'OAuth2', 'ClientSecret', '') _IECreate('https://webapi.teamviewer.com/api/v1/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=' & $sTVOAuth_ClientID) ; Local $sTVOAuth_AuthorizationCode = IniRead('TeamViewer_Example.ini', 'OAuth2', 'authorizationCode', '') Local $sTVOAuth_AuthorizationCode = InputBox('AuthorizationCode', 'Please provide TV OAuth2 AuthorizationCode') If @error Then Return If $sTVOAuth_ClientID Then $sTV_AccessToken = _TVAPI_RequestOAuth2_AccessToken($sTVOAuth_ClientID, $sTVOAuth_ClientSecret, $sTVOAuth_AuthorizationCode) EndIf If $sTV_AccessToken Then _TVAPI_AccessToken($sTV_AccessToken) If _TVAPI_Ping() = True Then ; ping API to check connection and $sTV_AccessToken _Example_TeamViewer__1_Devices_SaveToFile() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__2_Devices_ChangeDetails() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__3_Devices_GetDevicesSingleID() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__4_Reports_GetAllConnections() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__5_Users_GetUserInfomation() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__6_Groups_ListGroups() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__7_Devices_AddDeleteDevice() Else MsgBox(0, '_TVAPI_Ping', "$v_Token or connection problem.") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Example