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Renamer 3.1b

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About This File

Hi, this is a tool to change folders or files names, very simple, drag or choose folder, write what you want the application to search for,

write what you want it to be replaced with, select folders or files, case-sensitive or not, recursive or not and Go.

Example: change all files that have 123 in their name to nothing (aka remove "123")

so we write 123 in the "search", and leave the "replacement" field blank.

file "123abc.exe" will become abc.exe

file "456trt123.txt" Becomes "456trt.txt"

As i said, simple.

What's New in Version 3.1b


Added checkbox for case sensitive option in the search.

Meaning that if not checked, you can now apply a change to words with different cases.

Added a workaround for a specific case where droping folders in the path input in a specific way, would concatenate the paths instead of replacing them.

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